That's some corporate fucking doubletalk. Da FUQ does technology enhancements, workflow solutions and increased headcount have to do with a vaccine that doesn't work?
I think if the GOP wins the House and Senate after the mid-terms I will change this thread from the "bodies stacked like cordwood" thread to the "Hunter going to jail and Big Guy getting impeached" Game Thread.
I'm all in favor of a pointless purely political impeachment so that Harris becomes the pres lol
That's some corporate fucking doubletalk. Da FUQ does technology enhancements, workflow solutions and increased headcount have to do with a vaccine that doesn't work?
Pfuck Pfizer with a rusty shrapnel-filled, glass-shard-encrusted, pyramid-shaped Cheese Grater.
Just spent 3 days on the Navajo Nation land in NE Arizona. Was supposed to spend 4 but had to leave early.
1 - Masks are required every where 2 - When leaving ran into a Subway for traveler sandwiches, only 3 customers allowed at a time (a lady with her 2 kids kept me waiting outside until they left) they had tables placed along the ordering counter to keep 6 ft distance. All the chairs were stacked on top of tables. They did not think it was funny when I said "its to go" 3 - Cell tower was with in view of where I parked, wife had 5g, me LTE, both phones full wifi connections - but the phones and the computers had no internet. I was told the Navajo nation did not allow the cell services to provide data - they have their own system. The wifi signal was the one installed on my luxury trash mobile. 4 - Arizona does not change to daylight savings so the state is MST. Not the Navajo Nation - they are MDT. This resulted in my satellite service providing everything on TV per MDT and our phone service/computers/truck all providing me with MST.
My wife and I struggle with the changing the clocks anyway, but what the hell has happened to our native amerinds? @Swaye Are the injuns all democrats? or sheep?
The government has always loved native Americans. They provide them with lots of free cheese and besides any white person who doesn't vote RAT is a racist.
The two punchable faces were really struggling with this one.
Agree. Until people find the courage to push back and state this was always a scamdemic, they will be owned by the lunatic left's and GOP cuck's agenda and narrative. Everytime I say this to a tru-believer, they get angry and say something stupid like, "I have family members who died from Covid." My response to them is how did people die from complications of colds and flu before 2019?
Pfuck Pfizer with a rusty cheese 5Grater.
I was going to say the same thing. I don't think they were available to everyone in the general public until April of last year.