He never won a big road game unless you're counting USC 2015 (Sarknado game).
His biggest win was Stanford 2016.
We lost to Cristobal twice.
We lost to Cal twice.
We couldn't beat mediocre Stanford teams in the friggin' library.
All of his QBs devolved or never developed into NFL draft picks.
Save for Southern Mississippi in the Fried Oreo Bowl, he got completely outcoached against better teams in each and every bowl (don't forget Oklahoma St. 2014).
His clock management was extremely poor.
He only hired coaches with Boise affiliation, save for Malloe and Adams.
Look, he was a great coach. We had a higher APR than friggin' Stanford for two years. I love him as a person, especially in this day and age of big-time college athletics. We've achieved a shitload under him the last few years. He made me more proud to be a Husky than ever.
But something had to change. I didn't expect it to be him. Whether Lake wins or not, I back this move right now and totally support Cohen. She's vetted Lake and has seen firsthand what an energetic coach can do for a program, ie Hopkins. Cohen loves Petersen and would never make this move just to appease Jimmy. Plus, Pete's move to this leadership position, although kind of flimsy, seems like the perfect fit with his psychology background and Built For Life messaging. You really think Pete would ever half-ass something? Guy has more integrity than this entire board, which isn't saying much but yeah.
I'm all in on Lake. The program needed a recharge. This is it. #DeathRowDawgs
He "only did this, except for the times he didn't."
He never won a big road game unless you're counting USC 2015 (Sarknado game).
His biggest win was Stanford 2016.
We lost to Cristobal twice.
We lost to Cal twice.
We couldn't beat mediocre Stanford teams in the friggin' library.
All of his QBs devolved or never developed into NFL draft picks.
Save for Southern Mississippi in the Fried Oreo Bowl, he got completely outcoached against better teams in each and every bowl (don't forget Oklahoma St. 2014).
His clock management was extremely poor.
He only hired coaches with Boise affiliation, save for Malloe and Adams.
Look, he was a great coach. We had a higher APR than friggin' Stanford for two years. I love him as a person, especially in this day and age of big-time college athletics. We've achieved a shitload under him the last few years. He made me more proud to be a Husky than ever.
But something had to change. I didn't expect it to be him. Whether Lake wins or not, I back this move right now and totally support Cohen. She's vetted Lake and has seen firsthand what an energetic coach can do for a program, ie Hopkins. Cohen loves Petersen and would never make this move just to appease Jimmy. Plus, Pete's move to this leadership position, although kind of flimsy, seems like the perfect fit with his psychology background and Built For Life messaging. You really think Pete would ever half-ass something? Guy has more integrity than this entire board, which isn't saying much but yeah.
I'm all in on Lake. The program needed a recharge. This is it. #DeathRowDawgs
How this isn't seen as an absolute win is beyond me... Petersen is retained and presumably his CEO qualities will be of benefit from his advisory role. Lake jettisons Pete's broken offense, cleans house, and brings a more energetic/enthusiastic face to the program. Kwiatkowski is bumped back up to DC and hopefully an adept defensive recruiter (Dennison/Sirmon???) is brought in as the last coach/DB coach if Harris isn't promoted.
This is the best of all worlds, in my view. If we can assume that Pete lost the fire to be a 12 hour a day every day coach, and according to this site that was a concern from day one, he needed to go. Lake seems like he has a chance to be the next Dabo, and Pete will be there to hold his hand through the rough patches of learning on the job.
I think you've overstating Pete's future involvement. I doubt he'll show up to his new ceremonial office more than a few hours per week to collect a six figure pay check. Sure he can mentor in some capacity, but Jimmy is still going to be learning on the job about what it takes to be a CEO. Obviously Pete's offense sucks, but what he did in actually building the framework of the program and managing such a large operation is not going to be easily replicated. Being a head coach is fucking hard, there's a reason most guys fail at it. Jimmy's list of responsibilities just got exponentially larger, and he has no experience with a majority of them.
I don't know how what you've said is any different from what I said. Every job looks easy until you're actually signing the checks, and Jimmy has at best a vague concept of what being a head coach entails. But, with this set up, the guy who no longer has the juice to be a Big Time College Football Head Coach but will be implicitly trusted is around to be a sounding board and answer his phone when Jimmy calls, as opposed to the situation where Jimmy's potential mentors have their own full time coaching gig and won't have the time or desire to help. Jimmy is part of Pete's legacy, and I assume him sticking around to grant his imprimatur indicates he has some interest in making himself available to help.
Do people think Pete head coaches again? With all the rumors that he didn't want to coach past 60 and he came to UW from Boise with the hopes of rekindling his passion for coaching, I think he's finally burnt out. Pete strikes me as the type of guy who has enough money and will value getting his life back. I'm surprised he was willing to go out on a decided low note, but he also strikes me as the type of guy who could be honest with himself that he just doesn't have it in him and knew it wouldn't be coming back any time soon. I guess Dick Vermeil came back after a 15 year break, and that's about the only way I see Pete coming back to coaching, is after an extended sabbatical.
