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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

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  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,848
    Democrats should win because GOP panders to the religious right and very very few americans actually identify with that.

    However they lose due to completely retarded shit that a monkey with half a brain would not do if in charge.

    1. Immigration stance. Jesus fucking christ. It's been a loser forever.
    2. Guns. See 1
    3. Running people like Hillary Clinton.

    If these 3 things were changed they would be winning a good amount right now.
    They don't even have to go full on out the other direction. Just soften the wackiness a bit.

    But fuck me, they won't and they aren't. It's mind boggling.
  • SquirtSquirt Member Posts: 485

    Your demwit masters have nothing to run on. Nothing that actually works and hasn't caused catastrophes in other nations throughout history. Case closed. Suck a dick. Burn the fucking script.

    If there's one thing history has shown, it's that paid family leave brings destruction to great nations.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,196 Founders Club
    History shows the party out of the White House loses mid terms on a regular basis. Like the Great Man Himself, Obama

    The squirt is right on enthusiasm. The GOP base may be riled up this fall by all the bullshit. There may be pockets of riled up Dems like the district that Ocasio Cortez the Killer won.

    Its awfully warm for November. LIPO
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    Democrats should win because GOP panders to the religious right and very very few americans actually identify with that.

    However they lose due to completely retarded shit that a monkey with half a brain would not do if in charge.

    1. Immigration stance. Jesus fucking christ. It's been a loser forever.
    2. Guns. See 1
    3. Running people like Hillary Clinton.

    If these 3 things were changed they would be winning a good amount right now.
    They don't even have to go full on out the other direction. Just soften the wackiness a bit.

    But fuck me, they won't and they aren't. It's mind boggling.

    The GOP isn't the same GOP anymore you dumb Mexikraut. Get your lips off of flea's cock and get up to speed. The GOP you keep bitching about is the old guard. Trump destroyed them in 2016. Most people who support Trump are against them too. They are the establishment and are just as bad as 'democratic socialists.' Trump isn't even GOP. He's something else. Democrats will lose because Trump supports the ideas they used to value, you know things like free speech, better trade deals, solid border security, CAPITALISM.
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    dflea said:

    dflea said:

    dflea said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    dnc said:

    dnc said:

    Another stellar HondoFS will see why in a second.

    A pertinent quote in the middle of it all..."if you don't pay attention to how they are going to pay for it or the rest of that..."

    Her article that sparked it all...a much less flattering description of the event that basically says she sees how the HondoFSs of the world fall for it all. And here comes the man (?) himself on queue to prove her point...

    On a side note HondoFS...there is a much better twitter handle to follow if you want to follow her...

    And the funniest news story of her today...

    Querey for APAG and Tommy. As our intelligent bored lefties, can you tell me if this chick is for real or is she just trolling conservatives?

    If she's just trolling I think she's kind of awesome. If she is really spending time and energy to go after Parker Brothers and Taco Bell, W.

    Are you fucking retarded?
    Race is somewhat right about Ocasio-Cortez getting a free pub bump. The difference between her pub and Trump’s is Trump gets it for being crazy while Ocasio-Cortez is getting it by being accused of holding crazy positions that she doesn’t actually hold.

    She has a BA in "Economics" and "International Relations" and she literally said "Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family" . That just skims the surface of her crazy. She didn't say she wanted to replace ICE. She said and ran on the platform of abolishing Ice. She said she wanted to "Re-imagine" a new version.

    Shes a young female version of HondoFS. There is a reason she was a bartender before she became the face of the new Democratic Party...I guess they are looking for a young, crazy Nancy Pelosi.
    Only idiots like you and propaganda machines are making her the face of the Democratic party.

    And no, her platform isn't my platform. But it is nice that it scares you, Race, sledog, and OBK. Pussies.
    No, that's electoral politics. She provides a cooperative boogeywoman to campaign against.
    Isn't saying cooperative boogeywoman implying it takes a propaganda machine? Just saying.
    Huh? Call it propaganda if you want, but it's nothing exotic. And by cooperative, I mean that Cortez is very vocal and out there trying to make herself the standard bearer for the nueva Democratic Party. Furthermore, it would be extremely touchy for the DNC to do anything overt to rein her in. Plus she's young and says stupid shit earnestly.
    She's not any more vocal that any other candidate. Look at it..... If she didn't win that race, she'd still be doing the same thing but we would never have heard about her. Her voice is loud now because the conservative media is giving her air time. Free pub if you will.

