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The Tragedy of Seattle



  • BendintheriverBendintheriver Member Posts: 5,837 Standard Supporter

    thechatch said:

    As one of the only people that post here that lives petty much in the heart of the city, this isn't really accurate DJ...

    Especially the part about it becoming Cleveland in 2 years.

    Tech is going no where.

    Dont get me wrong, there are some bat shit crazy policies. But it's far from the hell hole my fellow tuggers think it is.

    I live at 9th and Pine, across from the Paramount Theatre in one of the nicer apartment buildings in the city. The street below is littered with homelessness and drug use. Multiple Murders this year blocks from where I live. Cars and buildings set ablaze during the riots a month ago. DT Seattle is clearly on a descent. It is what it is. It’s the main reason I am pulling up tent stakes both on my home residence and office/warehouse space In SODO and moving to Bellevue.
    Sawant is a member of a Marxist organization. All her decisions on the City Council stem from what that organization tells her to do. The chaos you're seeing is not an accident.
    Almost all of the other council members vote in lock step with her. I remember watching a Seattle city council meeting when the big issue was the homelessness and the crime and violence it was bringing with it. As local after local came to the mic pleading for help from the council, the members sat there with a smile on their faces and ignored each and every voice they heard that day.
  • pawzpawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,912 Founders Club

    I can tell you guysm from my own internal polling, the majority of current or would be Seattle home buyers aren’t all that phased by CHOP or Defund The Police. They seem to think it’s progress. There would have to be a massive uptick of violent crime in Madison Park, QA, Ravenna, etc before folks think there is a big problem.

    The o/u is $3m. Under is looking for any port in a storm. Over wants out (with a couple notable exceptions).

  • pawzpawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,912 Founders Club
    thechatch said:

    It’s never going to be Cleveland or Newark because the economic bases aren’t comparable, especially with it being the POE to the Pacific Rim, but it will certainly becomes a city almost devoid of its founding culture, as it looks to acquiesce to a militant minority voting bloc and cater more and more to foreign Corporate, political, and economic pressure. If Amazon, MS, or Boeing ever decide that they’ve had enough with people like Sawant, it could be dark, dark times for what was once the metropolitan capital of the Pacific NW. There are measures that can be taken to mitigate and prevent such realities, but those are politically problematic for our woke leadership.

    The greater area will be fine, however Amazon is full stop moving to Bellevue. The publicly have said their entire Worldwide operations will be in Bellevue. They just signed another million sqft of office space last week. Nearly every office building coming out of the ground in the downtown Bellevue core has Amazon's name on it by ownership or committed lease.

  • pawzpawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,912 Founders Club

    As one of the only people that post here that lives petty much in the heart of the city, this isn't really accurate DJ...

    Especially the part about it becoming Cleveland in 2 years.

    Tech is going no where.

    Dont get me wrong, there are some bat shit crazy policies. But it's far from the hell hole my fellow tuggers think it is.

    This. I live in the city. This dystopian take is fun for the usual Tug Hyperbole Olympics, but it’s time to dial back the hysteria ladies. And whoever said Bellevue and the East Side is going to shit ... really? How so? In my view it’s never been better. ES has grown like crazy last 5 yrs, has more services, great public schools and tax base, and is attracting more bidness than ever. The only negative is that it’s become really expensive to buy in, and that is usually a sign that people want to be there.

    Yeah there are some challenges at the present moment, but relax for Christ’s sake. I was working downtown during WTO, and we? have had a homeless issues here on and off for years. The U District itself was a blight of homelessness when I was there in the late 80s / early 90s. Granted not to the level we see now, and I sure don’t remember anyone like Sawant b4. But fuck, that doesn’t mean the city will be an ash heap any time soon.

    Take a deep breath.
    100% THIS.

    Thankfully? my economic lively hood depends on it.
  • LoneStarDawgLoneStarDawg Member Posts: 13,300
    ES Casinos are still shit
  • pawzpawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,912 Founders Club
    edited July 2020
    thechatch said:

    As one of the only people that post here that lives petty much in the heart of the city, this isn't really accurate DJ...

