So he moved to Florida and is working from Florida. How is that a tax Dodge? Why would his income be taxed in Connecticut if he's living and working in Florida?
As a side note, the tax cuts encourages people to do this. The state and local tax deduction is now limited to $10k.
So he moved to Florida and is working from Florida. How is that a tax Dodge? Why would his income be taxed in Connecticut if he's living and working in Florida?
As a side note, the tax cuts encourages people to do this. The state and local tax deduction is now limited to $10k.
You need to learn to read for comprehension
Its a legal dodge by another hypocrite like yourself who thinks others need to pay more taxes while you dodge yours
So he moved to Florida and is working from Florida. How is that a tax Dodge? Why would his income be taxed in Connecticut if he's living and working in Florida?
As a side note, the tax cuts encourages people to do this. The state and local tax deduction is now limited to $10k.
You need to learn to read for comprehension
Its a legal dodge by another hypocrite like yourself who thinks others need to pay more taxes while you dodge yours
You do realize we are discussing whether wealthy need to pay more federal income tax, right? And your link is him saving State taxes. Right? Which does what? It actually increases his federal tax liability. He is paying his fair share Race.
MIKEY “Wrong. It’s against the law to buy anything in Oregon tax free and bring it into the state of Washington for your use and not remit the use tax to Washington. You can pay it quarterly. Again, I’m not surprised you are a tax cheat. Typical of people like you.
You’re right. The sales tax is not insignificant. That’s why the stare requires you to pay it.”
You’re assuming facts not in evidence. Who says I brought any of it into Washington and/or that it was for my use in Washington?My point is that I’ve made numerous purchases in Oregon simply because making those purchases in Washington would have involved hundreds in sales tax.
When my middle child went to school in California it was a non issue and we mostly made our purchases in Seattle. But when my oldest was headed to college in Montreal, we made a point of buying in New Hampshire. And with my youngest going to school in Oregon, well, I think you can figure out where we shopped.
MIKEY “Wrong. It’s against the law to buy anything in Oregon tax free and bring it into the state of Washington for your use and not remit the use tax to Washington. You can pay it quarterly. Again, I’m not surprised you are a tax cheat. Typical of people like you.
You’re right. The sales tax is not insignificant. That’s why the stare requires you to pay it.”
You’re assuming facts not in evidence. Who says I brought any of it into Washington and/or that it was for my use in Washington?My point is that I’ve made numerous purchases in Oregon simply because making those purchases in Washington would have involved hundreds in sales tax.
When my middle child went to school in California it was a non issue and we mostly made our purchases in Seattle. But when my oldest was headed to college in Montreal, we made a point of buying in New Hampshire. And with my youngest going to school in Oregon, well, I think you can figure out where we shopped.
Ike sold the interstate freeway system as national defense
Like a wall
Shit the government is supposed to do
You driving a tank these days, Race?
Do we need a 70% tax rate to run interstate roads
I think the bigger problem with the 70% marginal tax rate is that it wouldn't raise that much money. I've already said I'd stop fetishizing investment income. Much simpler than taxing you rich guys 70% on your declared income exceeding $10 million.
You’re the honest thief
Kind of ironic isn’t it that during the era that MAGA guys have the most nostalgia for - i.e., 1950s to 60s - the top rate never dropped below 70
I love how creative politicians have to be when they're trying to take more money from people. If they would actually spend tax dollars on shit we wanted, or on shit that's actually necessary to maintain a healthy, civilized society, there wouldn't even be a need for taxes. People would just donate. Instead, they spend our money in the shittiest, most inefficient way possible, so they have to get creative and try to trick people into supporting tax increases by making us think "Yeah, fuck wealthy people. Those fuckers don't need all that's just, like, sitting there totally unused, man. Those greedy, arrogant, unskilled, lazy, fat, racist good-for-nothing rich people only got rich by making me poor anyway. So let's tax the fuck out of them. Sure, that won't improve my standard of living because the government sure as fuck isn't going to make my life any better with that money. But that's not important. What's important is that I can sit here and feel good about all those wealthy people getting fucked over. Fuck yeah!"
Start voting for people that will make people’s lives better. I always see this shit about “the government”. The government is made up of people. Elect better people and you’ll get better results.
The republicans deserve a lot of credit for electing Trump. He’s not the guy but they took their shot to get away from scumbag politicians. More than I can say for a shit load of democrats that won’t even take a shot.
Why would anyone look to the government to make their life better?
You missed the liberation of the concentration camps? Ever driven an interstate highway? Do you own any shares of public companies? Will you lose your savings if your bank goes tits up?
Asking for a friend.
