HNMT-- Semantics I guess, because for me 'The War' was always over Sark and his cultist minions. They're gone. Petersen is in. All doog myths shattered. We won.
Even your Kim-focused approach can still be declared victory. He has been ostracized. He's a pariah with only but an ever-dwindling band of doogs by his side. They will whither and die soon enough.
1) Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved? Can we please have it moved?
2) If I was competent enough to provide you the link, I already would have. I blame public education. Not myself.
you really could have ramped up the annoyance level by starting 23 threads. instead, you took the easy way out.
It seems like the Doogs will always be a factor. If you listen to the Mitch YouTube clip from 12/2007 that Derek references, he talks about how they enable bad coaching and basically put character ahead of winning. He also talks about how other fanbases would laugh at ours. I'm sure all fanbases have that element, but ours is large and out of control, and much of the media enables and encourages it.
OK, throw TyFS in there as well. From Gilby through Sark, we heard the same shit.
Now we have Chris fucking Petersen as head coach.
We won.
Still haven't won. The war was never against the coaches. They were just a product of the problem.
The war was against the culture surrounding UW and their fan base.
Do you honestly believe if Petersen goes 8-5 this year, 7-6 next year and 8-4 the following year there will be any pressure on him at all? I don't.
Romar has missed the NCAA tournament now three years in a row and isn't showing any signs of turning this program around. Is there any pressure on him? nope.
The same fans who supported Gilby denied it during Ty's era, Supported Ty then denied it during Sark era, and now supported Sark but will deny it during this era.
None of those Doogs like Kim, Softy, Alex Akita, etc learned a damn thing.
We are finally winning the war for the first time but the war is far from over.
You're a doog if you think Peterman is going 8-5 this year.
I was talking hypothetically and also the term "doog" is misused by many in here.
Being a Doog isn't thinking Petersen is going 8-5.
Being a Doog is thinking Petersen goes 13-0 and then thanking Sark for setting him up. Also being a Doog is saying you would accept 8-5 if it means beating Oregon.
You've been talking a lot recently about such a possibility, because there's still a little fear nugget hiding somewhere in your head that thinks it could happen.
What Doog has ever expected 13-0? The doog/coog mantra is the woe is me bullshit that starts the summer at 11-1 or whatever, and then by the time fall practices are over expects 8-4.
You've been talking a lot recently about such a possibility, because there's still a little fear nugget hiding somewhere in your head that thinks it could happen.
What Doog has ever expected 13-0? The doog/coog mantra is the woe is me bullshit that starts the summer at 11-1 or whatever, and then by the time fall practices are over expects 8-4.
Huh? are you literally fucking retarded? I've stated 10 wins this entire time and not once have I backed away from that.
Find a post where I didn't say 10 wins. I'll be waiting.......
Sark was a battle, not the war
The war was against the culture surrounding UW and their fan base.
Do you honestly believe if Petersen goes 8-5 this year, 7-6 next year and 8-4 the following year there will be any pressure on him at all? I don't.
Romar has missed the NCAA tournament now three years in a row and isn't showing any signs of turning this program around. Is there any pressure on him? nope.
The same fans who supported Gilby denied it during Ty's era, Supported Ty then denied it during Sark era, and now supported Sark but will deny it during this era.
None of those Doogs like Kim, Softy, Alex Akita, etc learned a damn thing.
We are finally winning the war for the first time but the war is far from over.
Being a Doog isn't thinking Petersen is going 8-5.
Being a Doog is thinking Petersen goes 13-0 and then thanking Sark for setting him up. Also being a Doog is saying you would accept 8-5 if it means beating Oregon.
What Doog has ever expected 13-0? The doog/coog mantra is the woe is me bullshit that starts the summer at 11-1 or whatever, and then by the time fall practices are over expects 8-4.
Find a post where I didn't say 10 wins. I'll be waiting.......
Does Kim still have access?
Has UW won a Rose Bowl?
Has UW defeated their rival?
Have the Doogs learned their lesson?
Does Romar still have a job?
Keep thinking it's over.
PS: Why does more_cock have such a hard on about this?