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Obamacare premiums up 116%



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    dhdawgdhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    5 Awesomes 5 Up Votes Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Seems like a reasonable system that I haven't seen pushed by either party. Certainly better than the shitshow in place now
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    KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,757
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    2001400ex said:

    Swaye said:

    2001400ex said:

    I only read the headline.

    However, in Arizona, unsubsidized premiums for a hypothetical 27-year-old buying a benchmark “second-lowest cost silver plan” will jump by 116 percent, from $196 to $422, according to the administration report.

    But it seems to me, average plans of employer provided health care are over $1,000 a month. Not to mention, that with the exchange, you can switch to a different provider if you don't like the cost.

    Someone at work was saying that in many states (not sure how many) so many insurers have pulled out that there are places with only one choice now. Take it or leave it. Again, work convo so no idea if true, but a fact check might be in order.
    To me it sounds like a good time for politicians to step up and make some changes to the bill to fix it then.
    Nah If Hillary wins she will ramrod a single payer plan through that will exascerbate the problem even further even before her inaugaration.

    Sound familiar?
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    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes

    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    He had a democratic supermajority. Had he been a great politician who was willing to twist arms to get what he wanted he could have even gotten single payer. But instead he didn't even try for that, and caved quickly off of the public option.
    But he's a far left Marxist apparently

    Maybe you should research him a little and read some of what he has written about himself and said about himself. A quick look into what little is known about him would tell you he's a FUCKING COMMUNIST! So was his father, mother, mentor, and grandparents.
    he might have had those opinions, but how he's governed is no farther to the left than a centrist.
    His immigration order deported all of those with criminal records.
    He made a bunch of the bush tax cuts that were sunsetting permanent.
    He implemented Obamacare, a heritage foundation proposal.
    He's intervened in 7 different countries, and ramped up the drone program.
    Expanded the NSA's spying programs
    But I get it, facts don't matter with you idiots

    He hasn't deported anyone and refuses to do so.
    He's raised taxes immensely one of the biggest being ObaMao care.
    Obama care is one of the tenets of communist control, seize health care.
    Spying on US citizens has reached unprecedented levels. Every phone call, email etc.
    He's intervened in the middle east to assist the radical muslims in taking over.
    But I get it communists downplay all of their objectives and blame others.
    You are the stupidest motherfucker here. Yes, giving private insurance companies 20 million new customers is the definition of communism. For fuck's sakes.

    More like forcing insurance companies to take 20 million unprofitable new customers. Considering you have a business degree, I'm surprised you can't see how this was a bad idea from the beginning.
    Did one insurance company complain about the bill as it was being passed? No.

    I don't think Obamacare was the best idea. There are some good things about it that I have stated. But there's things that should have been done different. Either way, the insurance companies bought off on it and promoted it.
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    KaepskneeKaepsknee Member Posts: 14,757
    5 Up Votes First Anniversary 5 Awesomes First Comment
    edited October 2016

    2001400ex said:

    Swaye said:

    2001400ex said:

    Swaye said:

    2001400ex said:

    I only read the headline.

    However, in Arizona, unsubsidized premiums for a hypothetical 27-year-old buying a benchmark “second-lowest cost silver plan” will jump by 116 percent, from $196 to $422, according to the administration report.

    But it seems to me, average plans of employer provided health care are over $1,000 a month. Not to mention, that with the exchange, you can switch to a different provider if you don't like the cost.

    Someone at work was saying that in many states (not sure how many) so many insurers have pulled out that there are places with only one choice now. Take it or leave it. Again, work convo so no idea if true, but a fact check might be in order.
    To me it sounds like a good time for politicians to step up and make some changes to the bill to fix it then.
    I would prefer just repeal it, but that isn't going to happen so this thing clearly needs some serious fixes. No idea what those should be, but this seems to be a shit sandwich as it stands.
    There are many great things about the bill. No preexisting conditions, regulation so insurance companies can't drop you if you get cancer, exchanges for more transparent and "easier" medical shopping, subsidies so people can afford insurance.

    The fine if you don't have insurance is the central issue that sucks. And many things need to be tweaked. Legislators need to come to the realization the bill is here and it's better to fix it than repeal it.
    The points you make are valid - the pre-existing condition thing is bullshit. Obamacare fixed that for the most part. Portability of health care is important.

    The elephant in the room is the last-year-of-life costs (actually the last month). The cost to keep granny on a ventilator for another 30 days is ridonkulous. There needs to be an objective formula for continuing to pour billions of dollars into a black hole.

    Most cultures let their elderly die with respect in their own homes. For whatever reason, Americans think its so much better for granny to die in a sterile hospital environment, wearing a gown and no underwear.
    The other cultures you speak of are 3rd world for the most part that sit around and whittle and yarn things. They don't typically don't have real jobs so they can take care of granny until she croaks and is thrown into the burn pile.
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    HoustonHuskyHoustonHusky Member Posts: 5,957
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    2001400ex said:

    The inability of insurance companies to properly underwrite and charge appropriate premiums for those with pre-existing conditions and without current insurance is the fundamental flaw of Obamacare.

