Jake Browning in the Beef O Brady's Bowel is going to be special this year. While 3 - 5 loss Auburn eventually drops out of the rankings altogether.
Watching UW slaughter Oregon again in Autzen will be special. Gotta love a quook who talks shit about top-10 teams while his team is shit.
I didn't see any top 10 teams playing in that game. Hth.
You're alone. Nobody agrees with your idiocy. 108-24.
LSU is going to skullfuck Auburn and UW is dropping a game to ASU.
Thanks for your meaningless predictions and fantasies. They really matter. 108-24.
I would add up the scores of the past 15 games and let the numbers bury you but it isn't worth the effort, you don't have enough game to justify the energy expenditure.
Jake Browning in the Beef O Brady's Bowel is going to be special this year. While 3 - 5 loss Auburn eventually drops out of the rankings altogether.
Watching UW slaughter Oregon again in Autzen will be special. Gotta love a quook who talks shit about top-10 teams while his team is shit.
I didn't see any top 10 teams playing in that game. Hth.
You're alone. Nobody agrees with your idiocy. 108-24.
LSU is going to skullfuck Auburn and UW is dropping a game to ASU.
Thanks for your meaningless predictions and fantasies. They really matter. 108-24.
I would add up the scores of the past 15 games and let the numbers bury you but it isn't worth the effort, you don't have enough game to justify the energy expenditure.
And then I would add up the scores of the all-time series and bury you dumb ass. 108-24.
Jake Browning in the Beef O Brady's Bowel is going to be special this year. While 3 - 5 loss Auburn eventually drops out of the rankings altogether.
Watching UW slaughter Oregon again in Autzen will be special. Gotta love a quook who talks shit about top-10 teams while his team is shit.
I didn't see any top 10 teams playing in that game. Hth.
You're alone. Nobody agrees with your idiocy. 108-24.
LSU is going to skullfuck Auburn and UW is dropping a game to ASU.
Thanks for your meaningless predictions and fantasies. They really matter. 108-24.
I would add up the scores of the past 15 games and let the numbers bury you but it isn't worth the effort, you don't have enough game to justify the energy expenditure.
And then I would add up the scores of the all-time series and bury you dumb ass. 108-24.
You're a lower tier shitpoaster. I don't bother with lower tier shitpoasters much, unless I'm bored or they're acting really stupid. Keep punching up though, it's good practice for you.
Jake Browning in the Beef O Brady's Bowel is going to be special this year. While 3 - 5 loss Auburn eventually drops out of the rankings altogether.
Watching UW slaughter Oregon again in Autzen will be special. Gotta love a quook who talks shit about top-10 teams while his team is shit.
I didn't see any top 10 teams playing in that game. Hth.
You're alone. Nobody agrees with your idiocy. 108-24.
LSU is going to skullfuck Auburn and UW is dropping a game to ASU.
Thanks for your meaningless predictions and fantasies. They really matter. 108-24.
I would add up the scores of the past 15 games and let the numbers bury you but it isn't worth the effort, you don't have enough game to justify the energy expenditure.
And then I would add up the scores of the all-time series and bury you dumb ass. 108-24.
You're a lower tier shitpoaster. I don't bother with lower tier shitpoasters much, unless I'm bored or they're acting really stupid. Keep punching up though, it's good practice for you.
Lol you just got owned dumb ass. Now you're too good to respond yet you continue to respond? Yeah okay. 108-24.
@EsophagealFeces I'm the exact opposite of butthurt you stupid cunt. I see the big picture. The entire team around Browning is getting better. That was obvious last night. Even Browning is better with his poise and patience in the pocket and trusting his receivers to make plays on the ball. The trajectory of the program is so clearly trending up that it's impossible for me to be a whiny little bitch crying about last night's game. It's a long season and I never expected this team to beat Auburn or go undefeated anyways because I'm realistic.
All you butthurt motherfuckers are acting like some spoiled, whiny ass bitches. "I want to beat an elite non conference opponent now. I don't want to wait until next year when we have a better quarter back. I want it now. The team got my hopes up and then broke my little heart. Waaaaaaaaaa." Have a fucking bottle of warm milk and take a nap you fucking baby.
I was calling you butthurt because you're still bitching about Fozzy choosing Stanford a year and a fucking half ago. Get the fuck over it. I was calling you a doog because you're trying to find the silver lining in that abortion of a loss yesterday. Also, downplaying how good Fozzy is feels an awful lot like WDWHA, which is straight out of the doog playbook. I called you a faggot because, well, you can figure that one out.
3. You're a fucking pussy. If you called me a faggot in person (you wouldn't because you're a pussy) I would murder you with my bare hands.
El oh fucking el. You sound like little more than a 15 year old cowardly pussy. I think a meeting at the 7-eleven on Aurora in the U-District is in order here. 9am on Saturday before the game. I'll have your fancy feast for breakfast twice over and still have time for the Ribs and Rickshaw lunch special before the 2pm kickoff.
Just like it was during the duckade
Mooster + OBK + Roof/Ballz/Strong + Haie + Poadcast= The ratings of TSIO and the Doogcast combined.