Disappointed in you losers. Not really. I like to see the lowered husky standards becoming the norm. Nick Saban pulled his starting QB in the championship game. That was a big time, top 5 coach move. And everyone here is on Brownsocks train with Pete, acting like the second part of what I said, benching Brownsocks, would be a bad thing. Hilarious.
Disappointed in you losers. Not really. I like to see the lowered husky standards becoming the norm. Nick Saban pulled his starting QB in the championship game. That was a big time, top 5 coach move. And everyone here is on Brownsocks train with Pete, acting like the second part of what I said, benching Brownsocks, would be a bad thing. Hilarious.
Yup. There are myriad non west coast sources corroborating this. Also, you know, the fact that the team did actually go on to win the P12. Not worth getting into with the short bus crowd. Someone shield me from the autism explosion from creep. I can feel it coming. Help.
Corroborating? What are you Columbo? I didn't think you were on that level of dumbfuck.
We're talking about something that is 85% emotion, 15% perception. You're not "coroborating" anything.
Autism references aren't going to help you.
Congratulations. You just make your program historically insignificant, or at least boring.
Disappointed in you losers. Not really. I like to see the lowered husky standards becoming the norm. Nick Saban pulled his starting QB in the championship game. That was a big time, top 5 coach move. And everyone here is on Brownsocks train with Pete, acting like the second part of what I said, benching Brownsocks, would be a bad thing. Hilarious.
You're reaching. The situations aren't comparable. That was game 14 for Saban's highly talented backup. This is the opener for UW and the first time the two freshmen will suit up. Then we have non mobile, 6' Jake Haener.
1992 Rose Bowl: National Championship 1985 Orange Bowl: National Championship (fuck off, BYU) 1990 USC: Huskies were underdogs against the number-5 team in the country, and then destroyed them. It was a break-out game heralding a three-year run of competing for best in the country. 1991 Nebraska: Key to the championship season.
I can't put any games from the 2000 season above those. Maybe above the 2016 signature games---Stanford and Oregon. But I put 2016 Oregon on top of the 2000 games. While those were incredible wins and make my top seven, the 2000 season was an aberration during a period of crushing mediocrity. The 2016 signature games bore more in common with those from 1990-91: big wins, and they marked an era, not just a single season, of greatness.
Still, I respect your reasoning and wouldn't criticize anyone making a different subjective conclusion about the 2000 games relative to 2016. I can also understand someone viewing 2016 Stanford as a bigger win than 2016 Oregon.
As for creep, GTFO, especially with that 1994 Miami shit. That was a fun game, but the Huskies were 7-4 that year and just starting the mediocre Lambright era. The game had no bigger meaning than the game itself. Maybe it was fun to spoil Miami's winning streak, but big whoop. Dawgs aspire to be champions, not spoilers. Maybe as a coog you don't understand that.
Reed Stronger: the sub-thread is "signature wins" brotus. If you don't think beating Miami in the Orange Bowl and breaking the longest home winning streak is a signature win, then, sure, ok. I will tell you that among the legion of Husky fans in my life, and there are many, you are in a class of one. I don't know a single hairy husky who doesn't put the Whammy up in at least in the top 5, and many put it at #1 or #2. Same with the Orange Bowl; the fact that it didn't translate to a national championship is highly irrelevant.
Jesus, half this bored is claiming the "All I saw ... " gayme against a 4-loss SC team led by a pot-head weirdo that couldn't win the fucking Sun Bowl against Michigan State. So spare me the "champions only" shit talk Mr. 1/2 title.
But your poast had some really neat tuff talk. I'll give you that.
As for your gratuitous insult of my Kewg roots, I say to you, on behalf of my main broh @salemcoog and all of Cuog Nation, you are cordially invited to meat me and Salem at the 7-11 parking lot - the one on Aurora near the U district - to discuss this matter further.
Your point was that the 1994 Miami game was a bigger win than 1990 USC and that it is ridiculous to believe otherwise. That's the point I disagree with strongly; I'm not arguing that 1994 Miami wasn't a big win. It just doesn't belong my personal Top 5 signature wins of UW history, nor in the honorable mentions.
You want to disagree, that's fine, but you're being a dumb-ass coog about it. Most Cuogs I know have great senses of humor and are fun to talk to. And then there's you in this thread.
That's because you're stupid and impress easily. Even accounting for how much Washington likes to slurp on SC in general, that was a 3-loss team that couldn't beat mediocre-as-fuck Michigan State in the Sun Bowl. In the rear view mirror, while it was a fun game to attend, it didn't have near the historical significance for the program that the Miami win did.
- 58-game winning streak. Still the mark.
- The team didn't lose again until the Orange Bowl, where lost by a touchdown to the eventual national champs.
- 3 years following a disputed national championship with Washington.
Sorry. To not have that game even in your honorable mention means you have an agenda.
This fucking game has to be the most reminisced about game in the history of CFB fanbases.
Maybe Oregon beating UW in '94
Really? I don't think it's even #1 for UW fans. I would say 91 Nebraska is more reminisced about.