    For example, if a person with untreated Hepatitis C applies for Obamacare (who by law cannot get rejected) and it is known that the preferred treatment is a six month Harvoni pill regimen costing $90,000, what should be the fair insurance premium for that person? If the mandated premium is less than $90,000 plus an appropriate insurance company profit, who should pay the difference?

    I would love to not carry insurance on my house but then be able to buy insurance after it catches on fire without a paying a premium surcharge.

    I don't think that's how the pre existing conditions clause works.
    The word "think" relating to you is the problem here...what do you believe a "pre existing" condition is?
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    SwayeSwaye Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 41,139
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    Is there an option to just letting sick people die in a gutter like we did for thousands of years? The only argument I ever get as to why my (or anyone's) tax dollars should be paying for someone else to have health care is because "it's the right thing to do." Is there some concrete reason I should be funding someone else health care? I know the ship has sailed on the "personal responsibility" argument, but fuck it, it still annoys me. I guess I am a huge dick, but IDGAF if a bunch of losers couldn't get health care. FFS, even Orkin gives health care. If you aren't qualified to kill bugs you should probably just die anyway.
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    doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
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    Hondo. You people fucked this up by design. You don't think everybody sees this now?
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    greenbloodgreenblood Member Posts: 14,300
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    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    He had a democratic supermajority. Had he been a great politician who was willing to twist arms to get what he wanted he could have even gotten single payer. But instead he didn't even try for that, and caved quickly off of the public option.
    But he's a far left Marxist apparently

    Maybe you should research him a little and read some of what he has written about himself and said about himself. A quick look into what little is known about him would tell you he's a FUCKING COMMUNIST! So was his father, mother, mentor, and grandparents.
    he might have had those opinions, but how he's governed is no farther to the left than a centrist.
    His immigration order deported all of those with criminal records.
    He made a bunch of the bush tax cuts that were sunsetting permanent.
    He implemented Obamacare, a heritage foundation proposal.
    He's intervened in 7 different countries, and ramped up the drone program.
    Expanded the NSA's spying programs
    But I get it, facts don't matter with you idiots

    He hasn't deported anyone and refuses to do so.
    He's raised taxes immensely one of the biggest being ObaMao care.
    Obama care is one of the tenets of communist control, seize health care.
    Spying on US citizens has reached unprecedented levels. Every phone call, email etc.
    He's intervened in the middle east to assist the radical muslims in taking over.
    But I get it communists downplay all of their objectives and blame others.
    You are the stupidest motherfucker here. Yes, giving private insurance companies 20 million new customers is the definition of communism. For fuck's sakes.

    More like forcing insurance companies to take 20 million unprofitable new customers. Considering you have a business degree, I'm surprised you can't see how this was a bad idea from the beginning.
    Did one insurance company complain about the bill as it was being passed? No.

    I don't think Obamacare was the best idea. There are some good things about it that I have stated. But there's things that should have been done different. Either way, the insurance companies bought off on it and promoted it.
    They didn't complain because they were promised subsidization from the government on losses sustained by opening up the accessibility. Then the government backed out of the promise which is why the health insurance carriers are now exiting the program.
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    SledogSledog Member Posts: 31,655
    5 Up Votes First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes
    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    He had a democratic supermajority. Had he been a great politician who was willing to twist arms to get what he wanted he could have even gotten single payer. But instead he didn't even try for that, and caved quickly off of the public option.
    But he's a far left Marxist apparently

    Maybe you should research him a little and read some of what he has written about himself and said about himself. A quick look into what little is known about him would tell you he's a FUCKING COMMUNIST! So was his father, mother, mentor, and grandparents.
    he might have had those opinions, but how he's governed is no farther to the left than a centrist.
    His immigration order deported all of those with criminal records.
    He made a bunch of the bush tax cuts that were sunsetting permanent.
    He implemented Obamacare, a heritage foundation proposal.
    He's intervened in 7 different countries, and ramped up the drone program.
    Expanded the NSA's spying programs
    But I get it, facts don't matter with you idiots

    He hasn't deported anyone and refuses to do so.
    He's raised taxes immensely one of the biggest being ObaMao care.
    Obama care is one of the tenets of communist control, seize health care.
    Spying on US citizens has reached unprecedented levels. Every phone call, email etc.
    He's intervened in the middle east to assist the radical muslims in taking over.
    But I get it communists downplay all of their objectives and blame others.
    You are the stupidest motherfucker here. Yes, giving private insurance companies 20 million new customers is the definition of communism. For fuck's sakes.
    Me stupid? Maybe you missed the supreme court ruling that it is indeed a tax?
    Forcing the productive to pay for the nonproductive isn't capitalism. More mouth breathers living off the rest of us.
  • Options
    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes
    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    He had a democratic supermajority. Had he been a great politician who was willing to twist arms to get what he wanted he could have even gotten single payer. But instead he didn't even try for that, and caved quickly off of the public option.
    But he's a far left Marxist apparently

