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Black* man in Breonna Taylor shirt murders three at police bar in L’ville



  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,011 Standard Supporter
    The problem is people like LeBron pretending that his top concern for blacks is cops killing black felons who are resisting arrest. And that issue is worth destroying our major cities and eliminating police. That has resulted in a sky rocketing increase in blacks shooting blacks. So, you aren't following the real story but you have really strong feelings that you find difficult to articulate. Geezus.
  • RoadDawg55RoadDawg55 Member Posts: 30,123

    The problem is people like LeBron pretending that his top concern for blacks is cops killing black felons who are resisting arrest. And that issue is worth destroying our major cities and eliminating police. That has resulted in a sky rocketing increase in blacks shooting blacks. So, you aren't following the real story but you have really strong feelings that you find difficult to articulate. Geezus.

    LeBron panders to whatever suits him best. Tuck LeBron. Not to get too hippy on you, but there is no real story. Nothing has changed. Racism exists. It’s not going away. Some cops are bad. Some black people are pieces of shit. This life is tough and it’s on you as the individual to make it what you want it to be. No government is going to save an individual.
  • HouhuskyHouhusky Member Posts: 5,537
    @RoadDawg55 i think you are a smart guy and I think you are actually genuine in your centrism but you have to appreciate at how hilariously close you are to just saying “there are good people on both sides” in this thread.

    Undoubtedly there are plenty of good people marching around as BLM supporters, the vast majority would struggle to say anything that isn’t factually incorrect or what BLM actually says they stands for.

    If someone is out there arguing that all BLM “supporters” are knowingly evil they are wrong. The vast majority of Instagram/Facebook social idiots can’t see through the smoke screen. It’s not entirely their fault, BLM is specifically constructed with that in mind and the media runs cover because they revel in the racial unrest and support political Marxism of the leaders.

    There is a place for healthy discussions on police reform or the actual stats on minority policing. There are plenty on the right that have a healthy fear of power and police that would be more than willing to have that discussion.

    BLM is a racist Marxist organization that does not promote that discussion, it actually makes it significantly worse. I don't really like the argument that you, or most people, don’t really know what they are supporting and therefore it’s.... ok...?

    It’s really not that much different than the uneducated guy that justifies waving the stars and bars because it represents southern culture, not actually the confederacy.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    SFGbob said:

    SFGbob said:

    SFGbob said:

    Sledog said:

    This has nothing to do with black people. BLM is all about red people as in communist red. That is their goal and they don't give two shits about blacks except as pawns.

    This is pretty deluded thinking. The random people that support BLM aren’t the enemy. They aren’t communist. They either believe in the cause or feel pressured by society to believe in the cause.

    The organization of BLM only cares about themselves and the clout they get. There is a big separation between the two. The random BLM supporter isn’t supporting something evil like the KKK. A lot of them are normal people. I support BLM to an extent because it wasn’t just made up out of thin air, but it’s become a fucking mess and the extremists of the group have clouded the initial purpose.
    What is the "cause" that BLM supporters believe in?
    This is why people avoid the tug. No matter what I say you’ll pick it apart. Cops are trigger happy and in the history of the US, black people have been treated unfairly. Putting attention on that wasn’t wrong.

    What is has become is race war bullshit. I try to live by the ideal, be a good person, when a cop detains you’re, you have to comply. I often agree with the general consensus on the tug, but making everyone out that doesn’t fully agree with you is dangerous and is just as bad as the radical left and BLM types that give the organization a bad name.
    Yeah, it must suck to have to support your beliefs with a rational argument. So the "cause" you agree with is that cops are trigger happy. BLM isn't claiming that black people were treated unfairly in our history, they are claiming black people are being treated unfairly now because of a systemically racist American society.

    Do you agree with that cause?

    And the facts actually show that police shootings have been in decline for years now.
    I don’t know the answer to that and many people don’t, but most people are all on one side an pretend they know everything. I think it’s complicated. Sorry I can’t bring any factual information, but this pick a side and defend it wholeheartedly is bullshit.

    I’m not gonna give some woke “I’m learning” type line. I don’t know what it’s like to be black and I have certain opinions but I don’t feel like I’m always right and I do get frustrated that everyone has to have some concrete opinion on every issue our society faces.

