The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Holy shit, your picture shows the gazebo at Heisler Park, which is where I married my bride...and, after a early AM flight tomorrow, I will be having a margarita or 4 at Las Brisas...csb
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Holy shit, your picture shows the gazebo at Heisler Park, which is where I married my bride...and, after a early AM flight tomorrow, I will be having a margarita or 4 at Las Brisas...csb
Yep, @Fishpo31 , Yella Wedding 2.0 was on the beach right below Heisler Park, with reception at Las Brisas thereafter. It was a smaller, 30 person affair. We both spent a lot of time in Laguna Beach, respectively, growing up, so it seemed like the logical place.
I will freely admit my confirmation bias towards Cali-fag beaches is strong in this one, just as @creepycoug is a Caribbean Messican and likes swimming in a hot tub.
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Holy shit, your picture shows the gazebo at Heisler Park, which is where I married my bride...and, after a early AM flight tomorrow, I will be having a margarita or 4 at Las Brisas...csb
Yep, @Fishpo31 , Yella Wedding 2.0 was on the beach right below Heisler Park, with reception at Las Brisas thereafter. It was a smaller, 30 person affair. We both spent a lot of time in Laguna Beach, respectively, growing up, so it seemed like the logical place.
I will freely admit my confirmation bias towards Cali-fag beaches is strong in this one, just as @creepycoug is a Caribbean Messican and likes swimming in a hot tub.
It was 2.0 for us as well, with reception at the in laws nearby. I took my last piss as a single man at Las Brisas...we are headed down there to celebrate our anniversary
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
The west is the best.
This is what I get for trying help provincial simpletons expand their horizons.
I could blindfold myself and take you out on a boat in the Keys and show you beaches and swimming that would make you seriously reconsider ever coming back out here. If we were talking about Oahu, this would be an interesting discussion. But this is like Roadie's take on Sean Taylor @whlinder : fully retarded and boring.
I have two rules when swimming in the lower 48: west coast, fresh water is for swimming and salt water is for walking nearby for perspective; Florida, fresh water is for avoiding and salt water is for swimming.
I'm right; you and Race are wrong. Again. Boom! Facts. Swim in Cali with the fags if you want. I know where I'm going.
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
The west is the best.
This is what I get for trying help provincial simpletons expand their horizons.
I could blindfold myself and take you out on a boat in the Keys and show you beaches and swimming that would make you seriously reconsider ever coming back out here. If we were talking about Oahu, this would be an interesting discussion. But this is like Roadie's take on Sean Taylor @whlinder : fully retarded and boring.
I have two rules when swimming in the lower 48: west coast, fresh water is for swimming and salt water is for walking nearby for perspective; Florida, fresh water is for avoiding and salt water is for swimming.
I'm right; you and Race are wrong. Again. Boom! Facts. Swim in Cali with the fags if you want. I know where I'm going.
@creepycoug is correct. I’ve spent a good chunk of my life in the dirty south and about half in Washington (with a few other choices locations mixed in; Baghdad is the Paris of the ME after all) and his takes on this subject are spot on.
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
Ted MF Williams >>> Jim Sissy Boy Morrison in every way. If he’d wanted to, Ballgame could have taken Morrison’s spot with the Doors.
Case closed. Thanks Throbber. Sometimes you just gotta go to the big guns.
@Fishpo31 whats with the ball players being such pussies? Joe D was a tuff Cali fag too who retired to Florida.
Consult Fetters just above. As I said, I'm right, you and Race wrong. Race made two trips to Fla. 800 years ago probably for the purpose of scouting out old folks homes. Lolz. Great sampling old man. Then Bob - posts this question and then says you can't improve on Laguna in the lower 48 ... lolz .... Dumb Duck. Stay put then dummy.
The great ballers can go where they want and they made the best choice. That's your answer. Cali beaches are pretty to look at, good for perspective development, fine for surfing, but shitty to swim in. Period. Done. Facts. If you don't know that then you've never been anywhere. Kill this unholy discussion Yella. It's an abortion.