You guys are like the Kunt who immediately start talking about Firemen and the Police the moment anyone starts talking about cutting state spending.
Providing for a national defense is right there in the Constitution. Paying for grandma's hip replacement, I can't find that shit in the Constitution.
I love the self-styled constitutional scholars on this board
I'm not a Con-law scholar but I've read the damn thing.
Feel free to quote from the grandam's hip replacement clause.
Damn right, Bob. I’m for a constutional amendment to ban Medicare paying for hip replacements, scooters, prescription meds, etc.
And yet even with that top rate of 70% the evil rich paid a smaller percentage of the income tax than they do today. As has been discussed ad nauseam, while the top rate may have been 70% few if any actually paid that rate.
How could it be that the tax code of the 1950s had a top marginal tax rate of 91 percent, but resulted in an effective tax rate of only 42 percent on the wealthiest taxpayers? In fact, the situation is even stranger. The 42.0 percent tax rate on the top 1 percent takes into account all taxes levied by federal, state, and local governments, including: income, payroll, corporate, excise, property, and estate taxes. When we look at income taxes specifically, the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid an average effective rate of only 16.9 percent in income taxes during the 1950s.[4]
Yep. The income tax has been such a needlessly complex mess full of all manner of distortions to the maket. We’d be better off reducing them dramatically and going mostly VAT.
There’s a reason my wife and I deliberately make some purchases in Oregon. Why wouldn’t people making large purchases choose to make them outside of the US?
You do realize that is illegal and is considered tax evasion by the state of Washington, right?
MIKEY “Wrong. It’s against the law to buy anything in Oregon tax free and bring it into the state of Washington for your use and not remit the use tax to Washington. You can pay it quarterly. Again, I’m not surprised you are a tax cheat. Typical of people like you.
You’re right. The sales tax is not insignificant. That’s why the stare requires you to pay it.”
You’re assuming facts not in evidence. Who says I brought any of it into Washington and/or that it was for my use in Washington?My point is that I’ve made numerous purchases in Oregon simply because making those purchases in Washington would have involved hundreds in sales tax.
When my middle child went to school in California it was a non issue and we mostly made our purchases in Seattle. But when my oldest was headed to college in Montreal, we made a point of buying in New Hampshire. And with my youngest going to school in Oregon, well, I think you can figure out where we shopped.
Liar. And tax evader. You bought in Oregon and didn’t pay the tax you are required to pay by law to in Washington. You admitted it and are now backtracking like a bitch. You didn’t even know the the law before today. Hypocrite.
MIKEY: “Liar. And tax evader. You bought in Oregon and didn’t pay the tax you are required to pay by law to in Washington. You admitted it and are now backtracking like a bitch. You didn’t even know the the law before today. Hypocrite.”
I’m sorry your gotcha blew up. I said I bought in Oregon when I could have bought in Washington. You got out over your skis.
MIKEY “Wrong. It’s against the law to buy anything in Oregon tax free and bring it into the state of Washington for your use and not remit the use tax to Washington. You can pay it quarterly. Again, I’m not surprised you are a tax cheat. Typical of people like you.
You’re right. The sales tax is not insignificant. That’s why the stare requires you to pay it.”
You’re assuming facts not in evidence. Who says I brought any of it into Washington and/or that it was for my use in Washington?My point is that I’ve made numerous purchases in Oregon simply because making those purchases in Washington would have involved hundreds in sales tax.
When my middle child went to school in California it was a non issue and we mostly made our purchases in Seattle. But when my oldest was headed to college in Montreal, we made a point of buying in New Hampshire. And with my youngest going to school in Oregon, well, I think you can figure out where we shopped.
Liar. And tax evader. You bought in Oregon and didn’t pay the tax you are required to pay by law to in Washington. You admitted it and are now backtracking like a bitch. You didn’t even know the the law before today. Hypocrite.
I’m sorry your gotcha blew up. I said I bought in Oregon when I could have bought in Washington. You got out over your skis.
You bought in Oregon and didn’t remit the tax that you were legally required to remit to Washington. You didn’t it as willful ecavsion of Washington state taxes. You’re a hypocrite and a liar. Sorry if that makes you mad. Butt hurt bitch. Just admit your a tax cheat and move on.
MIKEY “Wrong. It’s against the law to buy anything in Oregon tax free and bring it into the state of Washington for your use and not remit the use tax to Washington. You can pay it quarterly. Again, I’m not surprised you are a tax cheat. Typical of people like you.
You’re right. The sales tax is not insignificant. That’s why the stare requires you to pay it.”
