Was eyeing this for awhile as a cheapo alternative to the "Mission to Uranus" moonswatch that I've given up on buying. Made from ocean plastic or something like that, supposedly. I just wanted a cheap, blue watch. Very comfortable, but the quartz movement is hilariously louder than any other watch I've ever held.
And, yes, that's a shadow of my BBC at the bottom of the pic.
Can only buy them at Swatch stores. Nearest to me is Canada. They also quit making the Uranus one due to the color from the plastic transferring to skin. Maybe they're making it again, not sure. On ebay they're still laughably overpriced.
You may try /watchexchange on Reddit. I’ve had success using it to buy and sell over the years. Actually looks like someone sold a Uranus for $280 last month.
What about @HairyAnusDawg?
@YellowSnow does have a point about them not being practical, but that design is so clean and beautiful any other design elements would mess it up.
Was eyeing this for awhile as a cheapo alternative to the "Mission to Uranus" moonswatch that I've given up on buying. Made from ocean plastic or something like that, supposedly. I just wanted a cheap, blue watch. Very comfortable, but the quartz movement is hilariously louder than any other watch I've ever held.
And, yes, that's a shadow of my BBC at the bottom of the pic.
Are moonswatchs still hard to find?
Can only buy them at Swatch stores. Nearest to me is Canada. They also quit making the Uranus one due to the color from the plastic transferring to skin. Maybe they're making it again, not sure. On ebay they're still laughably overpriced.
You may try /watchexchange on Reddit. I’ve had success using it to buy and sell over the years. Actually looks like someone sold a Uranus for $280 last month.
Neptune. Of course, Uranus sounds like the more fun one to own. But it's the Neptune I was hunting and gave up on.