In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face was a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: Facecrime it was called.
-1984 George Orwell
The worst punishment this kid will get is being shamed on social media, give me a break
Yeah, the death threats and being called a racist and a Nazi are no big deal. He wore a MAGA hat and he is a straight, white, Christian. He is fare game.
I’m a snow flake? Ok, you old Antifa lovin’ geezer.
It was that or you want to see high school kids killed because of a hat
I thought I picked the gentler alternative
Despite the fact that the kids are white its a slippery slope to demonize groups based on apparel or thought. We have proven how deadly that is in our long history. Getting even isn't the answer despite the allure of it.
You want to know what other group of teenagers in 20th century history expressed political thoughts through their apparel and mannerisms? Ever think about that? Didn’t think so.
I am guessing the teen boi was being a little troll POS and needed a kick in the nuts. Wearing political shirts, hats, etc of either side is gay as fuck. We need to walk back the political tribalism in this country.
If bitch-slapping around MAGA-hat wearing brownshirt youth from backwoods Kentucky helps prevent just one holocaust, it’s worth it.
If throat punching one Obama-shirt wearing thug from the hood helps prevent a civil war, it’s worth it.
See how racist that sounds?
I stand with the thugs in the hood on this one. Not advocating for a civil war, but rather for a peaceful separation and reverting to a loose confederation of sovereign states. There’s no need to prevent this from happening.
That is interesting. Libel gets thrown around a lot (thanks Trump), mostly in situations that fail the first test: the subject is a public figure. These kids clearly were not public figures. Second condition is whether the story tended to bring "injury" upon them. Pretty easy to make that argument. The third is always tricky to prove, whether the story was intentional false. WaPo & NYT should have been careful enough to parse words in their coverage, but also should have been careful enough to actually investigate the story before running.
I am guessing the teen boi was being a little troll POS and needed a kick in the nuts. Wearing political shirts, hats, etc of either side is gay as fuck. We need to walk back the political tribalism in this country.
You clearly don’t understand what hyperbole is. Are the libraries in Clayton as crowded as the hospital waiting room?
If the kid wasn't wearing a MAGA hat this would have never been a story
You and dude69dicks are pretty fucktarded to defend this in any way. It's ok to admit there's fucktards on your side of the aisle and it's not always the media's fault.
That being said, with how @RaceBannon is adamant that walks work. Imagine if natives built a wall 400 years ago. America wouldn't even exist. Or would be confined to New England.
I have a problem with grow ass men getting in the face of teenagers to provoke a response, then going on national tv to lie about it. There is plenty of video evidence to refute his claim. It also appears he has a history of grievences against teenagers. And no, I am not suprised you would choose to remain ignorant.
The kids were being jerks but it sure looks like the Indians came up to them not the other way around. As usual the fucking media lies to push their hate Trump narrative and you're right, the MAGA hat is why we are even reading about this.
Upon further review of this I'm not even sure the kids were being jerks. They were at the Lincoln Memorial waiting for their bus to pick them up. They were doing chants and cheers on the steps of the Memorial when the the old guy, Nathan Phillips approached them and started beating his drum in the kid's face.
Phillips lied to press and told them that the kids had come up to him and surrounded him when he was in the middle of his spiritual chanting. Of course, Hondo and the rest of the liberal dipshits bought this story hook line and sinker because it fits their narratives. Their crimes are that they are white males and Christians wearing MAGA hats. That's all the evidence leftists need to convict.
Well fer fuck’s sake, Bob, it ought to be a crime to wear a MAGA at the Lincoln Memorial. It defiles the legacy of the greatest orator in the history of the Replublic to be wearing the hat of the worst.
Yeesh, no shutdown over here in the private sector to take time off.
Anyways, if it wasn't already obvious, I'm in the, "People should be allowed to wear whatever they want in a public space." camp(within locally established norms around nudity before someone red herrings that).
While certain judges have tried to restrict freedom of expression at national memorials I believe this to be at odds with the concept of a free and tolerant society.