Quite honestly I'd say this one is in the second tier along with All @GrandpaSankey Saw Was Purple, the 92 RB and the Whammy in CreepyCuog. Maybe a tad above Boomer Sooner.
Fuck do we ever need a signature game in the Petermen era.
You can minimize it all you want but 44-6 over Stanford, after years and years of being bullied by them, was in every definition a signature win. It leveled the program up, validated Petersen at UW, and funneled us to the P12 championship and a return to relevance. Fuck, we beat them so bad their still-warm corpse got assraped by WSU the following week. Stanford still won 10+ games. They were a good team.
edit: maybe you meant to say another signature win?
Nope. Coug further exposed them by winning by 4 TDs down on the farm a weak later. Try again.
"Fuck, we beat them so bad their still-warm corpse got assraped by WSU the following week. Stanford still won 10+ games. They were a good team."
I find it amusing a coog of all people posted that. Is there anything more coog than slandering their own team if it makes UW look worse? When cliches go on hyperdrive mode..
Then by all means, be here to beat your chest over a conference win over Stanford at home.
Listen GOOG! He has coroborating evidence that proves he's right and you're wrong.
Fuck if there isn't a bigger whining sandy vag on this bored than Gladstrong when someone shoves one of his stupid af points back up his ass.
let's start a gofundme for a prostitute and get creepycougar laid. dude has more sexual frustration angst than a nun on acid
weak af sauce. now I get the problem; you're like 20 and most of these games were played when your Dads were still using Clearasil. when you don't have anything, this is the shit to which you resort. Sad. Sad af.
fuck ass pretender. yeah, the Miami game was fun and all, but it's not in my honorable mention. Jesus, what a dumb fuck.
it's always fun to watch someone post something fs and then hang on for dear life defending it. like the other moron pulling your pubes trying to make a 2016 Stanford game a "program signature win".
That's because you're stupid and impress easily. Even accounting for how much Washington likes to slurp on SC in general, that was a 3-loss team that couldn't beat mediocre-as-fuck Michigan State in the Sun Bowl. In the rear view mirror, while it was a fun game to attend, it didn't have near the historical significance for the program that the Miami win did.
- 58-game winning streak. Still the mark.
- The team didn't lose again until the Orange Bowl, where lost by a touchdown to the eventual national champs.
- 3 years following a disputed national championship with Washington.
Sorry. To not have that game even in your honorable mention means you have an agenda.
Well, at least we agree the Huskies football program doesn't define itself by beating the Cougs.
Disappointed in you losers. Not really. I like to see the lowered husky standards becoming the norm. Nick Saban pulled his starting QB in the championship game. That was a big time, top 5 coach move. And everyone here is on Brownsocks train with Pete, acting like the second part of what I said, benching Brownsocks, would be a bad thing. Hilarious.
That's because you're stupid and impress easily. Even accounting for how much Washington likes to slurp on SC in general, that was a 3-loss team that couldn't beat mediocre-as-fuck Michigan State in the Sun Bowl. In the rear view mirror, while it was a fun game to attend, it didn't have near the historical significance for the program that the Miami win did.
- 58-game winning streak. Still the mark.
- The team didn't lose again until the Orange Bowl, where lost by a touchdown to the eventual national champs.
- 3 years following a disputed national championship with Washington.
Sorry. To not have that game even in your honorable mention means you have an agenda.
Well, at least we agree the Huskies football program doesn't define itself by beating the Cougs.
No. I suspect we? agree about very little, other than perhaps that you're an idiot.
No. I suspect we? agree about very little, other than perhaps that you're an idiot.
You're a purported WSU fan in an online Huskies community arguing with somebody whose handle is "Squirt" about his personal list of "Top 5 Signature Games" in Huskies football history.
You're calling this "Squirt" fellow "stupid" and accusing him of having "an agenda" because this "Squirt" guy didn't include the Huskies' win in 1994 over the Miami Hurricanes in his top seven.
Disappointed in you losers. Not really. I like to see the lowered husky standards becoming the norm. Nick Saban pulled his starting QB in the championship game. That was a big time, top 5 coach move. And everyone here is on Brownsocks train with Pete, acting like the second part of what I said, benching Brownsocks, would be a bad thing. Hilarious.
Pete is playing it safe. He wants the Washington jerb for life, and understands its better to stick it out with a proven but failed commodity rather than take the hard risk and start another QB. In other words, we're going to lose to Auburn and we're ok with that, as long as we lose well. Brownsocks will keep it as close as possible so that the loss looks good for us.
No. I suspect we? agree about very little, other than perhaps that you're an idiot.
You're a purported WSU fan in an online Huskies community arguing with somebody whose handle is "Squirt" about his personal list of "Top 5 Signature Games" in Huskies football history.
You're calling this "Squirt" fellow "stupid" and accusing him of having "an agenda" because this "Squirt" guy didn't include the Huskies' win in 1994 over the Miami Hurricanes in his top seven.
