If we had a mainstream media and politicians with any credibility, there would be way less confusion and arguing over it. It's been politicized like everything else. People on both extremes are obnoxious and really full of shit and histrionics. Meanwhile we're way more in debt thanks to the hysteria and shutdown of most of the country.
This is exactly on point.
Somebody’s lying. And somebody is pouring gas on the fire.
Sunday night coronavirus positivity in United States: deaths dropped by nearly 50% — the first drop in 8 days — and total new infections dropped for the first time in eight days as well. Double positives - Copied from Clay Travis.
If we had a mainstream media and politicians with any credibility, there would be way less confusion and arguing over it. It's been politicized like everything else. People on both extremes are obnoxious and really full of shit and histrionics. Meanwhile we're way more in debt thanks to the hysteria and shutdown of most of the country.
FMB - nailed it. When shit like this gets whipped up I tend rebel. Teq, Doog Bot, Bearswiin - good points. Good reasons to be concerned but I believe this situation is being exploited. Both sides.
Here in Oregon the unions and dem politicians have succeeded in banning Oregon citizens from pumping their own gas. It's like a sacred thing. Well, no more for now. In order to put thousands of gas pumpers out of work we can now pump our own gas. We are saved.
Not totally true. I drove through Oregon a couple months ago and was able pump my own gas. I guess towns less than 40,000 people are self pumpers.
When you look at the actual numbers of infected I still think this is a knee jerk reaction. 144000 (rounded up) infected is still .043% of the population.
Flu infects 6%. There are more transpeople than SARS-COV2 infections.
Of course, we have been shutdown for 4 weeks so it has not spread that fast.
Still an overreaction to a virus. Shutting down Washington State because Puget Sound area and I5 corridor is infected is crap.
When you look at the actual numbers of infected I still think this is a knee jerk reaction. 144000 (rounded up) infected is still .043% of the population.
Flu infects 6%. There are more transpeople than SARS-COV2 infections.
Of course, we have been shutdown for 4 weeks so it has not spread that fast.
Still an overreaction to a virus. Shutting down Washington State because Puget Sound area and I5 corridor is infected is crap.
When you look at the actual numbers of infected I still think this is a knee jerk reaction. 144000 (rounded up) infected is still .043% of the population.
Flu infects 6%. There are more transpeople than SARS-COV2 infections.
Of course, we have been shutdown for 4 weeks so it has not spread that fast.
Still an overreaction to a virus. Shutting down Washington State because Puget Sound area and I5 corridor is infected is crap.
But if the tv media had a flu tote board like CNN does in a split screen where every flu death was reported telethon style I'd expect a pretty severe reaction.
if it's not the flu, what is it? right or wrong, most likely wrong, i've been thinking it's best described as a strain of flu.
Very definitely wrong
Influenza viruses and corona viruses are not related
May not be related, but they appear to be very similar
Both cause fever, cough, body aches and fatigue; sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Can be mild or severe, even fatal in rare cases. Can result in pneumonia.
Both can be spread from person to person through droplets in the air from an infected person coughing, sneezing or talking. A possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route (see details below under Differences). Both can be spread by an infected person for several days before their symptoms appear.
Neither virus is treatable with antibiotics, which only work on bacterial infections. Both are treated by addressing symptoms, such as reducing fever. Severe cases may require hospitalization and support such as mechanical ventilation.
Both may be prevented by frequent, thorough hand washing, coughing into the crook of your elbow, staying home when sick and limiting contact with people who are infected. Social distancing can limit the spread of COVID-19 in communities.
The BIG SCARY difference between the two is that there is no vaccine for COVID-19.
I'm not pretending to be some smart fuck but it seams to me it's a flu-like illness arguably more contagious than the flu. Telling me I'm wrong does not tell me anything.
It tells you that you're wrong. Influenza and SARS-covid viruses are not related. They can cause similar symptoms, but that does not make them the same.
