Sorry to have interrupted your weepy, sentimental circle jerk. The point stands. We have an entire fertility industry that includes freezing pre-born human life. Papists are right, I hear. What is to be done?
Sorry to have interrupted your weepy, sentimental circle jerk. The point stands. We have an entire fertility industry that includes freezing pre-born human life. Papists are right, I hear. What is to be done?
Sorry to have interrupted your weepy, sentimental circle jerk. The point stands. We have an entire fertility industry that includes freezing pre-born human life. Papists are right, I hear. What is to be done?
Perhaps the worst pro-choice argument ever advanced.
Sorry to have interrupted your weepy, sentimental circle jerk. The point stands. We have an entire fertility industry that includes freezing pre-born human life. Papists are right, I hear. What is to be done?
Perhaps the worst pro-choice argument ever advanced.
Keep up the good work, Dazzler.
If it's a Dazzler argument no matter the topic, it's almost a certainty that it's one of the worst arguments ever being advanced.
In a statement, King County Executive Dow Constantine said he was “disgusted, yet unsurprised.”
“I believe in and am committed to the right of every woman to make the choice be persuaded that is best for herself and her family, and I will never stop fighting to ensure that abortion and family planning care are available, without barriers and unnecessary restrictions, in King County and Washington State,” Constantine said in prepared remarks.
There are some weird takes on this issue. It's one thing to want to protect state's rights, but some things are pretty fundamental. That's why you can't have slaves in some states and not others.
I've done some thinking about this, and my views have evolved. As much as it sucks to have more derelicts born into society every day and inevitably increase the welfare state, nobody has been able to make a thought-provoking argument to draw the line anywhere. If you can't draw the line, the Catholics are right: at conception. The rest, my body, viability, rape, incest, save the mother, etc, is just mental masturbation. There is no reconciling it. It is morally unacceptable.
There is literally no justification for it. Human life at conception, period. No ifs, ands or butts. Are you allowed to kill an innocent bystander to save yourself? Or because the bystander has inconvenienced you? Did the fetus rape you? Is the fetus responsible for threatening your life? No, no, no and no.
States rights is perhaps the most retarded of arguments. We don't leave it to state legislatures to define what life is and where it begins, and we certainly don't leave it to the voters to decide that it's ok to just randomly kill somebody. "Watch out on your vacation to Glacier Sammy! The voters in Montana have approved the right of citizens to randomly kill people that they view as inconvenient." Please. Stop with this business.
Roe v. Wade should be overturned, and abortion should be ruled unconstitutional throughout the land.
So, no abortion, ever, in any circumstances. That's the right answer. I can draw no other conclusion.
I think if you're looking for a clear, brightline rule, this is the one. But I can't help but think at a minimum that people that have had circumstances thrust on them deserve some sort of exception.
I know rape is the scenario everyone loves to point to because it's extreme, but I think it's a valid example. And quite honestly, I wouldn't want a rapist procreating anyway. Same can be said for minor abuse, etc.
More broadly, as someone who thinks our population levels are fucked anyway, I'm all for culling the herd a bit. I'm not religious, so I don't worry about any of that side of things,
For me, the issue is:when does an abortion blur into something that could be considered murder. I land on viability. By then, there's no longer an excuse - plenty of time to have "addressed" the problem and the unborn child is just that - a child.
YMMV (but if you disagree, fuck off)
There's likely a bigger risk of population collapse than overpopulating the earth.
If a baby is not considered viable until 12 weeks - whatever the line is - why can someone be charged with murder of a baby in the womb?
I already told you: forget viability. It's a losing argument. Has nothing to do with anything. See the Turd's good post on this.
I get tired of the media fueled abortion debate but how is limiting it to the first 20 weeks unreasonable?
20 weeks is way too long. 12 should be the max. Hell France only allows 10 weeks.
Allow 0 weeks. I didn't think about abortion that much until I had kids. Could never imagine killing them. If you can you need help.
I think a decent compromise is to allow it but restrict it to 8-12 weeks.
I can't call killing a child a compromise because we cut some time off. A compromise is have the kid and put it up for adoption.
Sleddy is right on this one. Can’t compromise a murder of an innocent person. That’s non-sense when you really think about it. It’s a person or it’s not. Or draw me a line that is at least thought provoking. So far I’ve seen none.
Miss a period and take a pill and have a miscarriage. I don't have a problem drawing the line there.
Adding to Creepy's logic-based explanation is the fact that premature babies commonly survive at ever more shorter gestation periods than in 1973
Bingo. Someone gets it. Viability is a moving target. Personhood is not.
Not an item for state choice. Law of the land. We're a country or we're not.
I'm not even a pretend lawyer but doesn't the constitution leave to the state that which is not enshrined as a federal responsibility?
I agree that the democrats have used state's rights for slavery to Jim Crow to ignoring Federal immigration law
Slavery was left to the states originally but Crow and immigration were not
Before Roe many state's had legislated abortion as legal. The Supremes let that stand
My folks got married late and had kids late especially for the 50's. I was in grade school and my parents were mid 40's when mom got pregnant again. She had a miscarriage and our concern was for her not the lost brother or sister. Of course I'm a sociopath so that helps
Anyway the only hospital in town was catholic so I doubt she got a secret abortion. Just lost the kid
Fuck wit.
Keep up the good work, Dazzler.
What do we do about that?
Go away Preston.
Not an item for state choice. Law of the land. We're a country or we're not.
I agree that the democrats have used state's rights for slavery to Jim Crow to ignoring Federal immigration law
Slavery was left to the states originally but Crow and immigration were not
Before Roe many state's had legislated abortion as legal. The Supremes let that stand
My folks got married late and had kids late especially for the 50's. I was in grade school and my parents were mid 40's when mom got pregnant again. She had a miscarriage and our concern was for her not the lost brother or sister. Of course I'm a sociopath so that helps
Anyway the only hospital in town was catholic so I doubt she got a secret abortion. Just lost the kid
I may have a point or I may not