This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
That's my point. Nobody knows the University of Miami is a white privileged private school.
It's The U. Synonymous with brazen shit talk and gangster rappers. It doesn't pretend to be anything else, you don't come into the OB talking that mess or we'll come down and give you some.
It's why creep is an insufferable cunt.
Know who you are and own it.
The U ain't that privileged and that insufferable cunt @creepycoug will back me up on this. Fun Fact: WSU has a bigger endowment that Miami. $974 million to $932 million. Granted, WSU has more kidz but Miami is still a pour relatively speaking.
It's still 30k a year to go there if your dick isn't 10 inches and you know how to sack a QB.
One other thing: that bad ass image, at least as it related to the team, was very much earned on the field. Those teams in the 80s were tuff. Nothing better symbolizes who they were than the pre-game coin toss in the OB against #1 OU and the Boz:
"I ain't scared of you bitch." That was their running back. Not a D lineman or LB. Loved those teams. They had zero regard for anybody's traditions or history or sense of royalty. They made their own fortune. A true American success story.
You guys were legit and made an impact on the youth. I remember begging one of my dad's for a Hurricanes hat as a youth at Fred Meyer.
That's called marketing. A child like me obsessed with UW has no business asking his UW Med school dad for a Miami Hurricane hat.
All the best programs are propped up by white trash. It's a fact. The AD can act as classy as they want, but they better know this deep down and I'm not sure they really get it.
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
70 - whatever vs a Mariota/Frost-less Mark Helfrich led team was your signature win in the Peterman era.
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
You can minimize it all you want but 44-6 over Stanford, after years and years of being bullied by them, was in every definition a signature win. It leveled the program up, validated Petersen at UW, and funneled us to the P12 championship and a return to relevance. Fuck, we beat them so bad their still-warm corpse got assraped by WSU the following week. Stanford still won 10+ games. They were a good team.
edit: maybe you meant to say another signature win?
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
You can minimize it all we want but 44-6 over Stanford, after years and years of being bullied by them, was in every definition a signature win. It leveled the program up, validated Petersen at UW, and funneled us to the P12 championship and a return to relevance. Fuck, we beat them so bad their still-warm corpse got assraped by WSU the following week. Stanford still won 10+ games. They were a good team.
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
70 - whatever vs a bitchless/cuntless Mark Helfrich led team was your signature win in the Peterman era.
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
That's my point. Nobody knows the University of Miami is a white privileged private school.
It's The U. Synonymous with brazen shit talk and gangster rappers. It doesn't pretend to be anything else, you don't come into the OB talking that mess or we'll come down and give you some.
It's why creep is an insufferable cunt.
Know who you are and own it.
The U ain't that privileged and that insufferable cunt @creepycoug will back me up on this. Fun Fact: WSU has a bigger endowment that Miami. $974 million to $932 million. Granted, WSU has more kidz but Miami is still a pour relatively speaking.
It's still 30k a year to go there if your dick isn't 10 inches and you know how to sack a QB.
One other thing: that bad ass image, at least as it related to the team, was very much earned on the field. Those teams in the 80s were tuff. Nothing better symbolizes who they were than the pre-game coin toss in the OB against #1 OU and the Boz:
"I ain't scared of you bitch." That was their running back. Not a D lineman or LB. Loved those teams. They had zero regard for anybody's traditions or history or sense of royalty. They made their own fortune. A true American success story.
You guys were legit and made an impact on the youth. I remember begging one of my dad's for a Hurricanes hat as a youth at Fred Meyer.
That's called marketing. A child like me obsessed with UW has no business asking his UW Med school dad for a Miami Hurricane hat.
It was probably then that Dad knew Junior Doogles was not following in the family bidness.
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
You can minimize it all you want but 44-6 over Stanford, after years and years of being bullied by them, was in every definition a signature win. It leveled the program up, validated Petersen at UW, and funneled us to the P12 championship and a return to relevance. Fuck, we beat them so bad their still-warm corpse got assraped by WSU the following week. Stanford still won 10+ games. They were a good team.
edit: maybe you meant to say another signature win?
I know what you say is true, but it's not a win for the ages ... people won't be talking about it 20 years from now. And it's because it's Stanford. Even though they've been physical and shit, Stanford just never sounds tuff and they've really had ZERO legendary teams.
Nobody ever goes around saying, "Oh fuck, even though I hate them, that 200_ Stanford team was nails."
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
I could add more from the 1970s Rose Bowls, but Don James already has four signature games in my top five.
The signature games of the Petersen era: ending Sark's career at USC and breaking the curse 70-21.
The thrashing of Oregon felt like a restoration of truth and justice, so it makes my top five.
Putting 1990 USC over breaking Miami's 54 game home winning streak just personifies the unmanly UW mancrush on USC that is just so unmanly. Jimminy Christmas you guys love those Trojans.
The 2000 Miami game is even bigger than 1990 USC. That 2000 Miami team went on to get their shit together and didn't lose again and presaged one of the GOAT teams the following year.
2016 Oregon??? You actually care about that? My Kewgs have beaten the current iteration of the Ducks 3 years running. Be better.