Covid-19 has a CFR rate probably ten times higher than the seasonal flu, and humans have no natural immunity to it (yet).
This is high school-level biology here. Nothing partisan or expert about it.
To your original question, no. Nobody here will convince you otherwise because you're predisposed to think that this is just the flu. Like most conservatives, you won't give a shit until it hits you personally. At this poont you've been affected by the disruption and not the virus itself, so you have the luxury of bitching about that. I actually hope that the virus doesn't affect you (or anybody else here) so the braintruste here can continue to gleefully complain that it's all a big lib/statist hoax, but sadly I fear that that will not be the case
But if the tv media had a flu tote board like CNN does in a split screen where every flu death was reported telethon style I'd expect a pretty severe reaction.
if it's not the flu, what is it? right or wrong, most likely wrong, i've been thinking it's best described as a strain of flu.
Very definitely wrong
Influenza viruses and corona viruses are not related
May not be related, but they appear to be very similar
Both cause fever, cough, body aches and fatigue; sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Can be mild or severe, even fatal in rare cases. Can result in pneumonia.
Both can be spread from person to person through droplets in the air from an infected person coughing, sneezing or talking. A possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route (see details below under Differences). Both can be spread by an infected person for several days before their symptoms appear.
Neither virus is treatable with antibiotics, which only work on bacterial infections. Both are treated by addressing symptoms, such as reducing fever. Severe cases may require hospitalization and support such as mechanical ventilation.
Both may be prevented by frequent, thorough hand washing, coughing into the crook of your elbow, staying home when sick and limiting contact with people who are infected. Social distancing can limit the spread of COVID-19 in communities.
The BIG SCARY difference between the two is that there is no vaccine for COVID-19.
I'm not pretending to be some smart fuck but it seams to me it's a flu-like illness arguably more contagious than the flu. Telling me I'm wrong does not tell me anything.
It tells you that you're wrong. Influenza and SARS-covid viruses are not related. They can cause similar symptoms, but that does not make them the same.
Covid-19 has a CFR rate probably ten times higher than the seasonal flu, and humans have no natural immunity to it (yet).
This is high school-level biology here. Nothing partisan or expert about it.
It’s like saying a hangover and a brain tumor are the same because they both cause headaches. I’m not saying they’re the same, so don’t twist.
Is it also like pretending to be a centrist and then taking a lefty political stance to thinking about respiratory virus with a hetereogenous effect on people?
But if the tv media had a flu tote board like CNN does in a split screen where every flu death was reported telethon style I'd expect a pretty severe reaction.
if it's not the flu, what is it? right or wrong, most likely wrong, i've been thinking it's best described as a strain of flu.
Very definitely wrong
Influenza viruses and corona viruses are not related
May not be related, but they appear to be very similar
Both cause fever, cough, body aches and fatigue; sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Can be mild or severe, even fatal in rare cases. Can result in pneumonia.
Both can be spread from person to person through droplets in the air from an infected person coughing, sneezing or talking. A possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route (see details below under Differences). Both can be spread by an infected person for several days before their symptoms appear.
Neither virus is treatable with antibiotics, which only work on bacterial infections. Both are treated by addressing symptoms, such as reducing fever. Severe cases may require hospitalization and support such as mechanical ventilation.
Both may be prevented by frequent, thorough hand washing, coughing into the crook of your elbow, staying home when sick and limiting contact with people who are infected. Social distancing can limit the spread of COVID-19 in communities.
The BIG SCARY difference between the two is that there is no vaccine for COVID-19.
I'm not pretending to be some smart fuck but it seams to me it's a flu-like illness arguably more contagious than the flu. Telling me I'm wrong does not tell me anything.
It tells you that you're wrong. Influenza and SARS-covid viruses are not related. They can cause similar symptoms, but that does not make them the same.
Covid-19 has a CFR rate probably ten times higher than the seasonal flu, and humans have no natural immunity to it (yet).