    And yes she does say a bunch of stupid shit. In a bigger political race, she'll struggle to defend all the stupid shit she says. In her district, its mostly Democrats so they could run a communist and win.
    But she did win, beating some kinda swinging dick incumbent as I recall. Conservative media is helping fan the flames for their own aims, but she got hugely mainstream coverage following that primary win. The DNC can't disavow her, so she'll continue to raise mucho dinero for both sides.
    She beat Joe Crowley who was the chair of the democratic congress. That's not a minor immaterial thing. She basically replaced one of the standard bearers and heads of the Dems.
    See Race. He sounds scared.
    Dipshit, if anything I think this hurts the Dems. Progressives can think they are going to win elections by veering far left all they want but there's a reason the Green Party gets shit for votes. It's the same FS thing the bible thumpers think on the Right, "If only we could get a candidate who will impose a Christian Theocracy we could win it all! Why doesn't the GOP see that?"

    The Dems should be kicking the shit out of the GOP at the mid-terms per the *script but they've got a serious problem in their own tent right now.

    I'm pretty sure I'm on record saying that this girl getting elected in the primary was the best thing to happen for the GOP's midterms. Seems like that's how it's playing out to me. She's a great boogeyman that can't just be written off because of who it is she beat.
    We've heard this same tired line over and over and over again with ZERO explanation as to why the Demwits should be kicking the shit out of the other party. Demwits support, among other feckless policies:

    - Socialism
    - Open borders
    - Higher taxes
    - "Gun control" (the end game here is gun confiscation or blocking gun sales, like socialist utopia Toronto is about to do)
    - Restricted speech ('hate speech' laws, also rife in socialist Canada)
    - A corrupt FBI/DOJ that they have no intention of investigating
    - Racism and identity politics

    Meanwhile Trump has been doing the following, among other accomplishments:

    - Blitzed the EU and is forcing them to adopt a zero tariff policy
    - Taking the offensive against China, building an alliance with other trade partners against them
    - Passed tax cuts
    - Increased American wealth in the stock market
    - Is putting Kim Jong UN in his place
    - Destroyed ISIS

    Please explain why the fuck these imbeciles should be 'kicking the shit out of the GOP' in November. "Because it's the script," is not an acceptable answer.
    Quit demanding answers for your stupid fucking questions like you're in charge around here you worthless fucking goat.

    Dopes like you keep spouting off about how the dems should be crushing it in November. Explain why or shut the fuck up, no one has, you've got nothing, because you know demwit policies are completely fucktarded and you can't defend them. They can't run against Trump's failures, because he's been winning bigly for America in every category.
    Yeah except I've never said anything even close to that, you little crying bitch.

    You're a pussy and a liar at the same time.

    Your demwit masters have nothing to run on. Nothing that actually works and hasn't caused catastrophes in other nations throughout history. Case closed. Suck a dick. Burn the fucking script.
    Get some new material you unoriginal piece of shit. You're a dog that's reached the end of its chain. The tug equivalent of a coog.
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    Capitalism hasn’t always existed and will not always exist and America did not begin with a capitalist economy. Those are facts. You’re mad about facts.

    This is where we get into the weird worship of capitalism. It has to be unquestioned. We can’t even think about making our country better because we must worship at the alter of capitalism. As I’ve said before, it’s the best system we’ve come up with but not being open to it evolving into a better system is crazy. In 1899 Charles Duell of the US Patent Office said “everything that can be invented has been invented”. That’s what you’re doing here. That’s what you’re saying. Nothing could ever be better than what we have right now. All of human history tells us you’re wrong.

    The term limits thing is just weird. You’ve picked up on one point and turned a 28 year old that was a bartender 5 minutes ago and old ass Bernie Sanders into Pinky and the Brain, hell bent on world domination.

    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    Capitalism hasn’t always existed and will not always exist and America did not begin with a capitalist economy. Those are facts. You’re mad about facts.

    This is where we get into the weird worship of capitalism. It has to be unquestioned. We can’t even think about making our country better because we must worship at the alter of capitalism. As I’ve said before, it’s the best system we’ve come up with but not being open to it evolving into a better system is crazy. In 1899 Charles Duell of the US Patent Office said “everything that can be invented has been invented”. That’s what you’re doing here. That’s what you’re saying. Nothing could ever be better than what we have right now. All of human history tells us you’re wrong.

