Only one thing can be done to truly fix the problem.
I used to agree with this. But we’ve been to three straight NY6s and it doesn’t seem to be improving much.
Gotta win those games, not just play in them (and get beat like a drum). Last year’s NY6 appearance was maybe the most underwhelming, most undeserving NY6 game ever. It was also the third year in a row for a significant portion of the contest that we looked like we didn’t belong.
That said, I’m not disagreeing our fans suck. I sat behind a kid during the Hawaii game who was playing football on his phone while real football was being played. And his pops didn’t do a thing about it. Fucking goober.
If you want crowds like the big boys, then you have to beat them. Pete’s teams have not done it yet. To me, that’s the simplest solution to the problem. Build a natty winning program, they will come.
It’s a mix of blue hairs who attend the games for an outing to see old friends and millennials who really don’t give a fuck. The passion is gone and it will stay that way until the blue hairs that remember the 80’s and 90’s are gone and a new era of Husky Football begins. Right now, there is too much of a mix.
The 90’s aren’t coming back. I accepted that a long time ago.
It's not the mix that's the problem. Young kids who used to play football and want to go to Husky games now play soccer and want to go to the Sounders. There's no new era out there. It's the over 40's and the millenials who played football who are carrying the crowd these days.
Not to mention the UW demographic has changed. The kids like myself who grew up 30 minutes away, grew up playing sports. Went to games as kids. Got decent grades and grow up to have businesses in the area arent the ones that are the main student body any more. The UW decided long ago that out of state and out of country tuition brought in more money, and the local ones who can get in are the nerds who are there to play school. Those students grow up, and move away, or if they hang around, they are too busy hanging out at Starbucks on Saturday.
My kid who went to games with me since he was 5 is now in Tempe rooting for the Bitchforks.
The average male student who got a 3.2 in high school and grew up watching UW can’t get into UW anymore. I think this definitely hurts the fan base, although a lot of those kids (myself being similar) are still UW fans.
That'd be me.
I still show up, stand up, and talk my shit. I'm a rare breed with my priorities horribly misaligned.
It’s a mix of blue hairs who attend the games for an outing to see old friends and millennials who really don’t give a fuck. The passion is gone and it will stay that way until the blue hairs that remember the 80’s and 90’s are gone and a new era of Husky Football begins. Right now, there is too much of a mix.
The 90’s aren’t coming back. I accepted that a long time ago.
It's not the mix that's the problem. Young kids who used to play football and want to go to Husky games now play soccer and want to go to the Sounders. There's no new era out there. It's the over 40's and the millenials who played football who are carrying the crowd these days.
Not to mention the UW demographic has changed. The kids like myself who grew up 30 minutes away, grew up playing sports. Went to games as kids. Got decent grades and grow up to have businesses in the area arent the ones that are the main student body any more. The UW decided long ago that out of state and out of country tuition brought in more money, and the local ones who can get in are the nerds who are there to play school. Those students grow up, and move away, or if they hang around, they are too busy hanging out at Starbucks on Saturday.
My kid who went to games with me since he was 5 is now in Tempe rooting for the Bitchforks.
The average male student who got a 3.2 in high school and grew up watching UW can’t get into UW anymore. I think this definitely hurts the fan base, although a lot of those kids (myself being similar) are still UW fans.
That'd be me.
I still show up, stand up, and talk my shit. I'm a rare breed with my priorities horribly misaligned.
Attending UW or not shouldn't be the baseline for fandom. CFB is a regional sport. The vast, vast majority of SEC fans did not attend their flagship state school or the school they cheer for. Ditto USC season ticket holders when they're good. Limiting it to people who actually attended is a very WSU thing (who lack any regional representation or fandom). And if locals really want to attend UW but they aren't high school savant nerdvirgins, go the transfer or CC route as most do.
That said, I’m not disagreeing our fans suck. I sat behind a kid during the Hawaii game who was playing football on his phone while real football was being played. And his pops didn’t do a thing about it. Fucking goober.
If you want crowds like the big boys, then you have to beat them. Pete’s teams have not done it yet. To me, that’s the simplest solution to the problem. Build a natty winning program, they will come.