    Maybe you should research him a little and read some of what he has written about himself and said about himself. A quick look into what little is known about him would tell you he's a FUCKING COMMUNIST! So was his father, mother, mentor, and grandparents.
    he might have had those opinions, but how he's governed is no farther to the left than a centrist.
    His immigration order deported all of those with criminal records.
    He made a bunch of the bush tax cuts that were sunsetting permanent.
    He implemented Obamacare, a heritage foundation proposal.
    He's intervened in 7 different countries, and ramped up the drone program.
    Expanded the NSA's spying programs
    But I get it, facts don't matter with you idiots

    He hasn't deported anyone and refuses to do so.
    He's raised taxes immensely one of the biggest being ObaMao care.
    Obama care is one of the tenets of communist control, seize health care.
    Spying on US citizens has reached unprecedented levels. Every phone call, email etc.
    He's intervened in the middle east to assist the radical muslims in taking over.
    But I get it communists downplay all of their objectives and blame others.
    You are the stupidest motherfucker here. Yes, giving private insurance companies 20 million new customers is the definition of communism. For fuck's sakes.
    Me stupid? Maybe you missed the supreme court ruling that it is indeed a tax?
    Forcing the productive to pay for the nonproductive isn't capitalism. More mouth breathers living off the rest of us.
    Our? founding fathers disagree with you. Read the general welfare clause in the Constitution.
  • Options
    SledogSledog Member Posts: 31,655
    5 Up Votes First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes
    edited October 2016
    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    He had a democratic supermajority. Had he been a great politician who was willing to twist arms to get what he wanted he could have even gotten single payer. But instead he didn't even try for that, and caved quickly off of the public option.
    But he's a far left Marxist apparently

    Maybe you should research him a little and read some of what he has written about himself and said about himself. A quick look into what little is known about him would tell you he's a FUCKING COMMUNIST! So was his father, mother, mentor, and grandparents.
    he might have had those opinions, but how he's governed is no farther to the left than a centrist.
    His immigration order deported all of those with criminal records.
    He made a bunch of the bush tax cuts that were sunsetting permanent.
    He implemented Obamacare, a heritage foundation proposal.
    He's intervened in 7 different countries, and ramped up the drone program.
    Expanded the NSA's spying programs
    But I get it, facts don't matter with you idiots

    He hasn't deported anyone and refuses to do so.
    He's raised taxes immensely one of the biggest being ObaMao care.
    Obama care is one of the tenets of communist control, seize health care.
    Spying on US citizens has reached unprecedented levels. Every phone call, email etc.
    He's intervened in the middle east to assist the radical muslims in taking over.
    But I get it communists downplay all of their objectives and blame others.
    You are the stupidest motherfucker here. Yes, giving private insurance companies 20 million new customers is the definition of communism. For fuck's sakes.
    Me stupid? Maybe you missed the supreme court ruling that it is indeed a tax?
    Forcing the productive to pay for the nonproductive isn't capitalism. More mouth breathers living off the rest of us.
    Our? founding fathers disagree with you. Read the general welfare clause in the Constitution.
    Yeah they believed it so much they didn't have personal income tax. Cuba's only 90 miles need help packing?
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    SledogSledog Member Posts: 31,655
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    Hondo your girl has advice for you
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    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes
    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    Sledog said:

    dhdawg said:

    He had a democratic supermajority. Had he been a great politician who was willing to twist arms to get what he wanted he could have even gotten single payer. But instead he didn't even try for that, and caved quickly off of the public option.
    But he's a far left Marxist apparently

    Maybe you should research him a little and read some of what he has written about himself and said about himself. A quick look into what little is known about him would tell you he's a FUCKING COMMUNIST! So was his father, mother, mentor, and grandparents.
    he might have had those opinions, but how he's governed is no farther to the left than a centrist.
    His immigration order deported all of those with criminal records.
    He made a bunch of the bush tax cuts that were sunsetting permanent.
    He implemented Obamacare, a heritage foundation proposal.
    He's intervened in 7 different countries, and ramped up the drone program.
    Expanded the NSA's spying programs
    But I get it, facts don't matter with you idiots