    Especially the part about it becoming Cleveland in 2 years.

    Tech is going no where.

    Dont get me wrong, there are some bat shit crazy policies. But it's far from the hell hole my fellow tuggers think it is.

    I live at 9th and Pine, across from the Paramount Theatre in one of the nicer apartment buildings in the city. The street below is littered with homelessness and drug use. Multiple Murders this year blocks from where I live. Cars and buildings set ablaze during the riots a month ago. DT Seattle is clearly on a descent. It is what it is. It’s the main reason I am pulling up tent stakes both on my home residence and office/warehouse space In SODO and moving to Bellevue.
    Is that building full yet? It was an aggressive project when it came out of the ground. The luxury apartment (and downtown condo) market is currently flooded.

    Frankly that soft spot in the market is a leading indicator of what is to come for Seattle proper imo.
  • pawzpawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,912 Founders Club

    ES Casinos are still shit

    The only place to go for poker is Fortune in Renton. 💯
  • LoneStarDawgLoneStarDawg Member Posts: 13,300
    pawz said:

    ES Casinos are still shit

    The only place to go for poker is Fortune in Renton. 💯
    What if you want to choke slam someone?

    2016 ES used to be beat up your girlfriend TUFF
  • pawzpawz Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 19,912 Founders Club

    pawz said:

    ES Casinos are still shit

    The only place to go for poker is Fortune in Renton. 💯
    What if you want to choke slam someone?

    2016 ES used to be beat up your girlfriend TUFF
    Udistrict or bust, baybee!

    Just yesterday a walked a homeless couple couple fighting and all I got out of the conversation was him demanding she get naked for some reason. Thanks, no thanks.
  • LoneStarDawgLoneStarDawg Member Posts: 13,300
    pawz said:

    pawz said:

    ES Casinos are still shit

    The only place to go for poker is Fortune in Renton. 💯
    What if you want to choke slam someone?

    2016 ES used to be beat up your girlfriend TUFF
    Udistrict or bust, baybee!

    Just yesterday a walked a homeless couple couple fighting and all I got out of the conversation was him demanding she get naked for some reason. Thanks, no thanks.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    All one needs to look at is who are the locals putting on the city council and in the mayors office. This is no longer a trend. Trends can be reversed quickly in politics. This was happening 30 years ago when i lived in Seattle. Rats wanted this, planned and organized. Their dedication is actually something to behold and admired. The end result is disaster. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    When the socialists on the city council ignore the problems and push back on those who are outraged at how far down the city has dropped in quality of life and law and order, they know they are protected, untouchable. Now they are working on getting rid of the police and somehow manage to ignore all the crime, violence and the innocent victims. Just listen to them. They call violent protests where people are murdered and beaten, peaceful. The minions, the mindless followers are doing their dirty work and they approve. Its what they want and fuck the innocent victims.

    What it all means is, the rats are in charge of the ship and that ship is not turning around until it crashes into shore and sinks. Its too late for Seattle and the worst is yet to come because the goose steppers are going to continue to put the vile rat leaders in office.

    If this had been happening 30 years ago, why isn't the city run into the ground by now? I won't argue that Seattle is seeing arguably unprecedented challenges and that there are some kooks on the city council. But there is WAY WAY too much in Seattle for this place to all of sudden wind up with a collectivist mind set. You'll recall there was a murmur about the mob showing up in Medina at one point, and then you never heard it again. There are people who live around Lake Washington who can make pretty big phone calls. The people who organize and show up at $1500 / plate political fund raisers don't protest.

    I think you're seeing the loud minority and reacting to it. If there had been happening 30 years ago, how, then, did the city become so prosperous? How did the east side become Bio Tech Valley? Why has the number of PE firms here increase exponentially in that time period? Where did all of this development in downtown Seattle come from? Belltown was a SHIT HOLE 30 years ago. 20 years ago. Now there are multi-million dollar condo developments there. How did South Lake Union happen? How did the University of Washington go from being a good public university to an elite one?

