Stalin: Run this HardCoreCougar POS before he/she retransmits the AIDS he/she contracted from the black, polygamous, pedophile that raped her/him to the entire bored.
Oops! Forgot Rich, Nazi, and should've said "mixed race" if we're checking all the boxes.
Stalin: Run this HardCoreCougar POS before he/she retransmits the AIDS he/she contracted from the black, polygamous, pedophile that raped her/him to the entire bored.
Oops! Forgot Rich, Nazi, and should've said "mixed race" if we're checking all the boxes.
You are one classy dude, probably the classiest in your whole trailer park.
You are hammering home the perception of UW fans....uneducated and bigoted.
Very classy, make fun of Catholic pedophiles and children who were abused.
FYI, maybe you don’t know the difference in religions.
Keep the recital, pedophile, genocide jokes coming. All class.
Anyway, if you want class, visit the Nebraska board.
Oops! Forgot Rich, Nazi, and should've said "mixed race" if we're checking all the boxes.
I come here to have friendly banter and come on to read bigotry etc. Your reputation certainly seems accurate. I hope for better fans Saturday.
Note: if all you have as a racial retort is to spell check, just stop.
You are hammering home the perception of UW fans....uneducated and bigoted.
Looks like you are up late gaming?
Also, this guy doesn't fit in here.