This is high school-level biology here. Nothing partisan or expert about it.
To your original question, no. Nobody here will convince you otherwise because you're predisposed to think that this is just the flu. Like most conservatives, you won't give a shit until it hits you personally. At this poont you've been affected by the disruption and not the virus itself, so you have the luxury of bitching about that. I actually hope that the virus doesn't affect you (or anybody else here) so the braintruste here can continue to gleefully complain that it's all a big lib/statist hoax, but sadly I fear that that will not be the case
But if the tv media had a flu tote board like CNN does in a split screen where every flu death was reported telethon style I'd expect a pretty severe reaction.
if it's not the flu, what is it? right or wrong, most likely wrong, i've been thinking it's best described as a strain of flu.
Very definitely wrong
Influenza viruses and corona viruses are not related
May not be related, but they appear to be very similar
Both cause fever, cough, body aches and fatigue; sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Can be mild or severe, even fatal in rare cases. Can result in pneumonia.
Both can be spread from person to person through droplets in the air from an infected person coughing, sneezing or talking. A possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route (see details below under Differences). Both can be spread by an infected person for several days before their symptoms appear.
Neither virus is treatable with antibiotics, which only work on bacterial infections. Both are treated by addressing symptoms, such as reducing fever. Severe cases may require hospitalization and support such as mechanical ventilation.
Both may be prevented by frequent, thorough hand washing, coughing into the crook of your elbow, staying home when sick and limiting contact with people who are infected. Social distancing can limit the spread of COVID-19 in communities.
The BIG SCARY difference between the two is that there is no vaccine for COVID-19.
I'm not pretending to be some smart fuck but it seams to me it's a flu-like illness arguably more contagious than the flu. Telling me I'm wrong does not tell me anything.
It tells you that you're wrong. Influenza and SARS-covid viruses are not related. They can cause similar symptoms, but that does not make them the same.
Covid-19 has a CFR rate probably ten times higher than the seasonal flu, and humans have no natural immunity to it (yet).
This is high school-level biology here. Nothing partisan or expert about it.
To your original question, no. Nobody here will convince you otherwise because you're predisposed to think that this is just the flu. Like most conservatives, you won't give a shit until it hits you personally. At this poont you've been affected by the disruption and not the virus itself, so you have the luxury of bitching about that. I actually hope that the virus doesn't affect you (or anybody else here) so the braintruste here can continue to gleefully complain that it's all a big lib/statist hoax, but sadly I fear that that will not be the case
Mostly a hoax to steal an election with assistance from communist China and others.
The PCR test can't tell the difference between Flu, Chicom Crud or even any corona virus based cold. There were only 1080 Flu cases in 202 and now you know why. Last I knew they still haven't sent out the new test that is supposed to differentiate. It was due out Dec. 31st.
Cooked the books and did the overthrow of our government. Fuck them all.
I just don't care about it. Open up th economy on April 12 like Trump is eyeing to do. End of April at the latest. Lock down New York if you need to. This is just silly with all the retards predicting doomsday. They're going to keep moving the goalposts now and say, "Yeah but next month it'll get unmanageable, then next month, then next month."
Now it's admittance it will die in summer but come back in the fall.
You just don't understand how an exponential equation works. You just want old people to die so you can go to Starbucks again.
@89ute this thing is potentially more contagious than the flu but ranges around pneumonia in how deadly it is. Neither of those two things is super alarming but put them together and well it's more concerning.
Combine that with an aging population and how rapidly it infects and well, it might only kill 15,000 people in the US but it might do it in a week. All of the sick people will overwhelm the hospitals if it all is within 1 week as well. That will grab headlines regardless.
Study just published in Germany shows that its much more contagious. The virus is shedding very early and in yuge volumes which makes it much harder to contain.
They compared it to SARS which reached its peak infectious period later in the cycle when the illness moved deep into the lungs. covid 19 seems to reach peak shed earlier while still in upper respiratory. At its peak covid 19 is shedding 1,000 times more virus than SARS patients were emitting at peak shed...this ain’t the flu.
