Mods really have been doing a good job lately. Lots of calls for death. I even have seen a certain mod wishing death upon someone.
Fucking love it.
Making HH great again.
It's OK when I'm the target. Everyone has been writing me off as dead every since the first asshole at doogman misread my handle. These pricks around here...Stalin, DNC et al...would forget their own head if it wasn't attached but they never forget my first, unfortunate, choice of username on the first internet board I ever joined.
He's how I picture every doog fan. Him and the nacho man
Good old Chris Fatters
It's funny. You go on and on, trying to steer the conversation into everything else in your world but dispute the fact that you are Fatters. You'll go on and on, but a simple proof that you aren't Fatters by email or some other private means, you cannot do. Every excuse in the world. But you can't do something as simple as that. Looks like I nailed it.
He's how I picture every doog fan. Him and the nacho man
Good old Chris Fatters
It's funny. You go on and on, trying to steer the conversation into everything else in your world but dispute the fact that you are Fatters. You'll go on and on, but a simple proof that you aren't Fatters by email or some other private means, you cannot do. Every excuse in the world. But you can't do something as simple as that. Looks like I nailed it.
He's how I picture every doog fan. Him and the nacho man
Good old Chris Fatters
It's funny. You go on and on, trying to steer the conversation into everything else in your world but dispute the fact that you are Fatters. You'll go on and on, but a simple proof that you aren't Fatters by email or some other private means, you cannot do. Every excuse in the world. But you can't do something as simple as that. Looks like I nailed it.
He's how I picture every doog fan. Him and the nacho man
Good old Chris Fatters
It's funny. You go on and on, trying to steer the conversation into everything else in your world but dispute the fact that you are Fatters. You'll go on and on, but a simple proof that you aren't Fatters by email or some other private means, you cannot do. Every excuse in the world. But you can't do something as simple as that. Looks like I nailed it.
Somebody had to do it. Somebody had to be the brave soul to show up and defend Kim...........just messing with ya, I got nothing. But over on educk their mod just came down hard on the members for fat shaming Fatters. People can be so cruel.
Edit...oh, him I guess. Still clueless why he keeps getting mentioned on here.
Fucking love it.
Making HH great again.
He was poked at and picked on
He was white with asian wood
With nightly wet dreams over Tron
Kim is now a lame duck adult
He circle Jerks over dawgman
Not realizing its a faggot cult
I often see him in media section next to my seats snarfing hot dogs, gasping for air while he blocks 17 people behind him.
Assholes. I ain't dead yet.