Wouldn't a "knife fight" involve people that both have knifes?
I’d think so, otherwise it’s just a stabbing.
Gosh Valerie Jarrett wouldn't be lying to us now would she? This is how fucked up these people are. If this had been two white people, and the cop shot the person with a knife no one would care. The only reason this story is getting any play is on account of the race of the cop and the race of the person who was shot.
Btw, got to love how there is absolutely no regard for the life of the black woman this cop most likely saved. In a normal world this cop would be a hero. But not in the fuck up world we live in now.
A simple thought experiment where Bryant is a white girl trying to stab a black girl completely changes the narrative and widespread reaction. And that's terrifying.
Wouldn't a "knife fight" involve people that both have knifes?
I’d think so, otherwise it’s just a stabbing.
Gosh Valerie Jarrett wouldn't be lying to us now would she? This is how fucked up these people are. If this had been two white people, and the cop shot the person with a knife no one would care. The only reason this story is getting any play is on account of the race of the cop and the race of the person who was shot.
Btw, got to love how there is absolutely no regard for the life of the black woman this cop most likely saved. In a normal world this cop would be a hero. But not in the fuck up world we live in now.
A simple thought experiment where Bryant is a white girl trying to stab a black girl completely changes the narrative and widespread reaction. And that's terrifying.
Welcome to the world of critical race theory. The color of your skin and the skin color of the person who attacks you is what gives your life value. Jarrett was only Obama's most trusted advisor for 8 years. Gives you a little insight on the quality of advice she was giving him.
Who here doesn't have a fond recollection of the teenage years knife fights?
Bunch of pussies here who didn't grow up in the Black Hills League Triangle of Tuffness I see. Knife fights were how we warmed up in the morning before first bell. After school it was on.
Senior year we had a little riot after the Aberdeen football game
Pipes were swung. No knives
All Shelton police officers were required to be on duty every time Aberdeen came to town.
There wasn't any gun play in those days that I recall, but if you pulled out a knife, you could expect a Louisville slugger upside your head a couple seconds later.
I did see a guy knock an Aberdeen dude out in the high school porking lot by punching right through his rolled up window. I decided not to fuck around with that guy after seeing that.
Message to Libs on this board, BLM activists, left spazztic politicians......Fuck you
Fuck you for defending lawless thugs/criminals
Fuck you for making every goddam police confrontation white/black. Way too many moving parts to make such lazy, thoughtless claims
Fuck you for being quoted in this article saying we are in the midst of an "Actual genocide". Completely offensive to real victims of real genocides in Congo, Cambodia, WW2, Chile, etc.
Fuck you for never blaming the criminals' actions, which are forcing the officers' hands, proving themselves to be a danger to themselves, the responding cops, and others.
And most of all....
Fuck you for gaslighting me and others like me that want peace and equality of opportunity. It's not our fault or every white cops' fault that your "Heroes" can't follow rules, stay sober, or quit attacking others with deadly weapons.
Fuck you
I absolutely love your opinions on this matter. I guess my only suggestion in an attempt to quell these police killings is that police should use force which would not end in death. There is plenty of technology they could use which could stop or hinder the threat.
I would say fuck you for comparing a cop saving someone’s life to a murderer kneeling on a mans neck for 9 minutes for no reason.
Chauvin needed to get off his neck. Totally too many minutes passed and he killed Floyd, no doubt.
You missed the point, like most on your side of the aisle. The neck press was unjustified, NOT race related.
You side lazily and with sinister intent lumps ALL these confrontations together in one bag of racial bullshit
Floyd forced his hand by breaking the law, being high, and saying he couldn't breathe like 45 times before hitting the turf.
The prosecutor said absolutely Jack shit about race or systemic police brutality during the trial. If he built his case on that, would've been destroyed. Play time doesn't fly in a prudent court of law.
Kobe, I truly hope you see the light. Your side includes Waters, Sharpton, Holder, BLM, punks in the streets, Biden, Harris. All sell-outs to the race card, regardless how many steps back it takes our society.
They don't care about fixing anything, just stirring/dividing.
You're being duped.
I know exactly what the liberals are, no one’s duping me. I’m just picking them over you.
Then you're a dipshit and a mortal enemy if and when it ever comes to that.
Message to Libs on this board, BLM activists, left spazztic politicians......Fuck you
Fuck you for defending lawless thugs/criminals
Fuck you for making every goddam police confrontation white/black. Way too many moving parts to make such lazy, thoughtless claims
Fuck you for being quoted in this article saying we are in the midst of an "Actual genocide". Completely offensive to real victims of real genocides in Congo, Cambodia, WW2, Chile, etc.
Fuck you for never blaming the criminals' actions, which are forcing the officers' hands, proving themselves to be a danger to themselves, the responding cops, and others.
And most of all....
