Interesting conversation.
As could be expected, my knee-jerk reaction to UBI is fuck that. Simply giving people money won't solve anything. It's fucking expensive. You may may create apathy in a population ... etc
That said, automation and artificial intelligence in the workplace is going to render millions without jobs over the next 10 years. To be fair to the business owner, there are many sound reasons for the implementation of automation and artificial intelligence. But still.
Most of the jobs lost will be to people who won't be rehire-able in the work force. And #learntocode (training higher skill sets) won't realistically be an option for the majority displaced.
One can make a legit case for the automation-replacing-labor in the swing states is what ushered in the #MAGA presidency.
Staying out in front seems better than waiting to after the fact when people are legit displaced, without options.. to think this group of proud blue collar workers will take this lying down is laughable.
Are there better ways to head-off this imminent, massive problem?,
As long as humans are available, we can be hired to perform value adding tasks that machines can't. And as long as businesses are competitive they will hire to achieve that edge.
I tell my boy to either go to college for staple professional jobs that'll always be there such as accounting or engineering. Or pharmacy/medical that'll always be there. Or technology. Which is replacing low level or middle class jobs with high paying jobs.
Wait a minute. I heard for years that high taxes and minimum wage are causing businesses to replace workers with machines. You don't like to hear that now?
And really it solves both problems, I've been hearing for years that business need lower taxes and lower wages then they can hire more people.
So cut taxes and end minimum wage and we don't need UBI.
Trust me
I'm all for safety nets to a degree, but let's not go off the fucking rails here.
Sure automation will have impacts moving forward, but currently there are unrealized problems that will have to be solved by humans. You can't just say AI and automation are going to ruin everything and the future is doomed. Yes, automation is already here and it has tremendous upside but let's not make blanket statements that everything is fucked.
Other types of employment will come forth as technology and needs change. It will require adapting.
Though the phone provides just enough distraction that the clueless and blind will rely on handouts, and taxpayers will be asked to bail them out.
The younger generation believes you can make a fucking career from using Instagram. Hey let me show my ass and I will get followers and then I can be a public figure. Hey, let me be an influencer on social media and then I charge an appearance fee. Social media and mobile phones have really fucked some shit up. There is still value in face to face communication.