This, right here, is why I think libertarians are the dumbest motherfuckers on earth.
Tulsi Gabbard is for Medicare For All, free college, she’s anti-intervention, wants to end Citizens United and for a $15 minimum wage.
She has a brutal criticism of the Green New Deal though. “It’s too vague”. Oh shit AOC, SLAMMED.
Tulsi Gabbard’s Off Fossil Fuels bill calls 80% of electricity sold to be clean energy, 80% of new vehicles sales must be zero emission vehicles, 80% trains to be electrified by 2027 and 100% by 2035.
AOC, let’s do 100% by 2030. Unrealistic! Untenable!
Tulsi let’s do 80% by 2027 and 100% by 2035. There we go, totally realistic and tenable.
What are you talking about.
The biggest difference between them is AOC will be president one day and Tulsi will not.
You left out rebuilding every single building in the country so they are energy efficient. Should take 6 months.
Did you write your $600k check yet?
You of all people should not be talking about checkbooks since you can't seem to find yours. Freeloader.
This, right here, is why I think libertarians are the dumbest motherfuckers on earth.
Tulsi Gabbard is for Medicare For All, free college, she’s anti-intervention, wants to end Citizens United and for a $15 minimum wage.
She has a brutal criticism of the Green New Deal though. “It’s too vague”. Oh shit AOC, SLAMMED.
Tulsi Gabbard’s Off Fossil Fuels bill calls 80% of electricity sold to be clean energy, 80% of new vehicles sales must be zero emission vehicles, 80% trains to be electrified by 2027 and 100% by 2035.
AOC, let’s do 100% by 2030. Unrealistic! Untenable!
Tulsi let’s do 80% by 2027 and 100% by 2035. There we go, totally realistic and tenable.
What are you talking about.
The biggest difference between them is AOC will be president one day and Tulsi will not.
You left out rebuilding every single building in the country so they are energy efficient. Should take 6 months.
Did you write your $600k check yet?
You of all people should not be talking about checkbooks since you can't seem to find yours. Freeloader.
"I think you had the director of the Department of National Intelligence at that time, James Clapper, who sat before the United States Senate and blatantly lied," Gabbard charged.
"He was asked very directly, 'Are you collecting this information,' and he said 'no.' 'Are you collecting this information on American citizens' and he said, 'no.' And yet, he is somebody you see on TV almost every day as an expert in this country without any consequence lying to the American people."
So was the surveillance of American citizens wrong or the lying about the surveillance of American citizens wrong?
"I think you had the director of the Department of National Intelligence at that time, James Clapper, who sat before the United States Senate and blatantly lied," Gabbard charged.
"He was asked very directly, 'Are you collecting this information,' and he said 'no.' 'Are you collecting this information on American citizens' and he said, 'no.' And yet, he is somebody you see on TV almost every day as an expert in this country without any consequence lying to the American people."
So was the surveillance of American citizens wrong or the lying about the surveillance of American citizens wrong?
Personally, I'm not cool with abundance here.
Spying on Americans is cool as long as @dflea signs off on it
ID politics is the gross exaggeration of claims of discrimination, mistreatment and marginalization to a group of individuals defined by race, gender, age, wealth or religion by a politician, pundit or poaster in order to avoid discussing real issues. It’s goal is to divide rather than seek solutions to problems that effect everyone.
ID politics on the surface appears to provide support and solutions for those that are truly marginalized. But it’s true goal is to create deep divides by pitting,races, social classes, sexual preferences and even genders against one another with the main tools being false equivalencies, logical fallacies, gaslighting and flat out lies.
So basically what you’re telling me is it’s the main political strategy of conservatives and white nationalists?
Tulsi is hot, but something is wrong with her skin. Still, she has a much better smile than AOC (who is still hot) and her breats, while more modest, seem to be holding together better than AOC’s while she ages.
Tulsi is hot, but something is wrong with her skin. Still, she has a much better smile than AOC (who is still hot) and her breats, while more modest, seem to be holding together better than AOC’s while she ages.
Tulsi is hot, but something is wrong with her skin. Still, she has a much better smile than AOC (who is still hot) and her breats, while more modest, seem to be holding together better than AOC’s while she ages.
Tulsi is hot, but something is wrong with her skin. Still, she has a much better smile than AOC (who is still hot) and her breats, while more modest, seem to be holding together better than AOC’s while she ages.
"He was asked very directly, 'Are you collecting this information,' and he said 'no.' 'Are you collecting this information on American citizens' and he said, 'no.' And yet, he is somebody you see on TV almost every day as an expert in this country without any consequence lying to the American people."
So was the surveillance of American citizens wrong or the lying about the surveillance of American citizens wrong?
Personally, I'm not cool with abundance here.
Oh, it's MTG. What a surprise.
Low bar.
Or has GayBob has worn off on you?