I still have the first 30-30 I was given for my 12th birthday. Took my first deer with that rifle. Love it. These days I primarily use a 25-06, though I just purchased a 6.5 Creedmore last year and plan to use that next season to see how it does. For a woods gun capable of thumping bear I have a Browning BLR in .358 Winchester that I quite love, though it will wake you up quick when you shoot it.
There's something I find very cathartic about lever guns. Something about loading the cartridges into the tube and then cycling the lever. More fun to me than ARs going pop, pop, pop.
I have a lever gun fetish as well. They are just so light, trim, flat and handy. No one thinks twice about a lever gun when they see one. Easily carried in the hand if you don't monkey them up with a scope.
I had a Barrett .50 but it was the mag fed bolt action bullpup. Sold out to but other stuff. Just didn't use it much. A .50 is Moore of an anti-thing gun. Cars, trucks etc. It was fun for a while though!
Yeah never get your kid a BB gun. Get them a pellet gun. BB's are steel and bounce like super balls. Pellets are pure lead and flatten when hitting a hard object.
Yeah never get your kid a BB gun. Get them a pellet gun. BB's are steel and bounce like super balls. Pellets are pure lead and flatten when hitting a hard object.
Yeah never get your kid a BB gun. Get them a pellet gun. BB's are steel and bounce like super balls. Pellets are pure lead and flatten when hitting a hard object.
I still have the first 30-30 I was given for my 12th birthday. Took my first deer with that rifle. Love it. These days I primarily use a 25-06, though I just purchased a 6.5 Creedmore last year and plan to use that next season to see how it does. For a woods gun capable of thumping bear I have a Browning BLR in .358 Winchester that I quite love, though it will wake you up quick when you shoot it.
I got a Ruger M77 in .270 for my 14th birthday - I ended a number of deer and elk with that rifle.
It's too bad that I lost all my weapons in a tragic boating accident years ago.
Yeah never get your kid a BB gun. Get them a pellet gun. BB's are steel and bounce like super balls. Pellets are pure lead and flatten when hitting a hard object.
Half a dozen kids with goggles and BB guns is just a day of fun in Shelton. My brother got me in the ear lobe one tim - and let me tell you, a Red Ryder shot to the ear stings like hell.
I still have the first 30-30 I was given for my 12th birthday. Took my first deer with that rifle. Love it. These days I primarily use a 25-06, though I just purchased a 6.5 Creedmore last year and plan to use that next season to see how it does. For a woods gun capable of thumping bear I have a Browning BLR in .358 Winchester that I quite love, though it will wake you up quick when you shoot it.
I got a Ruger M77 in .270 for my 14th birthday - I ended a number of deer and elk with that rifle.
It's too bad that I lost all my weapons in a tragic boating accident years ago.
Yeah never get your kid a BB gun. Get them a pellet gun. BB's are steel and bounce like super balls. Pellets are pure lead and flatten when hitting a hard object.
Half a dozen kids with goggles and BB guns is just a day of fun in Shelton. My brother got me in the ear lobe one tim - and let me tell you, a Red Ryder shot to the ear stings like hell.
Oh hell yeah we had Red Rider wars! They leave a welt!
But when my neighboring agency started calling for a SWAT team because kids were running around with air soft guns I'd recommend against it. Besides some pansy ass liberal parent will want to file ADW charges.
Shit when I was a kid we had all the cool toy guns that actually shot stuff. I had a Johnny Eagle M14 and 1911. I was big shit in the hood.
Not terrorists but yes they are saying that they will not allow the government to strip their constitutional rights from them. This is the very mechanism the founders intended when the government over reaches and it can't be resolved.
The left is importing voters that will vote for their free shit. It is a plan to flip the nation in one direction. Socialism is not constitutional either.
Don't the courts have to weigh in first before we can conclude if the citizen's of VA have lost a constitutionally protected right? This is step 1 in the process which the Founders intended. Seemed to work out fine for gun owners in Washington, DC last I checked.
Where were the milita bros in 1994 when Clinton signed the AWB? Why didn't they take up arms to defend 2A rights then?
DC is still fucked and going back to the supremes as we speak.
They haven't shot anyone. HTH
But I hear all this TUFF talk in the Tug about the necessity to demonstrate to the State Government of VA the willingness of patriots to die for their freedom and prevent tyranny. Where were these folks in 1994 when the Federal Assault Weapons ban went into effect? That legislation seemed like far more of an assault on the 2A than anything being proposed today. Why was there no revolt?
Welp. Most people didn’t have an internet connection back then. Therefore no Twitter, Facebook and every swinging dick with a camera phone back then. So there’s that. While there was serious political division back then. It wasn’t the outrage era as now because most people only knew what was happening from TV news. And even then, they dictated the narrative. So please stop comparing 1994 to 2020. You’re better.
Easily carried in the hand if you don't monkey them up with a scope.
Unless you're a convicted felon then it'll be fun with Bubba the Love Sponge.
It's too bad that I lost all my weapons in a tragic boating accident years ago. Half a dozen kids with goggles and BB guns is just a day of fun in Shelton. My brother got me in the ear lobe one tim - and let me tell you, a Red Ryder shot to the ear stings like hell.
But when my neighboring agency started calling for a SWAT team because kids were running around with air soft guns I'd recommend against it. Besides some pansy ass liberal parent will want to file ADW charges.
Shit when I was a kid we had all the cool toy guns that actually shot stuff. I had a Johnny Eagle M14 and 1911. I was big shit in the hood.