I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
Generally, I would agree. But some districts do have an intro to trannyism and the beauty of gayness program for young kids. Take a look at the skyrocketing number of kids who now supposedly identify as the other sex. Up to 20% of kids in some surveys. Now that is "loony". Fighting it isn't "loony". The Washington Post doxxed the operator of Libs of Tic Toc for a reason. They wanted democracy to die in the darkness and didn't want actual posted videos from real teachers revealed on a major Twitter account. That is also "loony".
I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
There is enough there that it won a governor in Virginia the election because parents had enough. I don't have kids in school
Florida passes a law to keep the freaks out of kindergarten and remind me again who has been freaking out since
Pro tip - if your opponent hates your issue then double down on it
It works
I’m not going into a children’s classroom, I have a hard time believing this is really happening and is rampant. I could be wrong but all of this is getting a little crazy and I think people are reading the headline news stories and thinking it’s a lot more real than it is. Again, I could be wrong but in general a lot of this doesn’t exist anywhere but online.
I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
There is enough there that it won a governor in Virginia the election because parents had enough. I don't have kids in school
Florida passes a law to keep the freaks out of kindergarten and remind me again who has been freaking out since
Pro tip - if your opponent hates your issue then double down on it
It works
I’m not going into a children’s classroom, I have a hard time believing this is really happening and is rampant. I could be wrong but all of this is getting a little crazy and I think people are reading the headline news stories and thinking it’s a lot more real than it is. Again, I could be wrong but in general a lot of this doesn’t exist anywhere but online.
White supremacy isn't the biggest threat to America
January 6 wasn't a threat to democracy
We have no national interest in Ukraine
Inflation isn't transitory
Putin isn't responsible for 6 dollar a gallon gas
The classroom stuff actually is real. The freaks are proud enough to put it online
I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
There is enough there that it won a governor in Virginia the election because parents had enough. I don't have kids in school
Florida passes a law to keep the freaks out of kindergarten and remind me again who has been freaking out since
Pro tip - if your opponent hates your issue then double down on it
It works
I’m not going into a children’s classroom, I have a hard time believing this is really happening and is rampant. I could be wrong but all of this is getting a little crazy and I think people are reading the headline news stories and thinking it’s a lot more real than it is Again, I could be wrong but in general a lot of this doesn’t exist anywhere but online.
Hang on, hang on, you mean people are reacting to political dog whistles, not questioning them and thinking they’re accurate to a tee? On this board? In this economy?
I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
There is enough there that it won a governor in Virginia the election because parents had enough. I don't have kids in school
Florida passes a law to keep the freaks out of kindergarten and remind me again who has been freaking out since
Pro tip - if your opponent hates your issue then double down on it
It works
I’m not going into a children’s classroom, I have a hard time believing this is really happening and is rampant. I could be wrong but all of this is getting a little crazy and I think people are reading the headline news stories and thinking it’s a lot more real than it is Again, I could be wrong but in general a lot of this doesn’t exist anywhere but online.
Hang on, hang on, you mean people are reacting to political dog whistles, not questioning them and thinking they’re accurate to a tee? On this board? In this economy?
I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
There is enough there that it won a governor in Virginia the election because parents had enough. I don't have kids in school
Florida passes a law to keep the freaks out of kindergarten and remind me again who has been freaking out since
Pro tip - if your opponent hates your issue then double down on it
It works
I’m not going into a children’s classroom, I have a hard time believing this is really happening and is rampant. I could be wrong but all of this is getting a little crazy and I think people are reading the headline news stories and thinking it’s a lot more real than it is Again, I could be wrong but in general a lot of this doesn’t exist anywhere but online.
