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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

For the record



  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    dhdawg said:

    good to see southerndawg still believes in the myth of reaganomics. a useful idiot for the rich

    I'd fucking kill for a decade like the 80's again.

    Opportunities for all, massive social change, great fucking music.

    Politics were kinda boring in the 70's, but the music > 80's IMO.
    Watergate and all was pretty boring...

    60's music > 70's music > 80's music > 90's music > 00's music. Some kind of trend there.
    60's Drug of Choice = Acid
    70's Drug of Choice = Marijuana
    80's Drug of Choice = Cocaine

    Recalling quality of music in those decades was situationally and contextually influenced by drug of choice. How else was Devo so popular and so imitated? Answer: Seemed awesome during coke binge.
  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    2001400ex said:

    I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.

    I'll win whether he does or not

    I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
    I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job

    It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
    Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
    I do think the troll job by them is legit and not “fake news” or donkeys being sore losers. And I don’t think Trump could hold’s Putin’s jockstrap when it comes to the chess game that is geopoliticking. Who knows – maybe he’ll get some good advice and we can improve our position vis-à-vis mother Russia.

    A few things that I think would help to this end:

    1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.

    2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
    We spend like $700 billion a year on defense and like $60 billion on food stamps. We spend way more on defense than any other nation. Money is not the problem with defense.

    We can bomb people oversees with drones while sitting in a cozy office. Technology isn't the problem.

    The problem is people believing fear mongering bullshit and succumbing to fallacies like amount of dollars spent on defense equates to strength.
    I have no issue with spending on social programs like Food Stamps. How we spend the money is part of the problem with defense. We wasted too much of our defense budget on Iraq/Afghanistan - i.e., $5 trillion - at the expense of investing more in cutting edge military technology. Drones are cool and all but that's not what I'm referring too in terms of attempting to maintain a huge technological lead over our adversaries. Two examples:

    1- The Russians have been developing surface to air missile systems that are scary good and might be able to shoot down our stealth planes. What happens if they sell these to Iran? Every bad actor out there needs to know we can get our bomber to the target if need be, otherwise, we don't have the necessary leverage to make them stop doing stupid shit.

    2- It's well know that China is developing a capability to have surface to ship missiles that can potentially take out an aircraft carrier within 500 miles of their coast. This is partly why they are being such dicks about the South China Sea. We have to be able to figure out a way to negate this kind of technology.

    Not trying to sound like a war monger here, but we all know Russia and China are never going to be our friends. And we need to dissuade them from risky behavior by keeping our technological lead 20- 30 years ahead of them. Yes, I know - Beware The Military Industrial Complex - but it's a necessary evil unfortunately. And sometimes you get cool shit as a result of all the R&D spending. Where do you think this interwebs thing came from that we're enjoying here?
    I thought Al Gore invented the internet?

    I totally agree we need to invest in R&D in the military. I think the microwave abs a bunch of cool shit came from that. I just don't want to tack that onto what we already spend as $$$ does not equate to being successful. We need to eliminate wasteful BS in the military and reallocate it to meaningful spending. I think we are roughly saying the same thing, I'm just focusing on not putting money to the military cause it is fear in China.
  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844

    I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.

    I'll win whether he does or not

    I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
    I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job

    It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
    Thankfully, their temper tantrum is far from ending. Once tax cuts and deregulation unleash the economy, they will go from beat red to purple with bloodshot bulging eyeballs. popcorn.gif
    The economy is great right now if you have a brain.

    Thanks Kim Jong Vino,

    Is this great, like in the Subscriptions have never been higher, kinda great???
  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    salemcoog said:

    I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.

    I'll win whether he does or not

    I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
    I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job

    It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
    Thankfully, their temper tantrum is far from ending. Once tax cuts and deregulation unleash the economy, they will go from beat red to purple with bloodshot bulging eyeballs. popcorn.gif
    The economy is great right now if you have a brain.

    Thanks Kim Jong Vino,

    Is this great, like in the Subscriptions have never been higher, kinda great???
    You sound poor.

    And fatter than Fetters.
  • BennyBeaverBennyBeaver Member Posts: 13,346
    Sledog said:

    Obunghole's record.

  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    2001400ex said:

    I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.

    I'll win whether he does or not

    I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
    I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job

    It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
    Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
    I do think the troll job by them is legit and not “fake news” or donkeys being sore losers. And I don’t think Trump could hold’s Putin’s jockstrap when it comes to the chess game that is geopoliticking. Who knows – maybe he’ll get some good advice and we can improve our position vis-à-vis mother Russia.

    A few things that I think would help to this end:

    1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.

    2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
    We spend like $700 billion a year on defense and like $60 billion on food stamps. We spend way more on defense than any other nation. Money is not the problem with defense.

    We can bomb people oversees with drones while sitting in a cozy office. Technology isn't the problem.