You’re assuming facts not in evidence. Who says I brought any of it into Washington and/or that it was for my use in Washington?My point is that I’ve made numerous purchases in Oregon simply because making those purchases in Washington would have involved hundreds in sales tax.
When my middle child went to school in California it was a non issue and we mostly made our purchases in Seattle. But when my oldest was headed to college in Montreal, we made a point of buying in New Hampshire. And with my youngest going to school in Oregon, well, I think you can figure out where we shopped.
Liar. And tax evader. You bought in Oregon and didn’t pay the tax you are required to pay by law to in Washington. You admitted it and are now backtracking like a bitch. You didn’t even know the the law before today. Hypocrite.
I’m sorry your gotcha blew up. I said I bought in Oregon when I could have bought in Washington. You got out over your skis.
MIKEY: “You bought in Oregon and didn’t remit the tax that you were legally required to remit to Washington. You didn’t it as willful ecavsion of Washington state taxes. You’re a hypocrite and a liar. Sorry if that makes you mad. Butt hurt bitch. Just admit your a tax cheat and move on.”
No tax was owed. The shit is still in Oregon. But I cannot assume everyone is as law abiding. You really shouldn’t keep calling attention to your embarrassing attempt at a gotcha.
The point is I had a choice where to buy. Don’t quit your day job.
Then his ex girlfriend went to jail for tax fraud.
As a side note, the tax cuts encourages people to do this. The state and local tax deduction is now limited to $10k.
Its a legal dodge by another hypocrite like yourself who thinks others need to pay more taxes while you dodge yours
You’re right. The sales tax is not insignificant. That’s why the stare requires you to pay it.”
You’re assuming facts not in evidence. Who says I brought any of it into Washington and/or that it was for my use in Washington?My point is that I’ve made numerous purchases in Oregon simply because making those purchases in Washington would have involved hundreds in sales tax.
When my middle child went to school in California it was a non issue and we mostly made our purchases in Seattle. But when my oldest was headed to college in Montreal, we made a point of buying in New Hampshire. And with my youngest going to school in Oregon, well, I think you can figure out where we shopped.
You’re right. The sales tax is not insignificant. That’s why the stare requires you to pay it.”
You’re assuming facts not in evidence. Who says I brought any of it into Washington and/or that it was for my use in Washington?My point is that I’ve made numerous purchases in Oregon simply because making those purchases in Washington would have involved hundreds in sales tax.
When my middle child went to school in California it was a non issue and we mostly made our purchases in Seattle. But when my oldest was headed to college in Montreal, we made a point of buying in New Hampshire. And with my youngest going to school in Oregon, well, I think you can figure out where we shopped. You hens feel better, I hope.
You’re right. The sales tax is not insignificant. That’s why the stare requires you to pay it.”
You’re assuming facts not in evidence. Who says I brought any of it into Washington and/or that it was for my use in Washington?My point is that I’ve made numerous purchases in Oregon simply because making those purchases in Washington would have involved hundreds in sales tax.
When my middle child went to school in California it was a non issue and we mostly made our purchases in Seattle. But when my oldest was headed to college in Montreal, we made a point of buying in New Hampshire. And with my youngest going to school in Oregon, well, I think you can figure out where we shopped.
Liar. And tax evader. You bought in Oregon and didn’t pay the tax you are required to pay by law to in Washington. You admitted it and are now backtracking like a bitch. You didn’t even know the the law before today. Hypocrite.
MIKEY: “Liar. And tax evader. You bought in Oregon and didn’t pay the tax you are required to pay by law to in Washington. You admitted it and are now backtracking like a bitch. You didn’t even know the the law before today. Hypocrite.”
I’m sorry your gotcha blew up. I said I bought in Oregon when I could have bought in Washington. You got out over your skis.
I’m sorry your gotcha blew up. I said I bought in Oregon when I could have bought in Washington. You got out over your skis.
You bought in Oregon and didn’t remit the tax that you were legally required to remit to Washington. You didn’t it as willful ecavsion of Washington state taxes. You’re a hypocrite and a liar. Sorry if that makes you mad. Butt hurt bitch. Just admit your a tax cheat and move on.
They think they don't have to there are rich people and they can get their money.
MIKEY: “You bought in Oregon and didn’t remit the tax that you were legally required to remit to Washington. You didn’t it as willful ecavsion of Washington state taxes. You’re a hypocrite and a liar. Sorry if that makes you mad. Butt hurt bitch. Just admit your a tax cheat and move on.”
No tax was owed. The shit is still in Oregon. But I cannot assume everyone is as law abiding. You really shouldn’t keep calling attention to your embarrassing attempt at a gotcha.
The point is I had a choice where to buy. Don’t quit your day job.