I don't actually know anything about baze. I just find it funny that pumpy chose him randomly to be the poster boy for pussy millennial fags even though I'm pretty sure he's not a millennial.
For whatever reason it gives me a chuckle
Baze is by no means chubby nor a millennial. But again, Pumpy accused Race Bannon of leading an Antifa mob.
I don't actually know anything about baze. I just find it funny that pumpy chose him randomly to be the poster boy for pussy millennial fags even though I'm pretty sure he's not a millennial.
For whatever reason it gives me a chuckle
Baze is by no means chubby nor a millennial. But again, Pumpy accused Race Bannon of leading an Antifa mob.
I don't actually know anything about baze. I just find it funny that pumpy chose him randomly to be the poster boy for pussy millennial fags even though I'm pretty sure he's not a millennial.
For whatever reason it gives me a chuckle
Baze is by no means chubby nor a millennial. But again, Pumpy accused Race Bannon of leading an Antifa mob.
I don't actually know anything about baze. I just find it funny that pumpy chose him randomly to be the poster boy for pussy millennial fags even though I'm pretty sure he's not a millennial.
For whatever reason it gives me a chuckle
Baze is by no means chubby nor a millennial. But again, Pumpy accused Race Bannon of leading an Antifa mob.
I see Baze as a methhead Gen X guy.
If you're going to bash late Boomer/early Buster generation, I'm the fuck out.
70's kids are the shit.
Go watch Fat Albert, Johnny Quest and Schoolhouse Rock if you don't believe me.
I don't actually know anything about baze. I just find it funny that pumpy chose him randomly to be the poster boy for pussy millennial fags even though I'm pretty sure he's not a millennial.
For whatever reason it gives me a chuckle
Baze is by no means chubby nor a millennial. But again, Pumpy accused Race Bannon of leading an Antifa mob.
I don't actually know anything about baze. I just find it funny that pumpy chose him randomly to be the poster boy for pussy millennial fags even though I'm pretty sure he's not a millennial.
For whatever reason it gives me a chuckle
Baze is by no means chubby nor a millennial. But again, Pumpy accused Race Bannon of leading an Antifa mob.
70's kids are the shit.
Go watch Fat Albert, Johnny Quest and Schoolhouse Rock if you don't believe me.