    The problem is people believing fear mongering bullshit and succumbing to fallacies like amount of dollars spent on defense equates to strength.
    I have no issue with spending on social programs like Food Stamps. How we spend the money is part of the problem with defense. We wasted too much of our defense budget on Iraq/Afghanistan - i.e., $5 trillion - at the expense of investing more in cutting edge military technology. Drones are cool and all but that's not what I'm referring too in terms of attempting to maintain a huge technological lead over our adversaries. Two examples:

    1- The Russians have been developing surface to air missile systems that are scary good and might be able to shoot down our stealth planes. What happens if they sell these to Iran? Every bad actor out there needs to know we can get our bomber to the target if need be, otherwise, we don't have the necessary leverage to make them stop doing stupid shit.

    2- It's well know that China is developing a capability to have surface to ship missiles that can potentially take out an aircraft carrier within 500 miles of their coast. This is partly why they are being such dicks about the South China Sea. We have to be able to figure out a way to negate this kind of technology.

    Not trying to sound like a war monger here, but we all know Russia and China are never going to be our friends. And we need to dissuade them from risky behavior by keeping our technological lead 20- 30 years ahead of them. Yes, I know - Beware The Military Industrial Complex - but it's a necessary evil unfortunately. And sometimes you get cool shit as a result of all the R&D spending. Where do you think this interwebs thing came from that we're enjoying here?
    Unfortunately those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. Mention "The Great Game" to anyone under 30 and their faces freeze with eyes glazed over. "Like, What?"
    Nail on the head. I'll given you 3 guess as to what I majored in at UW and you're first two don't count...ha, ha.
    I guess History. But that's been superseded by Histrionics.
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,944 Founders Club

    2001400ex said:

    I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.

    I'll win whether he does or not

    I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
    I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job

    It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
    Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
    I do think the troll job by them is legit and not “fake news” or donkeys being sore losers. And I don’t think Trump could hold’s Putin’s jockstrap when it comes to the chess game that is geopoliticking. Who knows – maybe he’ll get some good advice and we can improve our position vis-à-vis mother Russia.

    A few things that I think would help to this end:

    1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.

    2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
    We spend like $700 billion a year on defense and like $60 billion on food stamps. We spend way more on defense than any other nation. Money is not the problem with defense.

    We can bomb people oversees with drones while sitting in a cozy office. Technology isn't the problem.

    The problem is people believing fear mongering bullshit and succumbing to fallacies like amount of dollars spent on defense equates to strength.
    I have no issue with spending on social programs like Food Stamps. How we spend the money is part of the problem with defense. We wasted too much of our defense budget on Iraq/Afghanistan - i.e., $5 trillion - at the expense of investing more in cutting edge military technology. Drones are cool and all but that's not what I'm referring too in terms of attempting to maintain a huge technological lead over our adversaries. Two examples:

    1- The Russians have been developing surface to air missile systems that are scary good and might be able to shoot down our stealth planes. What happens if they sell these to Iran? Every bad actor out there needs to know we can get our bomber to the target if need be, otherwise, we don't have the necessary leverage to make them stop doing stupid shit.

    2- It's well know that China is developing a capability to have surface to ship missiles that can potentially take out an aircraft carrier within 500 miles of their coast. This is partly why they are being such dicks about the South China Sea. We have to be able to figure out a way to negate this kind of technology.

    Not trying to sound like a war monger here, but we all know Russia and China are never going to be our friends. And we need to dissuade them from risky behavior by keeping our technological lead 20- 30 years ahead of them. Yes, I know - Beware The Military Industrial Complex - but it's a necessary evil unfortunately. And sometimes you get cool shit as a result of all the R&D spending. Where do you think this interwebs thing came from that we're enjoying here?
    Unfortunately those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. Mention "The Great Game" to anyone under 30 and their faces freeze with eyes glazed over. "Like, What?"
    Nail on the head. I'll given you 3 guess as to what I majored in at UW and you're first two don't count...ha, ha.
    I guess History. But that's been superseded by Histrionics.
    I think you could say that most of the people here have that personality disorder.
  • KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,844
    doogie said:

    Boobs favored Hillary's Johnson, not Hillary Johnson.

    Noone was harder on Hillary's Johnson than Boobs.
  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    salemcoog said:

    salemcoog said:

    I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.

    I'll win whether he does or not

    I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
    I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job

    It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
    Thankfully, their temper tantrum is far from ending. Once tax cuts and deregulation unleash the economy, they will go from beat red to purple with bloodshot bulging eyeballs. popcorn.gif
    The economy is great right now if you have a brain.

    Thanks Kim Jong Vino,

    Is this great, like in the Subscriptions have never been higher, kinda great???
    You sound poor.

    And fatter than Fetters.
    You'd piss down a sparkplug to have my caloric intake.
  • Mosster47Mosster47 Member Posts: 6,246

    dhdawg said:

    good to see southerndawg still believes in the myth of reaganomics. a useful idiot for the rich

    I'd fucking kill for a decade like the 80's again.

    Opportunities for all, massive social change, great fucking music.

    Politics were kinda boring in the 70's, but the music > 80's IMO.
    Both Huey Lewis & The News disagree....
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter
    Mosster47 said:

    dhdawg said:

    good to see southerndawg still believes in the myth of reaganomics. a useful idiot for the rich

    I'd fucking kill for a decade like the 80's again.

