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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

So 225 new deaths today.



  • dncdnc Member Posts: 56,614
    Where is the 225 coming from? This tracker has it at 130.
  • DooglesDoogles Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 12,545 Founders Club

    In my completely unscientific survey of public sentiment and opinion-shapers, there's been a shift in the last day toward let's get working again.

    If we have enough data to make sounds decisions and the hospitals aren't being overwhelmed then this should be the case.
    Completely agree. If it's being reported that our hospitals look like Italy with people dying in the hallways because of lack of ventilators then we need to continue to make efforts to quarantine and isolate the people most likely to require hospitalization.
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,940 Founders Club
    dnc said:

    Where is the 225 coming from? This tracker has it at 130.

    225 was yesterday. 130 is today, but the day is still going.
  • dncdnc Member Posts: 56,614

    dnc said:

    Where is the 225 coming from? This tracker has it at 130.

    225 was yesterday. 130 is today, but the day is still going.
  • Fire_Marshall_BillFire_Marshall_Bill Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 23,515 Founders Club
    Doogles said:

    HHusky said:

    Doogles said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    60% higher than yesterday.

    So 300 deaths tomorrow and total deaths hit 1,000?

    I’ll take the over.

    Thanks for confirming what you've been hoping for all along.
    I guess you Covid deniers are just better people.
    Yeah- COVID denier. Nailed me on that one. I don't think you're going to make detective.
    So you agree with my math.
    I agree with the board you have a goulish hope the death rate hits 1,000 sooner rather than later,
    I have an ability to look at the numbers and see reality. It’s a recognition, not a “hope”. This isn’t quite the nothing burger or joke some of your pals said it was. I admit to some grim pleasure in seeing their hubris flung back in their faces.
    Nothings changed with me.

    Will the death total warrant the hysteria? If the numbers play out to just a bad flu season then absolutely not.

    If at the end of this we're looking at massive fatalities outside the norm then take a lap hands raised.
    The Coronavirus isn’t replacing the flu. We still have the flu also. A 100% increase in the number of seasonal, killer viruses isn’t the minor matter you appear to believe it is.
    My 90 year old Grandma caught a fever last week and passed in her sleep two days later. She lived a great life, but dementia and other health complications had her teetering for awhile.

    Corona virus may very well be the closer to a lot of ailments, but saying these deaths are 100% in addition to is extremely naive.
    My dad died at 80 a few years ago. He was in bad shape for about seven years. You can take your pick as to what caused it - I've always gone with old age. He had a heart attack at 65 and it took him about four months to really get back on track. The common cold kills a lot of old folks. The media never mentions this. Ever.

    I'm not saying it's nothing, fake, or made in a lab. But the "It bleeds, it leads" media mantra didn't just change. People act like it's intensified now...
  • YellowSnowYellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,940 Founders Club

    In my completely unscientific survey of public sentiment and opinion-shapers, there's been a shift in the last day toward let's get working again.

    If we have enough data to make sounds decisions and the hospitals aren't being overwhelmed then this should be the case.
    I'm not making an advisability argument, only observation of sentiment. For example, you've got Thomas Friedman in NYT opinion yesterday asking if the cure is worse.
    Yes, this was implied. There's a lot if's and but's in my comment.

  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,354
    Doogles said:

    HHusky said:

    Doogles said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    60% higher than yesterday.

    So 300 deaths tomorrow and total deaths hit 1,000?

    I’ll take the over.

    Thanks for confirming what you've been hoping for all along.
    I guess you Covid deniers are just better people.
    Yeah- COVID denier. Nailed me on that one. I don't think you're going to make detective.
    So you agree with my math.
    I agree with the board you have a goulish hope the death rate hits 1,000 sooner rather than later,
    I have an ability to look at the numbers and see reality. It’s a recognition, not a “hope”. This isn’t quite the nothing burger or joke some of your pals said it was. I admit to some grim pleasure in seeing their hubris flung back in their faces.
    Nothings changed with me.

    Will the death total warrant the hysteria? If the numbers play out to just a bad flu season then absolutely not.

    If at the end of this we're looking at massive fatalities outside the norm then take a lap hands raised.
    The Coronavirus isn’t replacing the flu. We still have the flu also. A 100% increase in the number of seasonal, killer viruses isn’t the minor matter you appear to believe it is.
    My 90 year old Grandma caught a fever last week and passed in her sleep two days later. She lived a great life, but dementia and other health complications had her teetering for awhile.

    Corona virus may very well be the closer to a lot of ailments, but saying these deaths are 100% in addition to is extremely naive.
    They are neither 100% in addition nor 0% in addition. I understand that eventually something kills all of us and it’s hard to argue that someone in her 90s was going to still be here in 10 years, but there are plenty of 50 and 60 and 70 somethings dying of it too.
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,354

    Doogles said:

    HHusky said:

    Doogles said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    60% higher than yesterday.

    So 300 deaths tomorrow and total deaths hit 1,000?

    I’ll take the over.