    I hate grouping all people into being the enemy based on disagreements and I feel the Twitter hot take world has made it where everyone has to pick a side.
    You sound pretty wishy-washy. You seem to have problems with people who have strong opinions. I don't feel that I'm always right but if I were to claim that I support BLM you could be damn sure that I could articulate a coherent reason why I did so.
    I don’t support BLM tho. I just said it’s not a hate group like the KKK at this point and that not everyone that believes in it is an enemy. I don’t blindly follow every conservative talking point like you.

    I have a strong opinion about Covid. I think it’s fucking stupid and way overblown. I think it’s fucked up people are losing businesses and jobs. Hows that for a strong opinion?

    What conservative talking points am I following blindly? I take BLM at their word for what they believe. You haven't even taken the effort to find out what they believe and some of the things you feel they advocate for are inaccurate.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,011 Standard Supporter
    Plus the useful idiots like LeBron end up getting more blacks killed. I have a hard time thinking that LeBron and Roadie deserve a pass for having a wad of feelings that get people killed.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    I believe the original goal was to stop unarmed black males being killed by the police, but obviously the goal posts have moved.

    Not true. And I'm following talking points? BLM was started after George Zimmerman, who wasn't a cop, was acquitted for killing Trademark. It really took off over the shooting of Mike Brown, which was a police shooting that even the Obama Admin said was justified.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    Of course some of the supporters of BLM are decent but shouldn't it be incumbent upon those supporters to know what they are really supporting? Would you excuse a Klan supporter who was ignorant of what the Klan really stands for?
  • CuntWaffleCuntWaffle Member Posts: 22,493

    More importantly to me is how we went from 99% agreement that the Floyd incident sucked to be more divided than ever. That didn't happen on its own

    Floyd shouldn't have been killed, I think most everyone will agree on that. He was not some sort of martyr though. He was trying to buy stuff using counterfit money while high on fentanyl and resisted arrest. If you had no idea what actually happened and just followed the mainstream media and word of mouth/social media, you would think that the cops just decided to pick out some random black dude walking on the street and then execute him for fun, which obviously isn't the case and the reason most people are arguing at the moment. He still shouldn't have been killed and the police officer who used excessive force should be responsible for that. The outrage to a certain extent was justified for his case but has gone WAY too far.
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,531 Standard Supporter

    More importantly to me is how we went from 99% agreement that the Floyd incident sucked to be more divided than ever. That didn't happen on its own

    Floyd shouldn't have been killed, I think most everyone will agree on that. He was not some sort of martyr though. He was trying to buy stuff using counterfit money while high on fentanyl and resisted arrest. If you had no idea what actually happened and just followed the mainstream media and word of mouth/social media, you would think that the cops just decided to pick out some random black dude walking on the street and then execute him for fun, which obviously isn't the case and the reason most people are arguing at the moment. He still shouldn't have been killed and the police officer who used excessive force should be responsible for that. The outrage to a certain extent was justified for his case but has gone WAY too far.
    Based on the 15 second clip that stirred all this up - agreed.

    Based on the actual body cam footage including all the time George freaked out and didn't comply.....yeah, can't quite get to the same level of outrage.

    But it's not like CNN or NBC is going to devote 15 minutes of prime time showing the whole tape.

  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    Plus the useful idiots like LeBron end up getting more blacks killed. I have a hard time thinking that LeBron and Roadie deserve a pass for having a wad of feelings that get people killed.

    Roadie may indeed be a good guy but the entire schtick of using your ignorance as a badge of honor while criticizing people who know what they are talking about and have the facts at hand to back it up gets a little old.

  • CuntWaffleCuntWaffle Member Posts: 22,493

    More importantly to me is how we went from 99% agreement that the Floyd incident sucked to be more divided than ever. That didn't happen on its own

    Floyd shouldn't have been killed, I think most everyone will agree on that. He was not some sort of martyr though. He was trying to buy stuff using counterfit money while high on fentanyl and resisted arrest. If you had no idea what actually happened and just followed the mainstream media and word of mouth/social media, you would think that the cops just decided to pick out some random black dude walking on the street and then execute him for fun, which obviously isn't the case and the reason most people are arguing at the moment. He still shouldn't have been killed and the police officer who used excessive force should be responsible for that. The outrage to a certain extent was justified for his case but has gone WAY too far.
    Based on the 15 second clip that stirred all this up - agreed.