    There are more million $ boats on Lake Washington than there are 18' Bayliners and SeaRays. I know a lot of those guys; most of them are not coders.

    You pretty much missed my point.

    The West coast (West of the mountain ranges) 30 years ago was diverse in its leadership. That is not the case anymore. They took over with admirable dedication and persistence and it is only the rat way now. Differing opinions need not apply. Now you are seeing what far left leadership brings. Leadership that is unencumbered by any dissenting opinion or perspective is dangerous and has now cost some lives in Seattle. The Seattle city council is a perfect example of what happens when one political perspective runs the other out of town. I have friends in Seattle who won't even discuss politics with me in a restaurant because they are afraid a liberal might hear us.

    This took years to perfect. This perfect lib utopia will be its downfall. All those wonderful businesses Seattle leadership worked so hard to get and now the wacko socialists on the city council are starting to add arbitrary taxes that make them FEEL GOOD about themselves. Do you think Seattle is a corporate destination now? Not a chance. Its like they didn't learn a fucking thing when they put all the businesses out of business by forcing higher minimum wages on them.

    You think the millionaire's on Lake Washington are going to make calls and Sawant and all of her constituents are going to give a shit? Not a chance. Who they going to call? The wacko rat mayor?

    30 years ago no one would have thought that the voters in Seattle would elect an out of the closet and proud Socialist to the city council. Now they have and the ice has been broken. It took years and they won't be happy until they burn it all to the ground and remake it in their image. This liberal transformation of a city is nothing new. Rats have destroyed once vibrant and successful cities all across the country many times over and it didn't happen over night.
    I don't think I missed your point at all. You're confusing me missing your point with me disagreeing with your point. And that point included an unambiguous statement that this was happening 30 years ago. That there was some collection of agenda'd communists plotting for this day to happen. There have been communists around forever. If this super pac of lefties were intent on effecting a plan, they sucked at it if it took them 30 years to be just now knocking on the door.

    My view differs. Firstly, I don't think people - any people - are that good. I don't think any group of dirty hippies can stick to and execute a plan that rolls out over 30 years. It's a political swing supported by a lot of voting hard left wing smart kids who've moved into the city and, like all generations before them, think they've found the solution to building the best world. New buzz words; same idea. And, the reactionary groups are doing what they've always done. And you add to that the complications of an opiod epidemic, an actual pandemic and yet another race-based inflection point in our society. So there's that - tuff tims.

    But my main hesitation in jumping on the dystopia train with you and the other Tug hand wringers is that there are a lot of powerful, connected capitalists in this city who are not giving up what they have without a fight. They'll call whomever they have to call. What? Everybody is a leftwing nut now and there are no people anywhere who feel differently? This is what makes your take hysterical. You're already at the point where people who command vast resources in industy have no recourse, which is absurd. Money still talks in the U.S. Just watch.

    You have one ineffectual mayor, who herself is a one-percenter, and some wingnuts who've infiltrated the city council. There's a long way to go from that to Seattle - the city of ruins.

    Like I said: LIPO.
    Two names come to mind as I read this:

    1. Fulgencio Batista
    2. Baghdad Bob

    And New Years Ball in Havana scene dialogue - (Big Smooch) "I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart."
  • BennyBeaverBennyBeaver Member Posts: 13,346
    None of you fucks that are so outraged, don't even live here.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,958

    All one needs to look at is who are the locals putting on the city council and in the mayors office. This is no longer a trend. Trends can be reversed quickly in politics. This was happening 30 years ago when i lived in Seattle. Rats wanted this, planned and organized. Their dedication is actually something to behold and admired. The end result is disaster. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    When the socialists on the city council ignore the problems and push back on those who are outraged at how far down the city has dropped in quality of life and law and order, they know they are protected, untouchable. Now they are working on getting rid of the police and somehow manage to ignore all the crime, violence and the innocent victims. Just listen to them. They call violent protests where people are murdered and beaten, peaceful. The minions, the mindless followers are doing their dirty work and they approve. Its what they want and fuck the innocent victims.

