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if you think Biden won



  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    Nixon was praised in 1960 for shutting up and taking it as a true statesman. He got his reward by getting the usual full court media hate press and eventually being run out of town

    60 years later the GOP still thinks this is a neat strategy.

    Yes this is absolutely true
    Elected to two terms as President = Run out of town

    Stalin agrees
    This doesn't make sense and it appears that you're intentionally misrepresenting what I said. This is why I disregard most of what you post.
    So you responded to Race's remark about Nixon's concession in 1960 because . . .?
    He referenced how Nixon took the stately gentleman high road in 1960 and it didn't matter 13 years later when the media ganged up and destroyed him. I was agreeing wholeheartedly with what Race said.
    Destroyed for his criminality. Really unfair. Kinda mean even.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    Democrats never cheat in Philly. Totally honest.

    South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates

    by Mensah M. Dean and Julie Shaw, Updated: May 21, 2020

    Domenick J. DeMuro, 73, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for the judicial candidates and for other candidates seeking office in the 2014 and 2016 primary elections. And he admitted violating the Travel Act, which forbids the use of a cell phone to promote illegal activity, McSwain’s office said.

    DeMuro, who could not be reached for comment, was paid between $300 and $5,000 for each election, the office said.

    So a guy taking hundreds of dollars and still getting caught definitely encourages voter fraud. That's satire BTW.
    Yes, yes and everyone who engages in voter fraud always gets caught.
  • TheRoarOfTheCrowdTheRoarOfTheCrowd Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 1,684 Founders Club
    edited November 2020
    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    Nixon was praised in 1960 for shutting up and taking it as a true statesman. He got his reward by getting the usual full court media hate press and eventually being run out of town

    60 years later the GOP still thinks this is a neat strategy.

    Yes this is absolutely true
    Elected to two terms as President = Run out of town

    Stalin agrees
    So Nixon wasn't ran out of town? You're getting stupider Dazzler. The fact that he was elected twice doesn't negate the fact he was run out of town.
    He didn't get run out of town for his statesmanship in 1960, which was the entire point.
    Dumb as a fucking rock

    Right. Who can possibly forget that Nixon's only legal exposure in 1974 was for conceding the 1960 Presidential race?

    You really are drinking more.
    I forgive you, you just don't know the history and you don't know that you don't know as the saying goes...

    Sorry in advance for the length of this, here is the history... even though Nixon WAS gracious about the 1960 election irregularities the press hated him with a vengeance and following his defeat for the governorship in 1962 he bowed out for a lengthy period with a press conference where he told off the press.

    Here is the back story as summarized by Wikipedia

    " 1962 California gubernatorial election
    At the time, California had been considered a reliably Republican stronghold. Following World War II, all of the state's governors and US Senators had been Republican until Pat Brown was elected Governor of California and Clair Engle was elected U.S. Senator in 1958, bucking the trend.

    US President Dwight Eisenhower, with Nixon as his vice presidential running mate, had carried California in both 1952 and 1956, and Nixon was defeated by John F. Kennedy there in the 1960 presidential election. Nixon was widely viewed by the California Republican Party as its best hope for defeating the popular Brown to retake the governor's mansion, itself perceived as a prominent stepping stone for a rematch against Kennedy in 1964.

    In a hard and bitterly fought campaign, early polling showed Nixon winning by a significant margin. The polls showed Brown, who made a point of not beginning to campaign until late in the season[4], closing the margin in the days before the election, but Nixon was still favored to win. Brown won the election, and the 5% margin stunned Nixon and political pundits nationwide.

