Realistically if this site had more articles more people would come here. Derek can't (or can he?) write articles daily. Unfortuantely, that many articles in the offseason would have to come on the backs' of teenboy stockings, baseless speculation on the difference Ivan is making, and the 7,392,441 ways that CCCP is like Ty.
Realistically if this site had more articles more people would come here. Derek can't (or can he?) write articles daily. Unfortuantely, that many articles in the offseason would have to come on the backs' of teenboy stockings, baseless speculation on the difference Ivan is making, and the 7,392,441 ways that CCCP is like Ty.
With the war being over, I had to make a decision a few weeks ago. Shut this place down and move on or endeavor to grow it and try to get into Husky Football again.
Realistically if this site had more articles more people would come here. Derek can't (or can he?) write articles daily. Unfortuantely, that many articles in the offseason would have to come on the backs' of teenboy stockings, baseless speculation on the difference Ivan is making, and the 7,392,441 ways that CCCP is like Ty.
With the war being over, I had to make a decision a few weeks ago. Shut this place down and move on or endeavor to grow it and try to get into Husky Football again.
I definitely want to see this place thrive just so there is a great place to chat about Husky football. I'm good for $30, ~10-14 articles, 365 downvotes, 36 flags, 770 awesomes, and 36,500 up votes a year. It will take more effort from the community or profitability to make this place take off though. I don't see a realistic model to simply invest some capital to turn this into a real business as things stand (maybe I underestimate the readership base). As such to grow this place will take a concerted effort by those here to try and draw others in.
Realistically if this site had more articles more people would come here. Derek can't (or can he?) write articles daily. Unfortuantely, that many articles in the offseason would have to come on the backs' of teenboy stockings, baseless speculation on the difference Ivan is making, and the 7,392,441 ways that CCCP is like Ty.
With the war being over, I had to make a decision a few weeks ago. Shut this place down and move on or endeavor to grow it and try to get into Husky Football again.
The war is far from over. UW still hasn't won a Rose Bowl in 14 years, still hasn't defeated Oregon in 10 years, Kim Grinolds still has access to the program, the Doog culture is still very much alive.
"Who would you hire whose better than Sark" FS argument disagrees with you
Having a real fucking coach disagrees with you.
Did he go 92-12 at UW? Steps have been taken towards the right direction but the war is far from over.
UW still hasn't won a Rose Bowl in forever, still hasn't defeated their rival in forever and Kim still has access.
The Doogs still enable this losing culture, why there is no real heat on Romar for an example. If Petersen starts off rough the Doogs will give him the same excuses they have before.
I agree with More Time. Grinolds is a fucking hack who has time and time again used yellow sports journalism, or whatever he wants to call it today. At the very least, UW deserves a better "main" website.
I'm 95% sure Peterman will do well, but nothing is written in stone. Koetter and Hawkins are doing what now? He doesn't get 3-4 years. The time is now.
Doogs will still defend Romar until he has at least one, and possibly two or three really bad seasons. They'll also bring up stupid s*** like overall standings for the Allstate Cup or whatever it's called (the composite of all the Olympic sports) while playing down mediocre football and basketball.
I'll gladly help write articles if that's the path we're taking.
Same, though I doubt there are enough fucks given about my opinions to warrant a contribution. I'm only 0.81% as creative as Damone, who is only 0.81% as creative as Race.
Realistically if this site had more articles more people would come here. Derek can't (or can he?) write articles daily. Unfortuantely, that many articles in the offseason would have to come on the backs' of teenboy stockings, baseless speculation on the difference Ivan is making, and the 7,392,441 ways that CCCP is like Ty.
With the war being over, I had to make a decision a few weeks ago. Shut this place down and move on or endeavor to grow it and try to get into Husky Football again.
The war is far from over. UW still hasn't won a Rose Bowl in 14 years, still hasn't defeated Oregon in 10 years, Kim Grinolds still has access to the program, the Doog culture is still very much alive.
We haven't won shit.
Fucking this. Things were going great for Hitler for years.
I'll gladly help write articles if that's the path we're taking.
Same, though I doubt there are enough fucks given about my opinions to warrant a contribution. I'm only 0.081% as creative as Damone, who is only 0.081% as creative as Race.
We don't need any negativity on this site.
We are all inclusive ...
Unless nudity and/or racism are involved ... then ... not so much.
If Magic can minimize the effects of AIDS then Race can too by gum.
We haven't won shit.
92-12 disagrees with you
"Who would you hire whose better than Sark" FS argument disagrees with you
Having a real fucking coach disagrees with you.
UW still hasn't won a Rose Bowl in forever, still hasn't defeated their rival in forever and Kim still has access.
The Doogs still enable this losing culture, why there is no real heat on Romar for an example. If Petersen starts off rough the Doogs will give him the same excuses they have before.
I'm 95% sure Peterman will do well, but nothing is written in stone. Koetter and Hawkins are doing what now? He doesn't get 3-4 years. The time is now.
Doogs will still defend Romar until he has at least one, and possibly two or three really bad seasons. They'll also bring up stupid s*** like overall standings for the Allstate Cup or whatever it's called (the composite of all the Olympic sports) while playing down mediocre football and basketball.
Fucking this. Things were going great for Hitler for years.
Fifth Reich
agree it wasn't my best effort. was watching ww2 doc
Pete might be the Desert Fox...shrewd general working hard for a cursed regime destined to fail.
Until we win the Rose Bowl, every season might as well be 7-6
We are finally winning the war but the war still lives on as long as Kim still has credentials.