    What it all means is, the rats are in charge of the ship and that ship is not turning around until it crashes into shore and sinks. Its too late for Seattle and the worst is yet to come because the goose steppers are going to continue to put the vile rat leaders in office.

    If this had been happening 30 years ago, why isn't the city run into the ground by now? I won't argue that Seattle is seeing arguably unprecedented challenges and that there are some kooks on the city council. But there is WAY WAY too much in Seattle for this place to all of sudden wind up with a collectivist mind set. You'll recall there was a murmur about the mob showing up in Medina at one point, and then you never heard it again. There are people who live around Lake Washington who can make pretty big phone calls. The people who organize and show up at $1500 / plate political fund raisers don't protest.

    I think you're seeing the loud minority and reacting to it. If there had been happening 30 years ago, how, then, did the city become so prosperous? How did the east side become Bio Tech Valley? Why has the number of PE firms here increase exponentially in that time period? Where did all of this development in downtown Seattle come from? Belltown was a SHIT HOLE 30 years ago. 20 years ago. Now there are multi-million dollar condo developments there. How did South Lake Union happen? How did the University of Washington go from being a good public university to an elite one?

    There are more million $ boats on Lake Washington than there are 18' Bayliners and SeaRays. I know a lot of those guys; most of them are not coders.

    You pretty much missed my point.

    The West coast (West of the mountain ranges) 30 years ago was diverse in its leadership. That is not the case anymore. They took over with admirable dedication and persistence and it is only the rat way now. Differing opinions need not apply. Now you are seeing what far left leadership brings. Leadership that is unencumbered by any dissenting opinion or perspective is dangerous and has now cost some lives in Seattle. The Seattle city council is a perfect example of what happens when one political perspective runs the other out of town. I have friends in Seattle who won't even discuss politics with me in a restaurant because they are afraid a liberal might hear us.

    This took years to perfect. This perfect lib utopia will be its downfall. All those wonderful businesses Seattle leadership worked so hard to get and now the wacko socialists on the city council are starting to add arbitrary taxes that make them FEEL GOOD about themselves. Do you think Seattle is a corporate destination now? Not a chance. Its like they didn't learn a fucking thing when they put all the businesses out of business by forcing higher minimum wages on them.

    You think the millionaire's on Lake Washington are going to make calls and Sawant and all of her constituents are going to give a shit? Not a chance. Who they going to call? The wacko rat mayor?

    30 years ago no one would have thought that the voters in Seattle would elect an out of the closet and proud Socialist to the city council. Now they have and the ice has been broken. It took years and they won't be happy until they burn it all to the ground and remake it in their image. This liberal transformation of a city is nothing new. Rats have destroyed once vibrant and successful cities all across the country many times over and it didn't happen over night.
    I don't think I missed your point at all. You're confusing me missing your point with me disagreeing with your point. And that point included an unambiguous statement that this was happening 30 years ago. That there was some collection of agenda'd communists plotting for this day to happen. There have been communists around forever. If this super pac of lefties were intent on effecting a plan, they sucked at it if it took them 30 years to be just now knocking on the door.

    My view differs. Firstly, I don't think people - any people - are that good. I don't think any group of dirty hippies can stick to and execute a plan that rolls out over 30 years. It's a political swing supported by a lot of voting hard left wing smart kids who've moved into the city and, like all generations before them, think they've found the solution to building the best world. New buzz words; same idea. And, the reactionary groups are doing what they've always done. And you add to that the complications of an opiod epidemic, an actual pandemic and yet another race-based inflection point in our society. So there's that - tuff tims.

    But my main hesitation in jumping on the dystopia train with you and the other Tug hand wringers is that there are a lot of powerful, connected capitalists in this city who are not giving up what they have without a fight. They'll call whomever they have to call. What? Everybody is a leftwing nut now and there are no people anywhere who feel differently? This is what makes your take hysterical. You're already at the point where people who command vast resources in industy have no recourse, which is absurd. Money still talks in the U.S. Just watch.