    Press conference
    As election results came in on Tuesday, November 6, Election Day, Nixon and his staff monitored results at a suite in the Beverly Hilton Hotel in what was becoming a tighter race than expected. Nixon's press secretary Herbert G. Klein held a news conference at 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday, telling the assembled reporters that despite trailing Brown by 90,000 votes at that time, Nixon was going to bed without issuing a concession, as there appeared to be sufficient uncounted votes in reliably Republican Orange County and San Diego County to overturn Brown's margin.[1]

    As the night progressed, the returns showed a tide of additional votes for Brown, who had pulled 250,000 votes ahead of Nixon. By 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Nixon sent a congratulatory telegram to Brown that read, "Congratulations on your re-election as Governor. I wish you the best in your great honor and opportunity which you now have to lead the first state in the nation." Klein appeared before the press and started his press conference with the announcement that Nixon would not speak to the media; 10 minutes into Klein's press conference, an aide notified him that Nixon would indeed speak to the media.[1]

    A tired-looking Nixon spoke with a quavering voice, delivering what was described as a "15-minute monologue."[1] He spent most of the talk criticizing the press, his remarks interrupted only by brief interjections from reporters, but he acknowledged well into his remarks that the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962 did not allow his campaign to get his message across during the final two weeks in his election bid.[5] Nixon began his remarks stating that "now that all the members of the press are so delighted that I have lost, I'd like to make a statement of my own."[5] Nixon insisted that the press had attacked him since 1948 following the Alger Hiss case. He said: "I leave you gentlemen now. And you will now write it. You will interpret it. That's your right. But as I leave you, I want you to know: just think how much you're going to be missing. You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore. Because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

  • HustlinOwlHustlinOwl Member Posts: 953

    Democrats never cheat in Philly. Totally honest.

    South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates

    by Mensah M. Dean and Julie Shaw, Updated: May 21, 2020

    Domenick J. DeMuro, 73, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for the judicial candidates and for other candidates seeking office in the 2014 and 2016 primary elections. And he admitted violating the Travel Act, which forbids the use of a cell phone to promote illegal activity, McSwain’s office said.

    DeMuro, who could not be reached for comment, was paid between $300 and $5,000 for each election, the office said.

    So a guy taking hundreds of dollars and still getting caught definitely encourages voter fraud. That's satire BTW.
    The Philadelphia Inquirer is “satire?” Do you even know what that word means, Dildo Baggins of the Shire?

    You are so fucking stupid going way back. Never change, you adorable, lumpy, goofy dumbshit.
    No dipshit, my comment. People who commit voter fraud get caught and go to jail. Very very few would attempt it and not on some national level spanning several states. It's all nonsense.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    Democrats never cheat in Philly. Totally honest.

    South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates

    by Mensah M. Dean and Julie Shaw, Updated: May 21, 2020

    Domenick J. DeMuro, 73, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for the judicial candidates and for other candidates seeking office in the 2014 and 2016 primary elections. And he admitted violating the Travel Act, which forbids the use of a cell phone to promote illegal activity, McSwain’s office said.

    DeMuro, who could not be reached for comment, was paid between $300 and $5,000 for each election, the office said.

    So a guy taking hundreds of dollars and still getting caught definitely encourages voter fraud. That's satire BTW.
    The Philadelphia Inquirer is “satire?” Do you even know what that word means, Dildo Baggins of the Shire?

    You are so fucking stupid going way back. Never change, you adorable, lumpy, goofy dumbshit.
    No dipshit, my comment. People who commit voter fraud get caught and go to jail. Very very few would attempt it and not on some national level spanning several states. It's all nonsense.
    Look at the child who believes that everyone who commits a crime gets caught. So cute.
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    Nixon was praised in 1960 for shutting up and taking it as a true statesman. He got his reward by getting the usual full court media hate press and eventually being run out of town

    60 years later the GOP still thinks this is a neat strategy.

    Yes this is absolutely true
    Elected to two terms as President = Run out of town

    Stalin agrees
    So Nixon wasn't ran out of town? You're getting stupider Dazzler. The fact that he was elected twice doesn't negate the fact he was run out of town.
    He didn't get run out of town for his statesmanship in 1960, which was the entire point.
    Dumb as a fucking rock

    Right. Who can possibly forget that Nixon's only legal exposure in 1974 was for conceding the 1960 Presidential race?

    You really are drinking more.
    I forgive you, you just don't know the history and you don't know that you don't know as the saying goes...

    Sorry in advance for the length of this, here is the history... even though Nixon WAS gracious about the 1960 election irregularities the press hated him with a vengeance and following his defeat for the governorship in 1962 he bowed out for a lengthy period with a press conference where he told off the press.

