College is just prep for grad school. Liberal arts colleges will get you into grad school.
Don't be a fag and skimp on maff unless you can throw a deep out.
Debt is slavery. Minimize or eliminate your exposure to student loans.
Good colleges will help you get your degree with little or no debt. Shitty colleges will give you all loans financial aid.
If you must go to public colleges for undergrad and you can't do it without loans, consider 2 years at a JC. Some have excellent college prep programs at bargain prices.
I'm going to Gonzaga most likely.
Be sure to visit Jo-Jeans Oriental Spa on your recruiting trip.
If you want to work for someone else go to school and get in debt, with no guarantee it will pay off. If you want to get on the fast track to being your own boss, forget school and learn how to trade the market. Start studying now. You can educate yourself from your mom's basement.
Great advice
i studied this shit and still don't have the conviction to fuck around in the current market.
If you want to work for someone else go to school and get in debt, with no guarantee it will pay off. If you want to get on the fast track to being your own boss, forget school and learn how to trade the market. Start studying now. You can educate yourself from your mom's basement.
Great advice
i studied this shit and still don't have the conviction to fuck around in the current market.
Great opportunity to buy high and sell low
Buying high and selling higher has also worked for some time now. That's not for me, but it's been working.
If you want to work for someone else go to school and get in debt, with no guarantee it will pay off. If you want to get on the fast track to being your own boss, forget school and learn how to trade the market. Start studying now. You can educate yourself from your mom's basement.
You really think a kid on HH is motivated enough to study the market? I would rather been in my grubby sweatpants watching TBS tapes than that shit.
College is just prep for grad school. Liberal arts colleges will get you into grad school.
Don't be a fag and skimp on maff unless you can throw a deep out.
Debt is slavery. Minimize or eliminate your exposure to student loans.
Good colleges will help you get your degree with little or no debt. Shitty colleges will give you all loans financial aid.
If you must go to public colleges for undergrad and you can't do it without loans, consider 2 years at a JC. Some have excellent college prep programs at bargain prices.
College is just prep for grad school. Liberal arts colleges will get you into grad school.
Don't be a fag and skimp on maff unless you can throw a deep out.
Debt is slavery. Minimize or eliminate your exposure to student loans.
Good colleges will help you get your degree with little or no debt. Shitty colleges will give you all loans financial aid.
If you must go to public colleges for undergrad and you can't do it without loans, consider 2 years at a JC. Some have excellent college prep programs at bargain prices.
I'm going to Gonzaga most likely.
Dude just do a year at community college and transfer in to UW.
It's too large of a school for me.
Do you have anxiety problems?
Lol no.
I would understand if you have anxiety issues, then a smaller school would make sense. But just to say it is too big of school for you is just does not make sense. Job prospects are better from UW than Zaga.
I have some learning disabilites that make GU a better fit.
If you want to work for someone else go to school and get in debt, with no guarantee it will pay off. If you want to get on the fast track to being your own boss, forget school and learn how to trade the market. Start studying now. You can educate yourself from your mom's basement.
Great advice
i studied this shit and still don't have the conviction to fuck around in the current market.
I just keep putting a modest sum every month into a mutual fund and don't overanalyze it.
College is just prep for grad school. Liberal arts colleges will get you into grad school.
Don't be a fag and skimp on maff unless you can throw a deep out.
Debt is slavery. Minimize or eliminate your exposure to student loans.
Good colleges will help you get your degree with little or no debt. Shitty colleges will give you all loans financial aid.
If you must go to public colleges for undergrad and you can't do it without loans, consider 2 years at a JC. Some have excellent college prep programs at bargain prices.
I'm going to Gonzaga most likely.
Dude just do a year at community college and transfer in to UW.
It's too large of a school for me.
Do you have anxiety problems?
Lol no.
I would understand if you have anxiety issues, then a smaller school would make sense. But just to say it is too big of school for you is just does not make sense. Job prospects are better from UW than Zaga.
I have some learning disabilites that make GU a better fit.
If you want to work for someone else go to school and get in debt, with no guarantee it will pay off. If you want to get on the fast track to being your own boss, forget school and learn how to trade the market. Start studying now. You can educate yourself from your mom's basement.
Great advice
i studied this shit and still don't have the conviction to fuck around in the current market.
I just keep putting a modest sum every month into a mutual fund and don't overanalyze it.
If you want to work for someone else go to school and get in debt, with no guarantee it will pay off. If you want to get on the fast track to being your own boss, forget school and learn how to trade the market. Start studying now. You can educate yourself from your mom's basement.
Great advice
i studied this shit and still don't have the conviction to fuck around in the current market.
I just keep putting a modest sum every month into a mutual fund and don't overanalyze it.
You like getting diddled by priests?
I started with a large fortune.
#nofees #TheMoreYouKnow
Refer to my previous poasts in this thread.