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Black* man in Breonna Taylor shirt murders three at police bar in L’ville



  • RoadDawg55RoadDawg55 Member Posts: 30,123
    edited September 2020

    There is a wing of BLM that is approaching Klan levels of violence and intimidation. Mainly available on twitter. Scaring media and attacking cameras is part of the deal now

    You see these ass clowns attacking cars. When one of those Antifa types gets its head blown off then look out

    BLM isn't Antifa but Antifa uses BLM as a cover for their bullshit. Most of the idiots in the streets are white

    BLM would be wise to tell the world that Antifa can fuck off

    Great point that I wasn’t smart enough to bring up. My point was BLM has supporters that are decent, The leaders and extremists of the group are awful people but I still can’t say the common twitter fag with BLM in their profile is.

    There are plenty of good ol American folk that aren’t extreme and have bought into the hype. They aren’t the enemy. Antifa absolutely is.
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,395 Swaye's Wigwam
    Colin Noire put it best imo.

    Paraphrasing but still

    I think most people support the sentiment black lives matter. If they don't they can at least reasonably understand it.

    Very few support BLM,inc. And their commitment to Marxism.(Which is real and documented)
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,531 Standard Supporter
    edited September 2020

    Colin Noire put it best imo.

    Paraphrasing but still

    I think most people support the sentiment black lives matter. If they don't they can at least reasonably understand it.

    Very few support BLM,inc. And their commitment to Marxism.(Which is real and documented)

    The lives of black people unfairly targeted by authorities simply because of their race is of utmost importance.

    But the mob can kiss by purple ass if they think the words "Black Lives Matter" will ever cross my lips. Fucking Marxist branding.

  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072

    doogie said:

    BLM, Inc. is a racist, Marxist hate group.

    Yes, all the woke folk that support BLM are lining for communism. You actually believe that? BLM is off the rails and I agree that the ones that support it are misguided or delusional. It’s not a hate group like the KKK. Quit watching the news and believing this bullshit. The extremists of the group are clouding your judgement.
    Leaders lead.

    I take them at their word.

    I have no reason to believe they are lying.

    I believe many people that have gravitated to the slogan don’t have any idea what BLM, Inc. claims to stand for.
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,097 Standard Supporter
    edited September 2020

    Sledog said:

    SFGbob said:

    Sledog said:

    This has nothing to do with black people. BLM is all about red people as in communist red. That is their goal and they don't give two shits about blacks except as pawns.

    This is pretty deluded thinking. The random people that support BLM aren’t the enemy. They aren’t communist. They either believe in the cause or feel pressured by society to believe in the cause.

    The organization of BLM only cares about themselves and the clout they get. There is a big separation between the two. The random BLM supporter isn’t supporting something evil like the KKK. A lot of them are normal people. I support BLM to an extent because it wasn’t just made up out of thin air, but it’s become a fucking mess and the extremists of the group have clouded the initial purpose.
    What is the "cause" that BLM supporters believe in?
    This is why people avoid the tug. No matter what I say you’ll pick it apart. Cops are trigger happy and in the history of the US, black people have been treated unfairly. Putting attention on that wasn’t wrong.

    What is has become is race war bullshit. I try to live by the ideal, be a good person, when a cop detains you’re, you have to comply. I often agree with the general consensus on the tug, but making everyone out that doesn’t fully agree with you is dangerous and is just as bad as the radical left and BLM types that give the organization a bad name.
    Cops are not trigger happy. You have no idea what a cop goes through after shooting someone. None. No one wants to go through that. Cops just want to go home after their shift. Facts are that blacks commit a very disproportionate amount of crime and have more police contact because of it. Cause and effect. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time! Do what the nice policemen tells you to do and everything works out just fine.

    It's simple really. But people don't want to believe that. this is all just a political game and isn't odd PANTIFA and BLM are both communist orgs and everyone on the left is now a socialist at minimum? That money donated to BLM etc. goes straight to ACT BLUE that really should be called BE RED!