Fuck you for gaslighting me and others like me that want peace and equality of opportunity. It's not our fault or every white cops' fault that your "Heroes" can't follow rules, stay sober, or quit attacking others with deadly weapons.
Fuck you
I absolutely love your opinions on this matter. I guess my only suggestion in an attempt to quell these police killings is that police should use force which would not end in death. There is plenty of technology they could use which could stop or hinder the threat.
Ready the tranquilizer darts. And prepare the PR defense to "treating suspects like animals."
And be ready for the civil suits for harmed feelings.
Message to Libs on this board, BLM activists, left spazztic politicians......Fuck you
Fuck you for defending lawless thugs/criminals
Fuck you for making every goddam police confrontation white/black. Way too many moving parts to make such lazy, thoughtless claims
Fuck you for being quoted in this article saying we are in the midst of an "Actual genocide". Completely offensive to real victims of real genocides in Congo, Cambodia, WW2, Chile, etc.
Fuck you for never blaming the criminals' actions, which are forcing the officers' hands, proving themselves to be a danger to themselves, the responding cops, and others.
And most of all....
Fuck you for gaslighting me and others like me that want peace and equality of opportunity. It's not our fault or every white cops' fault that your "Heroes" can't follow rules, stay sober, or quit attacking others with deadly weapons.
Fuck you
I absolutely love your opinions on this matter. I guess my only suggestion in an attempt to quell these police killings is that police should use force which would not end in death. There is plenty of technology they could use which could stop or hinder the threat.
Actually, there isn't. Tasers and bean bags are not reliable. If you want to immediately put down a threat like someone trying to kill someone with a knife, you only have one choice - shoot or don't shoot. Either take the shot or trust in fate.
Message to Libs on this board, BLM activists, left spazztic politicians......Fuck you
Fuck you for defending lawless thugs/criminals
Fuck you for making every goddam police confrontation white/black. Way too many moving parts to make such lazy, thoughtless claims
Fuck you for being quoted in this article saying we are in the midst of an "Actual genocide". Completely offensive to real victims of real genocides in Congo, Cambodia, WW2, Chile, etc.
Fuck you for never blaming the criminals' actions, which are forcing the officers' hands, proving themselves to be a danger to themselves, the responding cops, and others.
And most of all....
Fuck you for gaslighting me and others like me that want peace and equality of opportunity. It's not our fault or every white cops' fault that your "Heroes" can't follow rules, stay sober, or quit attacking others with deadly weapons.
Fuck you
I absolutely love your opinions on this matter. I guess my only suggestion in an attempt to quell these police killings is that police should use force which would not end in death. There is plenty of technology they could use which could stop or hinder the threat.
Actually, there isn't. Tasers and bean bags are not reliable. If you want to immediately put down a threat like someone trying to kill someone with a knife, you only have one choice - shoot or don't shoot. Either take the shot or trust in fate.
Agreed. There's a lot of room for improvement in how police generally deescalate situations. But a split second attempt to stab someone is never going to be appropriately met with anything except a firearm. This shooting is a textbook example of quick thinking by a cop that saved a civilian's life.
Message to Libs on this board, BLM activists, left spazztic politicians......Fuck you
Fuck you for defending lawless thugs/criminals
Fuck you for making every goddam police confrontation white/black. Way too many moving parts to make such lazy, thoughtless claims
Fuck you for being quoted in this article saying we are in the midst of an "Actual genocide". Completely offensive to real victims of real genocides in Congo, Cambodia, WW2, Chile, etc.
Fuck you for never blaming the criminals' actions, which are forcing the officers' hands, proving themselves to be a danger to themselves, the responding cops, and others.
And most of all....
Fuck you for gaslighting me and others like me that want peace and equality of opportunity. It's not our fault or every white cops' fault that your "Heroes" can't follow rules, stay sober, or quit attacking others with deadly weapons.
Fuck you
I absolutely love your opinions on this matter. I guess my only suggestion in an attempt to quell these police killings is that police should use force which would not end in death. There is plenty of technology they could use which could stop or hinder the threat.
Actually, there isn't. Tasers and bean bags are not reliable. If you want to immediately put down a threat like someone trying to kill someone with a knife, you only have one choice - shoot or don't shoot. Either take the shot or trust in fate.
Not that technology. The inventor of the taser has come up with something called Bolowrap. Sure this and stun bullets or the bullets that explode on the person and bring them to their knees isn't perfect but it seems to me non-lethal force needs to be improved to the point it can be relied upon.
Message to Libs on this board, BLM activists, left spazztic politicians......Fuck you
Fuck you for defending lawless thugs/criminals
Fuck you for making every goddam police confrontation white/black. Way too many moving parts to make such lazy, thoughtless claims
Fuck you for being quoted in this article saying we are in the midst of an "Actual genocide". Completely offensive to real victims of real genocides in Congo, Cambodia, WW2, Chile, etc.
