I cannot believe, and I'll bet @Swaye can't either, that this thread continues to deliver as it does.
But it does. Abundantly.
2 1/2 years of this shit and it is somehow still going. This thread should be studied by the aliens who take us over on how to get a compliant population.
Why the fuck would a city be split between 2 counties? Who came up with this shit
You're like one step up from a Cambodian street child
In that case, NO
Chevy as Ford. Classic.
Unless you are a science denier
Choose a 7-11 parking lot, Let’s duel like Nebraska classy Texans do.
You leftist fags in Western Washington deserve whatever post jab/post lockdown ills befall you. Fan boying this clown. Shameful.
God Hates Seattle. And wants to torture it. Obviously.