    Here is the back story as summarized by Wikipedia

    " 1962 California gubernatorial election
    At the time, California had been considered a reliably Republican stronghold. Following World War II, all of the state's governors and US Senators had been Republican until Pat Brown was elected Governor of California and Clair Engle was elected U.S. Senator in 1958, bucking the trend.

    US President Dwight Eisenhower, with Nixon as his vice presidential running mate, had carried California in both 1952 and 1956, and Nixon was defeated by John F. Kennedy there in the 1960 presidential election. Nixon was widely viewed by the California Republican Party as its best hope for defeating the popular Brown to retake the governor's mansion, itself perceived as a prominent stepping stone for a rematch against Kennedy in 1964.

    In a hard and bitterly fought campaign, early polling showed Nixon winning by a significant margin. The polls showed Brown, who made a point of not beginning to campaign until late in the season[4], closing the margin in the days before the election, but Nixon was still favored to win. Brown won the election, and the 5% margin stunned Nixon and political pundits nationwide.

    Press conference
    As election results came in on Tuesday, November 6, Election Day, Nixon and his staff monitored results at a suite in the Beverly Hilton Hotel in what was becoming a tighter race than expected. Nixon's press secretary Herbert G. Klein held a news conference at 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday, telling the assembled reporters that despite trailing Brown by 90,000 votes at that time, Nixon was going to bed without issuing a concession, as there appeared to be sufficient uncounted votes in reliably Republican Orange County and San Diego County to overturn Brown's margin.[1]

    As the night progressed, the returns showed a tide of additional votes for Brown, who had pulled 250,000 votes ahead of Nixon. By 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Nixon sent a congratulatory telegram to Brown that read, "Congratulations on your re-election as Governor. I wish you the best in your great honor and opportunity which you now have to lead the first state in the nation." Klein appeared before the press and started his press conference with the announcement that Nixon would not speak to the media; 10 minutes into Klein's press conference, an aide notified him that Nixon would indeed speak to the media.[1]

    A tired-looking Nixon spoke with a quavering voice, delivering what was described as a "15-minute monologue."[1] He spent most of the talk criticizing the press, his remarks interrupted only by brief interjections from reporters, but he acknowledged well into his remarks that the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962 did not allow his campaign to get his message across during the final two weeks in his election bid.[5] Nixon began his remarks stating that "now that all the members of the press are so delighted that I have lost, I'd like to make a statement of my own."[5] Nixon insisted that the press had attacked him since 1948 following the Alger Hiss case. He said: "I leave you gentlemen now. And you will now write it. You will interpret it. That's your right. But as I leave you, I want you to know: just think how much you're going to be missing. You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore. Because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

    No one says the press didn't dislike Nixon. And he was a political dirty trickster from the very beginning.

    However, the attempt to suggest he was "run out of town" by the press and for anything besides his own criminality is kind of silly.

  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,942
    This may be a naive thought - because I've never been anywhere near the election system and don't know the mechanics - but could the government spare a few hundred million to have the big 4 accounting firms do regional audits? Is there some kind of audit by an outside party not contolled by the government already in place?

    It wouldn't have to be every single vote ... just like it's not every single transaction that the independent audit firms do on their conglomerate clients. A statistically significant spot audit. Maybe you do it in states where the vote was within some number of closeness. Maybe you do it in swing states.

    IDK. Seems like it's about as fundamental a process as we have in this country. Why not make an effort to ensure it's clean?
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    Nixon was praised in 1960 for shutting up and taking it as a true statesman. He got his reward by getting the usual full court media hate press and eventually being run out of town

    60 years later the GOP still thinks this is a neat strategy.

    Yes this is absolutely true
    Elected to two terms as President = Run out of town

    Stalin agrees
    So Nixon wasn't ran out of town? You're getting stupider Dazzler. The fact that he was elected twice doesn't negate the fact he was run out of town.
    He didn't get run out of town for his statesmanship in 1960, which was the entire point.
    Dumb as a fucking rock

    Right. Who can possibly forget that Nixon's only legal exposure in 1974 was for conceding the 1960 Presidential race?

    You really are drinking more.
    I forgive you, you just don't know the history and you don't know that you don't know as the saying goes...