    You have one ineffectual mayor, who herself is a one-percenter, and some wingnuts who've infiltrated the city council. There's a long way to go from that to Seattle - the city of ruins.

    Like I said: LIPO.
    Two names come to mind as I read this:

    1. Fulgencio Batista
    2. Baghdad Bob

    And New Years Ball in Havana scene dialogue - (Big Smooch) "I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart."
    While I'm no fan of Castro, Batista had two political lives, and in the second one he was a pimp who used the office to be a two-bit swindling profiteer. He was asking for a communist revolution.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    All one needs to look at is who are the locals putting on the city council and in the mayors office. This is no longer a trend. Trends can be reversed quickly in politics. This was happening 30 years ago when i lived in Seattle. Rats wanted this, planned and organized. Their dedication is actually something to behold and admired. The end result is disaster. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    When the socialists on the city council ignore the problems and push back on those who are outraged at how far down the city has dropped in quality of life and law and order, they know they are protected, untouchable. Now they are working on getting rid of the police and somehow manage to ignore all the crime, violence and the innocent victims. Just listen to them. They call violent protests where people are murdered and beaten, peaceful. The minions, the mindless followers are doing their dirty work and they approve. Its what they want and fuck the innocent victims.

    What it all means is, the rats are in charge of the ship and that ship is not turning around until it crashes into shore and sinks. Its too late for Seattle and the worst is yet to come because the goose steppers are going to continue to put the vile rat leaders in office.

    If this had been happening 30 years ago, why isn't the city run into the ground by now? I won't argue that Seattle is seeing arguably unprecedented challenges and that there are some kooks on the city council. But there is WAY WAY too much in Seattle for this place to all of sudden wind up with a collectivist mind set. You'll recall there was a murmur about the mob showing up in Medina at one point, and then you never heard it again. There are people who live around Lake Washington who can make pretty big phone calls. The people who organize and show up at $1500 / plate political fund raisers don't protest.

    I think you're seeing the loud minority and reacting to it. If there had been happening 30 years ago, how, then, did the city become so prosperous? How did the east side become Bio Tech Valley? Why has the number of PE firms here increase exponentially in that time period? Where did all of this development in downtown Seattle come from? Belltown was a SHIT HOLE 30 years ago. 20 years ago. Now there are multi-million dollar condo developments there. How did South Lake Union happen? How did the University of Washington go from being a good public university to an elite one?

    There are more million $ boats on Lake Washington than there are 18' Bayliners and SeaRays. I know a lot of those guys; most of them are not coders.

    You pretty much missed my point.

    The West coast (West of the mountain ranges) 30 years ago was diverse in its leadership. That is not the case anymore. They took over with admirable dedication and persistence and it is only the rat way now. Differing opinions need not apply. Now you are seeing what far left leadership brings. Leadership that is unencumbered by any dissenting opinion or perspective is dangerous and has now cost some lives in Seattle. The Seattle city council is a perfect example of what happens when one political perspective runs the other out of town. I have friends in Seattle who won't even discuss politics with me in a restaurant because they are afraid a liberal might hear us.

    This took years to perfect. This perfect lib utopia will be its downfall. All those wonderful businesses Seattle leadership worked so hard to get and now the wacko socialists on the city council are starting to add arbitrary taxes that make them FEEL GOOD about themselves. Do you think Seattle is a corporate destination now? Not a chance. Its like they didn't learn a fucking thing when they put all the businesses out of business by forcing higher minimum wages on them.

    You think the millionaire's on Lake Washington are going to make calls and Sawant and all of her constituents are going to give a shit? Not a chance. Who they going to call? The wacko rat mayor?

