Worth noting Colorado drops off our schedule next year, so be fun to watch them from afar
We timed that well.
I can see Prime succeeding Saban, or bolting to FSU/upper half SEC in a couple years. Way to go out on a limb with that, but really think he could replace Saban.
Worth noting Colorado drops off our schedule next year, so be fun to watch them from afar
We timed that well.
I can see Prime succeeding Saban, or bolting to FSU/upper half SEC in a couple years. Way to go out on a limb with that, but really think he could replace Saban.
This is his 2-3 year plan to get back to FSU. Norvell will need an ACC champioinship and legit playoff run in the next two or he will be dumped for Prime (assuming Sanders takes CU bowling year 1 and then competes for a title year 2-3)
I've never liked him, nothing's changed with me, but weº must all recognize the enemy now.
I think there's a big nostalgia boner for him because a lot of middle-aged men remember him from the covers of their sports illustrated collection. People forget the guy was a huge egotistical asshole
That's his most endearing trait. Love me some Prim Tim.
Did we get a bump when Jimmy Lake was hired? Coach Prime has a limited window in which to sell the "Cult of Personality" but it well known in sports that black players don't always warm up to black coaches. Most didn't grow up with a black father in the home so they don't always perceive a black coach as being the same authority as a non-black. That's just the God's honest truth that applies in College and the Pro ranks.
Jesus Christ. I also love the way you pass off the "most black players didn't have a father in the home" line as if it's an undisputed fact.
Did we get a bump when Jimmy Lake was hired? Coach Prime has a limited window in which to sell the "Cult of Personality" but it well known in sports that black players don't always warm up to black coaches. Most didn't grow up with a black father in the home so they don't always perceive a black coach as being the same authority as a non-black. That's just the God's honest truth that applies in College and the Pro ranks.
He ain’t gone make it. You can talk to 1-9 players like that but players with options are gonna be like FDB.
As true as what Prime said is I don't know if it's the right group to shit on. One, UW went 4-8 last year and 10-2 this year basically with the same players and one guy DeBoer portaged in. Not saying Colorado has the same talent he inherited but with just the right QB they could maybe go from one to six wins. Also, one reason they suck so bad is other programs just straight up stole their best players. Lastly, it's mostly the coaches and admins fault those players are there and not better ones.
Did we get a bump when Jimmy Lake was hired? Coach Prime has a limited window in which to sell the "Cult of Personality" but it well known in sports that black players don't always warm up to black coaches. Most didn't grow up with a black father in the home so they don't always perceive a black coach as being the same authority as a non-black. That's just the God's honest truth that applies in College and the Pro ranks.
Jesus Christ. I also love the way you pass off the "most black players didn't have a father in the home" line as if it's an undisputed fact.
Black families were stronger during the worst periods of American history than they are today. Since 1968, there has been a fourfold increase in the number of unmarried parents, according to Pew Research. But Census data show this trend especially applies to black families: In 2020, just 41.3% of black kids were growing up in a two-parent home...
Did we get a bump when Jimmy Lake was hired? Coach Prime has a limited window in which to sell the "Cult of Personality" but it well known in sports that black players don't always warm up to black coaches. Most didn't grow up with a black father in the home so they don't always perceive a black coach as being the same authority as a non-black. That's just the God's honest truth that applies in College and the Pro ranks.
Jesus Christ. I also love the way you pass off the "most black players didn't have a father in the home" line as if it's an undisputed fact.
Black families were stronger during the worst periods of American history than they are today. Since 1968, there has been a fourfold increase in the number of unmarried parents, according to Pew Research. But Census data show this trend especially applies to black families: In 2020, just 41.3% of black kids were growing up in a two-parent home...
Take it to the Tug!
But in all seriousness, I don't see how this is a defense. There's undoubtedly a self-selection that filters out many fatherless black kids from ever reaching the point where they're still in school, staying football eligible, and meeting the NCAA minimum requirements to even play college football. So absent better dats, baselessly claiming that a majority of black college football players grew up fatherless is indeed some Jimmy the Greek amateur anthropology shit.
I can see Prime succeeding Saban, or bolting to FSU/upper half SEC in a couple years. Way to go out on a limb with that, but really think he could replace Saban.
But in all seriousness, I don't see how this is a defense. There's undoubtedly a self-selection that filters out many fatherless black kids from ever reaching the point where they're still in school, staying football eligible, and meeting the NCAA minimum requirements to even play college football. So absent better dats, baselessly claiming that a majority of black college football players grew up fatherless is indeed some Jimmy the Greek amateur anthropology shit.