    He hasn't deported anyone and refuses to do so.
    He's raised taxes immensely one of the biggest being ObaMao care.
    Obama care is one of the tenets of communist control, seize health care.
    Spying on US citizens has reached unprecedented levels. Every phone call, email etc.
    He's intervened in the middle east to assist the radical muslims in taking over.
    But I get it communists downplay all of their objectives and blame others.
    You are the stupidest motherfucker here. Yes, giving private insurance companies 20 million new customers is the definition of communism. For fuck's sakes.
    Me stupid? Maybe you missed the supreme court ruling that it is indeed a tax?
    Forcing the productive to pay for the nonproductive isn't capitalism. More mouth breathers living off the rest of us.
    Our? founding fathers disagree with you. Read the general welfare clause in the Constitution.
    Yeah they believed it so much they didn't have personal income tax. Cuba's only 90 miles need help packing?
    In 1789 Benjamin Franklin writes “Nothing is certain but death and taxes."
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    pawzpawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,040
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    edited October 2016
    2001400ex said:

    Anyone paying attention knows that Obamacare was never intended to work. It was meant to fail spectacularly so the political left would have the leverage they need to push the masses to 100% government run "single payer" healthcare. Having control of that much of the economy, particularly in a sector that has such inelastic demand results in complete and perpetual political power, which is exactly what the end game is. Throw in "free college education" and open borders over flowing with guaranteed votes and it's game over. This is the culmination of over a century of "progressive" politics. #draintheswamp is too late.

    Great analysis as always. Do you really think adding 20 million people to private insurance companies is a path to single payer health care? With the huge insurance lobby that bought off Democrats?
    Nov 8th can't get here soon enough.

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    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes
    pawz said:

    2001400ex said:

    Anyone paying attention knows that Obamacare was never intended to work. It was meant to fail spectacularly so the political left would have the leverage they need to push the masses to 100% government run "single payer" healthcare. Having control of that much of the economy, particularly in a sector that has such inelastic demand results in complete and perpetual political power, which is exactly what the end game is. Throw in "free college education" and open borders over flowing with guaranteed votes and it's game over. This is the culmination of over a century of "progressive" politics. #draintheswamp is too late.

    Great analysis as always. Do you really think adding 20 million people to private insurance companies is a path to single payer health care? With the huge insurance lobby that bought off Democrats?
    Nov 8th can't get here soon enough.

    Agreed. No more purple J.
  • Options
    pawzpawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,040
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    2001400ex said:

    pawz said:

    2001400ex said:

    Anyone paying attention knows that Obamacare was never intended to work. It was meant to fail spectacularly so the political left would have the leverage they need to push the masses to 100% government run "single payer" healthcare. Having control of that much of the economy, particularly in a sector that has such inelastic demand results in complete and perpetual political power, which is exactly what the end game is. Throw in "free college education" and open borders over flowing with guaranteed votes and it's game over. This is the culmination of over a century of "progressive" politics. #draintheswamp is too late.

    Great analysis as always. Do you really think adding 20 million people to private insurance companies is a path to single payer health care? With the huge insurance lobby that bought off Democrats?
    Nov 8th can't get here soon enough.

    Agreed. No more purple J.
  • Options
    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes

    2001400ex said:

    The inability of insurance companies to properly underwrite and charge appropriate premiums for those with pre-existing conditions and without current insurance is the fundamental flaw of Obamacare.

    For example, if a person with untreated Hepatitis C applies for Obamacare (who by law cannot get rejected) and it is known that the preferred treatment is a six month Harvoni pill regimen costing $90,000, what should be the fair insurance premium for that person? If the mandated premium is less than $90,000 plus an appropriate insurance company profit, who should pay the difference?

    I would love to not carry insurance on my house but then be able to buy insurance after it catches on fire without a paying a premium surcharge.

    I don't think that's how the pre existing conditions clause works.
    The word "think" relating to you is the problem here...what do you believe a "pre existing" condition is?
    Can you even read what I wrote?
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    doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
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    Nobody reads what you write anymore. Why should they?
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    HoustonHuskyHoustonHusky Member Posts: 5,957
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    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    The inability of insurance companies to properly underwrite and charge appropriate premiums for those with pre-existing conditions and without current insurance is the fundamental flaw of Obamacare.

    For example, if a person with untreated Hepatitis C applies for Obamacare (who by law cannot get rejected) and it is known that the preferred treatment is a six month Harvoni pill regimen costing $90,000, what should be the fair insurance premium for that person? If the mandated premium is less than $90,000 plus an appropriate insurance company profit, who should pay the difference?

    I would love to not carry insurance on my house but then be able to buy insurance after it catches on fire without a paying a premium surcharge.

    I don't think that's how the pre existing conditions clause works.
    The word "think" relating to you is the problem here...what do you believe a "pre existing" condition is?
    Can you even read what I wrote?
    I read what you wrote, and then I laughed when you now posted a link that says exactly the opposite of what you think.

    God you are a fucking moron.
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    RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,585
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    Swaye's Wigwam
    Obama explained that its the media's fault so nothing to see here
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