    Stop believing the leftist bullshit, which is proven bullshit statistically, and get a clue!
    Yeah, no cops are trigger happy. All of them are “nice” policemen. There are no levels to cops and they are all great. Cops have always been a necessary evil. Some are good, some are just an average shmuck, and some are criminals looking for conflict. You’re an idiot just like the idiots that blindly support BLM.

    Somehow you took my opinion taking individual cases as believing leftist bullshit. You’re just as extreme as the leftist bullshit. Everyone who doesn’t agree with you is a communist, etc. Fuck off.
    You support communist causes so what does that make you?

    If BLM gave two shits about blacks their focus wouldn't be on cops. Are there bad cops? Some are substandard but usually, these days, that's due to hiring shortages and shortcuts. But evil I'm out to shoot me some darkies? Never met one, worked with one etc.

    Supporting people that are actively rioting and attempting to overthrow our nation isn't on my list of shit to do.

    You have no problem painting cops as "trigger happy". So settle your own shit first then call me names.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    edited September 2020

    SFGbob said:

    SFGbob said:

    Sledog said:

    This has nothing to do with black people. BLM is all about red people as in communist red. That is their goal and they don't give two shits about blacks except as pawns.

    This is pretty deluded thinking. The random people that support BLM aren’t the enemy. They aren’t communist. They either believe in the cause or feel pressured by society to believe in the cause.

    The organization of BLM only cares about themselves and the clout they get. There is a big separation between the two. The random BLM supporter isn’t supporting something evil like the KKK. A lot of them are normal people. I support BLM to an extent because it wasn’t just made up out of thin air, but it’s become a fucking mess and the extremists of the group have clouded the initial purpose.
    What is the "cause" that BLM supporters believe in?
    This is why people avoid the tug. No matter what I say you’ll pick it apart. Cops are trigger happy and in the history of the US, black people have been treated unfairly. Putting attention on that wasn’t wrong.

    What is has become is race war bullshit. I try to live by the ideal, be a good person, when a cop detains you’re, you have to comply. I often agree with the general consensus on the tug, but making everyone out that doesn’t fully agree with you is dangerous and is just as bad as the radical left and BLM types that give the organization a bad name.
    Yeah, it must suck to have to support your beliefs with a rational argument. So the "cause" you agree with is that cops are trigger happy. BLM isn't claiming that black people were treated unfairly in our history, they are claiming black people are being treated unfairly now because of a systemically racist American society.

    Do you agree with that cause?

    And the facts actually show that police shootings have been in decline for years now.
    I don’t know the answer to that and many people don’t, but most people are all on one side an pretend they know everything. I think it’s complicated. Sorry I can’t bring any factual information, but this pick a side and defend it wholeheartedly is bullshit.

    I’m not gonna give some woke “I’m learning” type line. I don’t know what it’s like to be black and I have certain opinions but I don’t feel like I’m always right and I do get frustrated that everyone has to have some concrete opinion on every issue our society faces.

    I hate grouping all people into being the enemy based on disagreements and I feel the Twitter hot take world has made it where everyone has to pick a side.
    You sound pretty wishy-washy. You seem to have problems with people who have strong opinions. I don't feel that I'm always right but if I were to claim that I support BLM you could be damn sure that I could articulate a coherent reason why I did so.
  • RoadDawg55RoadDawg55 Member Posts: 30,123
    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    BLM, Inc. is a racist, Marxist hate group.

    Yes, all the woke folk that support BLM are lining for communism. You actually believe that? BLM is off the rails and I agree that the ones that support it are misguided or delusional. It’s not a hate group like the KKK. Quit watching the news and believing this bullshit. The extremists of the group are clouding your judgement.
    Leaders lead.

    I take them at their word.

    I have no reason to believe they are lying.

    I believe many people that have gravitated to the slogan don’t have any idea what BLM, Inc. claims to stand for.
    Nobody really knows what the group really believes because it’s become a political mess. It went beyond black people being treated unfairly by the police and we see the extremists in Twitter and the news. I believe the original goal was to stop unarmed black males being killed by the police, but obviously the goal posts have moved.