    Based on the actual body cam footage including all the time George freaked out and didn't comply.....yeah, can't quite get to the same level of outrage.

    But it's not like CNN or NBC is going to devote 15 minutes of prime time showing the whole tape.

    I said the outrage was justified to an extent, but it has gone so far overboard at this point it is ridiculous.
  • NorthwestFreshNorthwestFresh Member Posts: 7,972
    edited September 2020

    More importantly to me is how we went from 99% agreement that the Floyd incident sucked to be more divided than ever. That didn't happen on its own

    Floyd shouldn't have been killed, I think most everyone will agree on that. He was not some sort of martyr though. He was trying to buy stuff using counterfit money while high on fentanyl and resisted arrest. If you had no idea what actually happened and just followed the mainstream media and word of mouth/social media, you would think that the cops just decided to pick out some random black dude walking on the street and then execute him for fun, which obviously isn't the case and the reason most people are arguing at the moment. He still shouldn't have been killed and the police officer who used excessive force should be responsible for that. The outrage to a certain extent was justified for his case but has gone WAY too far.
    Floyd died of a Fentanyl OD so yes, he likely should have died even with the knee to his back. He was high and driving and was going to be busted for the counterfeit along with DUII. He was going back to jail and between the massive amounts of Fent and the meth in his system, he’s lucky he lived even that long. Didn’t deserve to die from the cop on him, but he was heading back to the slammer again.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    More importantly to me is how we went from 99% agreement that the Floyd incident sucked to be more divided than ever. That didn't happen on its own

    Floyd shouldn't have been killed, I think most everyone will agree on that. He was not some sort of martyr though. He was trying to buy stuff using counterfit money while high on fentanyl and resisted arrest. If you had no idea what actually happened and just followed the mainstream media and word of mouth/social media, you would think that the cops just decided to pick out some random black dude walking on the street and then execute him for fun, which obviously isn't the case and the reason most people are arguing at the moment. He still shouldn't have been killed and the police officer who used excessive force should be responsible for that. The outrage to a certain extent was justified for his case but has gone WAY too far.
    Did you know that the autopsy didn't reveal injuries from the police officer that caused Floyd's death? Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose.
  • GoduckiesGoduckies Member Posts: 6,209

    More importantly to me is how we went from 99% agreement that the Floyd incident sucked to be more divided than ever. That didn't happen on its own

    This, the left couldn't have unity so they sent out their minions
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,531 Standard Supporter

    More importantly to me is how we went from 99% agreement that the Floyd incident sucked to be more divided than ever. That didn't happen on its own

    Floyd shouldn't have been killed, I think most everyone will agree on that. He was not some sort of martyr though. He was trying to buy stuff using counterfit money while high on fentanyl and resisted arrest. If you had no idea what actually happened and just followed the mainstream media and word of mouth/social media, you would think that the cops just decided to pick out some random black dude walking on the street and then execute him for fun, which obviously isn't the case and the reason most people are arguing at the moment. He still shouldn't have been killed and the police officer who used excessive force should be responsible for that. The outrage to a certain extent was justified for his case but has gone WAY too far.
    Based on the 15 second clip that stirred all this up - agreed.

    Based on the actual body cam footage including all the time George freaked out and didn't comply.....yeah, can't quite get to the same level of outrage.

    But it's not like CNN or NBC is going to devote 15 minutes of prime time showing the whole tape.

    I said the outrage was justified to an extent, but it has gone so far overboard at this point it is ridiculous.
    Yup. They had the entire country's attention, empathy and support and it morphed into "getting hunted like dogs/Lebron bullshit".

    Let alone mobs confronting sidewalk cafe diners and drivers and forcing them to say "Black Lives Matter". Fuck that shit. Leave people the hell alone to live their own lives.

