I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.
I'll win whether he does or not
I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job
It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
I do think the troll job by them is legit and not “fake news” or donkeys being sore losers. And I don’t think Trump could hold’s Putin’s jockstrap when it comes to the chess game that is geopoliticking. Who knows – maybe he’ll get some good advice and we can improve our position vis-à-vis mother Russia.
A few things that I think would help to this end:
1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.
2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.
I'll win whether he does or not
I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job
It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
But the alternative was a candidate who sold uranium mines to Russia for donations and who as SOS blew Putin every chance she got. He got stronger the last 8 years.
I remember when it was the GOP who did the Red Scare thing. Trump = strength and that's what a Putin respects, not the line in the sand pussy boy approach by Obama
Trump manipulated his way into the White House against all odds. You are also being trolled about how STUOPID he is
Don't confuse money with strength on this stage. In the private sector and real estate, sure Trump was strong. But I believe it was his money, not his will. Putin knows this. And no, he's not STUOPID because he is a consummate con artist.
Trump looked pretty strong against the 17 career politicians he dusted off. He was out spent by all of them
Reagan was an actor yet had tremendous strength in dealing with the Soviets, unlike the brilliant Carter
We aren't going to war with a nuclear power over the Ukraine or Syria. The game is to bluff them out of there. Obama blew that. Now they are in and we need to clean up the mess. Trump is better suited for that than a tool like Hillary would have been since she actually is compromised by the Russians and the Chinese.
I can't think of anything I'm less scared of than Putin and Russia.
And you sound like a fucking clown if you once complained about military spending and now you're fear mongering this shit.
This. I have yet to see a reasonable argument in opposition to a partnership with Russia to destroy isis in syria. And if assad stays, who gives a shit. For whatever reason this idea is considered radical to both the dems and republicans. Now it Putin starts expanding again, things change
I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.
I'll win whether he does or not
I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job
It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
I do think the troll job by them is legit and not “fake news” or donkeys being sore losers. And I don’t think Trump could hold’s Putin’s jockstrap when it comes to the chess game that is geopoliticking. Who knows – maybe he’ll get some good advice and we can improve our position vis-à-vis mother Russia.
A few things that I think would help to this end:
1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.
2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
We spend like $700 billion a year on defense and like $60 billion on food stamps. We spend way more on defense than any other nation. Money is not the problem with defense.
We can bomb people oversees with drones while sitting in a cozy office. Technology isn't the problem.
The problem is people believing fear mongering bullshit and succumbing to fallacies like amount of dollars spent on defense equates to strength.
I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.
I'll win whether he does or not
I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job
It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
I do think the troll job by them is legit and not “fake news” or donkeys being sore losers. And I don’t think Trump could hold’s Putin’s jockstrap when it comes to the chess game that is geopoliticking. Who knows – maybe he’ll get some good advice and we can improve our position vis-à-vis mother Russia.
A few things that I think would help to this end:
1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.
2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
We spend like $700 billion a year on defense and like $60 billion on food stamps. We spend way more on defense than any other nation. Money is not the problem with defense.
We can bomb people oversees with drones while sitting in a cozy office. Technology isn't the problem.
The problem is people believing fear mongering bullshit and succumbing to fallacies like amount of dollars spent on defense equates to strength.
And Russia quit being a superpower because they became nice all the sudden? No they were fucking broke!
Trump is a woefully insecure man, a complete fraud, and a huge piece of shit. I feel sad for those who have been taken for his ride. I think you know deep down that he doesn't give a fuck about anything you want to pretend he does. The only thing he gives a fuck about is making Donald Trump look successful, regardless of how much smoke, mirrors, and sophomoric Twitter rants that takes. We're all on the same team here, but just so you know, Trump is an absolute imposter.
I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.
I'll win whether he does or not
I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job
It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
I do think the troll job by them is legit and not “fake news” or donkeys being sore losers. And I don’t think Trump could hold’s Putin’s jockstrap when it comes to the chess game that is geopoliticking. Who knows – maybe he’ll get some good advice and we can improve our position vis-à-vis mother Russia.
