Worse. At least dogman has some traffic. BDTW is a disaster. All the decent posters there should just cut their losses and post here. We want to talk shit behind a keyboard to their face!
Fuck it. Bring the mouth breathing doogs here too so I can mock them incessantly.
HH certainly represents some of the angriest posters. A great place for key board pounders.
Want to take the gloves off jimmy? Or too busy catching the crud
I kinda lost faith in DDY with Amandre Williams and big Dick Newton. Telling me Tuitele is a stud is one thing. Bashing the ever living daylights out of Newton is another. I trust the coaches a hellofalot more than the DDY scale. That being said, I really enjoy the TSIO podcast and wish they did it more often
I kinda lost faith in DDY with Amandre Williams and big Dick Newton. Telling me Tuitele is a stud is one thing. Bashing the ever living daylights out of Newton is another. I trust the coaches a hellofalot more than the DDY scale. That being said, I really enjoy the TSIO podcast and wish they did it more often
I enjoy his posts at times, but he thinks he’s a really smart fan when he’s really not. His evaluation skills have proven to be mostly trash. He lives off the Rapp one.
He said Ty Jones, Osborne, and Spiker were DDY 3’s. Most of those 3’s are nothing special. I did agree with him about Jones and thought he would be great.
He does create content and at times has decent insights. Some of his act is shtick, but he absolutely thinks he’s on another level than everyone else when it comes to watching the games and recruiting. That’s been the case since dawgman.
I kinda lost faith in DDY with Amandre Williams and big Dick Newton. Telling me Tuitele is a stud is one thing. Bashing the ever living daylights out of Newton is another. I trust the coaches a hellofalot more than the DDY scale. That being said, I really enjoy the TSIO podcast and wish they did it more often
I enjoy his posts at times, but he thinks he’s a really smart fan when he’s really not. His evaluation skills have proven to be mostly trash. He lives off the Rapp one.
He said Ty Jones, Osborne, and Spiker were DDY 3’s. Most of those 3’s are nothing special. I did agree with him about Jones and thought he would be great.
He does create content and at times has decent insights. Some of his act is shtick, but he absolutely thinks he’s on another level than everyone else when it comes to watching the games and recruiting. That’s been the case since dawgman.
My favorite DDY moment was when he put this bored in a suicidal frenzy by claiming that his "sources" inside the program told him Petersen had named Haener the starter in spring and that Eason was headed to the transfer portal.
Then after it turned out he was full of shit, he did the EXACT SAME THING in fall camp and 90% of the bored went into full meltdown again.
I still think theres a chance we all may be the subjects of an east coast university 5-year study on groupthink and persuasion on college football fan message boards
Chest? Not so much.
He said Ty Jones, Osborne, and Spiker were DDY 3’s. Most of those 3’s are nothing special. I did agree with him about Jones and thought he would be great.
He does create content and at times has decent insights. Some of his act is shtick, but he absolutely thinks he’s on another level than everyone else when it comes to watching the games and recruiting. That’s been the case since dawgman.
Then after it turned out he was full of shit, he did the EXACT SAME THING in fall camp and 90% of the bored went into full meltdown again.
I still think theres a chance we all may be the subjects of an east coast university 5-year study on groupthink and persuasion on college football fan message boards