    Thanks for confirming what you've been hoping for all along.
    I guess you Covid deniers are just better people.
    Yeah- COVID denier. Nailed me on that one. I don't think you're going to make detective.
    So you agree with my math.
    I agree with the board you have a goulish hope the death rate hits 1,000 sooner rather than later,
    I have an ability to look at the numbers and see reality. It’s a recognition, not a “hope”. This isn’t quite the nothing burger or joke some of your pals said it was. I admit to some grim pleasure in seeing their hubris flung back in their faces.
    Nothings changed with me.

    Will the death total warrant the hysteria? If the numbers play out to just a bad flu season then absolutely not.

    If at the end of this we're looking at massive fatalities outside the norm then take a lap hands raised.
    The Coronavirus isn’t replacing the flu. We still have the flu also. A 100% increase in the number of seasonal, killer viruses isn’t the minor matter you appear to believe it is.
    My 90 year old Grandma caught a fever last week and passed in her sleep two days later. She lived a great life, but dementia and other health complications had her teetering for awhile.

    Corona virus may very well be the closer to a lot of ailments, but saying these deaths are 100% in addition to is extremely naive.
    Yup. T's & P's on granny, btw. 90 is a damned good run.

    It's not like the cause of death is allocated 85% old age/parts wore out, 10% complications from diabetes, 5% COVID-19 respiratory's getting marked down as 100% COVID.

    That’s true of influenza too. It’s still apples to apples record keeping.
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,526 Standard Supporter
    HHusky said:

    Doogles said:

    HHusky said:

    Doogles said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    60% higher than yesterday.

    So 300 deaths tomorrow and total deaths hit 1,000?

    I’ll take the over.

    Thanks for confirming what you've been hoping for all along.
    I guess you Covid deniers are just better people.
    Yeah- COVID denier. Nailed me on that one. I don't think you're going to make detective.
    So you agree with my math.
    I agree with the board you have a goulish hope the death rate hits 1,000 sooner rather than later,
    I have an ability to look at the numbers and see reality. It’s a recognition, not a “hope”. This isn’t quite the nothing burger or joke some of your pals said it was. I admit to some grim pleasure in seeing their hubris flung back in their faces.
    Nothings changed with me.

    Will the death total warrant the hysteria? If the numbers play out to just a bad flu season then absolutely not.

    If at the end of this we're looking at massive fatalities outside the norm then take a lap hands raised.
    The Coronavirus isn’t replacing the flu. We still have the flu also. A 100% increase in the number of seasonal, killer viruses isn’t the minor matter you appear to believe it is.
    My 90 year old Grandma caught a fever last week and passed in her sleep two days later. She lived a great life, but dementia and other health complications had her teetering for awhile.

    Corona virus may very well be the closer to a lot of ailments, but saying these deaths are 100% in addition to is extremely naive.
    Yup. T's & P's on granny, btw. 90 is a damned good run.

    It's not like the cause of death is allocated 85% old age/parts wore out, 10% complications from diabetes, 5% COVID-19 respiratory's getting marked down as 100% COVID.

    That’s true of influenza too. It’s still apples to apples record keeping.
    Depends on who the scorekeeper is.

    Right now, 5% COVID gets the W even though old age threw 8 2/3 innings of no-hit ball.

  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,354
    edited March 2020

    HHusky said:

    Doogles said:

    HHusky said:

    Doogles said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    HHusky said:

    60% higher than yesterday.

    So 300 deaths tomorrow and total deaths hit 1,000?

    I’ll take the over.

    Thanks for confirming what you've been hoping for all along.
    I guess you Covid deniers are just better people.
    Yeah- COVID denier. Nailed me on that one. I don't think you're going to make detective.
    So you agree with my math.
    I agree with the board you have a goulish hope the death rate hits 1,000 sooner rather than later,
    I have an ability to look at the numbers and see reality. It’s a recognition, not a “hope”. This isn’t quite the nothing burger or joke some of your pals said it was. I admit to some grim pleasure in seeing their hubris flung back in their faces.
    Nothings changed with me.

    Will the death total warrant the hysteria? If the numbers play out to just a bad flu season then absolutely not.

    If at the end of this we're looking at massive fatalities outside the norm then take a lap hands raised.
    The Coronavirus isn’t replacing the flu. We still have the flu also. A 100% increase in the number of seasonal, killer viruses isn’t the minor matter you appear to believe it is.
    My 90 year old Grandma caught a fever last week and passed in her sleep two days later. She lived a great life, but dementia and other health complications had her teetering for awhile.

    Corona virus may very well be the closer to a lot of ailments, but saying these deaths are 100% in addition to is extremely naive.
    Yup. T's & P's on granny, btw. 90 is a damned good run.

    It's not like the cause of death is allocated 85% old age/parts wore out, 10% complications from diabetes, 5% COVID-19 respiratory's getting marked down as 100% COVID.

    That’s true of influenza too. It’s still apples to apples record keeping.
    Depends on who the scorekeeper is.

    Right now, 5% COVID gets the W even though old age threw 8 2/3 innings of no-hit ball.