    Sorry in advance for the length of this, here is the history... even though Nixon WAS gracious about the 1960 election irregularities the press hated him with a vengeance and following his defeat for the governorship in 1962 he bowed out for a lengthy period with a press conference where he told off the press.

    Here is the back story as summarized by Wikipedia

    " 1962 California gubernatorial election
    At the time, California had been considered a reliably Republican stronghold. Following World War II, all of the state's governors and US Senators had been Republican until Pat Brown was elected Governor of California and Clair Engle was elected U.S. Senator in 1958, bucking the trend.

    US President Dwight Eisenhower, with Nixon as his vice presidential running mate, had carried California in both 1952 and 1956, and Nixon was defeated by John F. Kennedy there in the 1960 presidential election. Nixon was widely viewed by the California Republican Party as its best hope for defeating the popular Brown to retake the governor's mansion, itself perceived as a prominent stepping stone for a rematch against Kennedy in 1964.

    In a hard and bitterly fought campaign, early polling showed Nixon winning by a significant margin. The polls showed Brown, who made a point of not beginning to campaign until late in the season[4], closing the margin in the days before the election, but Nixon was still favored to win. Brown won the election, and the 5% margin stunned Nixon and political pundits nationwide.

    Press conference
    As election results came in on Tuesday, November 6, Election Day, Nixon and his staff monitored results at a suite in the Beverly Hilton Hotel in what was becoming a tighter race than expected. Nixon's press secretary Herbert G. Klein held a news conference at 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday, telling the assembled reporters that despite trailing Brown by 90,000 votes at that time, Nixon was going to bed without issuing a concession, as there appeared to be sufficient uncounted votes in reliably Republican Orange County and San Diego County to overturn Brown's margin.[1]

    As the night progressed, the returns showed a tide of additional votes for Brown, who had pulled 250,000 votes ahead of Nixon. By 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Nixon sent a congratulatory telegram to Brown that read, "Congratulations on your re-election as Governor. I wish you the best in your great honor and opportunity which you now have to lead the first state in the nation." Klein appeared before the press and started his press conference with the announcement that Nixon would not speak to the media; 10 minutes into Klein's press conference, an aide notified him that Nixon would indeed speak to the media.[1]

    A tired-looking Nixon spoke with a quavering voice, delivering what was described as a "15-minute monologue."[1] He spent most of the talk criticizing the press, his remarks interrupted only by brief interjections from reporters, but he acknowledged well into his remarks that the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962 did not allow his campaign to get his message across during the final two weeks in his election bid.[5] Nixon began his remarks stating that "now that all the members of the press are so delighted that I have lost, I'd like to make a statement of my own."[5] Nixon insisted that the press had attacked him since 1948 following the Alger Hiss case. He said: "I leave you gentlemen now. And you will now write it. You will interpret it. That's your right. But as I leave you, I want you to know: just think how much you're going to be missing. You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore. Because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

    No one says the press didn't dislike Nixon. And he was a political dirty trickster from the very beginning.

    However, the attempt to suggest he was "run out of town" by the press and for anything besides his own criminality is kind of silly.

    Nixon was nowhere near as dirty as the Kennedy's nor Johnson and they press loved them.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,942

    HHusky said:

    SFGbob said:

    Youre going to be so let down when the courts rule in favor of Trump. It's going to happen.

    The salt will be amazing.

    How are the courts going to invalidate a ballot that was sent out to registered voter, and that was filled out and returned? This election was lost as soon as they decided to go with mail in ballots for everyone.
    If you look in the right places on twitter or other websites like, the evidence is overwhelming.

    Also Pizzagate!
    Pizzagate was a meme that was an extension of an absolute truth - that many elites are pedophiles.
    Many people are pedophiles. It's not an illness that knows political and socioeconomic boundaries. I hear Priests do it too.
  • HustlinOwlHustlinOwl Member Posts: 953
    SFGbob said:

    Democrats never cheat in Philly. Totally honest.