Fuck you for never blaming the criminals' actions, which are forcing the officers' hands, proving themselves to be a danger to themselves, the responding cops, and others.
And most of all....
Fuck you for gaslighting me and others like me that want peace and equality of opportunity. It's not our fault or every white cops' fault that your "Heroes" can't follow rules, stay sober, or quit attacking others with deadly weapons.
Fuck you
I absolutely love your opinions on this matter. I guess my only suggestion in an attempt to quell these police killings is that police should use force which would not end in death. There is plenty of technology they could use which could stop or hinder the threat.
Tasers just don’t work often enough to trust them in a life or death situation. I wouldn’t trust my life to one. They’re better used when someone is refusing to comply and aren’t a mortal threat.
If the criminal has a gun, I agree but there are countless stories where they don't or the weapon is not immediately life threatening. In situations like this, I think using these alternatives methods could reduce the unfortunate cases of unnecessary death. I understand where you and WLD are coming from and you're probably right in that nothing will placate the left and media. They are promoting the violence not because they care about people dying but because they want more death and violence to keep them in power.
If the criminal has a gun, I agree but there are countless stories where they don't or the weapon is not immediately life threatening. In situations like this, I think using these alternatives methods could reduce the unfortunate cases of unnecessary death. I understand where you and WLD are coming from and you're probably right in that nothing will placate the left and media. They are promoting the violence not because they care about people dying but because they want more death and violence to keep them in power.
A person swinging a butcher knife is an immediate life threatening reality.
If the criminal has a gun, I agree but there are countless stories where they don't or the weapon is not immediately life threatening. In situations like this, I think using these alternatives methods could reduce the unfortunate cases of unnecessary death. I understand where you and WLD are coming from and you're probably right in that nothing will placate the left and media. They are promoting the violence not because they care about people dying but because they want more death and violence to keep them in power.
I agree with you. At the very least, it would seem a good place to spend some R&D $$. We have pretty amazing capabilities as a species. We can figure this out.
Turn it over the private sector. They'll come up with something. Never say never.
If the criminal has a gun, I agree but there are countless stories where they don't or the weapon is not immediately life threatening. In situations like this, I think using these alternatives methods could reduce the unfortunate cases of unnecessary death. I understand where you and WLD are coming from and you're probably right in that nothing will placate the left and media. They are promoting the violence not because they care about people dying but because they want more death and violence to keep them in power.
A person swinging a butcher knife is an immediate life threatening reality.
Depending on proximity. Within reach of the victim, yes. Needs to close the gap and the cop has some other weapon, then it's at least reasonable.
Of course, this then introduces the variable of the cop having to make choice of which weapon to use, and we've already seen how that can go down.
If the criminal has a gun, I agree but there are countless stories where they don't or the weapon is not immediately life threatening. In situations like this, I think using these alternatives methods could reduce the unfortunate cases of unnecessary death. I understand where you and WLD are coming from and you're probably right in that nothing will placate the left and media. They are promoting the violence not because they care about people dying but because they want more death and violence to keep them in power.
A person swinging a butcher knife is an immediate life threatening reality.
Depending on proximity. Within reach of the victim, yes. Needs to close the gap and the cop has some other weapon, then it's at least reasonable.
Of course, this then introduces the variable of the cop having to make choice of which weapon to use, and we've already seen how that can go down.
Did you watch the fucking body cam video? She was plenty close enough to the woman she was about to gut.
If the criminal has a gun, I agree but there are countless stories where they don't or the weapon is not immediately life threatening. In situations like this, I think using these alternatives methods could reduce the unfortunate cases of unnecessary death. I understand where you and WLD are coming from and you're probably right in that nothing will placate the left and media. They are promoting the violence not because they care about people dying but because they want more death and violence to keep them in power.
A person swinging a butcher knife is an immediate life threatening reality.
Depending on proximity. Within reach of the victim, yes. Needs to close the gap and the cop has some other weapon, then it's at least reasonable.
Of course, this then introduces the variable of the cop having to make choice of which weapon to use, and we've already seen how that can go down.
Did you watch the fucking body cam video? She was plenty close enough to the woman she was about to gut.
Yes she was but the officers have to now decide is their own life worth sacrificing over the potential harm or even death of the victim. This is a serious quandry now and all I'm saying is the option should be considered.
There wasn't any gun play in those days that I recall, but if you pulled out a knife, you could expect a Louisville slugger upside your head a couple seconds later.
I did see a guy knock an Aberdeen dude out in the high school porking lot by punching right through his rolled up window. I decided not to fuck around with that guy after seeing that.
And be ready for the civil suits for harmed feelings.
Are these people this fucking stupid?
Turn it over the private sector. They'll come up with something. Never say never.
Of course, this then introduces the variable of the cop having to make choice of which weapon to use, and we've already seen how that can go down.