That Black Lives Matter is part of the school curriculum this fall.
Well that will help them get a job that actually matters. Cutting time from math and science because those are hard and require hard work and discipline, which simply isn’t fair to dumb and/or lazy kids.
Absolutely. Our kids NEED to know how capitalism raises entire societies out of poverty better than any other system - AINEC.
Capitalism doesn't raise entire societies out of poverty. Capitalism's biggest fans don't make that argument. Didn't any of you girls take any economics courses?
Anyway, the converse of Black Lives Matter is that they don't.
Absolutely. Our kids NEED to know how capitalism raises entire societies out of poverty better than any other system - AINEC.
Capitalism doesn't raise entire societies out of poverty. Capitalism's biggest fans don't make that argument. Didn't any of you girls take any economics courses?
Anyway, the converse of Black Lives Matter is that they don't.
Absolutely. Our kids NEED to know how capitalism raises entire societies out of poverty better than any other system - AINEC.
Capitalism doesn't raise entire societies out of poverty. Capitalism's biggest fans don't make that argument. Didn't any of you girls take any economics courses?
Anyway, the converse of Black Lives Matter is that they don't.
Lol. Why does anyone engage with this fool other than as fodder at this point.
Absolutely. Our kids NEED to know how capitalism raises entire societies out of poverty better than any other system - AINEC.
Capitalism doesn't raise entire societies out of poverty. Capitalism's biggest fans don't make that argument. Didn't any of you girls take any economics courses?
Anyway, the converse of Black Lives Matter is that they don't.
The converse of Black Lives Matter is that all other lives don't matter. Why do black lives only matter when they are killed by a white cop?
Absolutely. Our kids NEED to know how capitalism raises entire societies out of poverty better than any other system - AINEC.
Capitalism doesn't raise entire societies out of poverty. Capitalism's biggest fans don't make that argument. Didn't any of you girls take any economics courses?
Anyway, the converse of Black Lives Matter is that they don't.
The converse of Black Lives Matter is that all other lives don't matter. Why do black lives only matter when they are killed by a white cop?
Absolutely. Our kids NEED to know how capitalism raises entire societies out of poverty better than any other system - AINEC.
Capitalism doesn't raise entire societies out of poverty. Capitalism's biggest fans don't make that argument. Didn't any of you girls take any economics courses?
Anyway, the converse of Black Lives Matter is that they don't.
Lol. Why does anyone engage with this fool other than as fodder at this point.
Because I truly enjoy making a fool of him as I’m on the umpteenth useless conference call of the week. Did you know he’s rich? He has that Ozark money.
To be fair, being exposed to leftists like HH is exactly the thing that broke me out of my youthful authoritarian leftist phase and examine my position to arrive at the moderate-centrist-constitutionalist I am today.
To be fair, being exposed to leftists like HH is exactly the thing that broke me out of my youthful authoritarian leftist phase and examine my position to arrive at the moderate-centrist-constitutionalist I am today.
Madam, I'm not a leftist. And I prefer capitalism. I just don't make ignorant comments about it.
To be fair, being exposed to leftists like HH is exactly the thing that broke me out of my youthful authoritarian leftist phase and examine my position to arrive at the moderate-centrist-constitutionalist I am today.
Madam, I'm not a leftist. And I prefer capitalism. I just don't make ignorant comments about it.
Every new post from you is an opportunity to prove me wrong... Im rooting for you!!
To be fair, being exposed to leftists like HH is exactly the thing that broke me out of my youthful authoritarian leftist phase and examine my position to arrive at the moderate-centrist-constitutionalist I am today.
To be fair, being exposed to leftists like HH is exactly the thing that broke me out of my youthful authoritarian leftist phase and examine my position to arrive at the moderate-centrist-constitutionalist I am today.
Madam, I'm not a leftist. And I preferdon't know what capitalism is. I just don't make ignorant comments about it all the tim.
To be fair, being exposed to leftists like HH is exactly the thing that broke me out of my youthful authoritarian leftist phase and examine my position to arrive at the moderate-centrist-constitutionalist I am today.
To be fair, being exposed to leftists like HH is exactly the thing that broke me out of my youthful authoritarian leftist phase and examine my position to arrive at the moderate-centrist-constitutionalist I am today.
Madam, I'm not a leftist. And I preferdon't know what capitalism is. I just don't make ignorant comments about it all the tim.
Seems like a lot of effort. You could have been studying econ instead.
To be fair, being exposed to leftists like HH is exactly the thing that broke me out of my youthful authoritarian leftist phase and examine my position to arrive at the moderate-centrist-constitutionalist I am today.
To be fair, being exposed to leftists like HH is exactly the thing that broke me out of my youthful authoritarian leftist phase and examine my position to arrive at the moderate-centrist-constitutionalist I am today.
To be fair, being exposed to leftists like HH is exactly the thing that broke me out of my youthful authoritarian leftist phase and examine my position to arrive at the moderate-centrist-constitutionalist I am today.
Madam, I'm not a leftist. And I preferdon't know what capitalism is. I just don't make ignorant comments about it all the tim.
Seems like a lot of effort. You could have been studying econ instead.
We've long established you are completely clueless about economics. Like many other sciences you have no background in, you like to invoke it's name as a false appeal to authority. It's Science!
Absolutely. Our kids NEED to know how capitalism raises entire societies out of poverty better than any other system - AINEC.
Capitalism doesn't raise entire societies out of poverty. Capitalism's biggest fans don't make that argument. Didn't any of you girls take any economics courses?
Anyway, the converse of Black Lives Matter is that they don't.
I was a liberal up until the early 1990s. LA riots and the inherent contradictions and dishonesty on the left drove me out of the party. 1994 Republican take over of the House, along with the endless string of lies the Rats told us regarding what would happen if the GOP passed Welfare reform cemented the door for me to ever return to the Rat party.
I was looking for solutions and for things that worked and the left had no interest in either of those. They didn't care if Welfare made things worse or had no impact at all. Read Charles Murray, Losing Ground while I was still nominally a Rat, that had a huge influence on moving me to the right. I still voted for Clinton in 1992, after being interested in Perot but that was the last time I voted for a Rat.
Anyway, the converse of Black Lives Matter is that they don't.
I was looking for solutions and for things that worked and the left had no interest in either of those. They didn't care if Welfare made things worse or had no impact at all. Read Charles Murray, Losing Ground while I was still nominally a Rat, that had a huge influence on moving me to the right. I still voted for Clinton in 1992, after being interested in Perot but that was the last time I voted for a Rat.