Tell me moar about shedding. Is that what pets do also?
But if the tv media had a flu tote board like CNN does in a split screen where every flu death was reported telethon style I'd expect a pretty severe reaction.
if it's not the flu, what is it? right or wrong, most likely wrong, i've been thinking it's best described as a strain of flu.
Very definitely wrong
Influenza viruses and corona viruses are not related
May not be related, but they appear to be very similar
Both cause fever, cough, body aches and fatigue; sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Can be mild or severe, even fatal in rare cases. Can result in pneumonia.
Both can be spread from person to person through droplets in the air from an infected person coughing, sneezing or talking. A possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route (see details below under Differences). Both can be spread by an infected person for several days before their symptoms appear.
Neither virus is treatable with antibiotics, which only work on bacterial infections. Both are treated by addressing symptoms, such as reducing fever. Severe cases may require hospitalization and support such as mechanical ventilation.
Both may be prevented by frequent, thorough hand washing, coughing into the crook of your elbow, staying home when sick and limiting contact with people who are infected. Social distancing can limit the spread of COVID-19 in communities.
The BIG SCARY difference between the two is that there is no vaccine for COVID-19.
I'm not pretending to be some smart fuck but it seams to me it's a flu-like illness arguably more contagious than the flu. Telling me I'm wrong does not tell me anything.
It tells you that you're wrong. Influenza and SARS-covid viruses are not related. They can cause similar symptoms, but that does not make them the same.
Covid-19 has a CFR rate probably ten times higher than the seasonal flu, and humans have no natural immunity to it (yet).
This is high school-level biology here. Nothing partisan or expert about it.
To your original question, no. Nobody here will convince you otherwise because you're predisposed to think that this is just the flu. Like most conservatives, you won't give a shit until it hits you personally. At this poont you've been affected by the disruption and not the virus itself, so you have the luxury of bitching about that. I actually hope that the virus doesn't affect you (or anybody else here) so the braintruste here can continue to gleefully complain that it's all a big lib/statist hoax, but sadly I fear that that will not be the case
You're positing yourself as a bastion of compassion?
As I've said, the one glaring difference between the two is that some doctors are actually dying as a result of treating the infirm. That's unsettling in regards to the big picture.
I didn't say that I was. I have very little tolerance for militant ignorance. We're all ignorant to some degree. Not all of us are proud of it.
It's also telling that you didn't disagree with me, you merely tried to deflect
You are a cunt. I'd kick your dick into your ass if I ever met you. I am very glad you left. Go dust something. Split tail.
Somebody’s lying. And somebody is pouring gas on the fire.
don't know how to put a tweet in a poast
wow - it worked FMB - nailed it. When shit like this gets whipped up I tend rebel. Teq, Doog Bot, Bearswiin - good points. Good reasons to be concerned but I believe this situation is being exploited. Both sides.
Flu infects 6%. There are more transpeople than SARS-COV2 infections.
Of course, we have been shutdown for 4 weeks so it has not spread that fast.
Still an overreaction to a virus. Shutting down Washington State because Puget Sound area and I5 corridor is infected is crap.
Nice to know but won’t tell you shit
Ruled a covid death.
The PCR test can't tell the difference between Flu, Chicom Crud or even any corona virus based cold. There were only 1080 Flu cases in 202 and now you know why. Last I knew they still haven't sent out the new test that is supposed to differentiate. It was due out Dec. 31st.
Cooked the books and did the overthrow of our government. Fuck them all.
Fear works
Not on me but on a lot of you
And of course those most sure of lockdowns were the most and loudest wrong and long since gone. I mean they are pussies so that makes sense
We just don't know so let's crater the economy and cause distress and misery over a fucking cold
This was March of 2020
Tick fucking tock
Hot takes from Tugshitlibs.