    I’m not a BLM supporter myself. I’m in the middle politically, but as I age I’ve taken small kibbles of the red pill because the far left has gotten mainstream. It was easy to ignore the far right and the whacko religious types but not as easy to ignore the far left in today’s news cycle. I just don’t group anyone that does believe in BLM as an enemy at this point.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    edited September 2020

    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    BLM, Inc. is a racist, Marxist hate group.

    Yes, all the woke folk that support BLM are lining for communism. You actually believe that? BLM is off the rails and I agree that the ones that support it are misguided or delusional. It’s not a hate group like the KKK. Quit watching the news and believing this bullshit. The extremists of the group are clouding your judgement.
    Leaders lead.

    I take them at their word.

    I have no reason to believe they are lying.

    I believe many people that have gravitated to the slogan don’t have any idea what BLM, Inc. claims to stand for.
    Nobody really knows what the group really believes because it’s become a political mess. It went beyond black people being treated unfairly by the police and we see the extremists in Twitter and the news. I believe the original goal was to stop unarmed black males being killed by the police, but obviously the goal posts have moved.

    I’m not a BLM supporter myself. I’m in the middle politically, but as I age I’ve taken small kibbles of the red pill because the far left has gotten mainstream. It was easy to ignore the far right and the whacko religious types but not as easy to ignore the far left in today’s news cycle. I just don’t group anyone that does believe in BLM as an enemy at this point.
    They have a website and they have put out a list of goals and objectives. Why do you say that nobody know what they really believe? Appears you don't know what they really believe but that you like the sound of the phrase "Black Lives Matter."
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,479 Founders Club

    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    BLM, Inc. is a racist, Marxist hate group.

    Yes, all the woke folk that support BLM are lining for communism. You actually believe that? BLM is off the rails and I agree that the ones that support it are misguided or delusional. It’s not a hate group like the KKK. Quit watching the news and believing this bullshit. The extremists of the group are clouding your judgement.
    Leaders lead.

    I take them at their word.

    I have no reason to believe they are lying.

    I believe many people that have gravitated to the slogan don’t have any idea what BLM, Inc. claims to stand for.
    Nobody really knows what the group really believes because it’s become a political mess. It went beyond black people being treated unfairly by the police and we see the extremists in Twitter and the news. I believe the original goal was to stop unarmed black males being killed by the police, but obviously the goal posts have moved.

    I’m not a BLM supporter myself. I’m in the middle politically, but as I age I’ve taken small kibbles of the red pill because the far left has gotten mainstream. It was easy to ignore the far right and the whacko religious types but not as easy to ignore the far left in today’s news cycle. I just don’t group anyone that does believe in BLM as an enemy at this point.

    This is pretty important and Roadie is not alone. Despite being a far right wing racist I am actually a liberal. But you can't ignore what the left is and their naked grab for power. Wanting to put warnings on CDs only helped sales. The religious right was always greater as an idea than a reality. They voted for GOP presidents usually which was their REAL sin.

    You look at people pounding on cars and going into neighborhoods to threaten people and you realize that these folks take their religion seriously. Trump is no evangelical and the GOP has a bigger tent these days than the lockstep dems

    If you're losing guys like Roadie who would tend to vote for you by default (NTTIAWWT I did it too) you are losing

  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072

    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    BLM, Inc. is a racist, Marxist hate group.

    Yes, all the woke folk that support BLM are lining for communism. You actually believe that? BLM is off the rails and I agree that the ones that support it are misguided or delusional. It’s not a hate group like the KKK. Quit watching the news and believing this bullshit. The extremists of the group are clouding your judgement.
    Leaders lead.

    I take them at their word.

    I have no reason to believe they are lying.

    I believe many people that have gravitated to the slogan don’t have any idea what BLM, Inc. claims to stand for.
    Nobody really knows what the group really believes because it’s become a political mess. It went beyond black people being treated unfairly by the police and we see the extremists in Twitter and the news. I believe the original goal was to stop unarmed black males being killed by the police, but obviously the goal posts have moved.