    30 years ago no one would have thought that the voters in Seattle would elect an out of the closet and proud Socialist to the city council. Now they have and the ice has been broken. It took years and they won't be happy until they burn it all to the ground and remake it in their image. This liberal transformation of a city is nothing new. Rats have destroyed once vibrant and successful cities all across the country many times over and it didn't happen over night.
    I don't think I missed your point at all. You're confusing me missing your point with me disagreeing with your point. And that point included an unambiguous statement that this was happening 30 years ago. That there was some collection of agenda'd communists plotting for this day to happen. There have been communists around forever. If this super pac of lefties were intent on effecting a plan, they sucked at it if it took them 30 years to be just now knocking on the door.

    My view differs. Firstly, I don't think people - any people - are that good. I don't think any group of dirty hippies can stick to and execute a plan that rolls out over 30 years. It's a political swing supported by a lot of voting hard left wing smart kids who've moved into the city and, like all generations before them, think they've found the solution to building the best world. New buzz words; same idea. And, the reactionary groups are doing what they've always done. And you add to that the complications of an opiod epidemic, an actual pandemic and yet another race-based inflection point in our society. So there's that - tuff tims.

    But my main hesitation in jumping on the dystopia train with you and the other Tug hand wringers is that there are a lot of powerful, connected capitalists in this city who are not giving up what they have without a fight. They'll call whomever they have to call. What? Everybody is a leftwing nut now and there are no people anywhere who feel differently? This is what makes your take hysterical. You're already at the point where people who command vast resources in industy have no recourse, which is absurd. Money still talks in the U.S. Just watch.

    You have one ineffectual mayor, who herself is a one-percenter, and some wingnuts who've infiltrated the city council. There's a long way to go from that to Seattle - the city of ruins.

    Like I said: LIPO.
    Two names come to mind as I read this:

    1. Fulgencio Batista
    2. Baghdad Bob

    And New Years Ball in Havana scene dialogue - (Big Smooch) "I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart."
    While I'm no fan of Castro, Batista had two political lives, and in the second one he was a pimp who used the office to be a two-bit swindling profiteer. He was asking for a communist revolution.
    Aaaaaaaand the Godfather? Nothing to say?

  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    None of you fucks that are so outraged, don't even live here.

    Try Grammarly.
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,958
    edited July 2020

    All one needs to look at is who are the locals putting on the city council and in the mayors office. This is no longer a trend. Trends can be reversed quickly in politics. This was happening 30 years ago when i lived in Seattle. Rats wanted this, planned and organized. Their dedication is actually something to behold and admired. The end result is disaster. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    When the socialists on the city council ignore the problems and push back on those who are outraged at how far down the city has dropped in quality of life and law and order, they know they are protected, untouchable. Now they are working on getting rid of the police and somehow manage to ignore all the crime, violence and the innocent victims. Just listen to them. They call violent protests where people are murdered and beaten, peaceful. The minions, the mindless followers are doing their dirty work and they approve. Its what they want and fuck the innocent victims.

    What it all means is, the rats are in charge of the ship and that ship is not turning around until it crashes into shore and sinks. Its too late for Seattle and the worst is yet to come because the goose steppers are going to continue to put the vile rat leaders in office.

    If this had been happening 30 years ago, why isn't the city run into the ground by now? I won't argue that Seattle is seeing arguably unprecedented challenges and that there are some kooks on the city council. But there is WAY WAY too much in Seattle for this place to all of sudden wind up with a collectivist mind set. You'll recall there was a murmur about the mob showing up in Medina at one point, and then you never heard it again. There are people who live around Lake Washington who can make pretty big phone calls. The people who organize and show up at $1500 / plate political fund raisers don't protest.

    I think you're seeing the loud minority and reacting to it. If there had been happening 30 years ago, how, then, did the city become so prosperous? How did the east side become Bio Tech Valley? Why has the number of PE firms here increase exponentially in that time period? Where did all of this development in downtown Seattle come from? Belltown was a SHIT HOLE 30 years ago. 20 years ago. Now there are multi-million dollar condo developments there. How did South Lake Union happen? How did the University of Washington go from being a good public university to an elite one?

