Here's the real analysis on gun control and it's effects. The Swiss have fully automatic weapons at home and the government sells them ammo at cost to practice with...................
Shit even left edited wiki proves you wrong. I shoot with Swiss citizens. They are all part of the military and are required to qualify. They live here and go to the rang and fire their rifles on a prescribed course of fire and then turn their targets in to the embasy. Every able bodied adult serves 2 years in the military and they take their mother fucking machine guns home when they're done. Most towns have a shooting range for practice and the government sells them ammo at cost for practice.
You look your info up on Hufpo or snopes?
And Honduras does have the highest homicide rate in the world. They banned carrying guns 10 years ago.
Keep up the false "disarming Americans" narrative. I especially like the logic of "homicides are way down" but then your side promotes "mass shootings are way up under Obama". Which is it?
Shootings are down. Way down and gun ownership is way up. Those are FBI uniform crime stats Sparky. Your BS does not diminish them.
Democrats are the most frequent mass shooters at something like 70+ percent (including Orlando!) why don't we outlaw them?
Here's the real analysis on gun control and it's effects. The Swiss have fully automatic weapons at home and the government sells them ammo at cost to practice with...................
More fucktarded logic as always. Australia confiscated guns with a result of crime and shootings going down drastically. Does that mean we should do that here?
Didn't think so.
The Australians don't think so. So you are for taking guns from everyone. Will you be the guy coming to my door? Who 'ya gonna call? Military won't, cops won't and certainly liberal pussies asking for this shit won't. How about outlawing Muslims and democrats? That would take care of 98% of the problem.
Where the fuck did you learn how to read? I mean it's one thing to troll people. But you actually believe what you are typing.
I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Ready? Ok..... No....... One...... Is..... Coming..... For..... Your.... guns.
You actually are that stupid. I thought it was an act for your Soros paid Hillary employment.
Here's the real analysis on gun control and it's effects. The Swiss have fully automatic weapons at home and the government sells them ammo at cost to practice with...................
Shit even left edited wiki proves you wrong. I shoot with Swiss citizens. They are all part of the military and are required to qualify. They live here and go to the rang and fire their rifles on a prescribed course of fire and then turn their targets in to the embasy. Every able bodied adult serves 2 years in the military and they take their mother fucking machine guns home when they're done. Most towns have a shooting range for practice and the government sells them ammo at cost for practice.
You look your info up on Hufpo or snopes?
And Honduras does have the highest homicide rate in the world. They banned carrying guns 10 years ago.
This is from the first paragraph of your link:
"At the end of military service period the previously used gun can be converted to a privately owned gun after a weapon acquisition permit has been granted (fully automatic weapons will be rebuilt into semi-automatic ones)."
Guess your Swiss buddies have been out of the country for a while.
Here's the real analysis on gun control and it's effects. The Swiss have fully automatic weapons at home and the government sells them ammo at cost to practice with...................
Shit even left edited wiki proves you wrong. I shoot with Swiss citizens. They are all part of the military and are required to qualify. They live here and go to the rang and fire their rifles on a prescribed course of fire and then turn their targets in to the embasy. Every able bodied adult serves 2 years in the military and they take their mother fucking machine guns home when they're done. Most towns have a shooting range for practice and the government sells them ammo at cost for practice.
You look your info up on Hufpo or snopes?
And Honduras does have the highest homicide rate in the world. They banned carrying guns 10 years ago.
This is from the first paragraph of your link:
"At the end of military service period the previously used gun can be converted to a privately owned gun after a weapon acquisition permit has been granted (fully automatic weapons will be rebuilt into semi-automatic ones)."
Guess your Swiss buddies have been out of the country for a while.
Yeah what would they know? Tons of full autos in private hands still from the older men. As the Swiss army man said when the reporter asked "there are 200,000 of you Swiss, what will you do if 400,000 men invade" Swiss Military guy says "shoot twice". Probably still find that out on the net.
Hows that fine stat you posted earlier looking? The University of Chicago? Bill Ayers get input?
“The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head than the most superficial declamation; as a feather and a guinea fall with equal velocity in a vacuum.” -- English cleric and writer Charles Colton (1780-1832)
Keep up the false "disarming Americans" narrative. I especially like the logic of "homicides are way down" but then your side promotes "mass shootings are way up under Obama". Which is it?
Keep up the false "disarming Americans" narrative. I especially like the logic of "homicides are way down" but then your side promotes "mass shootings are way up under Obama". Which is it?
What's "ban" mean Hondo? Yell Hillary she's ugly for me.