    I’m not a BLM supporter myself. I’m in the middle politically, but as I age I’ve taken small kibbles of the red pill because the far left has gotten mainstream. It was easy to ignore the far right and the whacko religious types but not as easy to ignore the far left in today’s news cycle. I just don’t group anyone that does believe in BLM as an enemy at this point.
    BLM Inc has said EXACTLY what they stand for. Are you serious, Clark?
  • NorthwestFreshNorthwestFresh Member Posts: 7,972
    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    BLM, Inc. is a racist, Marxist hate group.

    Yes, all the woke folk that support BLM are lining for communism. You actually believe that? BLM is off the rails and I agree that the ones that support it are misguided or delusional. It’s not a hate group like the KKK. Quit watching the news and believing this bullshit. The extremists of the group are clouding your judgement.
    Leaders lead.

    I take them at their word.

    I have no reason to believe they are lying.

    I believe many people that have gravitated to the slogan don’t have any idea what BLM, Inc. claims to stand for.
    Nobody really knows what the group really believes because it’s become a political mess. It went beyond black people being treated unfairly by the police and we see the extremists in Twitter and the news. I believe the original goal was to stop unarmed black males being killed by the police, but obviously the goal posts have moved.

    I’m not a BLM supporter myself. I’m in the middle politically, but as I age I’ve taken small kibbles of the red pill because the far left has gotten mainstream. It was easy to ignore the far right and the whacko religious types but not as easy to ignore the far left in today’s news cycle. I just don’t group anyone that does believe in BLM as an enemy at this point.
    BLM Inc has said EXACTLY what they stand for. Are you serious, Clark?
    They have even been scrubbing their website this week to remove their more radical ideas. You’d need very narrow and limited sources of news to not know the ideology behind the organization after 5 years of this.

    Black Lives Matter removes page encouraging the 'disruption' of the 'Western nuclear family' during a massive cleanup of their national website

    The national page for the Black Lives Matter movement has updated several sections of their website, including the removal of a page that features a paragraph about the disruption of the 'Western nuclear family.'

    The grassroot organization - that works mostly in local, chapter-based, groups - removed several pages from their about section in the cleanup, according to an archive of their website.

    Included in the removal was the site's 'What We Believe' page and pages providing biographies of the national chapter leadership and co-founders. Internet archives suggest that the website was updated on September 17.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    BLM, Inc. is a racist, Marxist hate group.

    Yes, all the woke folk that support BLM are lining for communism. You actually believe that? BLM is off the rails and I agree that the ones that support it are misguided or delusional. It’s not a hate group like the KKK. Quit watching the news and believing this bullshit. The extremists of the group are clouding your judgement.
    Leaders lead.

    I take them at their word.

    I have no reason to believe they are lying.

    I believe many people that have gravitated to the slogan don’t have any idea what BLM, Inc. claims to stand for.
    Nobody really knows what the group really believes because it’s become a political mess. It went beyond black people being treated unfairly by the police and we see the extremists in Twitter and the news. I believe the original goal was to stop unarmed black males being killed by the police, but obviously the goal posts have moved.

    I’m not a BLM supporter myself. I’m in the middle politically, but as I age I’ve taken small kibbles of the red pill because the far left has gotten mainstream. It was easy to ignore the far right and the whacko religious types but not as easy to ignore the far left in today’s news cycle. I just don’t group anyone that does believe in BLM as an enemy at this point.
    BLM Inc has said EXACTLY what they stand for. Are you serious, Clark?
    I only know that because of the tug. I’m not going to the BLM site or any political organization website. Most people still believe it’s just about unarmed black males being killed by police.

    This shit barely even exists in real life. I hang out with black guys all the time (I’m not racist, I have black friends!!) This bullshit, pick a side, everyone is an enemy only exists online and in Portland.
    No one asked you to pick a side. You said that you supported BLM's "cause" that cops are trigger happy and that Blacks have been treated poorly historically in the country. You were challenged on that being part of BLM's "cause" and you've struggled since then.
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
    edited September 2020
    This isn’t a Black vs White issue.

