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Election implications. Doesn’t help Trump IMO

MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam
For all those who think Trump will be re-elected with no problems, think again. State elections in Virginia and Kentucky show that the dependents of the Deep State do not want to have to work for benefits such as Medicare even when the costs are rising. They don't even want to have to work at all for getting these "free" benefits. Shows you where the dependent mindset lays. The 2020 elections will be difficult to win.

HondoBros? True?



  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    For all those who think Trump will be re-elected with no problems, think again. State elections in Virginia and Kentucky show that the dependents of the Deep State do not want to have to work for benefits such as Medicare even when the costs are rising. They don't even want to have to work at all for getting these "free" benefits. Shows you where the dependent mindset lays. The 2020 elections will be difficult to win.

    HondoBros? True?


    I think it's awfully warm out for November 2020. Bedsides, Trump wants to be the first president ever to be impeached then reelected. He will do anything he can to make this happen.
  • YellowSnow
    YellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,304 Swaye's Wigwam
    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?
  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam

    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?

    Or take it a step further. Only land owners can vote. MAGA
  • YellowSnow
    YellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,304 Swaye's Wigwam

    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?

    Or take it a step further. Only land owners can vote. MAGA
    I'm good with that, as long as we still allow female land owners to vote too.
  • ThomasFremont
    ThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325
    I like where this thread is going...time for the landowner class to rise up!
  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam

    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?

    Or take it a step further. Only land owners can vote. MAGA
    I'm good with that, as long as we still allow female land owners to vote too.
    Why? A female would never own land unless a man gave it to her. Seems like that would just fuck everything up.
  • YellowSnow
    YellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,304 Swaye's Wigwam

    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?

    Or take it a step further. Only land owners can vote. MAGA
    I'm good with that, as long as we still allow female land owners to vote too.
    Why? A female would never own land unless a man gave it to her. Seems like that would just fuck everything up.
    There's a lot of smart, successful, high earning women out there these days. We want them voting.

    Oh, I'd also add public sector employees to my list. Sorry @Sledog but we can't have the government unions electing the folks that negotiate their contracts. I'm sure you'll understand.
  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam

    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?

    Or take it a step further. Only land owners can vote. MAGA
    I'm good with that, as long as we still allow female land owners to vote too.
    Why? A female would never own land unless a man gave it to her. Seems like that would just fuck everything up.
    There's a lot of smart, successful, high earning women out there these days. We want them voting.

    Oh, I'd also add public sector employees to my list. Sorry @Sledog but we can't have the government unions electing the folks that negotiate their contracts. I'm sure you'll understand.
    Nah, we need to go back to men only. This shit is getting out of hand. They can run for office, but not vote. I think that is a fair compromise.
  • YellowSnow
    YellowSnow Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 34,304 Swaye's Wigwam

    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?

    Or take it a step further. Only land owners can vote. MAGA
    I'm good with that, as long as we still allow female land owners to vote too.
    Why? A female would never own land unless a man gave it to her. Seems like that would just fuck everything up.
    There's a lot of smart, successful, high earning women out there these days. We want them voting.

    Oh, I'd also add public sector employees to my list. Sorry @Sledog but we can't have the government unions electing the folks that negotiate their contracts. I'm sure you'll understand.
    Nah, we need to go back to men only. This shit is getting out of hand. They can run for office, but not vote. I think that is a fair compromise.
    I'll have to chew on it a while.
  • SFGbob
    SFGbob Member Posts: 31,923 Standard Supporter

    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?

    I'd exempt members of the military and law enforcement but I'd also add to this all other public sector employees.
  • SFGbob
    SFGbob Member Posts: 31,923 Standard Supporter

    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?

    Or take it a step further. Only land owners can vote. MAGA
    I'm good with that, as long as we still allow female land owners to vote too.
    Why? A female would never own land unless a man gave it to her. Seems like that would just fuck everything up.
    There's a lot of smart, successful, high earning women out there these days. We want them voting.

    Oh, I'd also add public sector employees to my list. Sorry @Sledog but we can't have the government unions electing the folks that negotiate their contracts. I'm sure you'll understand.
    You already beat me to it.
  • PurpleThrobber
    PurpleThrobber Member Posts: 42,429

    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?

    Or take it a step further. Only land owners can vote. MAGA
    I'm good with that, as long as we still allow female land owners to vote too.
    Why? A female would never own land unless a man gave it to her. Seems like that would just fuck everything up.
    There's a lot of smart, successful, high earning women out there these days. We want them voting.

