EU should have installed an Immigrant Listening Commission to hear their grievances and this never would have happened.
I thought the NSA does that for them.
Curious if this will give Trump a bump in the polls. I'll be in Western Europe in a few weeks, gonna try not to be blown up.
You sure? Trump is the one advocating for us to significantly reduce our contributions to NATO and let the European countries deal with this themselves. Putting Europe in charge of anything doesn't appear to be a good strategy.
NATO does one heck of a good job with their strict sanctions, don't they? NATO is nothing more than an extension of left wing PC bullshit that put us in this position in the first place. I think more can get done with a few countries organizing their own efforts to handle these situations, than the bureaucratic red tape that NATO puts forth.
What's the alternative? Tell Europe to deal with it themselves?
Have the Europeans actually fucking obey the requirements of NATO? They are required to spend a paltry 2% of their GDP on defense and many countries flat out refuse to do even that.
Who is left to pick up the slack? The United States.
Have the fuckers give us money for the military protection, have them give a proportionate amount of effort, or get the fuck out and let the European Caliphate (or Western Russia) come into its own fruition
EU should have installed an Immigrant Listening Commission to hear their grievances and this never would have happened.
I thought the NSA does that for them.
Curious if this will give Trump a bump in the polls. I'll be in Western Europe in a few weeks, gonna try not to be blown up.
You sure? Trump is the one advocating for us to significantly reduce our contributions to NATO and let the European countries deal with this themselves. Putting Europe in charge of anything doesn't appear to be a good strategy.
NATO does one heck of a good job with their strict sanctions, don't they? NATO is nothing more than an extension of left wing PC bullshit that put us in this position in the first place. I think more can get done with a few countries organizing their own efforts to handle these situations, than the bureaucratic red tape that NATO puts forth.
What's the alternative? Tell Europe to deal with it themselves?
No, partner with individual countries on individual agreements and work outside of NATO and do shit your own way, the more efficient way. You can't talk these crazies off their attacks, so what good is NATO? All NATO is, is negotiations and sanctions, and neither work. We need to flex our muscles and bomb these lunatics back to the stone age.
It looks like we'll already have Spain on our side. I'm pretty sure France would follow. The UK would then join as well do to pressure from the two neighbors. That's a pretty strong coalition, and a lot of fire power to blow some shit up.
Dude prevents Europe from Islamic conversion, only to have self-hating liberals invite them in centuries later.
At least Poland has a head on its shoulders. Wins the battle of Vienna with the largest cavalry charge in history, causing the Turks to never encroach into Europe again. Doesn't let any migrants in today...they are aware of how shit things can get when you compromise national sovereignty to those who don't have your best interests in mind...
Dude prevents Europe from Islamic conversion, only to have self-hating liberals invite them in centuries later.
At least Poland has a head on its shoulders. Wins the battle of Vienna with the largest cavalry charge in history, causing the Turks to never encroach into Europe again. Doesn't let any migrants in today...they are aware of how shit things can get when you compromise national sovereignty to those who don't have your best interests in mind...
Odd how no one remembers the aggression that led to the crusades.
I find it hard to believe that no one wants to admit the obvious fact that this is a religious war. Refugees are simply troops infiltrating the host country. The religion calls for world domination convert or die, be enslaved or taxed heavily. These guys prefer killing those that do not convert. The crusades were in response to muslim aggression and the seizure of 500 or so Christian cities. It's called war. About time we admit that.
There are a certain element of refugees that are hardcore Muslims but in the case of Syria many are secular and Christian as well. Our vetting procedures for refugees are just fine. It's our visa program that needs to imploded to the ground and redone.
I find it hard to believe that no one wants to admit the obvious fact that this is a religious war. Refugees are simply troops infiltrating the host country. The religion calls for world domination convert or die, be enslaved or taxed heavily. These guys prefer killing those that do not convert. The crusades were in response to muslim aggression and the seizure of 500 or so Christian cities. It's called war. About time we admit that.
Our vetting procedures for refugees are just fine.
I find it hard to believe that no one wants to admit the obvious fact that this is a religious war. Refugees are simply troops infiltrating the host country. The religion calls for world domination convert or die, be enslaved or taxed heavily. These guys prefer killing those that do not convert. The crusades were in response to muslim aggression and the seizure of 500 or so Christian cities. It's called war. About time we admit that.
Our vetting procedures for refugees are just fine.
It's pretty stringent, and lasts for two years. Europe has issues because they let any one in; the US doesn't do that.
I find it hard to believe that no one wants to admit the obvious fact that this is a religious war. Refugees are simply troops infiltrating the host country. The religion calls for world domination convert or die, be enslaved or taxed heavily. These guys prefer killing those that do not convert. The crusades were in response to muslim aggression and the seizure of 500 or so Christian cities. It's called war. About time we admit that.
Our vetting procedures for refugees are just fine.
It's pretty stringent, and lasts for two years. Europe has issues because they let any one in; the US doesn't do that.
Yes, the airports or pretty tough, however, if a husband and 7 month pregnant wife can enter our country from the southern border, you think ISIS will have any difficulty?
But also, keep in the mind, those requirements are far more strict than the venting going on with the refugees. The venting isn't strict, because it takes too long according to some left wing senators, and our worthless president.
Trump wants NATO to pay up, not disband it. All those free healthcare paradises don't spend shit on defense because we pick up the bill. It's good politics - we'll stay but you pay so we can have free shit here.
I find it hard to believe that no one wants to admit the obvious fact that this is a religious war. Refugees are simply troops infiltrating the host country. The religion calls for world domination convert or die, be enslaved or taxed heavily. These guys prefer killing those that do not convert. The crusades were in response to muslim aggression and the seizure of 500 or so Christian cities. It's called war. About time we admit that.
Our vetting procedures for refugees are just fine.
It's pretty stringent, and lasts for two years. Europe has issues because they let any one in; the US doesn't do that.
Have the Europeans actually fucking obey the requirements of NATO? They are required to spend a paltry 2% of their GDP on defense and many countries flat out refuse to do even that.
Who is left to pick up the slack? The United States.
Have the fuckers give us money for the military protection, have them give a proportionate amount of effort, or get the fuck out and let the European Caliphate (or Western Russia) come into its own fruition
It looks like we'll already have Spain on our side. I'm pretty sure France would follow. The UK would then join as well do to pressure from the two neighbors. That's a pretty strong coalition, and a lot of fire power to blow some shit up.
Dude prevents Europe from Islamic conversion, only to have self-hating liberals invite them in centuries later.
At least Poland has a head on its shoulders. Wins the battle of Vienna with the largest cavalry charge in history, causing the Turks to never encroach into Europe again. Doesn't let any migrants in today...they are aware of how shit things can get when you compromise national sovereignty to those who don't have your best interests in mind...
That is all you need to know about the ability and how much money we are wasting with NATO.
But also, keep in the mind, those requirements are far more strict than the venting going on with the refugees. The venting isn't strict, because it takes too long according to some left wing senators, and our worthless president.
They haven't been fed yet.