I don't want Yaledawg here. He's a little too serious and stuffy for this place. I imagine that he'd leave for good the first time he saw a post under the handle Cuntwaffle. The concept of dm.c is perfect for him because there are rules in place that fit his style perfectly. The only problem is that the site is run by ego-maniacal half wits who can't get out of their own way and even he isn't happy there anymore.
I enjoy the format and some of the subject matter at dm.c and would still be a member there if it was run by someone other than Grinolds, Fetters and Ecklund. I probably speak for most of the guys here in that regard.
Disagree. PuppySteel obviously hates Yale, which would make it great entertainment if he came here. Bleenor would be great too.
I thought I read Bleens made an appearance. Im sorry I missed the 53 seconds he could take it here.
I don't want Yaledawg here. He's a little too serious and stuffy for this place. I imagine that he'd leave for good the first time he saw a post under the handle Cuntwaffle. The concept of dm.c is perfect for him because there are rules in place that fit his style perfectly. The only problem is that the site is run by ego-maniacal half wits who can't get out of their own way and even he isn't happy there anymore.
I enjoy the format and some of the subject matter at dm.c and would still be a member there if it was run by someone other than Grinolds, Fetters and Ecklund. I probably speak for most of the guys here in that regard.
Disagree. PuppySteel obviously hates Yale, which would make it great entertainment if he came here. Bleenor would be great too.
I thought I read Bleens made an appearance. Im sorry I missed the 53 seconds he could take it here.
According to Derek he did, but I missed the 53 seconds as well. I wish he would come back. This board of know nothing simpletons could really use an insider.
We don't have any experts. Even though you were a drummer boy in the UW band, your value as master film study expert is welcome here. Please tell us about our recruits and share your film expertise you ignorant fucking cunt. You don't have a clue how to analyze one frame of football film you foolish bastard.
People over there are going to call your bluff soon as I'll make sure of it. You're the biggest fraud @ dawgman, and that's hard to do. It makes you feel good to have a following , more like herd, of new young and dumb impressionable doogie chargees, who buy your cock sucking film study garbage.
Toss off Yale (you went to LW Voc Tech) . I know you by the way, and I know you're full of shit. Games up fucko. Put your hands in the air while kim frisks your dumbass.
We don't have any experts. Even though you were a drummer boy in the UW band, your value as master film study expert is welcome here. Please tell us about our recruits and share your film expertise you ignorant fucking cunt. You don't have a clue how to analyze one frame of football film you foolish bastard.
People over there are going to call your bluff soon as I'll make sure of it. You're the biggest fraud @ dawgman, and that's hard to do. It makes you feel good to have a following , more like herd, of new young and dumb impressionable doogie chargees, who buy your cock sucking film study garbage.
Toss off Yale (you went to LW Voc Tech) . I know you by the way, and I know you're full of shit. Games up fucko. Put your hands in the air while kim frisks your dumbass.
PL_SS is the fucking gold standard of posters. If he ever stops posting here, I'm out. He called a dude "sweet tits." It literally gets no better than that.
Too bad YaleDawg never showed his face in this bitch
Just received this message from a guy (who shall remain anonymous) that I've interacted with over the years on DM and HH: "Just a quick personal note to say thanks for your perspectives on UW football over the years. I haven't always agreed with you, but I've appreciated your passion for the program. I had hoped this site would be a place to have fun discussing football, but even the few promising threads ultimately devolve into insults and name calling. While I certainly don't always agree with Kim, after hanging out here for a while, he has a point: some of the shtick gets old after a while. The older I get, the more I judge activities by whether I enjoy them, and I simply don't enjoy having my intelligence questioned by a bunch of internet idiots. Perhaps I will catch you in the future at another site somewhere between DM and HH. Anyway, carry on the good fight and feel free to drop an email if you want to discuss Dawgs."
The guy that sent me this note is NO fan of kim or any of the other jerks over at DM.
Look, I'm not going to advocate for people to be censored (like the d-bags that ruined DM), nor am I going to lecture anybody. I will only say that this website has the opportunity to become a REAL and UNFILTERED alternative to DM. The problem is that a few folks on here insist on turning threads into name-calling and 8th-grade-level cursing contests, or just an opportunity to 'zing' other people.
I'll be the first to say that at times I've been guilty of that BS as well.
I guess my only suggestion is that some folks should decide if they want this to become the website that ALL OF US have described at one time or another - a place of INTELLIGENT analysis where INTENSE criticism and UNSCRIPTED opinion is welcome - or do we want HH to be just a place of one-liners, biting insults, and contests to tear down others. I realize that it's often both, but I tend to agree with this guy that it tilts a little too much toward the latter.
Just received this message from a guy (who shall remain anonymous) that I've interacted with over the years on DM and HH: "Just a quick personal note to say thanks for your perspectives on UW football over the years. I haven't always agreed with you, but I've appreciated your passion for the program. I had hoped this site would be a place to have fun discussing football, but even the few promising threads ultimately devolve into insults and name calling. While I certainly don't always agree with Kim, after hanging out here for a while, he has a point: some of the shtick gets old after a while. The older I get, the more I judge activities by whether I enjoy them, and I simply don't enjoy having my intelligence questioned by a bunch of internet idiots. Perhaps I will catch you in the future at another site somewhere between DM and HH. Anyway, carry on the good fight and feel free to drop an email if you want to discuss Dawgs."
The guy that sent me this note is NO fan of kim or any of the other jerks over at DM.
Look, I'm not going to advocate for people to be censored (like the d-bags that ruined DM), nor am I going to lecture anybody. I will only say that this website has the opportunity to become a REAL and UNFILTERED alternative to DM. The problem is that a few folks on here insist on turning threads into name-calling and 8th-grade-level cursing contests, or just an opportunity to 'zing' other people.
I'll be the first to say that at times I've been guilty of that BS as well.
I guess my only suggestion is that some folks should decide if they want this to become the website that ALL OF US have described at one time or another - a place of INTELLIGENT analysis where INTENSE criticism and UNSCRIPTED opinion is welcome - or do we want HH to be just a place of one-liners, biting insults, and contests to tear down others. I realize that it's often both, but I tend to agree with this guy that it tilts a little too much toward the latter.
Just a thought. Peace. Now fire away.