  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,479 Founders Club

    More importantly to me is how we went from 99% agreement that the Floyd incident sucked to be more divided than ever. That didn't happen on its own

    Floyd shouldn't have been killed, I think most everyone will agree on that. He was not some sort of martyr though. He was trying to buy stuff using counterfit money while high on fentanyl and resisted arrest. If you had no idea what actually happened and just followed the mainstream media and word of mouth/social media, you would think that the cops just decided to pick out some random black dude walking on the street and then execute him for fun, which obviously isn't the case and the reason most people are arguing at the moment. He still shouldn't have been killed and the police officer who used excessive force should be responsible for that. The outrage to a certain extent was justified for his case but has gone WAY too far.
    Based on the 15 second clip that stirred all this up - agreed.

    Based on the actual body cam footage including all the time George freaked out and didn't comply.....yeah, can't quite get to the same level of outrage.

    But it's not like CNN or NBC is going to devote 15 minutes of prime time showing the whole tape.

    I said the outrage was justified to an extent, but it has gone so far overboard at this point it is ridiculous.
    Yup. They had the entire country's attention, empathy and support and it morphed into "getting hunted like dogs/Lebron bullshit".

    Let alone mobs confronting sidewalk cafe diners and drivers and forcing them to say "Black Lives Matter". Fuck that shit. Leave people the hell alone to live their own lives.

    Or showing up at people’s houses. That really bothers me.
  • Doog_de_JourDoog_de_Jour Member Posts: 7,958 Standard Supporter

    More importantly to me is how we went from 99% agreement that the Floyd incident sucked to be more divided than ever. That didn't happen on its own

    Floyd shouldn't have been killed, I think most everyone will agree on that. He was not some sort of martyr though. He was trying to buy stuff using counterfit money while high on fentanyl and resisted arrest. If you had no idea what actually happened and just followed the mainstream media and word of mouth/social media, you would think that the cops just decided to pick out some random black dude walking on the street and then execute him for fun, which obviously isn't the case and the reason most people are arguing at the moment. He still shouldn't have been killed and the police officer who used excessive force should be responsible for that. The outrage to a certain extent was justified for his case but has gone WAY too far.
    Based on the 15 second clip that stirred all this up - agreed.

    Based on the actual body cam footage including all the time George freaked out and didn't comply.....yeah, can't quite get to the same level of outrage.

    But it's not like CNN or NBC is going to devote 15 minutes of prime time showing the whole tape.

    I said the outrage was justified to an extent, but it has gone so far overboard at this point it is ridiculous.
    Yup. They had the entire country's attention, empathy and support and it morphed into "getting hunted like dogs/Lebron bullshit".

    Let alone mobs confronting sidewalk cafe diners and drivers and forcing them to say "Black Lives Matter". Fuck that shit. Leave people the hell alone to live their own lives.

    Or showing up at people’s houses. That really bothers me.

    Hey....@Swaye and I have NEVER made you chant anything.

    But you at least understand why I’m triggered, right? 😄
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,531 Standard Supporter

    More importantly to me is how we went from 99% agreement that the Floyd incident sucked to be more divided than ever. That didn't happen on its own

    Floyd shouldn't have been killed, I think most everyone will agree on that. He was not some sort of martyr though. He was trying to buy stuff using counterfit money while high on fentanyl and resisted arrest. If you had no idea what actually happened and just followed the mainstream media and word of mouth/social media, you would think that the cops just decided to pick out some random black dude walking on the street and then execute him for fun, which obviously isn't the case and the reason most people are arguing at the moment. He still shouldn't have been killed and the police officer who used excessive force should be responsible for that. The outrage to a certain extent was justified for his case but has gone WAY too far.
    Based on the 15 second clip that stirred all this up - agreed.

    Based on the actual body cam footage including all the time George freaked out and didn't comply.....yeah, can't quite get to the same level of outrage.

    But it's not like CNN or NBC is going to devote 15 minutes of prime time showing the whole tape.

    I said the outrage was justified to an extent, but it has gone so far overboard at this point it is ridiculous.
    Yup. They had the entire country's attention, empathy and support and it morphed into "getting hunted like dogs/Lebron bullshit".

    Let alone mobs confronting sidewalk cafe diners and drivers and forcing them to say "Black Lives Matter". Fuck that shit. Leave people the hell alone to live their own lives.

    Or showing up at people’s houses. That really bothers me.

    Hey....@Swaye and I have NEVER made you chant anything.

    But you at least understand why I’m triggered, right? 😄
    OK - that one time @swaye wanted you to say "Who's your Daddy?"...that wasn't me.

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