Hang on, hang on, you mean people are reacting to political dog whistles, not questioning them and thinking they’re accurate to a tee? On this board? In this economy?
iro·ny | \ ˈī-rə-nē also ˈī(-ə)r-nē \ plural ironies Definition of irony 1a: the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning b: a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony c: an ironic expression or utterance 2a(1): incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2): an event or result marked by such incongruity b: incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play — called also dramatic irony
3: a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning — called also Socratic irony
I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
There is enough there that it won a governor in Virginia the election because parents had enough. I don't have kids in school
Florida passes a law to keep the freaks out of kindergarten and remind me again who has been freaking out since
Pro tip - if your opponent hates your issue then double down on it
It works
I’m not going into a children’s classroom, I have a hard time believing this is really happening and is rampant. I could be wrong but all of this is getting a little crazy and I think people are reading the headline news stories and thinking it’s a lot more real than it is Again, I could be wrong but in general a lot of this doesn’t exist anywhere but online.
Hang on, hang on, you mean people are reacting to political dog whistles, not questioning them and thinking they’re accurate to a tee? On this board? In this economy?
I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
Generally, I would agree. But some districts do have an intro to trannyism and the beauty of gayness program for young kids. Take a look at the skyrocketing number of kids who now supposedly identify as the other sex. Up to 20% of kids in some surveys. Now that is "loony". Fighting it isn't "loony". The Washington Post doxxed the operator of Libs of Tic Toc for a reason. They wanted democracy to die in the darkness and didn't want actual posted videos from real teachers revealed on a major Twitter account. That is also "loony".
Uhhhh 20%??? Try up 4000% in the last 8 years or something close to that number. To ignore these extremely dangerous individuals and their march to destroy this country is to be naive and open to defeat before you ever got a chance to play.
I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
Generally, I would agree. But some districts do have an intro to trannyism and the beauty of gayness program for young kids. Take a look at the skyrocketing number of kids who now supposedly identify as the other sex. Up to 20% of kids in some surveys. Now that is "loony". Fighting it isn't "loony". The Washington Post doxxed the operator of Libs of Tic Toc for a reason. They wanted democracy to die in the darkness and didn't want actual posted videos from real teachers revealed on a major Twitter account. That is also "loony".
Uhhhh up 20%??? Try the number is up 4000% in like the last 8 years. To ignore these extremely dangerous people and their march to destroy this country is to be naive and you will lose before you ever got a chance to play.
The Vegetable today speaking to teachers. “They’re not somebody else’s children, they’re yours when you’re in the classroom.”
This man must be impeached. He’s unfit mentally for office.
Every elementary teacher I have ever known refers to their students as “my kids” It’s a term of endearment and they care for them and want them to grow. Excited for them when they accomplish later in life. It has has nothing to do about replacing parents.
I know you don’t have a damn clue of what goes on in the real world. But this is a fucking doozy
You obviously don't know many of today's elementary teachers, then. They are SJW'd up the ass from their (fill in the blank) Studies courses in college and DGAF about you or your kids, beyond what they can implant in their brains for future recruitment in ANTIFA.
My kids went to good schools K-12, and half the teaching staff at each were SJW assholes.
The Vegetable today speaking to teachers. “They’re not somebody else’s children, they’re yours when you’re in the classroom.”
This man must be impeached. He’s unfit mentally for office.
Every elementary teacher I have ever known refers to their students as “my kids” It’s a term of endearment and they care for them and want them to grow. Excited for them when they accomplish later in life. It has has nothing to do about replacing parents.
I know you don’t have a damn clue of what goes on in the real world. But this is a fucking doozy
You obviously don't know many of today's elementary teachers, then. They are SJW'd up the ass from their (fill in the blank) Studies courses in college and DGAF about you or your kids, beyond what they can implant in their brains for future recruitment in ANTIFA.
My kids went to good schools K-12, and half the teaching staff at each were SJW assholes.
Those of us with kids in school today and are of a conservative bent, hear from our kids on a regular basis of the SJW BS taking place in school. It ranges from gender to climate change and everything in between. It's no longer an education based on the old reading, writing and arithmetic model. No, it's about instilling Leftists dogma into every subject taught.
I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
There is enough there that it won a governor in Virginia the election because parents had enough. I don't have kids in school
Florida passes a law to keep the freaks out of kindergarten and remind me again who has been freaking out since
Pro tip - if your opponent hates your issue then double down on it
It works
I’m not going into a children’s classroom, I have a hard time believing this is really happening and is rampant. I could be wrong but all of this is getting a little crazy and I think people are reading the headline news stories and thinking it’s a lot more real than it is Again, I could be wrong but in general a lot of this doesn’t exist anywhere but online.
