A term used on this site to refer to a certain clique of people that nobody else can understand who used to hang out at the dawgman.com website and who had a falling out with management there, so they have flocked to this site and will spend five years here talking about the past five years at dawgman.com. It should not be confused with other posters on this site who may have regularly posted on this site for a number of months. The term "regulars" on this site has nothing to do with this site.
Anyone not part of the clique is told LEAVE.
"Leave" is a term for: "you were never part of our clique at dawgman.com so htf do you think you can be part of our clique here?
A term used on this site to refer to a certain clique of people that nobody else can understand who used to hang out at the dawgman.com website and who had a falling out with management there, so they have flocked to this site and will spend five years here talking about the past five years at dawgman.com. It should not be confused with other posters on this site who may have regularly posted on this site for a number of months. The term "regulars" on this site has nothing to do with this site.
Anyone not part of the clique is told LEAVE.
"Leave" is a term for: "you were never part of our clique at dawgman.com so htf do you think you can be part of our clique here?
A term used on this site to refer to a certain clique of people that nobody else can understand who used to hang out at the dawgman.com website and who had a falling out with management there, so they have flocked to this site and will spend five years here talking about the past five years at dawgman.com. It should not be confused with other posters on this site who may have regularly posted on this site for a number of months. The term "regulars" on this site has nothing to do with this site.
Anyone not part of the clique is told LEAVE.
"Leave" is a term for: "you were never part of our clique at dawgman.com so htf do you think you can be part of our clique here?
Hookers on the 5 is a Damone creation and is used to explain typos. You try posting while driving down the 5 at 90 mph while doing blow off a hookers ass
HHB Law #1: Doogs hate the players more the longer they are in the program. HHB Law #2: What applies to other teams, does not apply to the Huskies. (e.g. player limits, weather) HHB Law #3: Doogs apologize for the coach while employed, complain that he was “worse than we can imagine” after he is fired. HHB Law #4: Doogs insist UW is always the youngest team in the nation... for 7 straight years. HHB Law #5: Recruiting is the only way to solve personnel issues, development is over rated. HHB Law #6: Doogs believe because a coach is better than Ty, he is a good coach.
It's July 2013 and you can lather, rinse, and repeat for each of these iron laws.
A term used on this site to refer to a certain clique of people that nobody else can understand who used to hang out at the dawgman.com website and who had a falling out with management there, so they have flocked to this site and will spend five years here talking about the past five years at dawgman.com. It should not be confused with other posters on this site who may have regularly posted on this site for a number of months. The term "regulars" on this site has nothing to do with this site.
Anyone not part of the clique is told LEAVE.
"Leave" is a term for: "you were never part of our clique at dawgman.com so htf do you think you can be part of our clique here?
HTF means: how the f***
F*** means: fitb...
LEAVE! was actually dropped on me by CrimsonNGray on Cougfan....many, many years ago.
Hookers on the 5 is a Damone creation and is used to explain typos. You try posting while driving down the 5 at 90 mph while doing blow off a hookers ass
Are you sure? I always thought it was Fremonts creation.
A term used on this site to refer to a certain clique of people that nobody else can understand who used to hang out at the dawgman.com website and who had a falling out with management there, so they have flocked to this site and will spend five years here talking about the past five years at dawgman.com. It should not be confused with other posters on this site who may have regularly posted on this site for a number of months. The term "regulars" on this site has nothing to do with this site.
Anyone not part of the clique is told LEAVE.
"Leave" is a term for: "you were never part of our clique at dawgman.com so htf do you think you can be part of our clique here?
Didn't see this mentioned "you lack real world experience" I think was a cop out argument Race and Damone would use when Fremont was kicking their asses in political arguments.
Hookers on the 5 is a Damone creation and is used to explain typos. You try posting while driving down the 5 at 90 mph while doing blow off a hookers ass
Are you sure? I always thought it was Fremonts creation.
I think you're blinded by your love for your fellow commie.
getting back to the wants/needs for the bored, there should be a way to "tag" a user in a poast.
@mikedamone #hookersandblowonI5doing90mph
@derekjohnson is a miracle worker in the same vein as Justin Wilcox
A term used on this site to refer to a certain clique of people that nobody else can understand who used to hang out at the dawgman.com website and who had a falling out with management there, so they have flocked to this site and will spend five years here talking about the past five years at dawgman.com. It should not be confused with other posters on this site who may have regularly posted on this site for a number of months. The term "regulars" on this site has nothing to do with this site.
Anyone not part of the clique is told LEAVE.
"Leave" is a term for: "you were never part of our clique at dawgman.com so htf do you think you can be part of our clique here?
HTF means: how the f***
F*** means: fitb...
LEAVE! was actually dropped on me by CrimsonNGray on Cougfan....many, many years ago.
Enjoy your day.