to Libs on this board, BLM activists, left spazztic politicians......Fuck you
Fuck you for defending lawless thugs/criminals
Fuck you for making every goddam police confrontation white/black. Way too many moving parts to make such lazy, thoughtless claims
Fuck you for being quoted in this article saying we are in the midst of an "Actual genocide". Completely offensive to real victims of real genocides in Congo, Cambodia, WW2, Chile, etc.
Fuck you for never blaming the criminals' actions, which are forcing the officers' hands, proving themselves to be a danger to themselves, the responding cops, and others.
And most of all....
Fuck you for gaslighting me and others like me that want peace and equality of opportunity. It's not our fault or every white cops' fault that your "Heroes" can't follow rules, stay sober, or quit attacking others with deadly weapons.
Fuck you
Fucking A, man...I hate it but what TF else was that cop supposed to do?
I would say fuck you for comparing a cop saving someone’s life to a murderer kneeling on a mans neck for 9 minutes for no reason.
Fuck you for never blaming the criminals' actions, which are forcing the officers' hands, proving themselves to be a danger to themselves, the responding cops, and others.
All sides need to take accountability for their actions ...
We need to have all parties de-escalate to get the temperature down ...
Cops are being put in extremely difficult and dangerous positions where the potential for something to go wrong is happening too often.
We also have to be honest and recognize that as a society we're showing the lowest levels of respect for following the rule of law at any point in my life.
Both have to improve for us to get meaningful levels of de-escalation.
Chauvin needed to get off his neck. Totally too many minutes passed and he killed Floyd, no doubt.
You missed the point, like most on your side of the aisle. The neck press was unjustified, NOT race related.
You side lazily and with sinister intent lumps ALL these confrontations together in one bag of racial
Floyd forced his hand by breaking the law, being high, and saying he couldn't breathe like 45 times before hitting the turf.
The prosecutor said absolutely Jack shit about race or systemic police brutality during the trial. If he built his case on that, would've been destroyed. Play time doesn't fly in a prudent court of law.
Kobe, I truly hope you see the light. Your side includes Waters, Sharpton, Holder, BLM, punks in the streets, Biden, Harris. All sell-outs to the race card, regardless how many steps back it takes our society.
They don't care about fixing anything, just stirring/dividing.
You're being duped.
Would be a real headline
- Have you ever done use of force training?
- Have you ever done a ride along with your local police department or sheriff’s office?
Little known fact.
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