    It’s a Lives vs Communist organization Issue.

    First place I went was to the website of the organization and what BLM, Inc. claims to stand for
  • RoadDawg55RoadDawg55 Member Posts: 30,123

    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    BLM, Inc. is a racist, Marxist hate group.

    Yes, all the woke folk that support BLM are lining for communism. You actually believe that? BLM is off the rails and I agree that the ones that support it are misguided or delusional. It’s not a hate group like the KKK. Quit watching the news and believing this bullshit. The extremists of the group are clouding your judgement.
    Leaders lead.

    I take them at their word.

    I have no reason to believe they are lying.

    I believe many people that have gravitated to the slogan don’t have any idea what BLM, Inc. claims to stand for.
    Nobody really knows what the group really believes because it’s become a political mess. It went beyond black people being treated unfairly by the police and we see the extremists in Twitter and the news. I believe the original goal was to stop unarmed black males being killed by the police, but obviously the goal posts have moved.

    I’m not a BLM supporter myself. I’m in the middle politically, but as I age I’ve taken small kibbles of the red pill because the far left has gotten mainstream. It was easy to ignore the far right and the whacko religious types but not as easy to ignore the far left in today’s news cycle. I just don’t group anyone that does believe in BLM as an enemy at this point.
    BLM Inc has said EXACTLY what they stand for. Are you serious, Clark?
    They have even been scrubbing their website this week to remove their more radical ideas. You’d need very narrow and limited sources of news to not know the ideology behind the organization after 5 years of this.

    Black Lives Matter removes page encouraging the 'disruption' of the 'Western nuclear family' during a massive cleanup of their national website

    The national page for the Black Lives Matter movement has updated several sections of their website, including the removal of a page that features a paragraph about the disruption of the 'Western nuclear family.'

    The grassroot organization - that works mostly in local, chapter-based, groups - removed several pages from their about section in the cleanup, according to an archive of their website.

    Included in the removal was the site's 'What We Believe' page and pages providing biographies of the national chapter leadership and co-founders. Internet archives suggest that the website was updated on September 17.
    It’s not a real, thought out organization. It started as wanting police to stop killing unarmed black men. I think a decent person would think that is fair enough.

    What is has become is entirely different. You’re fooling yourself if you think the 20 year old, white girl college student knows that BLM at one point advocated for the disruption of the nuclear family and whatever else bullshit they adopted over the years.

    People just agreed that unarmed black males shouldn’t be killed by police. They aren’t following all of this as closely as the posters here. I’m certainly not. I don’t think of BLM supporters as some evil entity. A lot of them are just people that know nothing beyond seeing black guys getting killed by police.
  • RoadDawg55RoadDawg55 Member Posts: 30,123
    edited September 2020
    SFGbob said:

    SFGbob said:

    SFGbob said:

    Sledog said:

    This has nothing to do with black people. BLM is all about red people as in communist red. That is their goal and they don't give two shits about blacks except as pawns.

    This is pretty deluded thinking. The random people that support BLM aren’t the enemy. They aren’t communist. They either believe in the cause or feel pressured by society to believe in the cause.

    The organization of BLM only cares about themselves and the clout they get. There is a big separation between the two. The random BLM supporter isn’t supporting something evil like the KKK. A lot of them are normal people. I support BLM to an extent because it wasn’t just made up out of thin air, but it’s become a fucking mess and the extremists of the group have clouded the initial purpose.
    What is the "cause" that BLM supporters believe in?
    This is why people avoid the tug. No matter what I say you’ll pick it apart. Cops are trigger happy and in the history of the US, black people have been treated unfairly. Putting attention on that wasn’t wrong.