    The term limits thing is just weird. You’ve picked up on one point and turned a 28 year old that was a bartender 5 minutes ago and old ass Bernie Sanders into Pinky and the Brain, hell bent on world domination.

    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
    Why are Republicans against term limits?
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,196 Founders Club
    2001400ex said:

    Capitalism hasn’t always existed and will not always exist and America did not begin with a capitalist economy. Those are facts. You’re mad about facts.

    This is where we get into the weird worship of capitalism. It has to be unquestioned. We can’t even think about making our country better because we must worship at the alter of capitalism. As I’ve said before, it’s the best system we’ve come up with but not being open to it evolving into a better system is crazy. In 1899 Charles Duell of the US Patent Office said “everything that can be invented has been invented”. That’s what you’re doing here. That’s what you’re saying. Nothing could ever be better than what we have right now. All of human history tells us you’re wrong.

    The term limits thing is just weird. You’ve picked up on one point and turned a 28 year old that was a bartender 5 minutes ago and old ass Bernie Sanders into Pinky and the Brain, hell bent on world domination.

    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
    Why are Republicans against term limits?
    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    2001400ex said:

    Capitalism hasn’t always existed and will not always exist and America did not begin with a capitalist economy. Those are facts. You’re mad about facts.

    This is where we get into the weird worship of capitalism. It has to be unquestioned. We can’t even think about making our country better because we must worship at the alter of capitalism. As I’ve said before, it’s the best system we’ve come up with but not being open to it evolving into a better system is crazy. In 1899 Charles Duell of the US Patent Office said “everything that can be invented has been invented”. That’s what you’re doing here. That’s what you’re saying. Nothing could ever be better than what we have right now. All of human history tells us you’re wrong.

    The term limits thing is just weird. You’ve picked up on one point and turned a 28 year old that was a bartender 5 minutes ago and old ass Bernie Sanders into Pinky and the Brain, hell bent on world domination.

    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
    Why are Republicans against term limits?
    Term limits have broad support. But for some reason the socialists don't like that idea. I wonder why. The Constitution needs to be amended to put term limits on Congress.
  • SquirtSquirt Member Posts: 485

    The GOP isn't the same GOP anymore you dumb Mexikraut. Get your lips off of flea's cock and get up to speed. The GOP you keep bitching about is the old guard. Trump destroyed them in 2016. Most people who support Trump are against them too. They are the establishment and are just as bad as 'democratic socialists.' Trump isn't even GOP. He's something else. Democrats will lose because Trump supports the ideas they used to value, you know things like free speech, better trade deals, solid border security, CAPITALISM.

    And philanderers in the Oval Office. #MyFDR #MyJFK #MyWJC
  • dfleadflea Member Posts: 7,228

    dflea said:

    dflea said:

    dflea said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    dnc said:

    dnc said:

    Another stellar HondoFS will see why in a second.

    A pertinent quote in the middle of it all..."if you don't pay attention to how they are going to pay for it or the rest of that..."

    Her article that sparked it all...a much less flattering description of the event that basically says she sees how the HondoFSs of the world fall for it all. And here comes the man (?) himself on queue to prove her point...

    On a side note HondoFS...there is a much better twitter handle to follow if you want to follow her...

    And the funniest news story of her today...

    Querey for APAG and Tommy. As our intelligent bored lefties, can you tell me if this chick is for real or is she just trolling conservatives?

    If she's just trolling I think she's kind of awesome. If she is really spending time and energy to go after Parker Brothers and Taco Bell, W.

    Are you fucking retarded?
    Race is somewhat right about Ocasio-Cortez getting a free pub bump. The difference between her pub and Trump’s is Trump gets it for being crazy while Ocasio-Cortez is getting it by being accused of holding crazy positions that she doesn’t actually hold.

    She has a BA in "Economics" and "International Relations" and she literally said "Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family" . That just skims the surface of her crazy. She didn't say she wanted to replace ICE. She said and ran on the platform of abolishing Ice. She said she wanted to "Re-imagine" a new version.

