Bond Movie Rankings (only "official" Bond movies):
1) On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2) Casino Royale (Craig) 3) Spectre 4) From Russia With Love 5) Live and Let Die 6) Goldfinger 7) GoldenEye 8) The Spy Who Loved Me 9) The Man with the Golden Gun 10) Skyfall 11) Tomorrow Never Dies 12) The Living Daylights 13) The World is Not Enough 14) Octopussy 15) Dr No 16) Quantum of Solace 17) Thunderball 18) For Your Eyes Only 19) License to Kill 20) A View to a Kill 21) Die Another Day 22) You Only Live Twice 23) Diamonds Are Forever 24) Never Say Never Again 25) Moonraker
Oh shit. I am a massive Bond fan. I respect this ordering, definitely. I think it's a good representation.
I can't really 'order' them so much as I can 'tier' them and order them inside that. The tiers are ranked in order of their enjoyability.
THE ONE AND ONLY GOAT JB MOVIE: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Elite Tier: From Russia with Love Goldfinger Casino Royale (Craig)
Farcical and Bizarre, but Really Great Tier: Thunderball The Spy Who Loved Me Dr. No
Farcical and Bizarre, but Really Needed a Half-Hour Cut From It Tier: Live and Let Die The Man With the Golden Gun Quantum of Solace
Daniel Craig is Sexy, What Else Do You Need? Tier: Spectre Skyfall
WTF is This Shit? But Sometimes I'm in the Mood Tier: You Only Live Twice Moonraker Diamonds Are Forever
Please Believe Us When We Tell You That This Old Man Is Sexy to Young Women Tier: For Your Eyes Only A View to a Kill Never Say Never Again
Remington Steele Driving a BMW in a Movie That Purports to be a Bond Movie Tier: GoldenEye Die Another Day The World Is Not Enough Tomorrow Never Dies
I'm Literally NEVER in the Mood and when I Think I Am I Watch For Five Minutes and Realize I'm Not Tier: Octopussy
Oh, Now People Like Action Movies that are Extended Miami Vice Episodes? Tier: The Living Daylights License to Kill
Awesome list Dennis, but I could write a Teq length essay disagreeing with you on your assessment of The Living Daylights. That was classic Cold War era Bond, and I think Timothy Dalton is way underrated as 007.
If OHMSS had cut out the scenes with Bond wearing a kilt, it would’ve been a perfect.
I hated that game because I didn’t have N64 and my fren would wipe the floor with me so I would get pissed and yell PUT IT ON NFL BLITZ BITCH AND WE WILL SEE WHO THE REAL TUFF GUY IS!!!!!
I hated that game because I didn’t have N64 and my fren would wipe the floor with me so I would get pissed and yell PUT IT ON NFL BLITZ BITCH AND WE WILL SEE WHO THE REAL TUFF GUY IS!!!!!
I hated that game because I didn’t have N64 and my fren would wipe the floor with me so I would get pissed and yell PUT IT ON NFL BLITZ BITCH AND WE WILL SEE WHO THE REAL TUFF GUY IS!!!!!
I would get killed at Tac Town TUFF gaming camp.
You don’t wanna see the sqwad at a tuff Halo LAN party.
No, but seriously. I had a buddy who was ranked top 5 in Halo 2 rumble pit in the entire world and he started a clan that was also ranked. Fuckers were infuriating to play against.
Bond Movie Rankings (only "official" Bond movies):
1) On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2) Casino Royale (Craig) 3) Spectre 4) From Russia With Love 5) Live and Let Die 6) Goldfinger 7) GoldenEye 8) The Spy Who Loved Me 9) The Man with the Golden Gun 10) Skyfall 11) Tomorrow Never Dies 12) The Living Daylights 13) The World is Not Enough 14) Octopussy 15) Dr No 16) Quantum of Solace 17) Thunderball 18) For Your Eyes Only 19) License to Kill 20) A View to a Kill 21) Die Another Day 22) You Only Live Twice 23) Diamonds Are Forever 24) Never Say Never Again 25) Moonraker
Oh shit. I am a massive Bond fan. I respect this ordering, definitely. I think it's a good representation.
I can't really 'order' them so much as I can 'tier' them and order them inside that. The tiers are ranked in order of their enjoyability.
