Huard is going to suck because this bored is already treating him as a day one starter true frosh messiah
Id rather Morris start for a few years and have Huard start as a RS soph, if Morris is decent
With our luck we will be stuck with an underwhelming Sirmon or Garbers
Yes, let' get one year of Huard so we can get multiple years of Morris.
Fucking doog. If Morris is good, sure
This is Jake Locker 2.0
Some doogs literally never learn
You’re the doog for Morris.
He’s not better than Huard.
Im not saying he is retard. Im saying this bored never learns and Huard Messiah situation is looking eerily similar to Locker 2006. HTH
They are completely different players. Locker ran the wing T or some shit in high school. He wasn't ready to come in and read defenses or complete passes.
Huard's a completely different thing.
He's better than Morris right now.
There is 0 way you can know this. You are falling victim to TBS hype.
No way I can know this? Tf?
I’ve watched Huard play. Actual games, not just film.
He’s literally the opposite set of strengths and weaknesses of Locker.
Not all of were12 when Locker was a freshman.
Im talking about your statement that Huard as a frosh will be better than a junior Morris. Hth
I didn't say that. Although it's most likely true.
Children, children, do we have to put "hth" or "lol" after every fucking thing we write? What you write before that is usually retarded enough but you're really putting the cherry on top.
Children, children, do we have to put "hth" or "lol" after every fucking thing we write? What you write before that is usually retarded enough but you're really putting the cherry on top.
Somebody just said huh (regarding hysteria-irony post, u know who u are) comedy central. That guy should have went to college, at least GRCC. He would understand irony and pitty;) actually he still wouldnt LOFL!
Somebody just said huh (regarding hysteria-irony post, u know who u are) comedy central. That guy should have went to college, at least GRCC. He would understand irony and pitty;)
Should have *gone to college? Nice grammar as always, PUP...
Somebody just said huh (regarding hysteria-irony post, u know who u are) comedy central. That guy should have went to college, at least GRCC. He would understand irony and pitty;) actually he still wouldnt LOFL!
You had to edit that post? You are so good at embarrassing yourself. You challenge someone's education level while making a post that's rife with errors.
Looks like you didn't get much education past 6th grade when you were frenching Tony Jones.
See Josh Allen.
I said he's better than Morris right now.
Yes he can LEAVE now and be first round
Yes there are stats showing more college starts leads to a longer career but its not mandatory
He'll decide when he decides
Looks like you didn't get much education past 6th grade when you were frenching Tony Jones.