    South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates

    by Mensah M. Dean and Julie Shaw, Updated: May 21, 2020

    Domenick J. DeMuro, 73, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for the judicial candidates and for other candidates seeking office in the 2014 and 2016 primary elections. And he admitted violating the Travel Act, which forbids the use of a cell phone to promote illegal activity, McSwain’s office said.

    DeMuro, who could not be reached for comment, was paid between $300 and $5,000 for each election, the office said.

    So a guy taking hundreds of dollars and still getting caught definitely encourages voter fraud. That's satire BTW.
    The Philadelphia Inquirer is “satire?” Do you even know what that word means, Dildo Baggins of the Shire?

    You are so fucking stupid going way back. Never change, you adorable, lumpy, goofy dumbshit.
    No dipshit, my comment. People who commit voter fraud get caught and go to jail. Very very few would attempt it and not on some national level spanning several states. It's all nonsense.
    Look at the child who believes that everyone who commits a crime gets caught. So cute.
    In this case a massive conspiracy by the dnc to produce 100,000s of fraudulent ballots spanning several states? Yeah they get caught. You're smarter than this.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,466 Founders Club
    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    Nixon was praised in 1960 for shutting up and taking it as a true statesman. He got his reward by getting the usual full court media hate press and eventually being run out of town

    60 years later the GOP still thinks this is a neat strategy.

    Yes this is absolutely true
    Elected to two terms as President = Run out of town

    Stalin agrees
    So Nixon wasn't ran out of town? You're getting stupider Dazzler. The fact that he was elected twice doesn't negate the fact he was run out of town.
    He didn't get run out of town for his statesmanship in 1960, which was the entire point.
    Dumb as a fucking rock

    Right. Who can possibly forget that Nixon's only legal exposure in 1974 was for conceding the 1960 Presidential race?

    You really are drinking more.
    I forgive you, you just don't know the history and you don't know that you don't know as the saying goes...

    Sorry in advance for the length of this, here is the history... even though Nixon WAS gracious about the 1960 election irregularities the press hated him with a vengeance and following his defeat for the governorship in 1962 he bowed out for a lengthy period with a press conference where he told off the press.

    Here is the back story as summarized by Wikipedia

    " 1962 California gubernatorial election
    At the time, California had been considered a reliably Republican stronghold. Following World War II, all of the state's governors and US Senators had been Republican until Pat Brown was elected Governor of California and Clair Engle was elected U.S. Senator in 1958, bucking the trend.

    US President Dwight Eisenhower, with Nixon as his vice presidential running mate, had carried California in both 1952 and 1956, and Nixon was defeated by John F. Kennedy there in the 1960 presidential election. Nixon was widely viewed by the California Republican Party as its best hope for defeating the popular Brown to retake the governor's mansion, itself perceived as a prominent stepping stone for a rematch against Kennedy in 1964.

    In a hard and bitterly fought campaign, early polling showed Nixon winning by a significant margin. The polls showed Brown, who made a point of not beginning to campaign until late in the season[4], closing the margin in the days before the election, but Nixon was still favored to win. Brown won the election, and the 5% margin stunned Nixon and political pundits nationwide.

    Press conference
    As election results came in on Tuesday, November 6, Election Day, Nixon and his staff monitored results at a suite in the Beverly Hilton Hotel in what was becoming a tighter race than expected. Nixon's press secretary Herbert G. Klein held a news conference at 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday, telling the assembled reporters that despite trailing Brown by 90,000 votes at that time, Nixon was going to bed without issuing a concession, as there appeared to be sufficient uncounted votes in reliably Republican Orange County and San Diego County to overturn Brown's margin.[1]

    As the night progressed, the returns showed a tide of additional votes for Brown, who had pulled 250,000 votes ahead of Nixon. By 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Nixon sent a congratulatory telegram to Brown that read, "Congratulations on your re-election as Governor. I wish you the best in your great honor and opportunity which you now have to lead the first state in the nation." Klein appeared before the press and started his press conference with the announcement that Nixon would not speak to the media; 10 minutes into Klein's press conference, an aide notified him that Nixon would indeed speak to the media.[1]

    A tired-looking Nixon spoke with a quavering voice, delivering what was described as a "15-minute monologue."[1] He spent most of the talk criticizing the press, his remarks interrupted only by brief interjections from reporters, but he acknowledged well into his remarks that the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962 did not allow his campaign to get his message across during the final two weeks in his election bid.[5] Nixon began his remarks stating that "now that all the members of the press are so delighted that I have lost, I'd like to make a statement of my own."[5] Nixon insisted that the press had attacked him since 1948 following the Alger Hiss case. He said: "I leave you gentlemen now. And you will now write it. You will interpret it. That's your right. But as I leave you, I want you to know: just think how much you're going to be missing. You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore. Because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

    No one says the press didn't dislike Nixon. And he was a political dirty trickster from the very beginning.