A few things that I think would help to this end:
1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.
2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
We spend like $700 billion a year on defense and like $60 billion on food stamps. We spend way more on defense than any other nation. Money is not the problem with defense.
We can bomb people oversees with drones while sitting in a cozy office. Technology isn't the problem.
The problem is people believing fear mongering bullshit and succumbing to fallacies like amount of dollars spent on defense equates to strength.
We shouldn't be spending anything on food stamps. Work, you lazy fucks. And quit having kids you can't afford to feed.
I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.
I'll win whether he does or not
I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job
It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
I do think the troll job by them is legit and not “fake news” or donkeys being sore losers. And I don’t think Trump could hold’s Putin’s jockstrap when it comes to the chess game that is geopoliticking. Who knows – maybe he’ll get some good advice and we can improve our position vis-à-vis mother Russia.
A few things that I think would help to this end:
1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.
2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
We spend like $700 billion a year on defense and like $60 billion on food stamps. We spend way more on defense than any other nation. Money is not the problem with defense.
We can bomb people oversees with drones while sitting in a cozy office. Technology isn't the problem.
The problem is people believing fear mongering bullshit and succumbing to fallacies like amount of dollars spent on defense equates to strength.
And Russia quit being a superpower because they became nice all the sudden? No they were fucking broke!
I thought Russia stopped being a super power when Reagan looked into Gorbachev's soul and broke him.
Trump is a woefully insecure man, a complete fraud, and a huge piece of shit. I feel sad for those who have been taken for his ride. I think you know deep down that he doesn't give a fuck about anything you want to pretend he does. The only thing he gives a fuck about is making Donald Trump look successful, regardless of how much smoke, mirrors, and sophomoric Twitter rants that takes. We're all on the same team here, but just so you know, Trump is an absolute imposter.
I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.
I'll win whether he does or not
I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job
It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
I do think the troll job by them is legit and not “fake news” or donkeys being sore losers. And I don’t think Trump could hold’s Putin’s jockstrap when it comes to the chess game that is geopoliticking. Who knows – maybe he’ll get some good advice and we can improve our position vis-à-vis mother Russia.
A few things that I think would help to this end:
1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.
2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
We spend like $700 billion a year on defense and like $60 billion on food stamps. We spend way more on defense than any other nation. Money is not the problem with defense.
We can bomb people oversees with drones while sitting in a cozy office. Technology isn't the problem.
The problem is people believing fear mongering bullshit and succumbing to fallacies like amount of dollars spent on defense equates to strength.
We shouldn't be spending anything on food stamps. Work, you lazy fucks. And quit having kids you can't afford to feed.
Because there is no waste or lazy fucks or people that can't afford kids living off military dollars?
I can't think of anything I'm less scared of than Putin and Russia.
And you sound like a fucking clown if you once complained about military spending and now you're fear mongering this shit.
This. I have yet to see a reasonable argument in opposition to a partnership with Russia to destroy isis in syria. And if assad stays, who gives a shit. For whatever reason this idea is considered radical to both the dems and republicans. Now it Putin starts expanding again, things change
I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.
I'll win whether he does or not
I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job
It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
I do think the troll job by them is legit and not “fake news” or donkeys being sore losers. And I don’t think Trump could hold’s Putin’s jockstrap when it comes to the chess game that is geopoliticking. Who knows – maybe he’ll get some good advice and we can improve our position vis-à-vis mother Russia.
A few things that I think would help to this end:
1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.
2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
We spend like $700 billion a year on defense and like $60 billion on food stamps. We spend way more on defense than any other nation. Money is not the problem with defense.
We can bomb people oversees with drones while sitting in a cozy office. Technology isn't the problem.
The problem is people believing fear mongering bullshit and succumbing to fallacies like amount of dollars spent on defense equates to strength.
And Russia quit being a superpower because they became nice all the sudden? No they were fucking broke!
I thought Russia stopped being a super power when Reagan looked into Gorbachev's soul and broke him.