THE ONE AND ONLY GOAT JB MOVIE: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Elite Tier: From Russia with Love Goldfinger Casino Royale (Craig)
Farcical and Bizarre, but Really Great Tier: Thunderball The Spy Who Loved Me Dr. No
Farcical and Bizarre, but Really Needed a Half-Hour Cut From It Tier: Live and Let Die The Man With the Golden Gun Quantum of Solace
Daniel Craig is Sexy, What Else Do You Need? Tier: Spectre Skyfall
WTF is This Shit? But Sometimes I'm in the Mood Tier: You Only Live Twice Moonraker Diamonds Are Forever
Please Believe Us When We Tell You That This Old Man Is Sexy to Young Women Tier: For Your Eyes Only A View to a Kill Never Say Never Again
Remington Steele Driving a BMW in a Movie That Purports to be a Bond Movie Tier: GoldenEye Die Another Day The World Is Not Enough Tomorrow Never Dies
I'm Literally NEVER in the Mood and when I Think I Am I Watch For Five Minutes and Realize I'm Not Tier: Octopussy
Oh, Now People Like Action Movies that are Extended Miami Vice Episodes? Tier: The Living Daylights License to Kill
Awesome list Dennis, but I could write a Teq length essay disagreeing with you on your assessment of The Living Daylights. That was classic Cold War era Bond, and I think Timothy Dalton is way underrated as 007.
If OHMSS had cut out the scenes with Bond wearing a kilt, it would’ve been a perfect.
Dalton as Bond could definitely work ... Craig has taken the path Dalton started down and ran with it with better support all around him.
Bond’s in the latter half of Moore’s tenure into the Dalton range really started losing their way and were all over the map. You start looking at the movies for a mix of good and bad.
OHMSS is just classic Bond to me that goes from start to finish and holds up the best with the period in which the movie was shot in. Bond movies SHOULDNT have psychedelic elements to it but it worked somehow and stands the test of time. Diana Rigg hands down is the best Bond female to me as Tracy ... the ending busts me up every time I see it. Add in a great turn by Telly Savalas as Blofeld and you’re hitting all the high points.
There’s also a cult-like element to OHMSS given that it was Lazenby’s one and only ... most discredit it because of that.
Comedy The Big Lebowski 40 Year Old Virgin Tropic Thunder Blues Brothers Christmas Vacation (worn this one out, but love it first 23 tims) The Hangover Something About Mary Zoolander Old School The Nice Guys Wedding Crashers (first half only) O Brother Where Art Thou
War/Military Zulu Hunt for Red October Crimson Tide Saving Private Ryan Full Metal Jacket Zero Dark Thirty Black Hawk Down Apocalypse Now Aliens
Drama Silence of the Lambs Godfather I & II Arrival The Lives of Others Crazyheart Shawshank Good Will Hunting Room Hell or High Water
Sci-Fi/Dystopian The Fifth Element Children of Men Book of Eli Alien 28 Days Later Edge of Tomorrow Upgrade 2001: Space Odyssey Jurassic Park Inception Back to the Future Mad Max: Fury Road Terminator Terminator 2
Romantic A Star Is Born Sing Street -- end --
Satire Thank You for Smoking Wag the Dog Primary Colors Dr. Strangelove Election Star Ship Troopers Blazing Saddles
Action/Adventure Indiana Jones & Raiders Indiana Jones & Last Cruscade Die Hard Lethal Weapon Heat Warrior Sicario Wind River
Western The Unforgiven She Wore a Yellow Ribbon Fort Apache The Searchers Revenant Tombstone Wild Bunch
Comic Book Dark Knight Begins Dark Knight Kingsman Guardians of the Galaxy 1 Iron Man 1 The Crow Logan
Pulp Fiction
True Romance
Inglorious Bastards
Django Unchained
Hateful 8
Reservoir Dogs
Horror not really my bag The Shining It Follows Blair Witch Halloween (latest one)
Animated The Incredibles Wall-E Up Monsters Inc. Roger Rabbit
Top of head in passing
Documentary Tickled OJ: Made in America Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles Wild, Wild Country I Think We're Alone Now Going Clear Let The Fires Burn Restrepo Senna Exit Through the Gift Shop Undefeated Go Tigers!
Indie Don't Breathe Lars & The Real Girl Primer Dazed & Confused The Wrestler It Follows (deserves second) Memento Blindspotting Moon (should have gone in sci-fi, great movie)
No Wes Andersen?
I've got Bottle Rocket, his first and my favorite.