    There are more million $ boats on Lake Washington than there are 18' Bayliners and SeaRays. I know a lot of those guys; most of them are not coders.

    You pretty much missed my point.

    The West coast (West of the mountain ranges) 30 years ago was diverse in its leadership. That is not the case anymore. They took over with admirable dedication and persistence and it is only the rat way now. Differing opinions need not apply. Now you are seeing what far left leadership brings. Leadership that is unencumbered by any dissenting opinion or perspective is dangerous and has now cost some lives in Seattle. The Seattle city council is a perfect example of what happens when one political perspective runs the other out of town. I have friends in Seattle who won't even discuss politics with me in a restaurant because they are afraid a liberal might hear us.

    This took years to perfect. This perfect lib utopia will be its downfall. All those wonderful businesses Seattle leadership worked so hard to get and now the wacko socialists on the city council are starting to add arbitrary taxes that make them FEEL GOOD about themselves. Do you think Seattle is a corporate destination now? Not a chance. Its like they didn't learn a fucking thing when they put all the businesses out of business by forcing higher minimum wages on them.

    You think the millionaire's on Lake Washington are going to make calls and Sawant and all of her constituents are going to give a shit? Not a chance. Who they going to call? The wacko rat mayor?

    30 years ago no one would have thought that the voters in Seattle would elect an out of the closet and proud Socialist to the city council. Now they have and the ice has been broken. It took years and they won't be happy until they burn it all to the ground and remake it in their image. This liberal transformation of a city is nothing new. Rats have destroyed once vibrant and successful cities all across the country many times over and it didn't happen over night.
    I don't think I missed your point at all. You're confusing me missing your point with me disagreeing with your point. And that point included an unambiguous statement that this was happening 30 years ago. That there was some collection of agenda'd communists plotting for this day to happen. There have been communists around forever. If this super pac of lefties were intent on effecting a plan, they sucked at it if it took them 30 years to be just now knocking on the door.

    My view differs. Firstly, I don't think people - any people - are that good. I don't think any group of dirty hippies can stick to and execute a plan that rolls out over 30 years. It's a political swing supported by a lot of voting hard left wing smart kids who've moved into the city and, like all generations before them, think they've found the solution to building the best world. New buzz words; same idea. And, the reactionary groups are doing what they've always done. And you add to that the complications of an opiod epidemic, an actual pandemic and yet another race-based inflection point in our society. So there's that - tuff tims.

    But my main hesitation in jumping on the dystopia train with you and the other Tug hand wringers is that there are a lot of powerful, connected capitalists in this city who are not giving up what they have without a fight. They'll call whomever they have to call. What? Everybody is a leftwing nut now and there are no people anywhere who feel differently? This is what makes your take hysterical. You're already at the point where people who command vast resources in industy have no recourse, which is absurd. Money still talks in the U.S. Just watch.

    You have one ineffectual mayor, who herself is a one-percenter, and some wingnuts who've infiltrated the city council. There's a long way to go from that to Seattle - the city of ruins.

    Like I said: LIPO.
    Two names come to mind as I read this:

    1. Fulgencio Batista
    2. Baghdad Bob

    And New Years Ball in Havana scene dialogue - (Big Smooch) "I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart."
    While I'm no fan of Castro, Batista had two political lives, and in the second one he was a pimp who used the office to be a two-bit swindling profiteer. He was asking for a communist revolution.
    Aaaaaaaand the Godfather? Nothing to say?

    I'm also a sucker for any reference to Godfather. Fits any discussion anywhere, any tim. And, yes, Fulgencio was a little confident given that it was New Year's Eve when he gave that speech. Did nobody tell him?
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,100 Standard Supporter

    None of you fucks that are so outraged, don't even live here.

    I'm not outraged. You left shits can stew in your own excrement. Just stay there.
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,852
    I'm hearing maybe I should move there and set shit straight.

    What Seattle really needs is a Mexican Canadian frat boy tech bro to really turn it around
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