How about we make a deal? The masks work cult can have their victory and we wear them indoors where required. In exchange, a little self awareness on their part: End the lockdowns, and wearing masks outside and having to sanitize everything is also recognized as being bad advice.
No fucking trades! Sanitize away but no fucking masks
That’s a great post by me. The complete lack of sense of humor on the right is your own problem.
Plenty of studies have shown masks work. The one that’s been debunked for lying about masks poisoning you and rambles on about how dehumanizing it is, doesn’t deserve a serious response.
That’s sounds amazing but is utterly untrue. The only studies that show masks do anything are studies of N95 masks worn by people trained not to touch them while wearing them...and still then they are only marginally beneficial. The idea all these cloth masks people take on and off all the time are scientifically proven to do anything is both fraudulent and idiotic, and if you can’t look at a world-wide set of data the last year and question this nonexistent “scientific” consensus you don’t have critical thinking bone in your body.
Or as the WHO...”acknowledges that we lack evidence that wearing a mask protects healthy persons from SARS-CoV-2.”
I wonder if people thought about masks being advised to help the general public alleviate fears about carrying out routine everyday tasks?
Problem is that the doubling down on masks has been to the point where people then go one step further and have treated masks as these magical devices to keep them safe from COVID
Masks aren't the worst part. It's the smug arrogance and ignorance shown by many attention-seeking mask addicts who think they're doing something heroic.
How about we make a deal? The masks work cult can have their victory and we wear them indoors where required. In exchange, a little self awareness on their part: End the lockdowns, and wearing masks outside and having to sanitize everything is also recognized as being bad advice.
Without the pandemic, Libs would have nothing to offer anyone. What has the Biden Admin done worthwhile since coming into office except to keep doing what Trump did?
Put the lid back on before you expose the Libs to scrutiny.
On my morning walk a gal was walking towards me with her mask on and of course I don't have one since I am OUTSIDE but I digress.
She mad a production of moving off of the sidewalk and putting her hand over her mask as she walked by trying to mask shame me I suppose
I laughed. I really wanted to give her the scoop on CDC recommendations on putting your fucking hand in your face but figured that might just finish her
A not surprising number of folks will move out to the street as they pass.
Fear sells. And its hard to get back off the shelf
How about we make a deal? The masks work cult can have their victory and we wear them indoors where required. In exchange, a little self awareness on their part: End the lockdowns, and wearing masks outside and having to sanitize everything is also recognized as being bad advice.
How about we make a deal? The masks work cult can have their victory and we wear them indoors where required. In exchange, a little self awareness on their part: End the lockdowns, and wearing masks outside and having to sanitize everything is also recognized as being bad advice.
no deal man
they can take a long walk off a short dock
The businesses have no choice. It's a state mandate, so I'll mask-up for their sake.
The virtue signalers and "Believe in (Junk) Science" dumb-asses can continue their hysteria all they want, and I'll keep laughing at them.
How about we make a deal? The masks work cult can have their victory and we wear them indoors where required. In exchange, a little self awareness on their part: End the lockdowns, and wearing masks outside and having to sanitize everything is also recognized as being bad advice.
no deal man
they can take a long walk off a short dock
The businesses have no choice. It's a state mandate, so I'll mask-up for their sake.
The virtue signalers and "Believe in (Junk) Science" dumb-asses can continue their hysteria all they want, and I'll keep laughing at them.
The governor ended the mask bullshit here. Predictably places with plenty of SJW losers like Flagstaff and Tucson went nuts. You still basically have to wear them here. If you go to Benson, they DGAF. Lardass unfunny middle aged radio hosts who have had 13 months to get healthier bitch and moan about it.
Put the lid back on before you expose the Libs to scrutiny.
My wife made the same comment the other day.
But the chances increase with each cat you own, so proceed with caution.
She mad a production of moving off of the sidewalk and putting her hand over her mask as she walked by trying to mask shame me I suppose
I laughed. I really wanted to give her the scoop on CDC recommendations on putting your fucking hand in your face but figured that might just finish her
A not surprising number of folks will move out to the street as they pass.
Fear sells. And its hard to get back off the shelf
And the big cats are next.
they can take a long walk off a short dock
The virtue signalers and "Believe in (Junk) Science" dumb-asses can continue their hysteria all they want, and I'll keep laughing at them.
My house my rules. No
The public calls it the Stanford study. It’s the Stanford study.