@Pawz: You're confusing the poor parrot. He can't produce words he says Tulsi said herself, and poor little parrot is a totally gullible sucker for the old "Won't you Condemn?" rhetorical trap, while having no respect for a strong woman who refuses to be goaded by the Warmongers as PostWhiteFlag@GDS so obviously is.
Bumpity, bumpity, bump! @GDS is a lying cunt. Says he had words right from Tulsi, but prefers to fellate Hondo's dicky. Cause he knows he's a lying shithead, and a Parrot for media talking heads, Who lied about Tulsi from day one, cause he's an Incel with no woman. Poor little queer parrot, lies for attention and comfort. Cannot stand on his own two feet, cause he lacks any man balls or meat.
Holy fuck - five day meltdown. Wow. Seek help turd burglar.
Keep diverting and distracting, faggot. Or back up your words, pussy. The choice is yours, bitch. I can do this forever.
The fact you can’t accept the loss in this thread and your meltdown has reached an epic fifth day is pretty fantastic so by all means keep it up forever. I’m not laughing with you.
too drunk to check and see
Didn't know that was possible but PostWhiteFlag@GDS discovered new depths.
PostWhiteFlag@GDS = Cuck'd NYT Parrot.
You've peaked. You can kill yourself now.
Deflects from Assad's responsibility for the hundreds of thousands killed and millions of refugees caused by the Syrian civil war by blaming the US
Tries to paint Trump's missile attack on Syrian airbases as a win for ISIS without mentioning US backed allies fighting in the region.
nahhhhhh no soft spot for Assad.
and the turd burglar meltdown is fantastic.
At this point, killing yourself is clearly your best option.
Is it going to change your sandyvag, warmongering, establishment shill mind? Not a chance.
It's just an outrage smokescreen to try and make you appear to have a moral high ground. Which you don't.
How do I know?
Because you've IGNORED 3 posts about the fact Syria is a proxy war with Russia over a natural gas pipeline.
So who you work for, shill? Big oil or the military industrial complex?
All you want is war. It's fucking pathetic.
Appreciate u
PM to fuck face @GDS
Your silence on this poont is deafening.
Says he had words right from Tulsi, but prefers to fellate Hondo's dicky.
Cause he knows he's a lying shithead, and a Parrot for media talking heads,
Who lied about Tulsi from day one, cause he's an Incel with no woman.
Poor little queer parrot, lies for attention and comfort.
Cannot stand on his own two feet, cause he lacks any man balls or meat.