    What is has become is race war bullshit. I try to live by the ideal, be a good person, when a cop detains you’re, you have to comply. I often agree with the general consensus on the tug, but making everyone out that doesn’t fully agree with you is dangerous and is just as bad as the radical left and BLM types that give the organization a bad name.
    Yeah, it must suck to have to support your beliefs with a rational argument. So the "cause" you agree with is that cops are trigger happy. BLM isn't claiming that black people were treated unfairly in our history, they are claiming black people are being treated unfairly now because of a systemically racist American society.

    Do you agree with that cause?

    And the facts actually show that police shootings have been in decline for years now.
    I don’t know the answer to that and many people don’t, but most people are all on one side an pretend they know everything. I think it’s complicated. Sorry I can’t bring any factual information, but this pick a side and defend it wholeheartedly is bullshit.

    I’m not gonna give some woke “I’m learning” type line. I don’t know what it’s like to be black and I have certain opinions but I don’t feel like I’m always right and I do get frustrated that everyone has to have some concrete opinion on every issue our society faces.

    I hate grouping all people into being the enemy based on disagreements and I feel the Twitter hot take world has made it where everyone has to pick a side.
    You sound pretty wishy-washy. You seem to have problems with people who have strong opinions. I don't feel that I'm always right but if I were to claim that I support BLM you could be damn sure that I could articulate a coherent reason why I did so.
    I don’t support BLM tho. I just said it’s not a hate group like the KKK at this point and that not everyone that believes in it is an enemy. I don’t blindly follow every conservative talking point like you.

    I have a strong opinion about Covid. I think it’s fucking stupid and way overblown. I think it’s fucked up people are losing businesses and jobs. Hows that for a strong opinion?
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072

    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    doogie said:

    BLM, Inc. is a racist, Marxist hate group.

    Yes, all the woke folk that support BLM are lining for communism. You actually believe that? BLM is off the rails and I agree that the ones that support it are misguided or delusional. It’s not a hate group like the KKK. Quit watching the news and believing this bullshit. The extremists of the group are clouding your judgement.
    Leaders lead.

    I take them at their word.

    I have no reason to believe they are lying.

    I believe many people that have gravitated to the slogan don’t have any idea what BLM, Inc. claims to stand for.
    Nobody really knows what the group really believes because it’s become a political mess. It went beyond black people being treated unfairly by the police and we see the extremists in Twitter and the news. I believe the original goal was to stop unarmed black males being killed by the police, but obviously the goal posts have moved.

    I’m not a BLM supporter myself. I’m in the middle politically, but as I age I’ve taken small kibbles of the red pill because the far left has gotten mainstream. It was easy to ignore the far right and the whacko religious types but not as easy to ignore the far left in today’s news cycle. I just don’t group anyone that does believe in BLM as an enemy at this point.
    BLM Inc has said EXACTLY what they stand for. Are you serious, Clark?
    They have even been scrubbing their website this week to remove their more radical ideas. You’d need very narrow and limited sources of news to not know the ideology behind the organization after 5 years of this.

    Black Lives Matter removes page encouraging the 'disruption' of the 'Western nuclear family' during a massive cleanup of their national website

    The national page for the Black Lives Matter movement has updated several sections of their website, including the removal of a page that features a paragraph about the disruption of the 'Western nuclear family.'

    The grassroot organization - that works mostly in local, chapter-based, groups - removed several pages from their about section in the cleanup, according to an archive of their website.

    Included in the removal was the site's 'What We Believe' page and pages providing biographies of the national chapter leadership and co-founders. Internet archives suggest that the website was updated on September 17.
    It’s not a real, thought out organization. It started as wanting police to stop killing unarmed black men. I think a decent person would think that is fair enough.

    What is has become is entirely different. You’re fooling yourself if you think the 20 year old, white girl college student knows that BLM at one point advocated for the disruption of the nuclear family and whatever else bullshit they adopted over the years.

    People just agreed that unarmed black males shouldn’t be killed by police. They aren’t following all of this as closely as the posters here. I’m certainly not. I don’t think of BLM supporters as some evil entity. A lot of them are just people that know nothing beyond seeing black guys getting killed by police.
    Good post, Roady
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