    However, the attempt to suggest he was "run out of town" by the press and for anything besides his own criminality is kind of silly.

    Nixon was nowhere near as dirty as the Kennedy's nor Johnson and they press loved them.
    Yeah like Kennedy stole the election as the original point was

    H is such a fucking dumbass
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    SFGbob said:

    Democrats never cheat in Philly. Totally honest.

    South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates

    by Mensah M. Dean and Julie Shaw, Updated: May 21, 2020

    Domenick J. DeMuro, 73, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for the judicial candidates and for other candidates seeking office in the 2014 and 2016 primary elections. And he admitted violating the Travel Act, which forbids the use of a cell phone to promote illegal activity, McSwain’s office said.

    DeMuro, who could not be reached for comment, was paid between $300 and $5,000 for each election, the office said.

    So a guy taking hundreds of dollars and still getting caught definitely encourages voter fraud. That's satire BTW.
    The Philadelphia Inquirer is “satire?” Do you even know what that word means, Dildo Baggins of the Shire?

    You are so fucking stupid going way back. Never change, you adorable, lumpy, goofy dumbshit.
    No dipshit, my comment. People who commit voter fraud get caught and go to jail. Very very few would attempt it and not on some national level spanning several states. It's all nonsense.
    Look at the child who believes that everyone who commits a crime gets caught. So cute.
    In this case a massive conspiracy by the dnc to produce 100,000s of fraudulent ballots spanning several states? Yeah they get caught. You're smarter than this.
    That's a good Kunt, I'd change the topic to. Rats didn't need to create fraudulent ballots once the states decided to mail everyone on the voter rolls a ballot whether they request one or not.

    From that moment on they had all the votes they needed, just needed to make sure they were filled out and collected. Tough to do in any rural area, easy to do in a city like Detroit, or Atlanta or Philly.
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358

    This may be a naive thought - because I've never been anywhere near the election system and don't know the mechanics - but could the government spare a few hundred million to have the big 4 accounting firms do regional audits? Is there some kind of audit by an outside party not contolled by the government already in place?

    It wouldn't have to be every single vote ... just like it's not every single transaction that the independent audit firms do on their conglomerate clients. A statistically significant spot audit. Maybe you do it in states where the vote was within some number of closeness. Maybe you do it in swing states.

    IDK. Seems like it's about as fundamental a process as we have in this country. Why not make an effort to ensure it's clean?

    My biggest issue with that is that it seems to be a check on the honesty of the process based solely upon innuendo and rumor and Twitter and Facebook, etc. Never any evidence.

    The process has many, many checks and safeguards as it is. I can't be the only one who has heard from County Elections to ask whether my now much messier signature really is my signature, for example. The story involving a supposed 118 year old Michigan voter only got identified because people already check; and it's already been explained too. The South Carolina search for the supposed 800 dead voters of several years ago concluded with a goose egg.
  • HouhuskyHouhusky Member Posts: 5,537

    This may be a naive thought - because I've never been anywhere near the election system and don't know the mechanics - but could the government spare a few hundred million to have the big 4 accounting firms do regional audits? Is there some kind of audit by an outside party not contolled by the government already in place?

    It wouldn't have to be every single vote ... just like it's not every single transaction that the independent audit firms do on their conglomerate clients. A statistically significant spot audit. Maybe you do it in states where the vote was within some number of closeness. Maybe you do it in swing states.

    IDK. Seems like it's about as fundamental a process as we have in this country. Why not make an effort to ensure it's clean?

    Good question.