Major League is another movie, like White Men Can't Jump, that I watched about a thousand times as a kid. "Juuuuuust a bit outside." This movie and "Hot Shots" were peak Charlie Sheen.
Bob Uecker played the play-by-play guy in Major League, and turns out he's pretty funny himself. If you haven't heard Norm Macdonald and Artie Lange tell Bob Uecker stories on Letterman and Stern, you're missing out:
Life Aquatic - for me this is the GOAT Wes Anderson movie. Just love everything about it and pick something new up every time I watch.
The Kings Speech: I just recently watched this movie for the second time after originally seeing it in theaters when it first came out. My God, the end gave me chills, elite tier acting.
Midnight in Paris: Something about this dorky romcom has serious rewatchability. I also find it to be a great date movie because it's obscure and charming. Woody Allen is a perv and he makes movies to get weirdos laid, which I appreciate.
Did not read through everyone’s list yet but made sure I haven’t posted already as not to repeat myself.
Guarantee mine will be way off from most here 180 degrees, but that’s par for course caus my lingo seems to be not understandable by many. But here goes:
1: Lonesome Dove—I know it’s not a movie per say but could be a long one of fashioned together. It’s the GOAT.
Really in no particular order:
The Outlaw Josey Whales PREDATOR Smokey and the Bandit Life(EM and ML) El Dorado The Good, Bad, and Ugly North To Alaska Dances With Wolves Rio Bravo
Could include a few more westerns but 10’s the max here.
Did not read through everyone’s list yet but made sure I haven’t posted already as not to repeat myself.
Guarantee mine will be way off from most here 180 degrees, but that’s par for course caus my lingo seems to be not understandable by many. But here goes:
1: Lonesome Dove—I know it’s not a movie per say but could be a long one of fashioned together. It’s the GOAT.
Really in no particular order:
The Outlaw Josey Whales PREDATOR Smokey and the Bandit Life(EM and ML) El Dorado The Good, Bad, and Ugly North To Alaska Dances With Wolves Rio Bravo
Could include a few more westerns but 10’s the max here.
I hate having to chin this. But so much is right with this post.
Bitchfork is right, you knowTry reading for comprehension
If OHMSS had cut out the scenes with Bond wearing a kilt, it would’ve been a perfect.
No, but seriously. I had a buddy who was ranked top 5 in Halo 2 rumble pit in the entire world and he started a clan that was also ranked. Fuckers were infuriating to play against.
Bond’s in the latter half of Moore’s tenure into the Dalton range really started losing their way and were all over the map. You start looking at the movies for a mix of good and bad.
OHMSS is just classic Bond to me that goes from start to finish and holds up the best with the period in which the movie was shot in. Bond movies SHOULDNT have psychedelic elements to it but it worked somehow and stands the test of time. Diana Rigg hands down is the best Bond female to me as Tracy ... the ending busts me up every time I see it. Add in a great turn by Telly Savalas as Blofeld and you’re hitting all the high points.
There’s also a cult-like element to OHMSS given that it was Lazenby’s one and only ... most discredit it because of that.
Tucker & Dale vs Evil
Cabin in the Woods
Scent of a Woman
Christmas Vacation
Blazing Saddles
Saving Private Ryan
Godfather I
Godfather II
The Unforgiven
Bob Uecker played the play-by-play guy in Major League, and turns out he's pretty funny himself. If you haven't heard Norm Macdonald and Artie Lange tell Bob Uecker stories on Letterman and Stern, you're missing out:
Life Aquatic - for me this is the GOAT Wes Anderson movie. Just love everything about it and pick something new up every time I watch.
The Kings Speech: I just recently watched this movie for the second time after originally seeing it in theaters when it first came out. My God, the end gave me chills, elite tier acting.
Midnight in Paris: Something about this dorky romcom has serious rewatchability. I also find it to be a great date movie because it's obscure and charming. Woody Allen is a perv and he makes movies to get weirdos laid, which I appreciate.
Guarantee mine will be way off from most here 180 degrees, but that’s par for course caus my lingo seems to be not understandable by many. But here goes:
1: Lonesome Dove—I know it’s not a movie per say but could be a long one of fashioned together. It’s the GOAT.
Really in no particular order:
The Outlaw Josey Whales
Smokey and the Bandit
Life(EM and ML)
El Dorado
The Good, Bad, and Ugly
North To Alaska
Dances With Wolves
Rio Bravo
Could include a few more westerns but 10’s the max here.