In case you didn't know, don't try dancing at the Jefferson Memorial.
So while you or I may consider wearing a MAGA hat, or a pussy hat, to be in poor taste at the Lincoln Memorial, it is not up to our government to determine such things. IT IS the responsibility of our government to protect the right of people to express themselves freely which would include protecting them from bodily harm(or specific verbal threats) from those who have different ideas.
I don't give a shit how inappropriate the message may be.
To the further point I made, why are we even talking about this? Nobody actually got violent or violated anyone else's rights. The only story here is that this guy played victim and how certain media outlets ran with that without bothering to fact check the story themselves. It was a non-story until it was a story. Welcome to media revenue generation I guess.
If bitch-slapping around MAGA-hat wearing brownshirt youth from backwoods Kentucky helps prevent just one holocaust, it’s worth it.
If throat punching one Obama-shirt wearing thug from the hood helps prevent a civil war, it’s worth it.
See how racist that sounds?
I stand with the thugs in the hood on this one. Not advocating for a civil war, but rather for a peaceful separation and reverting to a loose confederation of sovereign states. There’s no need to prevent this from happening.
Sure you do, Yaki. But, how sure are you Pullman can survive as a stand alone cuntry?
If bitch-slapping around MAGA-hat wearing brownshirt youth from backwoods Kentucky helps prevent just one holocaust, it’s worth it.
If throat punching one Obama-shirt wearing thug from the hood helps prevent a civil war, it’s worth it.
See how racist that sounds?
I stand with the thugs in the hood on this one. Not advocating for a civil war, but rather for a peaceful separation and reverting to a loose confederation of sovereign states. There’s no need to prevent this from happening.
Sure you do, Yaki. But, how sure are you Pullman can survive as a stand alone cuntry?
I am guessing the teen boi was being a little troll POS and needed a kick in the nuts. Wearing political shirts, hats, etc of either side is gay as fuck. We need to walk back the political tribalism in this country.
Yeah, Bob, I jumped the gun - on a degenerate college football message bored mind you w/o waiting for all the other videos - thinking he was the troll instead of the trolled. I didn’t tweet about (don’t have an account) or say a god damned about it on social media or write an article condemning them. I don’t advocate for any harm to come to the kid so of course it’s hyperbole. And people that make death threats (not protected speech) should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
But I stand by original point about are political tribalism being way fucking out of hand and MAGA and Pussy hats are one facet of this. We need to get out of our group think and engage with with whom we disagree w/o all the hate and outrage.
If the kid wasn't wearing a MAGA hat this would have never been a story
You and dude69dicks are pretty fucktarded to defend this in any way. It's ok to admit there's fucktards on your side of the aisle and it's not always the media's fault.
That being said, with how @RaceBannon is adamant that walks work. Imagine if natives built a wall 400 years ago. America wouldn't even exist. Or would be confined to New England.
I have a problem with grow ass men getting in the face of teenagers to provoke a response, then going on national tv to lie about it. There is plenty of video evidence to refute his claim. It also appears he has a history of grievences against teenagers. And no, I am not suprised you would choose to remain ignorant.
The kids were being jerks but it sure looks like the Indians came up to them not the other way around. As usual the fucking media lies to push their hate Trump narrative and you're right, the MAGA hat is why we are even reading about this.
Upon further review of this I'm not even sure the kids were being jerks. They were at the Lincoln Memorial waiting for their bus to pick them up. They were doing chants and cheers on the steps of the Memorial when the the old guy, Nathan Phillips approached them and started beating his drum in the kid's face.
Phillips lied to press and told them that the kids had come up to him and surrounded him when he was in the middle of his spiritual chanting. Of course, Hondo and the rest of the liberal dipshits bought this story hook line and sinker because it fits their narratives. Their crimes are that they are white males and Christians wearing MAGA hats. That's all the evidence leftists need to convict.
