Your straw man existed long before Obamacare and GOP wanted to address it but we're stonewalled.
You lost. You get NO say. Sit quietly.
When the fuck did Republicans put forth a plan to fix issues like this? You do know that they control Congress so it would be very easy to get a fix like that to the president's desk. And would bipartisan.
You are a dumbfuck if you believe what you wrote.
Nope. They were to busy repealing obamacare 50 times without ever offering an alternative. Now when trump keeps the good parts, he'll take credit for it.
Obama was not going to give an inch and the GOP knew they didn't have the votes. Obamacare is all democrat all the time. If the GOP scraps it they deserve the credit
You have to be a special kind of stupid liar to keep saying that its the GOP fault that a bill that none of them voted for is their fault. There was no debate. The democrats were told to vote yes and like the good little lap dogs they are, they did.
If Obama wasn't giving an inch he would have gone after the public option at least. Instead he caved and we got the shitty nixon/dole/heritage foundation reform with the Democrat's name attached to it. And we wonder why the democrats never win in November
the cowards who don't think that is enough are ironically calling other people snowflakes.
and since everyone loves to ask the question about free healthcare, which every other modern nation has, how do you propose we pay for a nuclear arms race?
No such thing as "free healthcare." Just because everyone else has an inferior system doesn't mean we should either. Scraping that fascist unaffordable care act will save billions in the short term, trillions in the long run.
We spend more for worse outcomes. I don't think that is superior
If we spent more previously why is this costing TRILLIONS?
Because you believe fake news. The deficit is 1/3 now of what it was in Bush's last budget. How can it cost us trillions?
Pure sophistry, Hondo. Dems and you love to replace "debt" with "deficit" to mask the overall debt situation. It's like a bum arguing that he's "making more money begging this month than last." BFD. Being a little less underwater doesn't change the fact a person is still drowning.
And wth tax cuts and infrastructure spending, Trump is going to fix the deficit? Just watch, your news sources will go from "the sky is falling because of debt/deficit and labor participation" to "look how great this economy is" in about a month.
Not to mention a rise in military spending
Imagine how much better we would live if we could just eliminate Liberals.
Race is right that the democrats own it 100%. Obama to this day loves what he got
If it was any good you wouldn't be trying to share the credit
He lied to get it passed and his butt boys are still lying to this day
It wasn't a great piece of legislation. But there were a number of highly popular provisions that the Republicans were not proposing. Some of then that trump said he will keep obama should have done a better job of bragging about them
Fuck. This whole thread has degenerated into a policy discussion when it should be about George Michael, Demi Moore's hairy bush and John Hughes movies.
Your straw man existed long before Obamacare and GOP wanted to address it but we're stonewalled.
You lost. You get NO say. Sit quietly.
When the fuck did Republicans put forth a plan to fix issues like this? You do know that they control Congress so it would be very easy to get a fix like that to the president's desk. And would bipartisan.
You are a dumbfuck if you believe what you wrote.
Yeah Obama would sign something modifying his namesake POS law. Never.
Your straw man existed long before Obamacare and GOP wanted to address it but we're stonewalled.
You lost. You get NO say. Sit quietly.
When the fuck did Republicans put forth a plan to fix issues like this? You do know that they control Congress so it would be very easy to get a fix like that to the president's desk. And would bipartisan.
You are a dumbfuck if you believe what you wrote.
Yeah Obama would sign something modifying his namesake POS law. Never.
Your straw man existed long before Obamacare and GOP wanted to address it but we're stonewalled.
You lost. You get NO say. Sit quietly.
When the fuck did Republicans put forth a plan to fix issues like this? You do know that they control Congress so it would be very easy to get a fix like that to the president's desk. And would bipartisan.
You are a dumbfuck if you believe what you wrote.
Yeah Obama would sign something modifying his namesake POS law. Never.
Except he has multiple times. Fuck you are dumb.
They made changes not approved by Congress IIRC and not really legal. But that's your boy!
Your straw man existed long before Obamacare and GOP wanted to address it but we're stonewalled.
You lost. You get NO say. Sit quietly.
When the fuck did Republicans put forth a plan to fix issues like this? You do know that they control Congress so it would be very easy to get a fix like that to the president's desk. And would bipartisan.
You are a dumbfuck if you believe what you wrote.
Yeah Obama would sign something modifying his namesake POS law. Never.
Except he has multiple times. Fuck you are dumb.
They made changes not approved by Congress IIRC and not really legal. But that's your boy!
Are you really that stupid or you just act dumb?
By our count at the Galen Institute, more than 70 significant changes have been made to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, at least 43 that the Obama administration has made unilaterally, 24 that Congress has passed and the president has signed, and three by the Supreme Court.
Why don't you just stop digging, jump back into the freezer and wait until January 20th when our eight year national nightmare ends?
You are projecting bullshit as always. I didn't make claims or move goal posts. Read the thread, cause you look awfully stupid right now. Everyone says so. Except sledog and his minion Race.
Why don't you just stop digging, jump back into the freezer and wait until January 20th when our eight year national nightmare ends?
You are projecting bullshit as always. I didn't make claims or move goal posts. Read the thread, cause you look awfully stupid right now. Everyone says so. Except sledog and his minion Race.
Please show me where the president gets tip rewrite the laws passed by. Congress? Maybe that's in his rewrite of the constitution he hasn't told us about yet.
I said changes were made that were illegal. I was right.
Why don't you just stop digging, jump back into the freezer and wait until January 20th when our eight year national nightmare ends?
You are projecting bullshit as always. I didn't make claims or move goal posts. Read the thread, cause you look awfully stupid right now. Everyone says so. Except sledog and his minion Race.
Why don't you just stop digging, jump back into the freezer and wait until January 20th when our eight year national nightmare ends?
You are projecting bullshit as always. I didn't make claims or move goal posts. Read the thread, cause you look awfully stupid right now. Everyone says so. Except sledog and his minion Race.
Please show me where the president gets tip rewrite the laws passed by. Congress? Maybe that's in his rewrite of the constitution he hasn't told us about yet.
I said changes were made that were illegal. I was right.
Why don't you just stop digging, jump back into the freezer and wait until January 20th when our eight year national nightmare ends?
You are projecting bullshit as always. I didn't make claims or move goal posts. Read the thread, cause you look awfully stupid right now. Everyone says so. Except sledog and his minion Race.
Please show me where the president gets tip rewrite the laws passed by. Congress? Maybe that's in his rewrite of the constitution he hasn't told us about yet.
I said changes were made that were illegal. I was right.
If it was any good you wouldn't be trying to share the credit
He lied to get it passed and his butt boys are still lying to this day
By our count at the Galen Institute, more than 70 significant changes have been made to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, at least 43 that the Obama administration has made unilaterally, 24 that Congress has passed and the president has signed, and three by the Supreme Court.
There's thousands of other sources if you don't like that one. Just the first one I pulled with Google.
I'm not sure anyone has said Obama didn't make changes except dumbass.
Why don't you just stop digging, jump back into the freezer and wait until January 20th when our eight year national nightmare ends?
I said changes were made that were illegal. I was right.
Take a civics class, you simpleton.