    Shes a young female version of HondoFS. There is a reason she was a bartender before she became the face of the new Democratic Party...I guess they are looking for a young, crazy Nancy Pelosi.
    Only idiots like you and propaganda machines are making her the face of the Democratic party.

    And no, her platform isn't my platform. But it is nice that it scares you, Race, sledog, and OBK. Pussies.
    No, that's electoral politics. She provides a cooperative boogeywoman to campaign against.
    Isn't saying cooperative boogeywoman implying it takes a propaganda machine? Just saying.
    Huh? Call it propaganda if you want, but it's nothing exotic. And by cooperative, I mean that Cortez is very vocal and out there trying to make herself the standard bearer for the nueva Democratic Party. Furthermore, it would be extremely touchy for the DNC to do anything overt to rein her in. Plus she's young and says stupid shit earnestly.
    She's not any more vocal that any other candidate. Look at it..... If she didn't win that race, she'd still be doing the same thing but we would never have heard about her. Her voice is loud now because the conservative media is giving her air time. Free pub if you will.

    And yes she does say a bunch of stupid shit. In a bigger political race, she'll struggle to defend all the stupid shit she says. In her district, its mostly Democrats so they could run a communist and win.
    But she did win, beating some kinda swinging dick incumbent as I recall. Conservative media is helping fan the flames for their own aims, but she got hugely mainstream coverage following that primary win. The DNC can't disavow her, so she'll continue to raise mucho dinero for both sides.
    She beat Joe Crowley who was the chair of the democratic congress. That's not a minor immaterial thing. She basically replaced one of the standard bearers and heads of the Dems.
    See Race. He sounds scared.
    Dipshit, if anything I think this hurts the Dems. Progressives can think they are going to win elections by veering far left all they want but there's a reason the Green Party gets shit for votes. It's the same FS thing the bible thumpers think on the Right, "If only we could get a candidate who will impose a Christian Theocracy we could win it all! Why doesn't the GOP see that?"

    The Dems should be kicking the shit out of the GOP at the mid-terms per the *script but they've got a serious problem in their own tent right now.

    I'm pretty sure I'm on record saying that this girl getting elected in the primary was the best thing to happen for the GOP's midterms. Seems like that's how it's playing out to me. She's a great boogeyman that can't just be written off because of who it is she beat.
    We've heard this same tired line over and over and over again with ZERO explanation as to why the Demwits should be kicking the shit out of the other party. Demwits support, among other feckless policies:

    - Socialism
    - Open borders
    - Higher taxes
    - "Gun control" (the end game here is gun confiscation or blocking gun sales, like socialist utopia Toronto is about to do)
    - Restricted speech ('hate speech' laws, also rife in socialist Canada)
    - A corrupt FBI/DOJ that they have no intention of investigating
    - Racism and identity politics

    Meanwhile Trump has been doing the following, among other accomplishments:

    - Blitzed the EU and is forcing them to adopt a zero tariff policy
    - Taking the offensive against China, building an alliance with other trade partners against them
    - Passed tax cuts
    - Increased American wealth in the stock market
    - Is putting Kim Jong UN in his place
    - Destroyed ISIS

    Please explain why the fuck these imbeciles should be 'kicking the shit out of the GOP' in November. "Because it's the script," is not an acceptable answer.
    Quit demanding answers for your stupid fucking questions like you're in charge around here you worthless fucking goat.

    Dopes like you keep spouting off about how the dems should be crushing it in November. Explain why or shut the fuck up, no one has, you've got nothing, because you know demwit policies are completely fucktarded and you can't defend them. They can't run against Trump's failures, because he's been winning bigly for America in every category.
    Yeah except I've never said anything even close to that, you little crying bitch.

    You're a pussy and a liar at the same time.

    Your demwit masters have nothing to run on. Nothing that actually works and hasn't caused catastrophes in other nations throughout history. Case closed. Suck a dick. Burn the fucking script.
    Get some new material you unoriginal piece of shit. You're a dog that's reached the end of its chain. The tug equivalent of a coog.
  • SquirtSquirt Member Posts: 485
    I see you all bashing cock suckers and pussies. Look, if it keeps happening, I'm fucking out.
  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    2001400ex said:

    Capitalism hasn’t always existed and will not always exist and America did not begin with a capitalist economy. Those are facts. You’re mad about facts.