I hear he's interested in warmer climates and a fan base that doesn't have a rogue website where he gets roasted every day.
I hear he's interested in Miami, and that the interest is mutual. Lots of OKGs in Miami I hear.
But something had to change. I didn't expect it to be him. Whether Lake wins or not, I back this move right now and totally support Cohen. She's vetted Lake and has seen firsthand what an energetic coach can do for a program, ie Hopkins. Cohen loves Petersen and would never make this move just to appease Jimmy. Plus, Pete's move to this leadership position, although kind of flimsy, seems like the perfect fit with his psychology background and Built For Life messaging. You really think Pete would ever half-ass something? Guy has more integrity than this entire board, which isn't saying much but yeah.
I'm all in on Lake. The program needed a recharge. This is it. #DeathRowDawgs
Haha, GOAT.... he was a really good coach at Boise St, but at uw he just had a few good years. Lets talk bowls while at uw:
Rose Bowl wins: 0 Playoff wins: 0 Major Bowl wins: 0 Minor Bowl Wins: 1 - Heart of Dallas Bowl against Southern Mississippi National Champions (won or faked/stolen): 0
Maybe uw will go back and give him the 2016 national championship.
But something had to change. I didn't expect it to be him. Whether Lake wins or not, I back this move right now and totally support Cohen. She's vetted Lake and has seen firsthand what an energetic coach can do for a program, ie Hopkins. Cohen loves Petersen and would never make this move just to appease Jimmy. Plus, Pete's move to this leadership position, although kind of flimsy, seems like the perfect fit with his psychology background and Built For Life messaging. You really think Pete would ever half-ass something? Guy has more integrity than this entire board, which isn't saying much but yeah.
I'm all in on Lake. The program needed a recharge. This is it. #DeathRowDawgs
Haha, GOAT.... he was a really good coach at Boise St, but at uw he just had a few good years. Lets talk bowls while at uw:
Rose Bowl wins: 0 Playoff wins: 0 Major Bowl wins: 0 Minor Bowl Wins: 1 - Heart of Dallas Bowl against Southern Mississippi National Champions (won or faked/stolen): 0
Maybe uw will go back and give him the 2016 national championship.
Hell, his overall bowl record is 6-6.
Lol yea we should take a player calling his old college coach the GOAT literally (which these days is really just a term for good) on the day he stepped down. Fucking Christ....
But something had to change. I didn't expect it to be him. Whether Lake wins or not, I back this move right now and totally support Cohen. She's vetted Lake and has seen firsthand what an energetic coach can do for a program, ie Hopkins. Cohen loves Petersen and would never make this move just to appease Jimmy. Plus, Pete's move to this leadership position, although kind of flimsy, seems like the perfect fit with his psychology background and Built For Life messaging. You really think Pete would ever half-ass something? Guy has more integrity than this entire board, which isn't saying much but yeah.
I'm all in on Lake. The program needed a recharge. This is it. #DeathRowDawgs
Haha, GOAT.... he was a really good coach at Boise St, but at uw he just had a few good years. Lets talk bowls while at uw:
Rose Bowl wins: 0 Playoff wins: 0 Major Bowl wins: 0 Minor Bowl Wins: 1 - Heart of Dallas Bowl against Southern Mississippi National Champions (won or faked/stolen): 0
Maybe uw will go back and give him the 2016 national championship.
Hell, his overall bowl record is 6-6.
Lol yea we should take a player calling his old college coach the GOAT literally (which these days is really just a term for good) on the day he stepped down. Fucking Christ....
Let’s see, he probably made 20-30 million coaching and doesn’t want to do it anymore. It’s not like this guy was really enjoying himself. It was obvious he wasn’t.
The tweets from the NFL Dawgs hold a little more value than the scorned ex girlfriend tweets from the loser players who didn't like to be disciplined or made excuses why they sucked.
The tweets from the NFL Dawgs hold a little more value than the scorned ex girlfriend tweets from the loser players who didn't like to be disciplined or made excuses why they sucked.
Yeah, Kendyl Taylor went to NAU where he wasn’t even that good in the FCS. It wasn’t Pete’s fault brah. You made one amazing catch be Arizona and did nothing else.
Fuck off with that shit.
7-11, right now.
You know the one.
I hear he's interested in Miami, and that the interest is mutual. Lots of OKGs in Miami I hear.
Just what I'm hearing; don't twist.
Rose Bowl wins: 0
Playoff wins: 0
Major Bowl wins: 0
Minor Bowl Wins: 1 - Heart of Dallas Bowl against Southern Mississippi
National Champions (won or faked/stolen): 0
Maybe uw will go back and give him the 2016 national championship.
Hell, his overall bowl record is 6-6.
Loosening up the OKG stuff sounds good, but it’s also sizzle and doesn’t matter. Win or gtfo.