Well fer fuck’s sake, Bob, it ought to be a crime to wear a MAGA at the Lincoln Memorial. It defiles the legacy of the greatest orator in the history of the Replublic to be wearing the hat of the worst.
Yeesh, no shutdown over here in the private sector to take time off.
Anyways, if it wasn't already obvious, I'm in the, "People should be allowed to wear whatever they want in a public space." camp(within locally established norms around nudity before someone red herrings that).
While certain judges have tried to restrict freedom of expression at national memorials I believe this to be at odds with the concept of a free and tolerant society.
In case you didn't know, don't try dancing at the Jefferson Memorial.
So while you or I may consider wearing a MAGA hat, or a pussy hat, to be in poor taste at the Lincoln Memorial, it is not up to our government to determine such things. IT IS the responsibility of our government to protect the right of people to express themselves freely which would include protecting them from bodily harm(or specific verbal threats) from those who have different ideas.
I don't give a shit how inappropriate the message may be.
To the further point I made, why are we even talking about this? Nobody actually got violent or violated anyone else's rights. The only story here is that this guy played victim and how certain media outlets ran with that without bothering to fact check the story themselves. It was a non-story until it was a story. Welcome to media revenue generation I guess.
Where talking in circles my fren. I’m not advocating in restrictions on speech. Jus saying certain hats are not a good look, especially at a pro life rally. If you want to wear one be my guest. I won’t harass or try to give you a swift kick in the junk.
I am guessing the teen boi was being a little troll POS and needed a kick in the nuts. Wearing political shirts, hats, etc of either side is gay as fuck. We need to walk back the political tribalism in this country.
Yeah, Bob, I jumped the gun - on a degenerate college football message bored mind you w/o waiting for all the other videos - thinking he was the troll instead of the trolled. I didn’t tweet about (don’t have an account) or say a god damned about it on social media or write an article condemning them. I don’t advocate for any harm to come to the kid so of course it’s hyperbole. And people that make death threats (not protected speech) should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
But I stand by original point about are political tribalism being way fucking out of hand and MAGA and Pussy hats are one facet of this. We need to get out of our group think and engage with with whom we disagree w/o all the hate and outrage.
Hey, we all make mistakes. But have you told charmless Hondo that you don't understand the word hyperbole?
See how racist that sounds?
I am guessing the teen boi was being a little troll POS and needed a kick in the nuts. Wearing political shirts, hats, etc of either side is gay as fuck. We need to walk back the political tribalism in this country.
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
Are you claiming he really believes the kid is a POS who is "gay as fuck" and needs to be kicked in the nuts dumbfuck?
I love that you think I live anywhere near Clayton, just reveals further what a clueless dumbfuck you are.
I clearly understand what a fucking worthless piece of shit you are here CD. You're Hondo without the charm and Hondo has no charm.
Anyways, if it wasn't already obvious, I'm in the, "People should be allowed to wear whatever they want in a public space." camp(within locally established norms around nudity before someone red herrings that).
While certain judges have tried to restrict freedom of expression at national memorials I believe this to be at odds with the concept of a free and tolerant society.
In case you didn't know, don't try dancing at the Jefferson Memorial.
So while you or I may consider wearing a MAGA hat, or a pussy hat, to be in poor taste at the Lincoln Memorial, it is not up to our government to determine such things. IT IS the responsibility of our government to protect the right of people to express themselves freely which would include protecting them from bodily harm(or specific verbal threats) from those who have different ideas.
I don't give a shit how inappropriate the message may be.
To the further point I made, why are we even talking about this? Nobody actually got violent or violated anyone else's rights. The only story here is that this guy played victim and how certain media outlets ran with that without bothering to fact check the story themselves. It was a non-story until it was a story. Welcome to media revenue generation I guess.
But I stand by original point about are political tribalism being way fucking out of hand and MAGA and Pussy hats are one facet of this. We need to get out of our group think and engage with with whom we disagree w/o all the hate and outrage.