Barring future sales, which also was the rule from 1994 to 2004, is not "confiscation". Can you even muster an intelligent conversation? Or do you just read the headline?
They're talking ban. They want them all. Camels nose in the tent. Rifles are one of the least used weapons in homicide. So called assault weapons even less so. Less than fists, feet etc. You think this is about mass shootings?
More kids shot in Chicago than in our middle east war. Where is your outrage?
This is simply about control. Nothing else. You can be controlled. Just another sheep.
Keep up the false "disarming Americans" narrative. I especially like the logic of "homicides are way down" but then your side promotes "mass shootings are way up under Obama". Which is it?
Shootings are down. Way down and gun ownership is way up. Those are FBI uniform crime stats Sparky. Your BS does not diminish them.
Democrats are the most frequent mass shooters at something like 70+ percent (including Orlando!) why don't we outlaw them?
Here this is by the CDC anti gun zealots. Probably even more skewed with liars figuring.
Isn't the percent if households with guns more relevant? Who cares that preppers are boxing up 30 guns to skew the guns/person figures. Unless you think carrying more than one gun on you will double your safety.
They're talking ban. They want them all. Camels nose in the tent. Rifles are one of the least used weapons in homicide. So called assault weapons even less so. Less than fists, feet etc. You think this is about mass shootings?
More kids shot in Chicago than in our middle east war. Where is your outrage?
This is simply about control. Nothing else. You can be controlled. Just another sheep.
Holy fuck. So hundreds of thousands of kids are killed in Chicago? You know how fucktarded that statement is, right?
Still don't see a quote where says he's coming for your guns. After 8 years of Clinton presidency and almost 8 years of Obama and conservatives screaming Democrats are coming for your guns. Not one gun has been confiscated from a law abiding citizen. Almost like you are being lied to.
They're talking ban. They want them all. Camels nose in the tent. Rifles are one of the least used weapons in homicide. So called assault weapons even less so. Less than fists, feet etc. You think this is about mass shootings?
More kids shot in Chicago than in our middle east war. Where is your outrage?
This is simply about control. Nothing else. You can be controlled. Just another sheep.
Holy fuck. So hundreds of thousands of kids are killed in Chicago? You know how fucktarded that statement is, right?
Still don't see a quote where says he's coming for your guns. After 8 years of Clinton presidency and almost 8 years of Obama and conservatives screaming Democrats are coming for your guns. Not one gun has been confiscated from a law abiding citizen. Almost like you are being lied to.
Clinton and Obama have been the greatest gun salesman in history. Wonder why?
Hondo that's what they want. Research a little bit. That's the goal. Maybe you missed Obama on the UN small arms treaty? Which would outlaw all guns here.
Shit even left edited wiki proves you wrong. I shoot with Swiss citizens. They are all part of the military and are required to qualify. They live here and go to the rang and fire their rifles on a prescribed course of fire and then turn their targets in to the embasy. Every able bodied adult serves 2 years in the military and they take their mother fucking machine guns home when they're done. Most towns have a shooting range for practice and the government sells them ammo at cost for practice.
You look your info up on Hufpo or snopes?
And Honduras does have the highest homicide rate in the world. They banned carrying guns 10 years ago.
"At the end of military service period the previously used gun can be converted to a privately owned gun after a weapon acquisition permit has been granted (fully automatic weapons will be rebuilt into semi-automatic ones)."
Guess your Swiss buddies have been out of the country for a while.
Hows that fine stat you posted earlier looking? The University of Chicago? Bill Ayers get input?
“The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head
than the most superficial declamation; as a feather and a guinea fall with
equal velocity in a vacuum.” -- English cleric and writer Charles Colton
False Hondo? Your hero's speak.
They're talking ban. They want them all. Camels nose in the tent. Rifles are one of the least used weapons in homicide. So called assault weapons even less so. Less than fists, feet etc. You think this is about mass shootings?
More kids shot in Chicago than in our middle east war. Where is your outrage?
This is simply about control. Nothing else. You can be controlled. Just another sheep.
Still don't see a quote where says he's coming for your guns. After 8 years of Clinton presidency and almost 8 years of Obama and conservatives screaming Democrats are coming for your guns. Not one gun has been confiscated from a law abiding citizen. Almost like you are being lied to.
Hondo that's what they want. Research a little bit. That's the goal. Maybe you missed Obama on the UN small arms treaty? Which would outlaw all guns here.
How do you remember to breathe?
Fuck off!
that will satisfy your intelligent conversation quota for a week.