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The Chump Effect

WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,012 Standard Supporter
If YOU want to pay for a degree in Women's Studies from a sh*tty leftard run college, feel free. But, subsidizing the mental destruction of our citizenry is not a long-term survival skill.


Last January, a small but telling exchange took place at an Elizabeth Warren campaign event in Grimes, Iowa. At the time, Warren was attracting support from the Democratic Party’s left flank, with her bulging portfolio of progressive proposals. “Warren Has a Plan for That” read her campaign T-shirts. The biggest buzz surrounded her $1.25 trillion plan to pay off student-loan debt for most Americans.

A man approached Warren with a question. “My daughter is getting out of school. I’ve saved all my money [so that] she doesn’t have any student loans. Am I going to get my money back?”

“Of course not,” Warren replied.

“So you’re going to pay for people who didn’t save any money, and those of us who did the right thing get screwed?”

A video of the exchange went viral. It summed up the frustration many feel over the way progressive policies so often benefit select groups, while subtly undermining others. Saving money to send your children to college used to be considered a hallmark of middle-class responsibility. By subsidizing people who run up large debts, Warren’s policy would penalize those who took that responsibility seriously. “You’re laughing at me,” the man said, when Warren seemed to wave off his concerns. “That’s exactly what you’re doing. We did the right thing and we get screwed.”

That father was expressing an emotion growing more common these days: he felt like a chump. Feeling like a chump doesn’t just mean being upset that your taxes are rising or annoyed that you’re missing out on some windfall. It’s more visceral than that. People feel like chumps when they believe that they’ve played a game by the rules, only to discover that the game is rigged. Not only are they losing, they realize, but their good sportsmanship is being exploited. The players flouting the rules are the ones who get the trophy. Like that Iowa dad, the chumps of modern America feel that the life choices they’re most proud of—working hard, taking care of their families, being good citizens—aren’t just undervalued, but scorned.

The “Chump Effect” could be going (even more) viral soon:



  • TheKobeStopperTheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959
    There is nothing that came be done that won’t make some people mad. What a stupid argument.
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358
    Should provide for some retroactive tax credits. I don’t feel screwed, but I can appreciate why many would. And American policy should lose the idea that progress is everyone going to college. It’s not.
  • BendintheriverBendintheriver Member Posts: 5,837 Standard Supporter
    Classic socialism. To the victors go the spoils and the hard working Americans who take personal responsibility seriously get screwed and have to pay for the free loaders.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,012 Standard Supporter

    There is nothing that came be done that won’t make some people mad. What a stupid argument.

    The argument is that "free college" is a stupid idea and that those who got played do have a righteous anger.
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358

    There is nothing that came be done that won’t make some people mad. What a stupid argument.

    I’m sympathetic. We spent a shitload of money sending three kids to college. There should be some recognition of that for people of moderate means who paid outrageous sums.
  • alumni94alumni94 Member Posts: 4,858
    American tired socialism, it almost killed them.

    This Thanksgiving, be thankful for Capitalism.

  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,541 Standard Supporter
    The Throbber has no problem with student loan restructuring. Put the English Lit majors to work re-building bridges, managing the forests, teaching inner city kids...whatever. Don't whine to me because your Women's Swahili Study degree gets you a job as a barista instead of pulling down big jack in tech.

    Ain't no free lunch in this world. Bad choices mean consequences. Doesn't mean a lifetime of suck - but provide means to get out from under shitty choices and then stop making bad choices.

    Life ain't that hard, folks.

  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,100 Standard Supporter

    There is nothing that came be done that won’t make some people mad. What a stupid argument.

    We are not forgiving your interpretive dance masters degree.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    There is nothing that came be done that won’t make some people mad. What a stupid argument.

    Why do you feel entitled to the labor of others for the choices you made?
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
    Maybe we should subsidize All gamblers bets up to $50,000 just to make it Fair
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358
    edited November 2020
    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    There is nothing that came be done that won’t make some people mad. What a stupid argument.