    Opportunities for all, massive social change, great fucking music.

    Politics were kinda boring in the 70's, but the music > 80's IMO.
    Both Huey Lewis & The News disagree....
    SportsRock Genre Superiority Guy.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,955

    I think just the opposite is true. He's not an imposter. He's actually the first president we're going to have who has a personality that I not only understand, but completely relate to.

    Clinton, Bush, Obama....they all had fake personalities IMO. They all tried to play the part of a stereotypical politician. Trump appears to say and act how he wants, and I believe that because he always looks like he's enjoying himself.

    That's where we disagree. I have yet to see a Dem. in my lifetime who I'd vote in. So there's that.

    But I like the ruse. We all do it. When we're at work, we don't act like we do when we're drunk with our friends ... like we do on this forum. It's necessary.

    "Get real" and all that shit with your river rat friends. Get real at home. Get real when you're fucking the Vegas whore in the ass and making all kinds of weird noises and faces. Good stuff, all of it.

    But I want my Pres to act the part, and as much as I'm in conflict with Obama/Clinton policy almost across the board, the guy was 1,0000X more "presidential" than Trump can ever be, and insecurity is, I agree, a big part of it. He's also incredibly boorish. I mean, he just is, and that's ok when you're running an auto body repair shop or serving drinks or whatever. But not there.

    No, give me the act.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,955
    edited January 2017

    And how was Hilary any different?

    Oh, fucking massively different. She and Donnie have little to nothing in common. First, she's not insecure. She's the opposite of that - she's genuinely arrogant.

    But, to the point you could have made, she didn't pull it off because she couldn't hide herself like gifted politicians do. By her own admission, she's a shitty politician because she's not smooth. That fucking broad couldn't sell a visa to a Mexican.

    She could not, for example, hide her disdain of average people. The bitch (and she IS a bitch from all accounts - duh) cannot hide her disdain of stupid people in particular, and in politics you have to be able to do that. Hillary, say what you will, is fucking smart - brilliant in fact, in academic terms, and I think she has good streets for dirty fighting in politics. But she doesn't sell to a crowd because she can't hide herself as most of us need to be able to do to sell ourselves to everyone.

    She's a terrible actress - bottom line, and that is, in part, what cost her. But she is absolutely nothing like Donnie.
  • phineasphineas Member Posts: 4,732
    In 4 years everything will be status quo and we can prepare to lather, rinse and repeat. I, however, won't be bothered. Because this is all bullshit.
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,944 Founders Club
    This. Well said @creepycoug . This was never to me about democrat vs GOP. I had a perfect record of voting GOP in every election since the 90s but fuck the orange man. I do note abide.
  • RoadDawg55RoadDawg55 Member Posts: 30,123

    I think just the opposite is true. He's not an imposter. He's actually the first president we're going to have who has a personality that I not only understand, but completely relate to.

    Clinton, Bush, Obama....they all had fake personalities IMO. They all tried to play the part of a stereotypical politician. Trump appears to say and act how he wants, and I believe that because he always looks like he's enjoying himself.

    He's a thin skinned pussy for feeling the need to respond to every celebrity insult, but he is more genuine than most politicians.
  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    I think just the opposite is true. He's not an imposter. He's actually the first president we're going to have who has a personality that I not only understand, but completely relate to.

    Clinton, Bush, Obama....they all had fake personalities IMO. They all tried to play the part of a stereotypical politician. Trump appears to say and act how he wants, and I believe that because he always looks like he's enjoying himself.

    He's a thin skinned pussy for feeling the need to respond to every celebrity insult, but he is more genuine than most politicians.
    Um no. You will be in for a shock if you really think Trump cares about the people who voted him in.
  • RoadDawg55RoadDawg55 Member Posts: 30,123
    2001400ex said:

    I think just the opposite is true. He's not an imposter. He's actually the first president we're going to have who has a personality that I not only understand, but completely relate to.

    Clinton, Bush, Obama....they all had fake personalities IMO. They all tried to play the part of a stereotypical politician. Trump appears to say and act how he wants, and I believe that because he always looks like he's enjoying himself.

    He's a thin skinned pussy for feeling the need to respond to every celebrity insult, but he is more genuine than most politicians.
    Um no. You will be in for a shock if you really think Trump cares about the people who voted him in.
    I know he doesn't. None of them do.
  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    2001400ex said:

    I think just the opposite is true. He's not an imposter. He's actually the first president we're going to have who has a personality that I not only understand, but completely relate to.

    Clinton, Bush, Obama....they all had fake personalities IMO. They all tried to play the part of a stereotypical politician. Trump appears to say and act how he wants, and I believe that because he always looks like he's enjoying himself.

    He's a thin skinned pussy for feeling the need to respond to every celebrity insult, but he is more genuine than most politicians.
    Um no. You will be in for a shock if you really think Trump cares about the people who voted him in.
    I know he doesn't. None of them do.
    Agreed. It's amazing how people can become ultra wealthy only making $200k a year. It isn't because they are representing their constituents.
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