    This is where we get into the weird worship of capitalism. It has to be unquestioned. We can’t even think about making our country better because we must worship at the alter of capitalism. As I’ve said before, it’s the best system we’ve come up with but not being open to it evolving into a better system is crazy. In 1899 Charles Duell of the US Patent Office said “everything that can be invented has been invented”. That’s what you’re doing here. That’s what you’re saying. Nothing could ever be better than what we have right now. All of human history tells us you’re wrong.

    The term limits thing is just weird. You’ve picked up on one point and turned a 28 year old that was a bartender 5 minutes ago and old ass Bernie Sanders into Pinky and the Brain, hell bent on world domination.

    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
    Why are Republicans against term limits?
    Term limits have broad support. But for some reason the socialists don't like that idea. I wonder why. The Constitution needs to be amended to put term limits on Congress.
    Why haven't Republicans passed term limits then?
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    2001400ex said:

    Capitalism hasn’t always existed and will not always exist and America did not begin with a capitalist economy. Those are facts. You’re mad about facts.

    This is where we get into the weird worship of capitalism. It has to be unquestioned. We can’t even think about making our country better because we must worship at the alter of capitalism. As I’ve said before, it’s the best system we’ve come up with but not being open to it evolving into a better system is crazy. In 1899 Charles Duell of the US Patent Office said “everything that can be invented has been invented”. That’s what you’re doing here. That’s what you’re saying. Nothing could ever be better than what we have right now. All of human history tells us you’re wrong.

    The term limits thing is just weird. You’ve picked up on one point and turned a 28 year old that was a bartender 5 minutes ago and old ass Bernie Sanders into Pinky and the Brain, hell bent on world domination.

    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
    Why are Republicans against term limits?
    Term limits have broad support. But for some reason the socialists don't like that idea. I wonder why. The Constitution needs to be amended to put term limits on Congress.
    All the socialists in government are keeping us from establishing term limits!!1!

  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,196 Founders Club

    2001400ex said:

    Capitalism hasn’t always existed and will not always exist and America did not begin with a capitalist economy. Those are facts. You’re mad about facts.

    This is where we get into the weird worship of capitalism. It has to be unquestioned. We can’t even think about making our country better because we must worship at the alter of capitalism. As I’ve said before, it’s the best system we’ve come up with but not being open to it evolving into a better system is crazy. In 1899 Charles Duell of the US Patent Office said “everything that can be invented has been invented”. That’s what you’re doing here. That’s what you’re saying. Nothing could ever be better than what we have right now. All of human history tells us you’re wrong.

    The term limits thing is just weird. You’ve picked up on one point and turned a 28 year old that was a bartender 5 minutes ago and old ass Bernie Sanders into Pinky and the Brain, hell bent on world domination.

    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
    Why are Republicans against term limits?
    Term limits have broad support. But for some reason the socialists don't like that idea. I wonder why. The Constitution needs to be amended to put term limits on Congress.
    All the socialists in government are keeping us from establishing term limits!!1!

    The critical issue of our time
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    2001400ex said:

    Capitalism hasn’t always existed and will not always exist and America did not begin with a capitalist economy. Those are facts. You’re mad about facts.

    This is where we get into the weird worship of capitalism. It has to be unquestioned. We can’t even think about making our country better because we must worship at the alter of capitalism. As I’ve said before, it’s the best system we’ve come up with but not being open to it evolving into a better system is crazy. In 1899 Charles Duell of the US Patent Office said “everything that can be invented has been invented”. That’s what you’re doing here. That’s what you’re saying. Nothing could ever be better than what we have right now. All of human history tells us you’re wrong.

    The term limits thing is just weird. You’ve picked up on one point and turned a 28 year old that was a bartender 5 minutes ago and old ass Bernie Sanders into Pinky and the Brain, hell bent on world domination.

    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
    Why are Republicans against term limits?
    Term limits have broad support. But for some reason the socialists don't like that idea. I wonder why. The Constitution needs to be amended to put term limits on Congress.
    All the socialists in government are keeping us from establishing term limits!!1!

    The critical issue of our time
    The socialist majority is really keeping us down, man
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    2001400ex said:

    Capitalism hasn’t always existed and will not always exist and America did not begin with a capitalist economy. Those are facts. You’re mad about facts.