    We have always assigned an immediate cause of death. Quite a good sized number of us manage our high blood pressure with medication and can live for decades doing so. If one of us dies of Covid 19, the stat keepers will remark that he had an underlying condition: hypertension. How much false solace has been taken over these reports? In other words, this cuts both ways.
  • GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,485 Standard Supporter
    NPR this morning had an in memoriam about Terrence McNally (who?), apparently dead of COVID this week

    As a minor detail, they mentioned he'd survived lung cancer and had been using oxygen when receiving an award at the Tonys last year.
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,354
    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    Once upon a time I would give a leftard the benefit of the doubt.
    But year after year of being lied to by nearly every leftist I’ve encountered, I changed my mind a long time ago. Leftards lie and love to be lied to. They view conservatives as ignorant of the higher “truths” and evil – hence there exists no moral stigma to lying for the greater good. They will refuse to be honest – even on an anonymous board. Bubba and barry, the last two dem presidents both lied about supporting marriage as between a man and a woman. I knew they were lying, they knew they were lying and the MSM knew they were lying and were happy to keep it that way so they didn’t piss off the black and Hispanic vote.

    The counselor when he first appeared claimed to be a conservative. A pretty standard leftard ploy. It’s either that or claim to be a true moderate. But from the beginning it seemed odd that the counselor supported no conservative policies but he did support almost every leftard policy that came down the pike. There is no phucking way he voted for Bush. The counselor will lie and distort anything he can get his hands on to promote the leftard agenda. Look at the Russia, Russia hoax. The counselor will still deny the most basic elements of that hoax. That to me is a rubber hits the road moment. Then on to Ukraine. The counselor tells us this was an impeachable offense. Ask him what high crime was committed and silence. However, he will happily pull the trigger and vote for a bought and paid for Joe Biden on both the Ukraine and Chicom front. Barry sent blankets and MREs to the Ukrainian border. Wouldn’t directly ship. Trump sends military weapons and gets impeached. There is no phucking way he voted for Bush when he would vote for a Soviet Union/Cuba symp like Bernie.

    The counselor’s arguments – like all leftards are:

    Play the race/bigot card;

    Make a weak lame ass moral equivalency argument; or

    Lie (hands up, don't shoot)

    Bag of hammers has caught and passed you, Westy.
    He nailed you O'Keefed and there's no denying that you are a liar.
    I know you know it’s true because you gave me shit about playing Hamlet with my 2004 vote. I don’t remember whether you explicitly used that metaphor, but that was the gist.

    Anyway, I have mentioned my vote for W many times in the course of 16 years. Calling it a lie now says more about Gasbag, Race and Atl than it does about me. They are obviously beginning to question their own choices—a self examination that is plainly called for and long past due.
    I know what you've said O'Keefed. But we both know you are a liar. So were you lying then or are you lying now?

    My testimony hasn’t changed. Were you just looking for a provocative sound bite?

    Don’t quit your day job.
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,354
    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    SFGbob said:

    HHusky said:

    Once upon a time I would give a leftard the benefit of the doubt.
    But year after year of being lied to by nearly every leftist I’ve encountered, I changed my mind a long time ago. Leftards lie and love to be lied to. They view conservatives as ignorant of the higher “truths” and evil – hence there exists no moral stigma to lying for the greater good. They will refuse to be honest – even on an anonymous board. Bubba and barry, the last two dem presidents both lied about supporting marriage as between a man and a woman. I knew they were lying, they knew they were lying and the MSM knew they were lying and were happy to keep it that way so they didn’t piss off the black and Hispanic vote.

    The counselor when he first appeared claimed to be a conservative. A pretty standard leftard ploy. It’s either that or claim to be a true moderate. But from the beginning it seemed odd that the counselor supported no conservative policies but he did support almost every leftard policy that came down the pike. There is no phucking way he voted for Bush. The counselor will lie and distort anything he can get his hands on to promote the leftard agenda. Look at the Russia, Russia hoax. The counselor will still deny the most basic elements of that hoax. That to me is a rubber hits the road moment. Then on to Ukraine. The counselor tells us this was an impeachable offense. Ask him what high crime was committed and silence. However, he will happily pull the trigger and vote for a bought and paid for Joe Biden on both the Ukraine and Chicom front. Barry sent blankets and MREs to the Ukrainian border. Wouldn’t directly ship. Trump sends military weapons and gets impeached. There is no phucking way he voted for Bush when he would vote for a Soviet Union/Cuba symp like Bernie.

    The counselor’s arguments – like all leftards are:

    Play the race/bigot card;

    Make a weak lame ass moral equivalency argument; or

    Lie (hands up, don't shoot)

    Bag of hammers has caught and passed you, Westy.
    He nailed you O'Keefed and there's no denying that you are a liar.
    I know you know it’s true because you gave me shit about playing Hamlet with my 2004 vote. I don’t remember whether you explicitly used that metaphor, but that was the gist.

    Anyway, I have mentioned my vote for W many times in the course of 16 years. Calling it a lie now says more about Gasbag, Race and Atl than it does about me. They are obviously beginning to question their own choices—a self examination that is plainly called for and long past due.
    I know what you've said O'Keefed. But we both know you are a liar. So were you lying then or are you lying now?

    My statements haven’t changed. Were you just looking for a provocative sound bite?

    Don’t quit your day job.
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