I don't look to the president as my savior. Hope this helps.
I'll win whether he does or not
I don't look for him to be a saviour, but I do look to him to not be a massive liability to national security, hth. The troll job the Russians are putting on us right now is only the beginning.
I think you're being trolled about the Russian troll job
It's not the beginning. It's the end of the temper tantrum by the democrats
Regardless of the infinite trolling loop and what the Russians did/did not do, I believe Putin to be an extremely dangerous person who could not give a single fuck about US interests unless they mutually benefit Russia. Water is wet, I know, but the difference is I believe Trump will be manipulated into serving Russian interests as opposed to negotiating something of actual value to the US in those situations. Putin wipes his ass with the Art of the Deal.
I do think the troll job by them is legit and not “fake news” or donkeys being sore losers. And I don’t think Trump could hold’s Putin’s jockstrap when it comes to the chess game that is geopoliticking. Who knows – maybe he’ll get some good advice and we can improve our position vis-à-vis mother Russia.
A few things that I think would help to this end:
1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.
2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
We spend like $700 billion a year on defense and like $60 billion on food stamps. We spend way more on defense than any other nation. Money is not the problem with defense.
We can bomb people oversees with drones while sitting in a cozy office. Technology isn't the problem.
The problem is people believing fear mongering bullshit and succumbing to fallacies like amount of dollars spent on defense equates to strength.
And Russia quit being a superpower because they became nice all the sudden? No they were fucking broke!
I thought Russia stopped being a super power when Reagan looked into Gorbachev's soul and broke him.
Broke him monetarily.
Actually their fucked up combination of communism and social engineering combined with the crash of oil prices broke Russia.
Did you see Obama bombed the shit out of a couple villages in Libya today using B2's? No doubt won over the hearts and minds. That leadership vacuum sure was a great idea!
Did you see Obama bombed the shit out of a couple villages in Libya today using B2's? No doubt won over the hearts and minds. That leadership vacuum sure was a great idea!
And tomorrow bombing Libya and using drones will be in vogue again.
A few things that I think would help to this end:
1) We need invest massively in R&D spending on defense. It is our superior technological edge with all things military that will keep the Russians and Chinese inline. We have been losing ground massively in this regard in the past number of years and this is a major reason why both countries are being such a pain in the ass. They both need to know if they fuck with the big dawg we will mess them up. Remember it was our technological edge – not the number of tanks or planes we had – that cowed the Soviets into submission in the 1980’s.
2) Saying NATO is obsolete is FS; we need to keep our western alliance’s together. But we need to realize that any talk about expanding NATO into places like Ukraine or Georgia was stupid. We should have been content with the Warsaw Pact countries and called it good. Part of our challenges with Putin is that we poked the bear to hard by not letting them have their buffer zone in the former Soviet Republics. Places like Ukraine have been part of Russian for centuries and are half Russian anyhow. We should have let them have a pro Moscow regime in Ukraine and shut up about promoting a pro-European government there. Small price to pay for not poking the bear.
Gotta do my thang yo, gotta do my thang - regardless of what sociopath is in offic3
I remember when it was the GOP who did the Red Scare thing. Trump = strength and that's what a Putin respects, not the line in the sand pussy boy approach by Obama
Trump manipulated his way into the White House against all odds. You are also being trolled about how STUOPID he is
Reagan was an actor yet had tremendous strength in dealing with the Soviets, unlike the brilliant Carter
We aren't going to war with a nuclear power over the Ukraine or Syria. The game is to bluff them out of there. Obama blew that. Now they are in and we need to clean up the mess. Trump is better suited for that than a tool like Hillary would have been since she actually is compromised by the Russians and the Chinese.
Trump was the only choice. It's logical captain
And you sound like a fucking clown if you once complained about military spending and now you're fear mongering this shit.
Now it Putin starts expanding again, things change
We can bomb people oversees with drones while sitting in a cozy office. Technology isn't the problem.
The problem is people believing fear mongering bullshit and succumbing to fallacies like amount of dollars spent on defense equates to strength.