    I’m sympathetic. We spent a shitload of money sending three kids to college. There should be some recognition of that for people of moderate means who paid outrageous sums.
    I recognize it, now do you feel better? But no fucking way should other taxpayers be subsidizing you for the choices you made. This is a slap in the face to people who chose not to go to college and those of us who paid our own way through college.

    Why should I or anyone else be subsidizing someone who chose to go to an expensive private college or for that matter any college? Should the guy who works as a plumber really be subsidizing the gender studies major that went to Oberlin?

    My comment was based on the assumption that there will be some student loan debt relief. I think that’s a virtual certainty, don’t you? If it comes, I think parents who sacrificed to send kids to school in recent years should also get some relief.
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358
    doogie said:


  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    HHusky said:

    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    There is nothing that came be done that won’t make some people mad. What a stupid argument.

    I’m sympathetic. We spent a shitload of money sending three kids to college. There should be some recognition of that for people of moderate means who paid outrageous sums.
    I recognize it, now do you feel better? But no fucking way should other taxpayers be subsidizing you for the choices you made. This is a slap in the face to people who chose not to go to college and those of us who paid our own way through college.

    Why should I or anyone else be subsidizing someone who chose to go to an expensive private college or for that matter any college? Should the guy who works as a plumber really be subsidizing the gender studies major that went to Oberlin?

    My comment was based on the assumption that there will be some student loan debt relief. I think that’s a virtual certainty, don’t you? If it comes, I think parents who sacrificed to send kids to school in recent years should also get some relief.
    If the GOP holds the Senate it isn't a certainty and the fact that it is even being considered is fucking outrageous. Blue collar folks subsidizing people who chose to go to college is class warfare in reverse. I couldn't afford to attend a private school. Why should I pay for someone who could have easily attended a less expensive school but now has tens of thousands in student loan debt on account of choosing to go to a private or out of state school? No, you shouldn't get any relief.
  • TheKobeStopperTheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959
    HHusky said:

    There is nothing that came be done that won’t make some people mad. What a stupid argument.

    I’m sympathetic. We spent a shitload of money sending three kids to college. There should be some recognition of that for people of moderate means who paid outrageous sums.
    I’m not convinced that the people saying we shouldn’t do it because they already paid, aren’t just right wingers who would oppose it regardless.

    I do think there’s lot of people like you, who could support it but feel it’s unfair. And, for the record, it is unfair.

    I don’t know what you mean by “recognition”. I would say by cancelling the debt we are acknowledging that the people before got a raw deal. I don’t think any kind of compensation is on the table because the right would scream about how are we going to pay for that and dems don’t have the courage to stand up to that nonsense.
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358

    HHusky said:

    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    There is nothing that came be done that won’t make some people mad. What a stupid argument.

    I’m sympathetic. We spent a shitload of money sending three kids to college. There should be some recognition of that for people of moderate means who paid outrageous sums.
    I recognize it, now do you feel better? But no fucking way should other taxpayers be subsidizing you for the choices you made. This is a slap in the face to people who chose not to go to college and those of us who paid our own way through college.

    Why should I or anyone else be subsidizing someone who chose to go to an expensive private college or for that matter any college? Should the guy who works as a plumber really be subsidizing the gender studies major that went to Oberlin?

    My comment was based on the assumption that there will be some student loan debt relief. I think that’s a virtual certainty, don’t you? If it comes, I think parents who sacrificed to send kids to school in recent years should also get some relief.
    Work it off. What other 'debt relief' are you planning on pawning off on normal working joe taxpayer?

    Parents who paid for English Lit degrees are dumbfucks. Same dumbfuck parents who think 5'2" Johnny should be on the varsity basketball team because he loves the game so much and they paid for private coaching sessions.


    I’m thinking I’ll be paying a lot more for this than “normal joe”. “normal joe” doesn’t make so much that he pays a ton of federal income tax. The bad policies that led us to this point are spilled milk.
  • LebamDawgLebamDawg Member Posts: 8,664 Standard Supporter
    It is a good idea but I think it should only go to blacks that have suffered from slavery.

    this in lieu of reparations -

    and by the way @TheKobeStopper What an asshole comment in reply to HH
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