Hang on, hang on, you mean people are reacting to political dog whistles, not questioning them and thinking they’re accurate to a tee? On this board? In this economy?
Get outta town…
Such fascinating input. Wow, this is the kind of content people come here to read.
I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
Generally, I would agree. But some districts do have an intro to trannyism and the beauty of gayness program for young kids. Take a look at the skyrocketing number of kids who now supposedly identify as the other sex. Up to 20% of kids in some surveys. Now that is "loony". Fighting it isn't "loony". The Washington Post doxxed the operator of Libs of Tic Toc for a reason. They wanted democracy to die in the darkness and didn't want actual posted videos from real teachers revealed on a major Twitter account. That is also "loony".
Uhhhh up 20%??? Try the number is up 4000% in like the last 8 years. To ignore these extremely dangerous people and their march to destroy this country is to be naive and you will lose before you ever got a chance to play.
If 1 out of 200 surveyed kids 8 years ago said they were transgender that's 0.5%. Today, if 40 say they are transgender, that's 20%.
The Vegetable today speaking to teachers. “They’re not somebody else’s children, they’re yours when you’re in the classroom.”
This man must be impeached. He’s unfit mentally for office.
Every elementary teacher I have ever known refers to their students as “my kids” It’s a term of endearment and they care for them and want them to grow. Excited for them when they accomplish later in life. It has has nothing to do about replacing parents.
I know you don’t have a damn clue of what goes on in the real world. But this is a fucking doozy
You obviously don't know many of today's elementary teachers, then. They are SJW'd up the ass from their (fill in the blank) Studies courses in college and DGAF about you or your kids, beyond what they can implant in their brains for future recruitment in ANTIFA.
My kids went to good schools K-12, and half the teaching staff at each were SJW assholes.
Sent mine to private Christian school to avoid such things but it wasn't as bad then. Public high school turned out to be surprisingly conservative.
I do think this has kind of taken on a life of its own because of politics and the media. I doubt the 2nd grade classroom at the local elementary school is really much different from 20 years ago.
They have a set schedule where they do math, reading, history, they eat lunch, they go to recess a couple times. Maybe PE and music 2-3 times per week. A little bit of Holiday centric arts and crafts.
I strongly doubt it’s tranny this, gay sex that. It’s mostly (not all) fiction and dramatized on both sides by fucking loons. Quit taking the bait.
There is enough there that it won a governor in Virginia the election because parents had enough. I don't have kids in school
Florida passes a law to keep the freaks out of kindergarten and remind me again who has been freaking out since
Pro tip - if your opponent hates your issue then double down on it
It works
I’m not going into a children’s classroom, I have a hard time believing this is really happening and is rampant. I could be wrong but all of this is getting a little crazy and I think people are reading the headline news stories and thinking it’s a lot more real than it is Again, I could be wrong but in general a lot of this doesn’t exist anywhere but online.
Hang on, hang on, you mean people are reacting to political dog whistles, not questioning them and thinking they’re accurate to a tee? On this board? In this economy?
Get outta town…
Such fascinating input. Wow, this is the kind of content people come here to read.
Saying something on the right is a “dog whistle” is actually a leftist dog whistle.
January 6 wasn't a threat to democracy
We have no national interest in Ukraine
Inflation isn't transitory
Putin isn't responsible for 6 dollar a gallon gas
The classroom stuff actually is real. The freaks are proud enough to put it online
Parents seem to care
A lot
Important issues never decide elections
Trump was mean and tweeted
Whatever works
Get outta town…
Revel us with how wonderful the economy is doing.
Use your famous big words.
iro·ny | \ ˈī-rə-nē also ˈī(-ə)r-nē \
plural ironies
Definition of irony
1a: the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning
b: a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony
c: an ironic expression or utterance
2a(1): incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result
(2): an event or result marked by such incongruity
b: incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play
— called also dramatic irony
3: a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning
— called also Socratic irony
My kids went to good schools K-12, and half the teaching staff at each were SJW assholes.