Taking the golves off right fucking now.
I voted for Trump. Not ashamed to admit it. Not one bit. Clinton, in my opinion, was a fucking disgraceful human being, and liar, and a power-hungry cheat. I also know for a fact that she used to tell her Secret Service security detail to fuck off every morning when she came out of the bedroom. I know because I am friends with an agent she told to fuck off. He wouldn’t lie about it. Small thing, maybe, but it told me all I need to know about her. Cunt.
So, I voted for Rubio in the primary, because I almost always back losers. And I thought Trump was a lunatic. After he won the nomination, I started coming around to the notion that even though he is a narcissistic shitshow, it could be good to have someone in the oval who isn’t beholden to anyone. A real man of the people populist whatever the fuck. I was honestly hoping for SMOD ’16 because I wasn’t in love with either candidate, I just knew I didn’t want Clinton’s grimy hands on anything. I figured with Clinton we know what we got, and it was shit, and with Trump there was at least a small chance he wouldn’t suck.
So, fast forward 8 months. Here we are. The GOP is a spineless gutless shitshow, the DNC is an obstructionist pile of faggoty whining cunts. Trump steps all over his own dick multiple times, every week. The only thing I like about the government right now is Mattis, who is one of the most bad ass motherfuckers ever.
My hopes for Trump are mostly dashed at this point. But to me it’s a 50/50 thing on why he is failing. Half of it is him. Just self-inflicted wound after self-inflicted wound. The idiot cannot get out of his own way. Outside of removing some regulation, getting Gorsuch on the court, and starting to fix the VA and immigration (both big things to me), he has done jack shit. Talk about over promising and under delivering. He has taken it to a whole new level of suck.
But, Race is correct that the other 50 percent of his inability to get ANYTHING done is just complete and total snowflake mode from the left and the media. I am embarrassed some of these people are alive. Can you imagine some of these losers 100 years ago when it was work the farm or die? They’d all be dead. The welfare state and the ease of life in modern America has really made us a nation of pussies. 100 years ago, people didn’t have time to “Occupy” shit. It was spending 90 percent of your waking moments trying to get food, or die. Simple. I wish most of them just would die.
In short, the swamp doesn’t want to be drained. The Dems and media and special interests and even the faggy half of the GOP doesn’t want an outsider fucking up their little get rich and back slap each other party in New York and DC. They aren’t having it. So, they will obstruct, and scream, and a whine, and pander like infantile retards for the next 3 ½ years. Sadly, Trump will keep stepping on his own dick the entire time, Schumer will keep being a bitch, Pelosi a retarded monkey, and McConnell a spineless wimp. CNN and MSNBC will keep being hysterical bitches, college professors will keep being nanny state enablers, and NOTHING, and I do mean NOTHING, will get done for Americans who really need some shit to get done.
You know, I make lots of jokes about whites, even though I have always been viewed as a “white guy.” But I have to tell you, I spent every summer on the reservation with my Grandma because my Dad wanted me to know what the tribe was all about, and how TUFF some folks had it. One thing that taught me is there are people who really need some help in this country. There are good people who really have it rough. But it also taught me that the key to life is not making excuses for everything and working hard pays off. This country has got to meet somewhere in the middle on some of this shit. And neither White Nationalist fuckwads nor Antifa douchenozzles are helping achieve that goal. I hope they all get lit on fire.
Trump is just one cataclysmically stupid symptom of a much larger disease. This government is broken. Trump has too much ego and not enough allies to fix it. He misplayed his hand, badly. And now we get 4 years of nothingness but on-air personalities bloviating about the latest non-story story. SMOD better get here in 2020, or these idiots need to run some candidates who can really fix something. I’m betting on the life extinguishing asteroid.
22 ·
Well said Noble Red Man
Can I menage-a-trois with you and @DNC?
I thought you'd enver axe.
While we are too busy pointing fingers as a society, the real work to be done is in the mirror.
I was a Bernie guy, and held my nose and voted for Hillary just to keep Gorsuch off the Court.
What's broken right now is the two-party system. Hillary, Trump, Rubio, JEB!, McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer are just symptoms of the greater problem. I don't want Trump to succeed on most of his policy ideas because I think they're horrible. And it is far easier to obstruct in Congress than it is to actually do anything. So that's what the Dems are going to do.
My proposed solution, as I described in another long-as-fuck poast on this bored, is greater use of direct democracy and proportional representation. That and overturn Citizens United and get dark money and corporate/union money out of politics.
Fuck Nazis, fuck PC faggots. But also fuck corporations and corporatists on both sides of the aisle.
And I voted for him too
FWIW fuck me fuck him fuck everyone
He hasn't though. He's a disgrace. He hasn't had much help, and there's plenty of blame to go around. But Trump is who I thought he was.
But yes.
Here for the gang bang.
No jobs at all, rampant liquor and drug problems. Poor education systems. It was basically like inner cities only with reds instead of blacks. Rough. So I have a serious appreciation for some of the disadvantages faced in poor ass communities in this country. At the same time, Enisi used to always talk shit to the 20 something male Injuns who just laid about drunk all the time. When they would be passed out on the streets she would kick them and cuss at them in Injun. Kind of like how old black women used to get in gangbangers faces and be like "look here fuckhead, MLK didn't die for you to be such a shithead."
She was all about personal responsibility and not making excuses. Something this country could use more of.
Enisi was a cool woman. She is buried on the res and I go to her grave every time I am within 3 states of Oklahomo. I sometimes wonder what she would think when I am banging some whore out after just blasting three lines off her tits. Sorry Enisi. I loved blow.