Children, children, do we have to put "hth" or "lol" after every fucking thing we write? What you write before that is usually retarded enough but you're really putting the cherry on top.
Children, children, do we have to put "hth" or "lol" after every fucking thing we write? What you write before that is usually retarded enough but you're really putting the cherry on top.
Children, children, do we have to put "hth" or "lol" after every fucking thing we write? What you write before that is usually retarded enough but you're really putting the cherry on top.
Children, children, do we have to put "hth" or "lol" after every fucking thing we write? What you write before that is usually retarded enough but you're really putting the cherry on top.
Somebody just said huh (regarding hysteria-irony post, u know who u are) comedy central. That guy should have went to college, at least GRCC. He would understand irony and pitty;) actually he still wouldnt LOFL!
You leave Green River Community College out of this you inbred waste of molecules.
I hope to God he is though
YaNkOfF iS bEtTeR.
I think what I wrote was clear for a change
I anticipate a nice slow building anger that makes hh great again
Huard is 2nd coming of Jake Locker and it’s not even close.