    Oh, I'd also add public sector employees to my list. Sorry @Sledog but we can't have the government unions electing the folks that negotiate their contracts. I'm sure you'll understand.
    Ban both the union and PAC money and this country likely has a chance of survival.

    If not, we fucked.

    Throw in term limits and we’re back off to the races.
  • oregonblitzkrieg
    oregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    edited November 2019
    Virginia is about to get a heavy dose of democrat fascism similar to what exists on the Left Coast with democrat supermajorities and governors canceling ballot measure election results that they don't like and doing the opposite of what voters have instructed them to do. They allowed the democrats to gerrymander voting districts and this is the result. The antifa brigade will be rolled out to bludgeon and intimidate anyone who opposes their agenda.

    Virginia voted in and continues to tolerate the leadership of a Governor who is on the record as supporting infanticide.

    Virginia deserves everything that is coming its way.
  • insinceredawg
    insinceredawg Member Posts: 5,117

    Virginia is about to get a heavy dose of democrat fascism similar to what exists on the Left Coast with democrat supermajorities and governors canceling ballot measure election results that they don't like and doing the opposite of what voters have instructed them to do. They allowed the democrats to gerrymander voting districts and this is the result. The antifa brigade will be rolled out to bludgeon and intimidate anyone who opposes their agenda.

    Virginia voted in and continues to tolerate the leadership of a Governor who is on the record as supporting infanticide.

    Virginia deserves everything that is coming its way.

    But do they support 5G?
  • ThomasFremont
    ThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325
    “The Antifa brigade”

  • oregonblitzkrieg
    oregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    Virginia is about to get a heavy dose of democrat fascism similar to what exists on the Left Coast with democrat supermajorities and governors canceling ballot measure election results that they don't like and doing the opposite of what voters have instructed them to do. They allowed the democrats to gerrymander voting districts and this is the result. The antifa brigade will be rolled out to bludgeon and intimidate anyone who opposes their agenda.

    Virginia voted in and continues to tolerate the leadership of a Governor who is on the record as supporting infanticide.

    Virginia deserves everything that is coming its way.

    But do they support 5G?
    But do you support the white supremacist governor of Virginia? Why are you afraid to answer the question?
  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam

    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?

    Or take it a step further. Only land owners can vote. MAGA
    I'm good with that, as long as we still allow female land owners to vote too.
    Why? A female would never own land unless a man gave it to her. Seems like that would just fuck everything up.
    There's a lot of smart, successful, high earning women out there these days. We want them voting.

    Oh, I'd also add public sector employees to my list. Sorry @Sledog but we can't have the government unions electing the folks that negotiate their contracts. I'm sure you'll understand.
    Nah, we need to go back to men only. This shit is getting out of hand. They can run for office, but not vote. I think that is a fair compromise.
    Ok, I will agree to this, if you agree to making every recipient of government aid have to row 1000 M on the Concept II per $1.00 received. Again, the rowing machines will be hooked up to the power grid at discussed.
    I think that works. That was way they give back. We all agree everyone should give back n
  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam

    What if we made it a requirement to vote that a citizen cannot current be receiving transfer payments at either the federal, state or local level?

    Or take it a step further. Only land owners can vote. MAGA
    I'm good with that, as long as we still allow female land owners to vote too.
    Why? A female would never own land unless a man gave it to her. Seems like that would just fuck everything up.
    There's a lot of smart, successful, high earning women out there these days. We want them voting.

    Oh, I'd also add public sector employees to my list. Sorry @Sledog but we can't have the government unions electing the folks that negotiate their contracts. I'm sure you'll understand.
    Ban both the union and PAC money and this country likely has a chance of survival.

    If not, we fucked.

    Throw in term limits and we’re back off to the races.
    It’s odd to me there are 535 people in this country who we know the names of, know where they live, but asking them to refrain from taking bribes is too tall of an order.
  • Sledog
    Sledog Member Posts: 31,706

    Virginia is about to get a heavy dose of democrat fascism similar to what exists on the Left Coast with democrat supermajorities and governors canceling ballot measure election results that they don't like and doing the opposite of what voters have instructed them to do. They allowed the democrats to gerrymander voting districts and this is the result. The antifa brigade will be rolled out to bludgeon and intimidate anyone who opposes their agenda.

    Virginia voted in and continues to tolerate the leadership of a Governor who is on the record as supporting infanticide.

    Virginia deserves everything that is coming its way.

    But do they support 5G?
    But do you support the white supremacist governor of Virginia? Why are you afraid to answer the question?
    Of course ISD is a good comrade!