Putting 1990 USC over breaking Miami's 54 game home winning streak just personifies the unmanly UW mancrush on USC that is just so unmanly. Jimminy Christmas you guys love those Trojans.
The 2000 Miami game is even bigger than 1990 USC. That 2000 Miami team went on to get their shit together and didn't lose again and presaged one of the GOAT teams the following year.
2016 Oregon??? You actually care about that? My Kewgs have beaten the current iteration of the Ducks 3 years running. Be better.
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
I could add more from the 1970s Rose Bowls, but Don James already has four signature games in my top five.
The signature games of the Petersen era: ending Sark's career at USC and breaking the curse 70-21.
The thrashing of Oregon felt like a restoration of truth and justice, so it makes my top five.
Putting 1990 USC over breaking Miami's 54 game home winning streak just personifies the unmanly UW mancrush on USC that is just so unmanly. Jimminy Christmas you guys love those Trojans.
The 2000 Miami game is even bigger than 1990 USC. That 2000 Miami team went on to get their shit together and didn't lose again and presaged one of the GOAT teams the following year.
2016 Oregon??? You actually care about that? My Kewgs have beaten the current iteration of the Ducks 3 years running. Be better.
Fuck I'm agreeing with Creep. The 2000 team is weird because it holds a place in what if Doog heaven.
The 2000 victories over Miami and Oregon State legitimize that team significantly. What Miami did the following year was legendary and Oregon State was the best team in the country after they ass raped ND in the Fiesta.
That was a huge win as far as perception of the program goes.
Don't make me triple shit post, but show me a season with two quality wins like that.
Maybe 91 with @Nebraska and @Cal (top 10 citrus bowl victors their best team ever that wasn't ranked too high) and @USC and we also mopped a ranked Stanford according to my dad's perfect season vhs tape.
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
I could add more from the 1970s Rose Bowls, but Don James already has four signature games in my top five.
The signature games of the Petersen era: ending Sark's career at USC and breaking the curse 70-21.
The thrashing of Oregon felt like a restoration of truth and justice, so it makes my top five.
Putting 1990 USC over breaking Miami's 54 game home winning streak just personifies the unmanly UW mancrush on USC that is just so unmanly. Jimminy Christmas you guys love those Trojans.
The 2000 Miami game is even bigger than 1990 USC. That 2000 Miami team went on to get their shit together and didn't lose again and presaged one of the GOAT teams the following year.
2016 Oregon??? You actually care about that? My Kewgs have beaten the current iteration of the Ducks 3 years running. Be better.
Fuck I'm agreeing with Creep. The 2000 team is weird because it holds a place in what if Doog heaven.
The 2000 victories over Miami and Oregon State legitimize that team significantly. What Miami did the following year was legendary and Oregon State was the best team in the country after they ass raped ND in the Fiesta.
That was a huge win as far as perception of the program goes.
Putting 1990 USC over breaking Miami's 54 game home winning streak just personifies the unmanly UW mancrush on USC that is just so unmanly. Jimminy Christmas you guys love those Trojans.
The 2000 Miami game is even bigger than 1990 USC. That 2000 Miami team went on to get their shit together and didn't lose again and presaged one of the GOAT teams the following year.
2016 Oregon??? You actually care about that? My Kewgs have beaten the current iteration of the Ducks 3 years running. Be better.
The fuck a coog know about signature games?
Hoping this is a whoosh.
If not, you have my sympathies you USC slurp catcher.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
That's called marketing. A child like me obsessed with UW has no business asking his UW Med school dad for a Miami Hurricane hat.
edit: maybe you meant to say another signature win?
1992 Rose Bowl
1985 Orange Bowl
1990 USC
1991 Nebraska
2016 Oregon
Honorable mention: 2000 Miami, 2001 Rose Bowl
I could add more from the 1970s Rose Bowls, but Don James already has four signature games in my top five.
The signature games of the Petersen era: ending Sark's career at USC and breaking the curse 70-21.
The thrashing of Oregon felt like a restoration of truth and justice, so it makes my top five.
Nobody ever goes around saying, "Oh fuck, even though I hate them, that 200_ Stanford team was nails."
Just never happens. It's Stanford.
Putting 1990 USC over breaking Miami's 54 game home winning streak just personifies the unmanly UW mancrush on USC that is just so unmanly. Jimminy Christmas you guys love those Trojans.
The 2000 Miami game is even bigger than 1990 USC. That 2000 Miami team went on to get their shit together and didn't lose again and presaged one of the GOAT teams the following year.
2016 Oregon??? You actually care about that? My Kewgs have beaten the current iteration of the Ducks 3 years running. Be better.
The 2000 victories over Miami and Oregon State legitimize that team significantly. What Miami did the following year was legendary and Oregon State was the best team in the country after they ass raped ND in the Fiesta.
That was a huge win as far as perception of the program goes.
Maybe 91 with @Nebraska and @Cal (top 10 citrus bowl victors their best team ever that wasn't ranked too high) and @USC and we also mopped a ranked Stanford according to my dad's perfect season vhs tape.
Edit: it's not a bender without multiple triple shit posts
If not, you have my sympathies you USC slurp catcher.