    This is where we get into the weird worship of capitalism. It has to be unquestioned. We can’t even think about making our country better because we must worship at the alter of capitalism. As I’ve said before, it’s the best system we’ve come up with but not being open to it evolving into a better system is crazy. In 1899 Charles Duell of the US Patent Office said “everything that can be invented has been invented”. That’s what you’re doing here. That’s what you’re saying. Nothing could ever be better than what we have right now. All of human history tells us you’re wrong.

    The term limits thing is just weird. You’ve picked up on one point and turned a 28 year old that was a bartender 5 minutes ago and old ass Bernie Sanders into Pinky and the Brain, hell bent on world domination.

    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
    Why are Republicans against term limits?
    Term limits have broad support. But for some reason the socialists don't like that idea. I wonder why. The Constitution needs to be amended to put term limits on Congress.
    All the socialists in government are keeping us from establishing term limits!!1!


  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    2001400ex said:

    Capitalism hasn’t always existed and will not always exist and America did not begin with a capitalist economy. Those are facts. You’re mad about facts.

    This is where we get into the weird worship of capitalism. It has to be unquestioned. We can’t even think about making our country better because we must worship at the alter of capitalism. As I’ve said before, it’s the best system we’ve come up with but not being open to it evolving into a better system is crazy. In 1899 Charles Duell of the US Patent Office said “everything that can be invented has been invented”. That’s what you’re doing here. That’s what you’re saying. Nothing could ever be better than what we have right now. All of human history tells us you’re wrong.

    The term limits thing is just weird. You’ve picked up on one point and turned a 28 year old that was a bartender 5 minutes ago and old ass Bernie Sanders into Pinky and the Brain, hell bent on world domination.

    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
    Why are Republicans against term limits?
    Term limits have broad support. But for some reason the socialists don't like that idea. I wonder why. The Constitution needs to be amended to put term limits on Congress.
    All the socialists in government are keeping us from establishing term limits!!1!


    I didn't know Bernie controlled Congress.
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,848

    Democrats should win because GOP panders to the religious right and very very few americans actually identify with that.

    However they lose due to completely retarded shit that a monkey with half a brain would not do if in charge.

    1. Immigration stance. Jesus fucking christ. It's been a loser forever.
    2. Guns. See 1
    3. Running people like Hillary Clinton.

    If these 3 things were changed they would be winning a good amount right now.
    They don't even have to go full on out the other direction. Just soften the wackiness a bit.

    But fuck me, they won't and they aren't. It's mind boggling.

    The GOP isn't the same GOP anymore you dumb Mexikraut. Get your lips off of flea's cock and get up to speed. The GOP you keep bitching about is the old guard. Trump destroyed them in 2016. Most people who support Trump are against them too. They are the establishment and are just as bad as 'democratic socialists.' Trump isn't even GOP. He's something else. Democrats will lose because Trump supports the ideas they used to value, you know things like free speech, better trade deals, solid border security, CAPITALISM.

    I'd agree trump isnt GOP. But the rest of congress and the senate are.

    People reluctantly falling in line wasn't him destroying them. They are just pussies going with the flow.

    There isn't a new guard as far as I know.
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    2001400ex said:

    Capitalism hasn’t always existed and will not always exist and America did not begin with a capitalist economy. Those are facts. You’re mad about facts.

    This is where we get into the weird worship of capitalism. It has to be unquestioned. We can’t even think about making our country better because we must worship at the alter of capitalism. As I’ve said before, it’s the best system we’ve come up with but not being open to it evolving into a better system is crazy. In 1899 Charles Duell of the US Patent Office said “everything that can be invented has been invented”. That’s what you’re doing here. That’s what you’re saying. Nothing could ever be better than what we have right now. All of human history tells us you’re wrong.

    The term limits thing is just weird. You’ve picked up on one point and turned a 28 year old that was a bartender 5 minutes ago and old ass Bernie Sanders into Pinky and the Brain, hell bent on world domination.

    Nice deflection and evasion. Why are socialists against term limits?
    Why are Republicans against term limits?
    Term limits have broad support. But for some reason the socialists don't like that idea. I wonder why. The Constitution needs to be amended to put term limits on Congress.
    All the socialists in government are keeping us from establishing term limits!!1!


    It doesn’t because Bernie Sanders is 1 senator out of 100. The implication that he’s responsible for no term limits on congress is laughable.

    Also, this is the critical issue of our time
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