    Just simply requiring the reporting of gross total votes cast before any votes are known for each locality would make it significantly harder for the type of infinite 3 am count cheating to occur. Throw in the rather logical cleaning of inactive/ineligible voter rolls and it becomes a lot harder to cheat for basically zero cost.

    We used to collect and have granular voter data with gross totals... it was changed in a bunch of states prior to the 2018 election including in Georgia. Which is why on election night the state data was a ranged percentage vote ("votes counted 67-85%") in rather than the specific % voted in all other previous modern presidential elections.
  • HuskyJWHuskyJW Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 14,332 Swaye's Wigwam
    SFGbob said:

    Youre going to be so let down when the courts rule in favor of Trump. It's going to happen.

    The salt will be amazing.

    How are the courts going to invalidate a ballot that was sent out to registered voter, and that was filled out and returned? This election was lost as soon as they decided to go with mail in ballots for everyone.

    Keep ‘em coming!
  • HuskyJWHuskyJW Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 14,332 Swaye's Wigwam

    Biden will win because of all the Dimocrat political machines in cities. Some ballots that belong to cats and the dead will magically appear. Trump knows what's up having dealt with it in NY and NJ.

    Keep ‘em coming!
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    HuskyJW said:

    SFGbob said:

    Youre going to be so let down when the courts rule in favor of Trump. It's going to happen.

    The salt will be amazing.

    How are the courts going to invalidate a ballot that was sent out to registered voter, and that was filled out and returned? This election was lost as soon as they decided to go with mail in ballots for everyone.

    Keep ‘em coming!
    What's so incredible about it? You're free to refute anything I've said. Give it a try.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,942
    edited November 2020
    HHusky said:

    This may be a naive thought - because I've never been anywhere near the election system and don't know the mechanics - but could the government spare a few hundred million to have the big 4 accounting firms do regional audits? Is there some kind of audit by an outside party not contolled by the government already in place?

    It wouldn't have to be every single vote ... just like it's not every single transaction that the independent audit firms do on their conglomerate clients. A statistically significant spot audit. Maybe you do it in states where the vote was within some number of closeness. Maybe you do it in swing states.

    IDK. Seems like it's about as fundamental a process as we have in this country. Why not make an effort to ensure it's clean?

    My biggest issue with that is that it seems to be a check on the honesty of the process based solely upon innuendo and rumor and Twitter and Facebook, etc. Never any evidence.

    The process has many, many checks and safeguards as it is. I can't be the only one who has heard from County Elections to ask whether my now much messier signature really is my signature, for example. The story involving a supposed 118 year old Michigan voter only got identified because people already check; and it's already been explained too. The South Carolina search for the supposed 800 dead voters of several years ago concluded with a goose egg.
    Ok. But all of corporate America with publicly traded shares has to be audited and qualified opinions disclosed even though most companies are not ENRON or Worldcom. The threat of loss of faith in capital markets was so severe that we got Sarbanes-Oxley. Nothing works 100% 100% of the time, but large scale corporate fraud and baking the books is a much riskier proposition now than it was 20 years ago.

    Same thing here. If the vote is within some range of difference, why not turn one of the firms loose on it? We piss away $$ at the government level on absolutely nonsense. Why not spend a few hundred million on this?

    Wouldn't be the first time the answer to a government problem was found in the private sector.
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,076 Standard Supporter
    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    Nixon was praised in 1960 for shutting up and taking it as a true statesman. He got his reward by getting the usual full court media hate press and eventually being run out of town

    60 years later the GOP still thinks this is a neat strategy.

    Yes this is absolutely true
    Elected to two terms as President = Run out of town

    Stalin agrees
    This doesn't make sense and it appears that you're intentionally misrepresenting what I said. This is why I disregard most of what you post.
    So you responded to Race's remark about Nixon's concession in 1960 because . . .?
    He referenced how Nixon took the stately gentleman high road in 1960 and it didn't matter 13 years later when the media ganged up and destroyed him. I was agreeing wholeheartedly with what Race said.
    Destroyed for his criminality. Really unfair. Kinda mean even.
    Please compare and contrast Nixon's Watergate with Obama's spying on the Trump campaign.
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