If one's goal here is to beat a good Fla. beach or swimming in the Keys with something in the Pacific, a typical west coast fag move, then you need to head south of Cali. I already pointed the way. Oahu is a whole different discussion. Haven't spent time on the west coast of Mejico, so I'll reserve judgment, though I'm told Cabo beaches aren't that great. The best beaches I've been to are all over the Caribbean, Gulf side of Mejico, Oahu, and scattered about in the Keys. Obvi I would add various others places in Polynesia and Greece, but haven't been.
Of course, Ocean Shores, aka the South Beach of the PNW, is the one glaring exception, as someone here once pointed out.
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
Ted MF Williams >>> Jim Sissy Boy Morrison in every way. If he’d wanted to, Ballgame could have taken Morrison’s spot with the Doors.
Case closed. Thanks Throbber. Sometimes you just gotta go to the big guns.
@Fishpo31 whats with the ball players being such pussies? Joe D was a tuff Cali fag too who retired to Florida.
As Dickie Dunn said to Reggie Dunlop (just prior to the clip, can’t find it on film) “There’s a lot of shysters in Florida”…
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
The only thing Cali Pacific Ocean water is good for is shrinkage. Beaches are adequate unless you’re into get sandblasted.
Too fucking cold.
@creepycoug is right. Gulf coast waters and Atlantic beaches up to North Carolina are the shit.
you're goddamned right.
@creepycoug you can collect your contingent fee now. This case is closed.
Exactly. Yella's always right about the Redneck Rivera.
Meanwhile I got hitched on the north end of main Laguna Beach below the ciffs and palms. Stunning and classy AF.
Like we said: scenery is great. I’ve stayed at the Ritz at Laguna Nigel. Nice. Water? Trashy af. It’s for people who don’t know any better. Like you and Race.
I've been to South Florida twice Fidel
Miami in 84 and West Palm in 99.
California is better
It just is
Ski slopes an hour from the beach
Florida is a reclaimed swamp with bugs
West coast beaches suck balls. But if you’re into that, then have it.
People forget that Jim was from Melbourne, Florida.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
He had to get the hell out and swim in the waters of Southern California to make something of himself.
The west is the best.
I will freely admit my confirmation bias towards Cali-fag beaches is strong in this one, just as @creepycoug is a Caribbean Messican and likes swimming in a hot tub.
This is what I get for trying help provincial simpletons expand their horizons.
I could blindfold myself and take you out on a boat in the Keys and show you beaches and swimming that would make you seriously reconsider ever coming back out here. If we were talking about Oahu, this would be an interesting discussion. But this is like Roadie's take on Sean Taylor @whlinder : fully retarded and boring.
I have two rules when swimming in the lower 48: west coast, fresh water is for swimming and salt water is for walking nearby for perspective; Florida, fresh water is for avoiding and salt water is for swimming.
I'm right; you and Race are wrong. Again. Boom! Facts. Swim in Cali with the fags if you want. I know where I'm going.
San Diego born Ted Williams disagrees.
Nice cargo shorts too
Preferred bath tub beach water like @creepycoug
Case closed. Thanks Throbber. Sometimes you just gotta go to the big guns.
The great ballers can go where they want and they made the best choice. That's your answer. Cali beaches are pretty to look at, good for perspective development, fine for surfing, but shitty to swim in. Period. Done. Facts. If you don't know that then you've never been anywhere. Kill this unholy discussion Yella. It's an abortion.
If one's goal here is to beat a good Fla. beach or swimming in the Keys with something in the Pacific, a typical west coast fag move, then you need to head south of Cali. I already pointed the way. Oahu is a whole different discussion. Haven't spent time on the west coast of Mejico, so I'll reserve judgment, though I'm told Cabo beaches aren't that great. The best beaches I've been to are all over the Caribbean, Gulf side of Mejico, Oahu, and scattered about in the Keys. Obvi I would add various others places in Polynesia and Greece, but haven't been.
Of course, Ocean Shores, aka the South Beach of the PNW, is the one glaring exception, as someone here once pointed out.
Kill it Yella.