Damon Huard, is that you?
Hmm. You make some compelling points. Let me see if I can drive that boat too:
I'm a purported WSU fan in an online Huskies community using the name "creepy"coug, I've told you I was at the 1990 SC game, I've spelled out "Kewg" like that, and I've otherwise hinted with sarcasm, more than a few times, that your kewg digs are really getting to me, arguing with somebody whose handle is "Squirt" about random shit like being the only fucking Husky I know who doesn't score the 1994 win over Miami as an all-time signature win in Husky history, in a forum and in a thread dedicated to arguing about random shit just. like. that.
You're calling this "creepycoug" fellow a "dumb-ass" and accusing him of lacking a "sense of humor" because this "creepycoug" guy had the audacity to point out that your list is fucking stupid.
Sandy Vag, is that you? Did you mistake this forum for a place of rational, grown-up discussion? You know, there is a sub-forum on here called the Tug Tavern. Check it out! Posters tell other posters to go die in fucking fires, make light of AIDs, cancer, starvation, racism, rape, murder, genocide and homosexuality, question the validity of other cultures and religions, and post gifs of tits, ass, people pissing, puking and taking a shit, and all manner of other morally questionable things. Actually, that happens in all the forums. So if you think this is a board for swooping in and acting like the resident adult with perspective, you can just go fuck off and hang yourself, because you are one stupid mother fucker anyway.
PS: if you had any such perspective, you'd have dropped this 5 posts ago, but you didn't. so, again, fuck off.
Disappointed in you losers. Not really. I like to see the lowered husky standards becoming the norm. Nick Saban pulled his starting QB in the championship game. That was a big time, top 5 coach move. And everyone here is on Brownsocks train with Pete, acting like the second part of what I said, benching Brownsocks, would be a bad thing. Hilarious.
Pete is playing it safe. He wants the Washington jerb for life, and understands its better to stick it out with a proven but failed commodity rather than take the hard risk and start another QB. In other words, we're going to lose to Auburn and we're ok with that, as long as we lose well. Brownsocks will keep it as close as possible so that the loss looks good for us.
Pressing badly. You know the QB situation as well as anyone here and are just being stupid so you can troll. There isn't a viable option to take a chance on.
But the Kewg digs do really hurt.
Dumb dumb.
We're talking about something that is 85% emotion, 15% perception. You're not "coroborating" anything.
Autism references aren't going to help you.
Congratulations. You just make your program historically insignificant, or at least boring.
It was not a program defining win. Creep is right.
If self-awareness were a necessary quality around here, the forum wouldn't exist. But thanks for swooping in with your grounded perspective.
- 58-game winning streak. Still the mark.
- The team didn't lose again until the Orange Bowl, where lost by a touchdown to the eventual national champs.
- 3 years following a disputed national championship with Washington.
Sorry. To not have that game even in your honorable mention means you have an agenda.
Fuck if there isn't a bigger whining sandy vag on this bored than Gladstrong when someone shoves one of his stupid af points back up his ass.
Stanford. Jimminy Christmas.
when you don't have anything, this is the shit to which you resort. Sad. Sad af.
fuck ass pretender. yeah, the Miami game was fun and all, but it's not in my honorable mention. Jesus, what a dumb fuck.
it's always fun to watch someone post something fs and then hang on for dear life defending it. like the other moron pulling your pubes trying to make a 2016 Stanford game a "program signature win".
But it's cool. Your our? idiot!
You're calling this "Squirt" fellow "stupid" and accusing him of having "an agenda" because this "Squirt" guy didn't include the Huskies' win in 1994 over the Miami Hurricanes in his top seven.
Damon Huard, is that you?
I'm a purported WSU fan in an online Huskies community using the name "creepy"coug, I've told you I was at the 1990 SC game, I've spelled out "Kewg" like that, and I've otherwise hinted with sarcasm, more than a few times, that your kewg digs are really getting to me, arguing with somebody whose handle is "Squirt" about random shit like being the only fucking Husky I know who doesn't score the 1994 win over Miami as an all-time signature win in Husky history, in a forum and in a thread dedicated to arguing about random shit just. like. that.
You're calling this "creepycoug" fellow a "dumb-ass" and accusing him of lacking a "sense of humor" because this "creepycoug" guy had the audacity to point out that your list is fucking stupid.
Sandy Vag, is that you? Did you mistake this forum for a place of rational, grown-up discussion? You know, there is a sub-forum on here called the Tug Tavern. Check it out! Posters tell other posters to go die in fucking fires, make light of AIDs, cancer, starvation, racism, rape, murder, genocide and homosexuality, question the validity of other cultures and religions, and post gifs of tits, ass, people pissing, puking and taking a shit, and all manner of other morally questionable things. Actually, that happens in all the forums. So if you think this is a board for swooping in and acting like the resident adult with perspective, you can just go fuck off and hang yourself, because you are one stupid mother fucker anyway.
PS: if you had any such perspective, you'd have dropped this 5 posts ago, but you didn't. so, again, fuck off.